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Confession is Good for the Soul
Date of Scene: 28 September 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Kat comes clean to Matt about her interesting past and her dangerous 'family'. Plans are made.
Cast of Characters: Daredevil, Ekaterina Vespucci

Daredevil has posed:
Matt was back at the office. It was part of his attempt to pull his life together after he heard the news.

...Elektra was going to die...

The thought comes unbidden and Matt fumbles his coffee cup in the kitchenette and it shatters on the floor.

"Damn it," he curses, grabbing a towel from the sink and then ducking down to soak up the coffee and gather the pieces into the cloth.

It was an off day for the office, Foggy was in court, Karen was doing her side-gig as a journalist, leaving Matt to rattle around the office in a jeans and an old sweatshirt that read: Columbia Law across the front.

Gathering up the pieces in the cloth he walked out of the kitchenette to the main office to drop them into the trashcan next to Karen's desk.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
Things were about to get a great deal more complex for Matt Murdock today unfortunately. Ekaterina Vespucci has resolved to tell the lawyer the truth about herself. If he ever would believe it. She arrives alone not sure that her minders would approve of her decision.

Opening the door to the office Kat comes in unannounced, "Mr Murdock are you in here? I'm sorry about not scheduling an appointment. It's me Ekaterina or Kat..."

Her tone is apologetic. She surveys the room with those big cornflower blue eyes of hers - and they weren't for just show. She can see in perfect darkness with them and zoom in and magnify to an incredible extent.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt drops the shards into the dustbin and turns towards the door.

"Kat," he greets, remembering that the Countess liked to keep thing informal. "Uh, no problem dropping in, what can I do for you?" he asks.

The towel is tugged in his hands like he was remembering it was there, sopped up coffee dripping on the floor.

"If you want to take a seat in our conference room I'll just take care of this and be right with you," Matt says gesturing in the vauge direction of the the little windowed room, before heading to the kitchenett to get rid of the towel.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"You seem a little out of sorts? Are you okay? I hope so because I am afraid that I am about to make things alot more complicated for you. The conference room might be a good idea because we both might want to sit down."

Even when delivered in Kat's sweet voice this sounds very ominous. She waits for Matt to take the lead.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt drops the towel off and uses another to dry his hands before coming out of the kitchenette.

"I do?" he asks, putting on an act. "Guess it's been a rough week," he lies easily, his face tells another story the stubble that had artfully dusted his cheek had grown longer, his suit had been cheap, but tidy, his sweatshirt was splatterd with day old coffee and food stains.

He pushes his hand through his hair and then makes his way to the conference room. "Sounds ominous," he says using the same put-on light tone. "But I'm sure I can manage."

Taking a seat, he settles into the chair and offers a tired attempt at a disarming smile. "I'm all ears."

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"Well there are two things. Perhaps I should begin with myself. I am not human or not anymore I am a mutant an External specifically. I am for want of a better expression immortal. I've been around for 1200 years. I realise extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and I am prepared to furnish you with whatever you need to prove this point. It sounds insane but we do live in a world filled now with Asgardians and sorceresses. I'm pretty mundane compared to many of the things that are out there. I suppose you might want to discuss that particular point witrh me before we continue?"

Boom. Is Kat straight up crazy? She paused so Matt can cross examine her figuring he'd have some pretty pointed questions. And require certain evidence.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt sits up a little straighter in his chair when she comes out with that truth.

"What?" he asks but falls silent again to listen.

When it comes to proof, he has only one request. "Say it again."

Sure, he'd seen all sorts of weirdness in the world, but he was a skeptic at heart, fortunately hearts were also the key to his finding the truth. He'd been around Kat long enough in their first meeting to get a baseline for her hearbeat, so, he tilts his head a little and listens to that beat as he waits for her answer.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"I am a special kind of mutant called an External there are probably only eleven of us that I know about. We are immortal. Not the cheap biological kind of we don't age immortal but really really immortal. I am 1200 years old having been born back in Northern Italy as Engelberga of Parma back in 826 AD. I've been beheaded, burned at the stake and most recently shot to pieces by our friend Donatelli Fuchinello. He even shot me in the eye. God that hurt. But I was up and about in about two minutes after he killed me. That was the other thing I wanted to talk to you about. But yeah like I said immortal mutant - that's me." Kat says it again but elaborates.

Daredevil has posed:
It's true.

Unbelievable, but true.

Matt blinks behind the red tinted lenses of his shades.

"Okay, say I believe you," he says keeping it theoretical. After all Matt Murdock, the lawyer doesn't have super-hearing. Nope. "Why tell me this? And whatever else you've got to tell me? Other than it's covered by attorney client privledge."

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"Two reasons - One I need a counsel who knows the full truth. I don't have anyone who is on the inside of my organisation that handles that stuff. I'd certainly be interested as to how lawyer client privledge holds up when national security matters fall into play actually. There are complications involving a certain newly famous 'big brother' of mine named Crule not a biological sibling but that is how some of us regard eachother." She pauses.

