7308/April Delivers
Revision as of 09:21, 23 April 2019 by Purrfection (talk | contribs)
April Delivers | |
Date of Scene: | 22 April 2019 |
Location: | Turtle Lair, beneath NYC |
Synopsis: | April drops by with some food for the turtles and more talk is had about current events. |
Cast of Characters: | Leonardo, Michelangelo, April O'Neil
- Leonardo has posed:
Leonardo awaits patiently, within the main room of the lair the turtles call home. Word has come that a certain someone wanted to drop by, bearing gifts, news, or some other reason, and it would be as good a time as any to catch up on a few things.
Naturally, the leader of the brothers had to get some training time in first, and with that out of the way Leo sips from a bottle of water before calling out, "Mikey, have you seen the leftover pizza?" Then he smacks his forehead, speaking more quietly to himself, "That was a dumb question."
- Michelangelo has posed:
Training time indeed!
Mikey is suspiciously quiet during his training aside from the occationally shouted noise like he's throwing a kick or punch and then something breakable breaking in his (or someones) room, possibly Raph's because that'd be humorous right?
When a lamp sails out of the door of the room (Raph's), Mikey follows with a VR headset on dragging all kinds of stuff behind him, like Raph stuff.
- April O'Neil has posed:
April has become a bit of an expert at delivery for the Turtle Lair. Its become a system really, but the real kicker? Uber Eats. The drivers just deliver her the food to the sewer entrance she uses and she just pretends to live at the building beside it, its practically a different driver every time too so rarely do they even ask her any questions! The food shows up to the young reporter / internet influencer and she just accepts it with a smile... then after they leave she ninja vanishes into the sewers with it!
So here she comes, rolling down the side corridor of a tunnel on her scooter, basically a skateboard with a handle, the Turtles (and hers) dinner are in a bag on her back. Quietly whistling a tune, she approaches their home's door and goes through the pre-designated security measures to access it, also having become an old hat for her at this point.
Eventually their front door opens up and there she is, striding on in and setting her bag down beside the door. "Heeeeya!" She calls out to whomever is listening.
- Leonardo has posed:
Leonardo grimaces at the sounds of things shattering and breaking from the direction of Raphael's room, turning to see Michelangelo responsible for it. This earns another hand to the forehead. "Mikey, you know Raph's gonna kill you when he gets back and sees that, don't you?" They never should have got that VR set. Big mistake.
But, that's for later. A chime or buzz of some sort reveals April is there, and the blue-masked turtle - mask currently worn more as a necklace - heads over to press a button granting entry. "It's open!" He offers a three-fingered wave when she shows up, and he sniffs in the direction of the bag. "Hiya, April. Something smells good. What'd you get?"
- Michelangelo has posed:
Mikey ducks in the tunnel leading from the rooms dragging the cord to the VR set through all sorts of stuff that wasn't designed for such an intrusion. Plants or... really breakable stuff really, ultimately doesn't matter what it is, "Dude! It's more real than real life! These aliens are rindered with such detail!" He preforms a jumping spinkick that catches the cord of the VR headset with his heel, tugs it to the side sharply, and pulls him off balance into a shell flop on the floor.
From the floor he sniffs at the air, "Mmmm... I smell.." Sniff sniff, headset removed and laid down right in the foot path any person would take from the rooms, "Dude, food, I smell food, Leo, there's food.. Im starving. All those incredible virtual reality details are given me such a hunger. Hey April!"
- April O'Neil has posed:
April is taking that large backpack off, something she'd bought online, its for pizza delivery people in big cities like New York to carry on a bike with room for lots of boxes. Once she sets it down on the table she grins over at Leo. "I got something a -little- different, but I want you guys to be prepared. Its still amazing, probably the best." She cuts off as Mikey enters the room and she grins at him and offers him a wave. "Hey." She says in short at the VR monster version of Mikey.
"Now look." She opens the pack up and starts to take out the first box with is small and dainty, "This is mine, just pasta, no big deal." Then she's getting to the next which is larger. "So here. They opened up a San Matteo Pizzaria nearby." She offers the box to Leonardo. "This is Manhattan's number ONE rated pizza place. Too far to order here, usually, but... now thats changed." She smiles quite proudly. She then leans forward and says quietly. "Don't tell Angelo that I bought from another place."
- Leonardo has posed:
"Yeah, and wait until you see the detail Raph's fist is rendered in later!" Leo calls back over, opening his mouth then just closing it as various and sundry items are left behind in Michelangelo's destructive wake. That'll be dealt with later. First things first. In this case, April. Heading in her direction, he waves for Mikey to tag along, which doesn't sound like it will be much of a problem. "Here's the difference. VR food doesn't fill you up. How long were you at that? It's probably no wonder you're so hungry."
