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(A cursed sword of Belasco leads Illyana's darker personality to take control. Boris, Logan, and Scott intercept. Colossus is called and delivers his sister to the Med Bay.)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 00:12, 24 July 2018

Dancing with the Devil
Date of Scene: 23 July 2018
Location: Back Yard
Synopsis: A cursed sword of Belasco leads Illyana's darker personality to take control. Boris, Logan, and Scott intercept. Colossus is called and delivers his sister to the Med Bay.
Cast of Characters: Magik, Erddrache, Wolverine, Cyclops, Colossus

Magik has posed:

The moment she touches the sword, Illyana could feel it. The resentment, the anger, the wrath deep inside of her - it all wants to come out full circle, to let the world know what she truly is. She resists but fails, as the involved magic consumes her psyche. A once concerning facial expression shifts into a devilish grin. Gripping the sword of Belasco tightly, Illyana turns to face the woman who is helping her - was helping her - and her body begins to transform.

Horns, a tail, hooved feet - the Darkchilde becomes more apparent as the moments pass. A fit of maniacal laughter erupts from the pit of the demon's throat, screaming out in rage and delight. It faces the other mystical woman and steps forward. The sword lashes out at the bookshelves, carving its blade through wood as each step gets it closer to its prey. She would be the first victim of Darkchilde, the demon queen of Limbo.

But, there is resistance deep within its soulless frame. Looking to the left, a mirror displays a nightmare that should have been hidden. Back pedaling, the demon looks back to the woman, flinching, and then extends a hand in the opposite direction. A pool of golden light appears, a stepping disk, that would whisk the monster away from the area. But it refused to move - not yet. It has business to take care of first. Darkchilde screams in protest!

Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Back Yard.

The summoned pool of golden light appears brightly on the edge of the mansion grounds, by the forest. The day summer day is sunny and hot, but the trees provide a numerous amount of shade where the stepping disk can be seen. It pulses with noticeable energy. The loud roar of an otherworldly creature can be heard coming from it, possibly giving those within the backyard cause to investigate the situation.

Erddrache has posed:
A pool of golden light is hard to miss from wherever one is. Boris had only come back from his weekly visit to his pa, seeming a little worse for wear. As such he had taken up resting in a nice sunbeam through some tree.

Untill a portal appears. Than it is alll down hill

Boris was already emiting tremors when he saw the sudden portal, new abilities made him nervous. Especially when he had no idea what to expect. Standing up, large satch still strapped across his chest...he actually approaches the portal, his whiskers quivering in curiosity.

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan appears in the background in a white T-shirt, cowboy hat and boots, holding a newspaper. Did they still print those? In his mouth was half of a lit cigar. Having left his cottage, and deciding to head to the mansion for a snack, this was perfect timing. Or not so perfect timing, depending on your perspective.

    Logan's eyes narrow as he watches the scene unfold in front of him. Shaking his head, it only took miliseconds for the thought to travel from his mind, to his forearms...SNIKT! Both claws extend, and tossing the newspaper to the side, prepares for the worst. And expects the worst. Kept him from disappointment. Growling, Logan says, "What now. The Devil himself gonna grace us with his presence?"

Cyclops has posed:
Things have been fairly quiet around the mansion since Scott's return from his mountain 'vacation' upstate. Today had started off in a similar fashion. Coffee, making the rounds through the mansion, talking with a few of the students, the usual. He had just been speaking with the resident pop stars when he caught sight of Logan making his way across the back yard. Scott wanted to have a word with the resident wild one about having a chat with one of his team members who has a similar disposition to him when she gets angry.

From the time he saw Logan outside to the point when he reaches the door leading out into the back yard, a golden portal managed to appear on the edge of the forest. Immediately hearing the sounds of screams and seeing 6 adamantium claws, Scott jogs down the back steps and into the perfectly manicured grass covering the rear lawn. His eyes glued to the portal, he jogs over towards the runt, "Logan, what's going on?"

Magik has posed:
Darkchilde snarls and reveals its very sharp canine-like fangs towards the mystic woman, using intimidation as a tactic, and then another step is taken. And, another one. Shaking her head and fighting off the mental hold of Illyana's memories of morality, the demon lunges forward with the sword's point focusing on the woman. Only inches from her face, the demon freezes in place, its body suspended in the air, and it combusts into flame.

With a flick of the mystic's wrists, Darkchilde flies through the air and into the stepping disk. It appears on the other side, on the mansion grounds, tearing through tree branches and lands several yards from the now closed golden portal. Another roar can be heard coming from the demon as it collects its bearings, standing to its full height. Looking around, it takes in the sight of three different forms and a different atmosphere altogether.

No matter! Channeling its wrath, Darkchilde clutches Belasco's sword tighter and launches itself at the student, Boris. Someone is going to die today!

Erddrache has posed:
Boris eyes widen considerably when a demon flings itself through the portal. Several german curses leave his mouth that moment, put of fear, plaing and simple! He was about to address Scott and Logan...but there was a slightly more pressing matter comming at him

Instinctually Boris cross his bladed arms infront of himself. The earth just infront of him condenses and liquifies as a pillar of rock, dirt and grass rises as a barrier between him and the sword.

