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Latest revision as of 21:21, 23 October 2017

Pool Anyone
Date of Scene: 02 May 2017
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Polaris, Deadzone, Beast, Cyclops

Polaris has posed:
Landing from a very abrupt field trip, Lorna makes her way to the Rec Room. The Skinny jean loving teacher is dressed up a little, blazer on over her button up blouse. Walking over to the snack area she gets herself a soda before eyeing the open seating and flopping into a chair as she slides off her heels with a sigh of relief. Lance and whatever that kid's name is from last time are playing some racing game, hogging the tv as usual, another kid is chasing around some younger girl with an illusion of a chainsaw. Lorna is ignoring all of it and rubbing her eyes.

Deadzone has posed:
Tate sits calmly in a chair, mostly ignoring the antics of the students. This is their time to be as stupid as they want to. She works on some sewing, hand-stitching some dark charcoal grey pinstripe fabric.

Well, the plan was to mind her own business, but chasing people with chainsaws, whether real or illusionary is not acceptable. Funny as hell, but not acceptable. Tate reaches out a hand, pushing her field into an ellipsis to envelope the boy. "No weapons in the school. Or would you rather I mention this to Mr. Summers?" Yep, Tate is in killjoy mode.

Beast has posed:
Beast lopes into the Rec Room, yawning and grumbling and clenching an empty Cookie Monster mug. He barely noticed anyone, especially the running children, but he still unerringly dodges them as he makes for the coffee maker. Not the Keurig. He looks like he's been up for two days. Sure he is in clean clothes but they, like his fur, are a bit ruffled. Seems like someone has been burning the candle at both ends.

"There better be coffee.." he mumbles as he picks up the coffee pot and swirls it around a bit.. and sniffs it. "Oh my god.. this looks like burnt jet engine lubricant.." he mutters.. then fills the mug.

Cyclops has posed:
Did someone mention killyjoy? Scott comes wandering in the door about a minute later. Long enough that he missed the comment. He does a quick scan of the room, noting who is and isn't there, then stares at the tv for a long moment. He had hoped but alas, no way tonight. Until much later when the kids go to bed. So instead he heads for his other love--the pool table. He heads for the cues lined up along the wall near the table, pulling down his favorite automatically. "Good evening, everyone."

Polaris has posed:
"Thanks Tatum." Lorna murmurs and looks up at Beast. "You brave man, I think that's the pot from this morning. It's....refined by now, more viscus than water and less appealing than coffee should be." She jokes and sits up after a moment to look back at Tatum noticing the needle before the sewing. "You sew?" Chainsaw boy grumbles loosing his chainsaw and reaches out to pull the girl's ponytail as he passes. The trouble maker gives Scott a wide berth as Lorna waves to him. "Hey Summers. Getting in a little fun before that eight o clock bedtime?" She teases lightly.

Deadzone has posed:
Noticing Hank when he walks into the rec room, Tatum smiles warmly. "You look like something the cat dragged in, ba... Dr. McCoy. What are you working on lately." Terence says something quietly to Lance and the pair of them snicker in adolescent glee. Of course, that causes Tate to glare over at them for a moment before saying hello to Scott. "Evening, Scooter."

Laughing at the talk about the coffee. "So, you mean that the water is gone and it's all just pure caffeine in its most condensed form." She goes back to her sewing and looks up to Lorna as she pulls the thread along the seam. "I'd be a piss poor Home Ec teacher if I couldn't. I tend to sew my own stuff except for the things that would cost way too much. Like bras and panties and stuff."

Beast has posed:
It takes much longer than it should for a liquid to be poured from pot to mug, only confirming Lorna's suspicions. Beast shoots her a gare, then shrugs and finishes pouring the dregs. "At least it is still coffee, my dear Lorna. That is really all that matters." he says as he starts looking for the sugar, and catches Scott enter the room.

"Ah, good evening Scott." he says with a slight smile as he greets one of his oldest friends. He finds the sugar shaker and tips it over his mug, and lets the grains cascade like niagra falls into... "And how was your day?" he asks.. sufgar still pouring..

