4061/A Day in the Life...

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A Day in the Life...
Date of Scene: 13 March 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Pepper Potts, Iron Man

Pepper Potts has posed:
Afternoon so, of course, Pepper is working. She has managed to finish most of her meetings for the day -- she always prefers to schedule them in the mornings -- so it's easy enough to find her holed up in her office. She's utterly forgotten lunch and the cup of now-cold tea that rests on the side of her desk. All her focus is on the hovering hologram of a computer in front of her, as she works through lines and lines of budget reports, trying to figure out just why the numbers don't look right to her. Was it a mistake? Was somebody trying to embezzle? She wasn't certain, but she was letting her instincts drive as she gets into the somewhat zen zone of paging through numbers after numbers...

Iron Man has posed:
JARVIS does warn her.

"Ms. Potts-" he begins, but before he can even clear the rest of the sentence, Tony is winging into her office, approaching quickly, and chattering in a frustrated manner. "Pepper. Perfect. I have /bonus/ work. Because there isn't enough going on lately, that I get caped crusaders dropping in on my back without warning. But it's probably about new mimic reactors popping up. Which, as I said to /him/, while flattering, always explodes in my lap. And I do not need this new problem, even if I can easily buy new pants." Tony takes in the distance quickly, to come to the corner of her desk. "Hi."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"JARV-Wha..." Well, her question is answered before she even really gets it out, as Tony spills into her office, apparently half manic and rambling about a dozen other things. Pepper has to pull her mind out of the spread sheet and numbers head space she'd been drowning in for the last hour, green eyes blinking slowly a few times as she tries to catch up to the speed of Tony's voice. "...Tony, darling... Stop. Take a breath. Start again. I... was in the middle of something. I'm listening but... start from the beginning. Caped crusaders? Mimic reactors? Hello, dear. Sit. Kiss me. Then start from the beginning. Maybe not exactly in that order." SHe gives him a half smile, worry in her eyes but also still lingering confusion.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony leans in to rest his hands on the arms of her chair, spinning her away from the laptop, smiles a little bit, half-smile, and then moves one hand to cloooooose her laptop. So there. He's the boss, he gets to do that. "I'll take your requests under advisement, and reorder them a little," Tony agrees, snarky, but then softens his expression as he leans in towards her. There's still a little bit of unusualness and pause to some of these moves. Because it's still new, and sometimes odd, and different, to lean in like this in her office.

But... fun. And his expression evolves into the fun of it, the frustration put aside for a moment, because she's certainly more important right now.

Pepper Potts has posed:
He is very lucky that he's comply with those requests because, for a moment, the closing of her laptop gets a look from her that might melt vibranium. And that look is directed STRAIGHT at him, even as he gives that awkward little smile. But then he's leaning closer, and she did ask for a kiss, so she takes a deep breath and shifts herself, leaning upwards to that handsome mouth and sinking in for her kiss. A few inches of tension just slip out of her shoulders as she lets it linger, perhaps, a few seconds longer than is appropriate for an office. But then she's gently pulling away and she whispers, "...alright. Now. What is this about caped crusaders?"

Iron Man has posed:
"Something something Batman, something something problems," Tony says as she parts the kiss, shrugging a small amount, and then leaning in again for a second dose of the same, brushing lips and short beard ticklishly along her cheek to the side of her mouth.

He also takes in, finally, the flowers he got put on her desk with a slightly arrogant pride, straightening and extending a hand to arrange a few of the long pearl lilies.

Pepper Potts has posed:
The second kiss is just as good a distraction as the first, taming the wild Pepper Potts in her native corporate enviroment. It was an effective trap, especially with those tempting bear tickles. She takes the smallest, happy nibble of his lower lip as he's pulling away, a little bit of hunger there and some tease as well. But then she's fully sitting back and trying to recompose herself, even if her cheeks are newly flushed and her pulse a bit fluttery.

"...Flowers? You sent me flowers to talk about Batman?" She asks with a bit of a blink, her mind only catching up now to the fact that maybe the flowers were a bribe to smooth over an annoying conversation.

Iron Man has posed:
"No. That was well before I knew he was going to appear out of nowhere. He doesn't schedule. You'd be very upset with him," Tony shares, with amusement. "But I'm willing to pretend I knew, if it helps me here," Tony adds. "I do know a great many things. Pretty amazing, when you look at it that way." Tony and his ego are all over her office, though the flowers seem to not have been sent by the ego alone.

He gets to the meat of it. "Some more folks trying to copy my tech. So, more targets for legal to chew on, I expect, coming up. I want to work on the 'buster, and my parade is always rained out," Tony sighs. He wants to be in the bunker, and is upset with other /issues/. That's really the core of it.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"The flowers are lovely and far better received if they have utterly nothing to do with Batman. So...I'm just going to pretend they are simply there because you care, but other, more pressing things have come up. So, yes, thank you for the flowers, now continue." Pepper is still half in business mode, but half in girlfriend mode, and it's a weird space for her to navigate. Especially while sitting in her office, where she rarely, if ever, falls into the second mode.

As he gets to the meat of it, the redhead tilts her head a touch to the side, listening to this all with a slightly deeper frown across her small mouth. "...I... felt like there was something off with our numbers and I couldn't tell what. Maybe... I should look at the production and R&D numbers instead of just the budget numbers. See if someone is sneaking things out from the inside."

Iron Man has posed:
Tony splays a hand against the lilies a second or two more and, apparently pleased with himself about them and his ability to choose a good gift, returns full attention back onto her and the topic. "Do that. I've got a bulk of fun and enjoyable data from our new batty friend, and I'll compare off of it to see if it's stolen or just a hack-job. I suspect more the second thing, but I'll know more shortly. And comparing it with what you dig up, yeah, then we'll have better answers." Tony seems pleased with this direction and route of solution. "Make it so," Tony decides firmly, but then smirks, and wings a better smile at her. "So, that's got a path. Dinner tonight? In..." Tony checks the time. "About two hours, my place?" he suggests.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"I *would* do that, but you shut my computer in the middle of working. I would rather need to reopen it, log back into the system, and run entirely new searches to get you those reports, my dear. So... You can either let me work, or you can distract me with that smile of yours." Pepper states with an equally warm smile, her voice only on the edge of complaining, but there is a flirtatious tease behind it as well. She doesn't quite reach to open her computer yet, but keeps green eyes all on his handsome face. "And...why was Batman quite so interested in it? Just a friendly concern?"

Iron Man has posed:
"Hardly," Tony shakes his head to her question. "Some other motives, that I will soon decipher," Tony promises, but does move a hand to slooooowly ease her computer back open on the desk. And then winks at her. The smile once more. "I'll be in the bunker, I have some annoyance to work out with power tools. So -- See you then," Tony bids, finally letting go of her chair and starting to exit. "Bring that smile, and any other fitting distractions; I'll see what I can throw together on my end."

Pepper Potts has posed:
The woman smiles a bit more as he re-opens her laptop. She leans to the side and actually kisses his cheek, "Get out of here, then. I'll see you in two hours and I'll have sent those reports to you by then. But the rest of the day is for working. Then... then we can relax. See you then." She waves him out of the room casually, teasingly, but with a warm smile and eyes that say she's looking forward to tonight.