Whatever the answer, he offers to help bring the food over to the kitchen area before seeing April's got it covered, leaving him to swat at grabby Mikey hands should they get too close just yet. "Prepared for what?" he asks, a look of interest developing as the place is mentioned and the box is given over to him. "Oh, I've heard of that one. My lips are sealed." The lid is cracked open. "I smell pepperoni..."
Before chowing down, he informs April, "By the way, there have been eyes all over Casey's place since we talked to Rey. I'd be very careful about going around there, still." He looks like he's got more to say, but he lets her process this part first.
- Michelangelo has posed:
Mikey waves both hands in a dismissive sort of fashion at the notion Raph will be anything but amused. "I only broke a few things, I think.. mostly junk." Because Raph notoriously keeps a bunch of junk in his room, right? "He'll forgive me after I show him how bitchin the VR set is and then he'll probably... play... in.. my.. rooo..." His expression twists, "Oh god, this was a bad idea wasn't it?"
There's food.
From a pizzaria.
Also pepperoni. "Mmmm..." Mikey crowds against Leo while the eldest bro opens the box. Literally leaning over his brothers shoulder to look at the contents, "It looks like pie... like deep dish pie. Remember when I was in that chicao style kick, but honestly toppings go on the TOP, that's why the call them TOPpings..."
He glances between April and Leo at mention of Casey's place, but says nothing, he has eyes only for food.
- April O'Neil has posed:
"Now there's actually two more boxes in here. Okay?" April says to them both. "Its the basics, but the last one is Splinter's how he likes it, so try and save him some, okay?" She gives Mikey a 'look' at that last part before she grins lightly and moves to pick up her small covered past dish she'd ordered for herself, then the plastic wrapped utensils. She looks to Leo then as she starts to walk to the nearest chair.
"I've been goin' by Casey's place every other day since we talked to that person." She tells him. "I -have- to go, because he promised me I'd water his plants and keep them from dying. He thinks that they 'give him more oxygen while he's pumping iron'." She mocks Casey's voice as she recites that line off and then promptly rolls her eyes.
"Thats not even how plants work. It'd take like so many plants inside his apartment that there'd be no space for HIM in order to have more oxygen in the air." She sighs heavily, then goes about to open her pasta dish up to dig at it with a plastic spork.
- Leonardo has posed:
Leonardo answers Mikey with a little snort. "You'll be lucky if that's all he does." He makes a show of boxing his brother out, as if they were playing basketball and a rebound was coming their way. "Hey! No over the shell! That's a foul!" He does pull up a slice and gives it to Mikey first before taking one for himself, if for no other reason than to give a little breathing room once the orange-masked turtle has been appeased. "Yeah, all pizza is good but I don't know what they were thinking with putting the toppings on the inside."
"I'll make sure father gets his, don't worry," Leo promises, and when he makes a vow they'll know he's good for it. He shows mild curiosity in April's meal - they've got the pizza, so they're taken care of - but he nods once, a brief look of amusement passing over his features at Casey and his plants. "I'd feel better about it if you show up only when one of us is around to watch. I still don't know what's going on with this 'Family' thing. That way if something goes wrong, we'll be there to help."
Letting that concern of his be heard, he samples a bite of the slice from the new place. "This /is/ pretty good, but.." Here he swallows, then adds, "The other big thing that's going on with the Punisher? I think he's moving on the warehouse Shredder is using for the Foot recruits this weekend. I've decided we should be there to make sure nothing gets out of hand if we can help it. I don't think all the kids there are bad, just being led down the wrong path. Maybe we can get some of them out and make sure he doesn't kill any of them." That last part is said with no shortage of distaste at Castle's methods. "No matter how good he is, or how calculated his plans are, I have a very hard time accepting his methods."
- Michelangelo has posed:
"Yoink." Mikey aways with the slice Leo hands off to him and breaks for the other end of the table with it dripping gooey cheese down his arm which he licks right off without a care in the world. There's adult talk going on and he appears like he's trying to follow what's going on. "Oh man you should have seen what he did to that cafe when me and Donnie were watching. Like there were so many bodies and he was all like; I got a gun in your mouth bro, wanna tell me the secret stuff?!"
Munching on pie.
"Maybe we can talk him into the not doing the stuff that leads to all that death? Especially of kids, because like... just kids."
- April O'Neil has posed:
April has the plastic top off of her meal, its just a small order of chicken primavera loaded up with vegetables too! She pulls a bottle of water out of her yellow leather jacket pocket and sets it down on the table beside it, cracking it open with a twist of its cap.