When tatum speaks he is.. silent for a moment and one would sear that if he wasn't covered with blur fur he would be blushing. He clears his throat (The sugar is STILL pouring) and offers her a smile. "Oh, you know. Projects. You know what they say. idle hands are the devil's tools.." he says, clearing his throat... and finally sets aside the coffee shaker.

Cyclops has posed:
"It was good," Scott replies to the question as he finds the triangle and sets it atop the table. He doesn't ask if anyone wants to play, just as happy to entertain himself. "Had the day off so managed to replace that muffler on my bike." He starts setting up the balls in series then places them just so. As he starts to chalk the cue, he stops to watch Hank. More specifically the amount of sugar that is going into the cup. At the rate he's going, it's going to be all sugar and a little sludge mixed in. He starts counting seconds in his head, calculating how much longer it will be before the container runs out of white crystals.

Polaris has posed:
Smiling at Tatum and Beast, Lorna gets up and walks over to the pool table. "He's more sugar than mutant now." She observes and crosses herself. "Probably best to avoid the mad scientist's lab tonight. Weird science is probably not to far off tonight." She laughs and watches Scott rack up. "Day off huh? Lucky. What was wrong with the muffler? Rattling?"

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum is watching Hank as he pours the sugar in his coffee. She offers him a slow smile as he starts to blush under the fur. "Mmmm, I see. Well, in that case, maybe you should keep yourself busy then. Don't want your hands to be idle, after all." And even though she is teasing Hank, when she looks away, it's her turn to blush. Just a little bit.

"Hank... " she says, not looking over but just working on her sewing. "That cup is starting to reach sweetness levels that only I can stomach." She looks over to Scott and nods to him with her chin. "Nice on the muffler. Would love to see how it drives sometime." After all, this Scott doesn't know how she drives, so there might actually be a small chance she can get into his car!

Beast has posed:
Should coffee make a nails-on-chalkboard scrapig sound when you stir it? Possibly not. But that doesn't stop the creaking sound from Beasts cup as he stirs in a dash or two of half-in-half. And coffee probably shouldn't look greyish-purple either. He looks over at Tatum and lorna, raising a bushy brow. "Iwill have you now my metabolism requires a heightened influx of sugars to maintain it's peak capacity." he retorts, then looks embarrased at tatum's comment about him keeping busy, probably blushing a smuch as she is. yay fur.

Again clearing his throat he walks over to the table, eyes on the pool balls. Scott should no better than to tempt Hank into pool. It will not end well. We're talkuing about the man who played a certain bow-wielding hero whose name ryhmes with Chalk-eye and won. "Are you sure you do not want me overhauling your motorcycle, Scott? I know I could upgrade it's fuel effiency and torque to speed ratio..I could even add lasers..." From the sound of it, this is one of their conversations that has been going on for years.

Cyclops has posed:
Scott takes a moment to look from Tatum to Beast, not missing the interplay. He finishes up with the cue. The others are approaching the table so he waits. "Tatum, no one drives my bike. Ever." It's not said in a joking tone. He's dead serious. The bike is sacred. The next portion is in answer to Lorna's question. "I replaced the muffler to get better exhaust flow and increase my horsepower. Which I can do on my own," he continues as he looks pointedly at Hank.

"I do not want lasers on my bike. I don't want an ejection seat. I don't want it to fly. I just want my girl to purr when she's happy and suck the doors off cars I pass." That's Scott's version of a dark side, his love of speed.

Polaris has posed:
"Notice I didn't ask to ride?" Lorna asks the air and leans against the table lightly. "What a great house guest am I." She sighs airly and shakes her head with a chuckle. "Upside, father wasn't here to cause trouble-as it turns out. Just another reminder I'm not fully one of you and not to get comfortable here in your charming company." She looks from Scott to Beast and Tatum. "So Taters, what are you sewing?"

Deadzone has posed:
Lance and Terence are at it again, muttering to themselves like Beavis and Butthead at the comments the teacher are making. Everything is innuendo and chuckleworthy.

