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Latest revision as of 21:48, 30 October 2017

Pass me the Pepper...
Date of Scene: 11 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Iron Man, Pepper Potts

Iron Man has posed:
Leading up to the events w/Darkseid and of course, since, Tony's been working diligently at trying to unravel the weapons and how to possibly counter them. They're of a different place, a different tech, and countering them has been something he spent almost the whole attack working on with the tech and any resources he could find. The office caught on fire more than once as he converted it to his lab, pretty much never leaving. And since then he's still been going until finally you came in last night and got him to sit down and rest. And as soon as he leaned against you, as soon as he sat, he fall asleep, so that finally as you both wake up, he's laying with his head in your lap, you with your head tucked against the comfortable couch. And so he stirs, likely immediately waking you.

Pepper Potts has posed:
While Tony drove himself half mad working against these weapons, Pepper was doing everything one must to keep a company together during a crisis. Being humanitarian where needed, adjusting out flow of product other places, helping various company members in dire straits. She hasn't quite pulled the long hours he has, but she even went away for a week working on the ground giving aid to those the worst hit. She had her cellphone on her and computer, of course, but she wasn't in the office. They are both ragged and exhausted. It felt like it's been years, not just a month, but everything has finally calmed. Just enough that they can pass out on a couch together, instead of talking like she had planned. Pouring out their hearts like they needed to do. Nothing like a disaster to make one realize what is important.

Pepper had stripped out of her suit jacket and shoes when he fell asleep, but everything else is in place. She's still sleeping fairly deeply when he stirs, but it's enough to let her stir slightly too, rolling over onto her back, spine popping in a few areas, as she tucks her toes deeper beneath the outside of his thigh. She's half awake. Barely.

Iron Man has posed:
"Oh...look..." he says as he shifts, lookign to you and he reaches up to grab the blanket usually kept at the back of the couch and pulls it over you to make sure that you're kept warm. It's getting cooler, the weather, and even though he keeps the office comfortable for him, most people would find it chilly. He says quietly, "You realize pictures of this are probably already circulating on Snapchat," he says with a smile, curious to see if that wakes you up or if you're still in your sleepy delirium. Still though, shifting on his side, letting you lay with your back on the sofa, him in front of you, he reaches up to brush your hair back, looks at the smattering of freckles on your brow and cheeks. "You...by the way...are apparently immune from morning breath. How do you do that?"

Pepper Potts has posed:
"...nnnph... what?... snapchat?" That is, indeed, enough to wiggle into Pepper's mind that something COULD be wrong and maybe Tony's been awake far longer than she has. She blinks drowsily, half confused brows wrinkling as she winces against the morning light, "You did NOT put this on SnapChat...I... I don't have on a bra!" Pepper half hisses, having done that careful wiggle dance that all women know how to do, taking their bra off without their shirt. If she was sleeping on a couch, she certainly wasn't doing it with a bra on!

Then she somehow seems to realize that he's joking, especially as he is looking just awake himself and tenderly brushing her hair back like that. She lets her eyes sink shut again, leaning her cheek into his touch, "...because we barely slept... what time is it? Did we... even get six hours? I cleared the schedule this morning. SLeep... we both need sleep..." She mutters huskily, not entirely willing to wake up or get off of this couch yet.

Iron Man has posed:
"Did we get sex hours? Well I didn't realize that was something you wanted to log but if it is we're going to have to drastically re-write your job description," he says with amusement as he looks down at you laying there and of course, that had to follow up your comment about not wearing a bra, hiw brows waggling playfully as he lets his head rest in his hand, elbow bent, palm against his cheek and he smiles back, a bhint of amusement there. "I'm not sure how long we slept but that's partly because I'm not sure what time I actually did, when did you come in anyway?"

He remembers coming to sit with you but would have been so far into his work, even knowing that time, he'd have had no idea. Still though, he doesn't push to wake you up. He wants you to get some rest too and so he just lays there, snuck in with you. "So now that the world ahs managed to avoid getting blwon up again, completely, for like the umpteenth time...how would you feel about going on an on-purpose date rather than a 'hey I'm your boss and you look great in that dress' date?"

Pepper Potts has posed:
Now? He's asking this now? Pepper was just about to allow herself to sink back into actually dozing off once more, but then her boss is there, leaning against her, tucked in on a couch together where they've spent the whole damn nice, and asking her out on an actual date. After the millions of dollar earrings. Pepper's green eyes flutter back open, looking up to him drowsily, trying to figure out if he's joking or she is dreaming, but neither seems to be the case. "...you... You mean it? This isn't just... we're awake, right? You're not just a dream or... trying to wake me up and give me a heart attack, right? You...mean it?" She asks, still wincing against the daylight, but she's not going back to sleep now, heart beating a new tattoo in her throat.