"I think its a good thing that I've been goin' there like i have, probably means that if they've seen me then they can tell that my story checks out..." She trails off then and looks over to both of them, a napkin is raised up to her lips to dab at them. "You think maybe they've followed me?" She asks them. "Like, back to my actual home?"
She hadn't been very careful about that, its true, she wasn't a spy or a special agent! She's just... her! "Punisher better not kill kids, or his vigilante street cred is gonna drop like a bottomed out stock exchange."
- Leonardo has posed:
Leonardo mutters, after Michelangelo's recounting of whatever happened in the cafe, "And people talk about video games being too violent."
With others taking their turn to speak, it gives him time to deal with his own messy slice, and like his brother, he isn't shy about making sure none of what oozes anywhere is left behind. "I don't know how open he's going to be to that, Mikey. Donnie was a little worried that he could turn on us if he thought we were getting in his way, and I have to keep that thought in the back of my head. If he goes crazy, we might have to stop him ourselves. I hope it doesn't come to that."
He points a cheese-laden finger toward April. "That's what I'm hoping. If he has a reputation for only killing the people who really deserve it," and again this is something he says with a show of discomfort, "if he sticks to that code everyone else /should/ be all right. I hope. As for the Family trailing you back home...we can't rule it out. For all I know, Donnie's already been working on something like this, but maybe we can hook you up with some sort of tracking thing just in case, if you don't have a problem with it. That way, if..." He doesn't finish the sentence, but it's clear there are signs of worry present. He does worry.
- Michelangelo has posed:
Mikey bounces his shoulders up and down, the rest of his slice devoured in a fe quick bites that leave his hands all kinds of messy, "I've got a strong aversion to seeing him kill people, generally. Not just the kids, but like anyone, ya know? Seein it in one of the movies is one thing or like bustin' some butt in a video game when I'm spankin Leo at Mortal Fighter..."
The youngest turtle shivers.
"I still think about all them bodies, dude." Rare moment of deep emotional Mikey! "Anyways, like, who's the Family? Are they a real Family or is it like The Family" Air quotes. Looking then to April, "Becareful going home, April. Groups that name themselves the Family do not usually observe legality with regards to entering of private domain."
- April O'Neil has posed:
April pokes at her food and consumes little dainty bites of it, washing each one down with a sip of water. She shakes her head to both of their words about the Punisher. "Frank Castle doesn't kill kids." She says with a stern amount of confidence. "Trust me, its not his bag. All the callers who've called in to my show, the ones who've legit interacted with him? They vouch for the guy like he's some kind of street justice Jesus-type."
She looks up to both of them, her blue eyes going frome one of them to the other. "If you can get to a place where you tell him, explain to him, that a lot of the Foot Clan members are just kids who don't knwo what else to do with their lives... I think he'll listen." She says while raising the bottle up for another drink. "The Family? I honestly am not sure what to make of them yet, really. Need more information." Her eyes drop back to her dinner. "I got my tazer on me though, I'll be all right."
- Leonardo has posed:
About to reach for another slice, Leonardo lets that idea go for the time being. Instead, he frowns and shifts gears to approach Michelangelo. "I know what you mean, even if..yeah, whatever." The video game thing, he didn't need further reminding of, but he extends a hand toward one of Mikey's shoulders for a quick squeeze. "I got you, bro. I don't like any killing, even if it might be unavoidable sometimes. I have trust issues with people who are so quick to do it. That's why I'm being extra careful with Castle, whatever his reputation is. Maybe that's part of why." And, April vouching for him does carry some weight with the eldest turtle brother. "Thanks for saying that. I mean it. One way or another, we'll make sure he understands if he doesn't already."
Topic shift. "The Family?" Leo reminds, since he's had each of them on the lookout around Casey's place and a little time has gone by, "These so-called 'Friends of Humanity' guys were disappearing from around Mutant Town, and this group calling themselves the Family were taking credit for it. We talked to someone and April gave them Casey's address because the guy said they like to follow up on potential recruits and I wasn't about to lead them down here. Casey's been out of town and April's taking care of some stuff for him." He wasn't a big fan of April providing the info she did, but there was no real plan they had, no rewinding that part. What's done is done. "That's why we've been staking out his place, and I have a feeling they're not done checking it out. I don't think they'd hurt April, but they didn't sound like they had any trouble killing people either so that's another group to watch out for."
With most of the important stuff covered, it finally leaves them time to chat about the sorts of things teenaged turtles and a reporter and YouTuber can bond over: food, sports, movies, entertainment news, and so on, before it's time for April to go back topside, but not before she's thanked again for the grub. It leaves Leo feeling a little more confident in the plans they have, but it also gives him something extra to think about.