Tate glances to Hank, her face pinched with worry before she looks down at her sewing instead. "A girl can dream, Scooter, a girl can dream. Hell, at this point, I would kill for my gas guzzling muscle car back. Besides, you wouldn't want me driving your bike anyway. Cause then you'd have proof to my superior skills and we can't have that."

Looking to Lorna, Tate's brows rise. "He was here? And being friendly? Is that normal for this world? Cause I'm having a hard enough time keeping track of the differences." Holding up the skirt she's working on, adding details to it with the hand sewing, she explains. "Corp goth. You know, so I can at least look respectable. Won't fool any of you lot, but Mars was saying that if I ever want to get invited to anything like his phone gala event, that I would have to look... not me."

Beast has posed:
Awwwww. Hank looks like he wants to make a retort to Scott but.. sighs and hangs his head.. He even shuffles his foot. "Okay. Fine" he mulls, sounding like a defeated twelve year old, and then sips his coffee.. or chews on it. Mmmmmm. Sweet sweet Caffinated sludge. That almost picks him up. "Your loss, though. I'll just add another Mach to the blackbird, then." he winks at scott and is about to sip his coffee when..

He spews coffee out the nose...

ALmost flailing he pulls a kerchief from his pcket and rubs his snouth, coughing, then stares at lorna. "Your father.. was /here/?" he sputter, cat-slit eyes wide. "When? Why didn't you.. I mean.. Where was /I/?" he asks, his words trampling over Tatum's... He turns to her and shakes his head. "There is nothing normal about him. One day he could come here and destroy the mansion for some aggreved sleight. The next time he could pop over for tea and build a jungle gym for the children with the wave of his hand, all while being politely condescending." he tells her.

Cyclops has posed:
Scott's jaw clenches and his fist tightens on the pool cue. He is about to ask but Hank's outburst settles that for him. The question is already there but he does have to say one thing. "You are fully one of us if you choose to be, Lorna. Your father has no say so over the matter unless you allow him. If he doesn't like it, I'd be glad to have a discussion with him."

Polaris has posed:
"I'm his heir, and I have a chance to lead our people to a more peaceful future." Lorna looks at Scott and shakes her head. "Better to temper his violence with my diplomacy than face my father as an enemy." Looking to Tatum and Beast she smiles sweetly. "We met in a diner outside of town and had coffee. Relax. I wouldn't have him here as a guest with out telling at least the Professor first."

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum looks over to Scott and nods. "I hate to say is, Lorna, but I have to agree with Scooter." She is about to say more but notices that more then a few of the students are really eager to hear more. "Okay, it's lights out in 15 minutes. That gives you guys plenty of time to head upstairs and brush your teeth and all that other junk." There is a chorus of complaints, to which Deadzone simply smiles. "Or, I could just go full power and leave you all as essentially eunichs, if you prefer?" Lance and Terence give her a glare, leaving and saying how Tate was cool when she first got here. Now she's like all the other teachers.

After the kids have finally gone, Tate returns to the conversation. "Lorna, I know he's your dad, but its *your* life. If you want to be here, you are here. He's just going to have to accept that just because you are family doesn't mean he gets to tell you what to do. He lost that ability when you turned 18. But, that said, we don't have that right either, so if you want to walk on the tightrope, you are more then welcome and I will enjoy the show."

Beast has posed:
Beast ois and sets his coffee mug on the edge of the pooltable and draws his paws down his face. "Oh my stars and garters.." he mutters and shakes his head before dropping his arms too his sides.

"Both Scott and tatum are correct, he doesn't have any say in your life but I suspect you already know that and that you aren't. Letting him control your life, that is." he postulates. "But you have to admit we get worried when you use words like 'his heir'. He is not a king... Well.. fine, okay I guess he is in a way, now. But still..." he tries to come up with something... but...

Cyclops has posed:
"Lorna, I can't say I understand your choice," Scott admits. "I know you want to do what is best for the mutants of Genosha. The world really because that will be the starting point for change hopefully. But you don't have to carry all that alone. We're here for you. We will support you. And should you decide that the tightrope," he nods toward Tatum who chose the word, "Is too perilous, we will be here to catch you."