"The second reason is I do not know how to handle this criminal assault defence where the victim is Donatelli Fuchinello now that he basically thinks he has killed me. Apparently he is supersticious. I had half a notion to put on some halloween makeup and teleport into his apartment late one evening to 'haunt' him. I think I am entitled to some payback but I am not sure I can charge him with attempted murder when I am completely in one piece. I wonder how that argument would go down 'Oh but hey your Honor I am intact because actually I am an immortal unkillable mutant. And when you are trying to kill someone it's the thought that counts." Apparently Kat could teleport. To put an exclamation mark next to that she disappears and reappears in another chair in the room. "Not sure how you percieved that movement but yeah I did a little jump to try and impress upon you at least part of what I am telling you is true."

Continuing, "I need advice - do I stay underground as a mutant half forging my existence or do I live open as one for starters?"

Daredevil has posed:
Matt was expecting something to come next. Likely confirmation as her status as a crime lord, but not this.

"Crule..." he says blinking. "Where do I know that name."

Then it clicks.

"The Kenyan warlord?" Matt says leaning back and removing his glasses. He turns his head and sightless eyes away from Kat to rub the bridge of his nose.

When he turns back the glasses are back in place.. "I assure you, privledge extends to matters of national security as well. I briefly represented one of the people involved in the Rising Tide hacking case a few months ago," he explains. "And there were all sorts of national security issues there."

Matt fights hard not to react to the teleporting. He can feel her vacate one spot of her senses and then suddenly fill another. "I heard the chairs shift," he says for how he perceived it, keeping up his act. "What happened?"

"Well, if you did come out to the world about your powers, I'd say the DA could make a case for attempted murder, given he didn't know about your powers at the time. As to the wisdom of coming out to the world..." he says. "That's on you, there's a lot of people with weird stories, but 1200 years of history is sort of rare. I would expect there'd be something of a media circus, and others of your kind, like Crule might not appreciate having the existance, of, what did you say you called yourselves, Externals? Revealed to the world."

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"I'm two for two with Crule - he was sent by the other Externals to murder me back in the 800s. At that stage I had married well and was the Holy Roman Empress. Suffice to say that even with his powers he was unable to defeat the Imerial guard - there were just too many of them. Later we made up and tried to coordinate our activities in the 1600s. I got sick of him and his savagery and set a famous monster hunter of the era Solomon Kane on him. Solomon tracked him to Africa and burned him alive. But like me he doesn't stay dead. It just takes him longer than me to come back. But I got the better of him the both times we tangoed. Crule is an ancient having been born back in the Hyborean age. Not the oldest of us but close to being the oldest. Recently I called him via satellite phone. There was very little recrimination. As bad as he is and as lethal as our relationship has been I was glad to hear his voice. Time heals all wounds. He wants me to go help him fight his war. Not sure I like the idea."

Continuing, "Externals embody various abstractions mine is Artifice or manipulative politicking Crule is Ferocity, the most ancient of us she is Corruption. Doesn't sound good does it? None of us are all that good. It's always been a struggle of the bad against the worse. Or the badies against the badder badies. I guess that's most of history though. I am amongst the weakest so I have had to be trecharous and cunning to survive this long." Kat volunteers more information than is asked for.

"I don't have to out the other Externals by outing myself as a mutant though do I? I mean I don't even need to mention them the Externals. It is just the public hostility towards mutants that might impact my numerous businesses that I worry about. All my men know my secret I think it is why they think I am so special. I do not know whether the broader community would follow their lead."

Daredevil has posed:
Even at his best Matt would be struggling to take this all in and Matt was not at his best. Still he rallies, urged on by curiosity as much as anything.

"Seems like it does," Matt says of time and the healing of wounds. "I don't think I'd be as sanguine if my sibling had me burnt alive. Are you sure he's not just trying to lure you out there to get some payback?" he asks. "Though even if he's sincere, I would advise against going, from what I've read about the situation, it's only going to get worse."

The details of the 'family politics' of the Externals, makes him cringe. That's not something he really wanted to get tangled up in.

"True, but we're counting on your 'family' on seeing it that way, but if you do want to come out as a mutant, that could be done, though, given the sensitivity of those sorts of circumstances, I might want to bring in a specialist for these kinds of cases, Jennifer Walters, she specializes in Metahuman and Mutant cases, but you probably know her better as She-Hulk."

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"But that's the tricky bit I sort of have to come out if I want to get Donatelli charged with attempted murder don't I? Otherwise how do I explain my being very much alive. In a sense there might well be an ethical obligation on my part to do so. Jennifer Walters? Would you coordinate with her or are you suggesting I jump ship? I don't blame you. I mean I've just dragged you into a world of gods and monsters. With mostly monsters."

As for Crule, "I don't think he intends to betray me. If I did become involved I might be able to swing things in a less genocidy manner. I played a big part on the wrong side of history with the Italian Facists in World War 2. i figure I have alot to make up for."

