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Doctor, Doctor - Irish edition
Date of Scene: 04 October 2023
Location: Ballea Castle - County Cork - Ireland
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Sinister, Doctor Strange

Sinister has posed:
Text messaging wizards or even emailing them isn't necessarily a thing that gets a lot of credit. When the wizard is also a doctor, that's just adding insult to injury. Everyone knows the only thing that they respond to is a code blue going off or their pager.

Not really, but it's a tough sell, trying to reach the Sorceror Supreme through conventional means. So, no effort was actually made. A thought was sent out, via extreme meditation techniques and sending an epiphling from the High Astral plane to go delivery a message -- cute little spirit entities that resemble lightbulbs, they tend to react quite well, when they've got a purpose, a notion or an idea to transfer or transform, which makes them quite adequate to the task.

The message: Tea/alcohol horse/car-riding. Ballea Castle, Ireland. ~Sin~

It's a nice place. Divided as it is between guest housing and a family estate as being the oldest continually occupied castle in Ireland, it's been well maintained a stately home. But it's also surrounded by rolling green and hills, away from generally hustly and bustly activity and has a working stable attached. Activity there seems to have put pre-approved planning permissions into effect and commercial, if unobtrusive digging and building machinery is discreetly dotted about the estate.

Sinister took possession not that long ago, listings went up for rental accomodation and live-in groundskeepers and he's been working on certain installation of off-grid electrical power. Currently, a few inspectors are just saying their fairwells to him and his new generator, which it's highly likely that they didn't see all of. But it's up to code. Apparently. Maybe. Probably not.
Doctor Strange has posed:
Whaterver the purpose or means, the message reaches Strange. Who, as it turns out, was just lounging around the Santorum when the mental projection receives. Moments later he's created a portal to the location in question and stepped through with all the gusto for which he is infamously known. Wearing the cloak of levitation and his extravigant, very colorful robes.

Hair immaculate.

This is important.

"Hello?" Turning a small circle upon exiting the portal, there's a single backwards step and spin. "This is quite lovely, actually." Said mostly to himself, peering into open doorways as he meanders around. Much like a house hunter, only without the guide to lead him about.

That's Stephen Strange for you, though, isn't it?
Sinister has posed:
It is quite pleasant, this little slice of Erin greenery. Vines on the castle walls, dogroses climbing stonework alongside it. Nicely maintained gravel ringways and the scent of the ocean not that far away. Yes, a little slice of a yesterday, perhaps.

Sensing a disturbance in the force, Sinister bids farewell to the inspectors and wanders up from the basement of the stately home and out ... to not find a Strange. This takes a while, when your guest is taking the audio-tour in his own head.

Eventually, he comes up on the Sorceror by the paddock that is adjacent to the ostlery, from times gone by. They have a farrier, but they don't live on this estate any more. Modern age. Gone are the days when everyone's handily onsite and indentured, right?

"Steven, you got my message. Excellent. And you appear to be ready to impress? I actually... was expecting plain clothes, but that's fine, too. Welcome to Ballea Castle -- former seat of the McCarthy's and now... mine. I'm fixing the place up. Apparently it came with five barn cats and some chickens too, which free range in the stables."

Sinister looks over the estate, smiles to himself and looks the sorceror over. "You're well, in yourself?"