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Sittin' on the Tower by the Bay
Date of Scene: 03 October 2019
Location: Roof, Titans Tower
Synopsis: Two teammates meet each other. Awkwardness ensues.
Cast of Characters: Kian t'Kaeh, Amarok

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Sitting on the ledge, with his legs dangling over… no, not at the pool.  On the corner of the building, the little birdman just gazing out into space, or maybe he's watching the lights of Metropolis across the bay.  Hard to say, unless one's a telepath, and Kían would have probably noticed the presence of another one by now.
    He's not up to much, whatever he's doing there.  Basically just sitting on the parapet, wings flexing and folding lazily behind him.  Once in a while he sips at the water bottle to his left.

Amarok has posed:
    "…Twenty-five."  From behind Kian comes the sudden modulated voice of Amarok, as though he'd suddenly just blinked into existence, not so much as a breath of sound before he speaks up, "…How long I've been standing here… I get the question a lot…" he says monotonally, regardless of any reaction Kian may have to suddenly wuff.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "Kya!!"  Kían flings himself, startled, off the corner of the roof, swings around in a wide arc and… notices that the intruder alert sirens aren't going off and the hidden turrets are still hidden.  Whoever this is apparently belongs here.
    He touches down lightly on the parapet again, somewhat out of arm's reach.  "I think I have not met you yet," he says, tilting his head inquisitively.

Amarok has posed:
    Amarok continues deadpanning, showing no visible reaction Kian's panic.  "No, you haven't," he simply says before ponderously moving to Kian's side as he approaches the ledge, turning around and dropping back, narrowly catching himself on the edge with the backs of his knees, arms crossed in front of him.  He simply holds for a few seconds before suddenly slowly raising back up in a sit-up, then just as slowly lowering back down, beginning an almost slow motion routine.  "…Your file mentioned you're a telepath… your passive defenses are lacking…."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "I am," Kían says, "but complete only with other telepaths."  He moves just a little further away and explains, "I require physical contact to reach non-telepathic minds, so I couldn't 'hear' you approach."
    He blinks rapidly a couple times.  "I have a file?"

Amarok has posed:
    Amarok continues his routine as he monotones at Kian, "Hmm… sounds unhelpful… and yes.  Everyone has a file," he says dryly as he suddenly rolls over, now held onto the ledge by nothing but the tops of his feet as he begins doing that can only be described as reverse pull-ups.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kían watches the workout routine… or whatever it is… with interest but with little comprehension.  "I should read mine once I finish learning to read the language.  And everyone else's.  And forgive me, I have not greeted you properly."  From his perch, he bows slightly.  "I'm Kían, though if you've read about me you probably already knew that.  I do not know your name?"

Amarok has posed:
    Amarok simply grunts in reply to Kian's musing on the Titans files and the complexities of readin' good 'murican so he can be a proper Earthican.  When he introduces himself, Amarok rears up till he's sitting on his heels, knelt over the edge of the tower.  "Read it, couldn't pronounce it… and now, you don't," he monotones at him before slowly leaning back over the edge in a rewind of the motion to pull back up there.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "I'm genuinely curious what's in there.  I suppose that will depend most on who compiled it," Kían muses.  "I don't think a report filed by Stardust would bear much resemblance to one filed by Robin.  And either way, I would probably have to make corrections."
    He watches the calisthenics mutely for a moment, then says, a bit shyly, "May I ask what you do?  Your abilities, I mean.  If that's a rude question, I apologize."

Amarok has posed:
    Kian's semi-self question on the origins of the database is met with a sudden, "I did.  And before you ask, my file is off-limits," he says in his default monotone.  At Kian's question of his abilities, Amarok suddenly stops, as if someone had hit a pause button.  A few silent moments go by before he agonizingly slowly raises back up to seat his heels and pans his head to look at Kian.  "…I make your nightmares huddle in the corner…" he says with a grave inflection before slowly turning back to overlook the sea.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kían cants his head to the side inquisitively.  "I… can't say that clarified anything.  Are you a mindworker, dealing with trauma?" the little birdman asks.  "I suppose I've been lucky there.  I'm not much troubled by nightmares.  My waking life is weird enough."

Amarok has posed:
    Kian's lack of understanding of Amarok's overly flowery implied threat elicits a slight groan, sounding like feedback through the helmet.  A moment later, he sighs and returns with, "…Suffice to say, 'Robin' is my junior."  He says with verbal air quotes around Damian's codename.  Clearly not being edgy has put Amarok in a bad…der mood.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Well, from the look on Kían's face, that didn't clarify matters either.  "You're his older brother?"

Amarok has posed:
    Amarok pauses once again before letting out an even bigger groan.  "…Where's Beast Boy when I need him?" he rhetorically asks before smacking his head against the side of the wall he's hanging from.  "…No. We are not related…."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "Oh.  Well, that's good, then," Kían says, quite matter-of-factly.  "It's always awkward to speak poorly of someone to a relative.  I can't say I like him, and I do not think he likes me."

Amarok has posed:
    Amarok stops once again, just staring into the wall for several seconds before verbalizing a thought.  "…I have something in common with a talking bird… maybe the psyche officer was right."  Said loud enough for Kian to hear but not actually directed at him.  Amarok leans back up once more, resting once again on his heels.  "…'Robin' is a spoiled and ungrateful brat undeserving of everything life has given him… and if you tell him I said that, I will eat you," he says in as calm a monotone as ever.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "I prefer to think I am… not on a menu," Kían stammers, and moves just a little further away.  "I don't know about his personal life and situation.  All I know is that he is rude, unobservant, and possibly not sane."  After a moment's pause, the birdman adds, "Well, not sane at least by my definition of sane.  I am not a trained mental redactor.  You seem stable enough, though."

Amarok has posed:
    Amarok turns his back to Kian and just stares at him, unmoving, for a disconcertingly long time before suddenly turning back away.  "…Clearly," he says cryptically.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "Although," Kían says softly, almost a whisper, "I don't see how this kind of internal stress can lead to a truly functional team.  It's so unfortunate Earthpeople are not telepaths.  That solves so many problems."

Amarok has posed:
    Amarok retorts without missing a beat, "The team is utterly dysfunctional, each member reliant near solely on their own personal skillset moment to moment and only dimly aware of the capabilities of their teammates.  Implosion is inevitable."  How very cheery.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kían considers that.  "I don't think that's necessarily true.  Certainly I know my own limitations; I don't know for certain about anyone else's.  And I have a suspicion that if you really thought total collapse was both imminent and unavoidable, you wouldn't be here.  Yes?"

Amarok has posed:
    Amarok continues staring forward.  "…Some of us don't get a say in the matter," he says grimly before suddenly pushing up onto his feet and turning towards the door.  "…And now, you're forewarned," he says as he begins his stride away, apparently done with his routine.