Polaris has posed:
"You folk don't have to risk Magnus' ire." Lorna shakes her head and looks at them all. "But I appreciate the aid, always. I've never had to be a diplomat-scientists as it turns out-can learn all kindsa new things." She laughs and looks at Tatum. "Hoping to catch me in tights and a little tight rope walker getup huh? Might need to wait. Halloween maybe?" She jokes and slaps the table. "Let's play some pool, come on fellas."

Deadzone has posed:
Tate puts her sewing away for later and rises to stand. She heads over to the pooltable, stopping as she gets to Hank and standing shoulder to shoulder but not actually touching him so he keeps his blue fuzzy self. She offers Hank a smile, but the moment is brief before she looks back to Lorna. "If you do use us as a safety net, I suggest landing on Hank. He's all soft and furry. Avoid Logan. Those bones would likely hurt like hell."

"Yeah, yer dad wasn't too fond of me in my world, I can't imagine he'd like me any better in this one. So I'll pass on the ire. And if yer offering to jump on me, then you don't have to wear the tights. I'll settle for nothing at all," she tells Lorna with a wink. "Pool? Awesome. I'm taking Hank."

Beast has posed:
Beast sighs and facepalms again, shaking his head as Tatum basically refers to him as a landing cushion. "I am not a mutant crash pad." he murmurs, though to no one in particular then straightens and tugs at his suspenders ala Jean-Luc Picard. "I am a renowned multi-discipline scientist, prolific mutant activist /and/ I have the largest collection of science-based naughty-euphamism t-shirts this side of Tony Stark. O am not just 'soft and furry'." he hrmphs.

He then looks to lorna. "But she is right. And so is Scott. You know that if you need any form of support, for any reqason, we are here for you. You need just call. But you are not culpable for your father's sins, or need to take on his burdens."

He then looks at Tatum. "You truly think you can take me...?" he stops... then ois.. he set him self up for whatever will come next and he knows it..

Cyclops has posed:
While Scott may seem like a boyscout, even he knows that was left wide open for Tatum. He shakes his head as he shifts his cue. "That mean you're with me, Lorna? You'll have the advantage that way." He actually smirks. "Spatial awareness and pool? We have this in the bag."

Polaris has posed:
"She hasn't already?" Lorna wonders quietly after beast asks if Tatum thinks she can take him. Looking at Tatum, Lorna grins wickedly and sidles up to Scott. "Sorry babe, I believe I've been claimed." She jokes and studies the table. "Team squares then huh?" She asks Scott with a laugh.

Deadzone has posed:
Tate's brows rise in interest when Hank claims he is not a crash pad. She leans a little closer, muttering something under her breath to the big, blue, furry doctor, then pulls back to grin a devilish grin and gives him a waggle of her brow. That might be what threw him off about the 'taking'. "I meant you are on my team playing pool. But, you know, if you have something against sleeping...." She raises her shoulders, batting her lashes in an attempt to look halo-tastic.

"Scooter? You honestly think that you have a hope in hell? That's funny. In fact, I'm willing to put money where your mouth is on that one."

Beast has posed:
Beast blinks and looks at Lorna... Then his shoulder slump a bit as he grumbles as Tatum mutters something to him and grits his teeth. Oh not in anger.. he's just very embarrased and that sometimes makes him a grumpycatsimianbeasthing.

"Just give me a cuestick and prepare to be /freaking/ amazed at the geometrical master known as Doctor Henry "Jaws" McCoy. Why Jaws you ask?" as he takes a cue stick and starts chalking the tip. "Becaue I'm /THE/ Pool Shark.. and you're gonna need a bigger boat."

Cyclops has posed:
"Done," Scott says. "Fifty says that we win." He hefts his cue again, mind already focusing on the felt table top. It isn't his eyes that are in play, it's that special sense he was born with that allows him to bank shots with his powers and still hit his targets. Every nuance, every dip or mark on the surface is noted thanks to his powers. If the ball will be effected, he will be able to tell before he ever hits the cue. He does lift the triangle off carefully, hanging it on the hook beneath the table. Then he glances to the other three. "Who wants to break?"