Iron Man has posed:
"Well...I rhought Id id," he says as he looks at you. "But I dunno, let's see," and over the business shirt you wear you feel his warm hand, feel the press to your side, as he reaches down and he pinches, tugging gently at the skin of your side, making sure you feel it. And then he tickles just the tiniest bit before his hand stills and he looks down at you with that bit of playful amusement. Meeting your gaze, he smiles, "Yes, I mean it. I mean why not right? We don't have to do anything fancy. We can go play mini golf or something if you want. Maybe an arcade?" Of course, he'd probably rent out the place completely, but that's besides the point. He's allowed to have fun with you and tease you that little bit as he looks back to you, seeming to be a bit concerned you haven't said yes yet. But no, you're Tony_BS meter is on par, and it doesn't seem to be sounding any alarm bells at the moment.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Silence for several longer moments, though Pepper does give a little yelp at he pinches her and a small squirm at the tickling, though that gets more of a swat than the pinching. Pepper is ticklish -- that is probably information that will be used against her in the future. BUt, instead, she's just caught his hand and is holding his fingertips there now, against her side, as she stares at him in the glaring morning light. Her lips open, hovering on the edge of words that she cannot quite fine. Tony Stark has left Pepper Potts speechless.

Then, suddenly, she just pours it out, "Y-yes! Yes...yes... That's fine. Mini golf or... a movie... or just, sitting here and blue ray, that's fine... That... it sounds lovely, really. The papers will go mad but they already are and... who cares, right? This is fine. I mean... HR... will have to know... right? How do we do this?" Pepper's mind is already rambling out a thousand problems and worries, because that's what she does when she's happy.

Iron Man has posed:
He laughs quietly as you swat a thim, as if you're going to be able to take him away from what he's doing but he's not trying to be horrible. He's so very amused and having fun at the moment and so, smilind, teasingly, his eeys sparkle and he leans down and kisses your cheek, smiling. "Well...we probably don't have to tell them -yet- you know? We probably could actually go out first. Make sure you're not totally ready to kill me yet," he says with amusement as he watches you. "But yes, let's wait until I can go ahead and you know, keep you alone and to myself for at least 5 minutes without you wanting to strangle me and not beinga ble to run off for some sort of supposed business emergency..." he has fun teasing all the ways you might try to get out of it if it doesn't go well.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"...wait to tell HR or the press? Unless we have the date right here, the press is going to know..." Pepper huffs out, but then she shakes her head slightly, trying to push off those thoughts, "No. Never mind. It's...fine, we're both adults, we canm ake these choices. I'm not going to... to run away for a supposed emergency. I promise." Pepper offers a touch softer, her fingertips around his giving a gentle squeeze as she tugs him up and against her a bit closer, so they can stretch out on that couch together.

Of course, it's still a couch. After a few moments, she blinks down at them and gives a throaty little laugh, "...you know...if we're dating, we could just move... into the bed? And actually get some real sleep on a real bed? It won't be a work thing, I promise..." Pepper offers throatily, still a touch sleepy and only tempted more to that rest by the warmth of him against her.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony Stark grins a bit now as he watches you, eyes sparkling a bit as he says, plafyully, "I like your idea of a first date," he says but before you can smack him for that or change your mind he's standing up, scooping you pu as he does cause he's Tony, he's not a frail guy. He's got the goods to be strong and such as he has no problem carrying you to the lift that goes up to the penthouse. It's nice up there, roomy and comfy and full of bar and plenty other things like games (Galaga) and such. He carries you though and as much as you may expect him to be foolish and silly and throw you onto the bed, he actually walks you over and lays you down gently, settling you onto the firm mattress and soft pillows, stacked up high so that a person can sink into them. "How's this, Miss Potts? Can I get you anything else? Oils for the pillow? A foot massage?" Yes, he's being playful.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Another little, surprised but happy yelp as he scoops her up into his arms and, on instinct alone, she wraps her arms around the back of his neck. She holds on tight and close, half burying her head in his throat and letting her nose brush agains the morning stubble of his jaw. That made her smile. "...Mm...I could get used to this." She whispers against his throat rather happily, her fingertips burying tenderly against the back of his neck. Then they are upstairs in his room and she lets herself be settled down into the bed. A little breath of pure relaxation and enjoyment escapes her throat, a sound he's almost never heard from her before. His questions get a quiet look and a single arched brow. "...the one thing I want more than... anything in the world... Is for you to crawl into this bed and get at least four more hours sleep. Both of us. Together. For once."

Iron Man has posed:
"I love it when you talk sleepy to me," he says, grinning as he hops over you, leaping ontot he bed and across your thin frame to land on top of the blankets but he does take off his jeans and you learn that, at least yesterday, Tony was a boeres man. He slides under the clovers and next to you, turning on your side and laying his hand over you. He's in perfect position for you to turn your back to him if you wish, to lean back against him, assuming the reactor in his chest doesn't prett too much, doesn't bother yout oo much. On the flip side, it has a bit of warmth to it and it could be something soothing. And so he kisses your shoulder, and lays quietly as he closes his eyes, and says simply, 'Good night Pepper. Sleep well...." he says, his hand finding yours, closing about it, regardless of where he's at.

Pepper Potts has posed:
It's everything she wanted, really. Even if it's just sleep. Sometimes sleep was more important, hell, the most important thing. Together, resting, not worrying about the rest of the world, just letting their guards down completely. Not pretending it's a work night on a couch, but properly asleep in his bed. The sound of quiet contentment deep in Pepper's chest is almost a happy rumble from her, and it's another sound he's never really heard her make. Pepper doesn't often make relaxed sounds, but here she is. She turns her body to, indeed, curl in against him. The perfect little spoon. She gives a quiet sigh and tucks her head beneath his chin, that quiet reactor absolutely more of a comfort to her. "...sweet dreams, Tony." She whispers against his throat, letting her hand be tucked into his. Within a few moments, her breath has evened out deeply.