Daredevil has posed:
"Right. Just making sure you knew the risks before you did anything permanent. As far as the original case goes, coming out and accusing Donatelli of the murder should clear that up, with the video, the witnesses and the accuser trying to murder you, I don't think even the most desperate DA would take that to trial," Matt says. "As for Ms. Walters, I think we should at least see if she's willing to consult. She's got the experience handling this sort of case, and well, she's She-Hulk, so if Donatelli or your family come calling, then she's probably got that handled too."

Matt offers a tight but sincere smile.

"I can give her a call and see if something can be set up. We can sort out if jumping ship is the best plan after that."

As for the rest Matt nods. "I know someone who recently tried to do something similar, it didn't work out for her, and I'd advise against trying with Crule. Your best bet would be to go to someone like SHIELD with what you know, let the authorites handle things."

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"The only witness to my murder was one Frank Castle - another complicating factor. I haven't even looked at the video footage but I would imagine it shows me getting killed pretty clearly so again I'd have to explain that. Bet you'd love having Frank on the stand - I heard you had him there on one occasion previously? He got to see me come back to life. Poor guy I think I sent him into flashback mode. So yeah he knows about me as well. This is why I am thinking of outing myself. More evidence has mounted than I can conceal. It's only a matter of time before I come back to life on camera in front of everyone."

As for SHIELD, "That's the new polite face of the deep state these days isn't it? SHIELD? I kind of am the original deep state myself having worked from the shadows for years. Not sure I trust them."

Daredevil has posed:
"Well I can't argue with wanting to get ahead of your secret coming out, I know, Frank knows and if he sees you again Donatelli will know, or at least guess," Matt confirms, the mention of Frank Castle, has Matt pulling a face. "Yeah, we've met," he says, clearly not a pleasant encounter for Matt. "Getting Frank on the stand is going to be difficult, as far as I know he's still a wanted vigilante, and I'm not sure Frank is going to turn himself in just to testify. Though if the tape shows the crime, I think a decent DA will be able to make the charges stick."

"I don't doubt it," Matt says of Kat working behind the scenes. "As for SHIELD, we can put a pin in that for now, but I want you to think about it, I know some agents there, good people, ones I trust, if we go through them I think you'll get a fair shake. But for now let's focus on the immediate? One case at a time," he offers with a faint smile.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"So our first step should be to consult with Ms. Walters then?" Kat wonders as to the order of things. "Then at the trial we produce the footage of my 'murder' if that is advisable or simply give that to the DA to stop the prosecution altogether? I am getting tired of Donatelli. He likes to beat women and I must have been his target of choice. I wish someone would pay him a visit. Frank wanted to do it but I dissuaded him. Death is too good for this creep. Disgrace - maybe a permanent horrible injury or two." Kat sighs.

"Then SHIELD for later? I actually already know a SHIELD agent myself. Who already knows about me. Not sure she's shared that information with anyone else over there."

Daredevil has posed:
"That's how I'd do it," Matt confirms with a nod. "Get Donatelli locked up, clear Greg, then look at what you want to do about Crule," he says before moving on to the elephant in the room. "As for Donatelli, if you want my help as your lawyer, better to leave him to the courts, besides, this is New York, a guy like Mr. Donatelli is likely to run into somone in a costume sooner or later. So, why dirty your hands?"

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"Gary," Kat clarifies smiling, "I'd like to be able to walk clear of all of this secracy for once you know. Crule is my problem just as I am his. It has been that way for 1200 years. A Hate love hate relationship. He did say something that worried me. Another one of us has joined his enterprise and I think I know who it is. The eldest of us and she is real bad news. A walking nightmare close to twenty thousand years old if she is a day. That's going to be a problem for an army of Superhumans to solve if even they can. I'm sorry I can't hand oput specifics but there is danger in such knowledge. If you're lucky you'll never find out abouta ll of this stuff. I have lived with it for over a millenia and it gives me nightmares still." She cants her head and smiles at mentioning a suit getting Donatelli, "Be nice to se him wheeled into court," she says. "I rarely indulge in any form of sadism but man he shot me in the eye! I think he wanted a closed casket for me - wouldn't even allow me a decent funerl. Pig."

Daredevil has posed:
"I can imagine, to keep a secret for most of your life would have to be terrible," Matt says knowingly, "Especially for a life as long as your own."

"If that's true, then, we may want to consider talking to people like the Avengers or the Justice League. Less, 'deep state' as you called SHIELD, and probably more capable of taking on a threat of that level."

There's a deep frown about Donatelli. "Seems like he was determined to not just kill you but send a message, we'll make sure he's put away, so you can walk free of him as well."

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"looks like we have a plan," Kat says. "First step Ms. Walters and then we see where we go from there. Donatelli had best hope he doesn't run into me. I have a few tricks up my sleeve that are most unpleasant. But I want to do things the right way." With that Kat turns to leave, "Thank you Mr Murdock - we'll speak again soon I hope?"