He yells out in a mix of spanish and german "<Someone, help, please! Demon thing person attacking!"> he exclaims clearly startled and frightened by the sudden encounter...but at least he wasn't defenseless.

Wolverine has posed:
    "Good question Cyke!" Logan points at the chaos. "Looks like the kid is clutching that sword pretty tight! Think that's why she's all dark?" Logan leaps forward in an attempt to get between Magik and Boris. Using his claws in an attempt to wound, block, deflect, and maneuver, Logan screams, "Kid! Illyana! What are you doing!" This was going to hurt!

Cyclops has posed:
The muscles around Scott's jaw ripple beneath his skin as he watches a sword and a demon-looking Illyana emerge from the portal and lunge towards Boris. His brows furrow behind his sunglasses as he jumps into action alongside Logan. The kid threw up a respectable defense of earth and grass but who knows how long that's going to hold her back.

Waiting a split second for Logan to increase the distance between them, he reaches up and tilts his sunglasses up to his forehead. As soon as his eyes are unobscured, a large blast of ruby red energy fires from them in Illyana's direction. He quickly drops his sunglasses back ontot he bridge of his nose, aiming to hit her with a stunning blast rather than a lethal one. He leaps forward and runs after Logan to put himself between the Wolverine and Boris in case he needs to act as backup. Pointing back towards the mansion, he yells out towards Boris, "Get back!" His priority is the safety of the students.

Magik has posed:
The sword slashes against the reformed Earth, creating a deep gash on the outside of the pillar but not causing the damage that the demon expected. Darkchilde raises the sword to strike once more, only to find Logan creating distance between Boris and herself. Frustrated, the demon utilizes her sword wielding skills to attack the clawed mutant. She thrusts forward but her attack is blocked. At the mention of her name, her guard drops slightly.

"I AM POWER! NOT SOME FEEBL--" Words are interrupted as three claws launch deep into Darkchilde's side. "AAHHH!" The demon screams in pain, the familiar sensation nothing in comparison to the torture she endured in the seven years of living in Limbo. Growling, Darkchilde takes notice of Scott taking aim, and she extends a free, clawed hand to open two portals. The first opened directly in front of her hand, allowing the optic blast to travel through; the second opened next to Logan, channeling the blast directly to him, in hopes of freeing his claws from her body.

Reeling and launching herself backwards, the free hand clutches her side and holds the wound. Smoke begins to come from it as black magic comes to aid the demon. Then, that same hand opens and another sword - a more familiar sword to the likes of the X-Men spotting it - molds from light and into its palm. The Soulsword is stabbed into the Earth and three pools of light appear before Boris, Logan, and Scott. Three monstrous, demonic creatures crawl from the portals with exposed teeth and tattered wings. They roar in anger.


Erddrache has posed:
Boris had NO problem listening to Scott and began running towards the mansion and saddly was quite slower than most humans when running. His tremors had by now increased in power, tree shaking and leaning.

But than as the extra demons appear....control over his abilities go out the window. Trees fall and even some of the nearby basketballs fields crack, and the roads seem to rise and shift from the siesmic waves.

Boris whisker quivered more - he knew going inside might get other hurt...and stay put might get him hurt. Fight or flight....he chooses to fight. "Sorry, Mr. Proffosor Summer, vink amma hafta stay wit ye on vis wan"

Boris jumps up turning upside down and burrows into the ground with astounding speed, burrowing beneath within seconds. His movement below can be felt by the others as it was strongest where he was...within second he gave himself some distance....and than launched out of the earth like a living canonball right at a demon. His body was curled into a tight ball as he spun through the air - almost resembling a spinning saw with the bone like blades on his back, though not quite as fast. Amazing what a little adrelaline can push a person to do.

Wolverine has posed:
    Ignoring what was going on behind him, and maneuvering into battle, Logan watches as the crimson blast from Cyke's eyes disappear into the portal. Good to know he was also in the fight, but that didn't work. With a growl of satisfaction at his strikes bring her back, even a little. It was short lived as Scott's beams strike Logan in the chest, causing him to hit the ground...hard.

    His face a mask of agony at the pain from Scott's blast, Logan notes the new arrivals, and with a leap, Logan charges into battle once more, his main thought to protect the student as well.

    Slashing at the demon in front of him, Logan tries again. "'yana! You know you can fight this! Fight it! We both know what it is like ta' have that demon inside! Push it back! Fight!" With a growl, Logan adds, "Don't make me do this, kid! Yer brother would kill me!"

Cyclops has posed:
When a portal opens up and swallows his eye blast, Scott curses under his breath. When the blast shoots out from another portal and slams into Logan, he curses again. Sorry Logan.

He reaches for his sunglasses again so he can fire another blast at Illyana when another portal opens up in front of him to expose a new small demon. He diverts his gaze towards the fresh spawn and raises his glasses and sneers, his teeth gnashed together as a larger optic blast spews from his eyes towards the demon. He needs to take care of this one quick and end this before anyone gets hurt.

He hears Logan yelling off to the side. Before someone else gets hurt.

Magik has posed:
The demon facing Boris doesn't know what hit it, falling forward as its reptilian-like skin is torn open and exposing black blood. It roars in pain, but again, it is not the likes of the pain of Limbo, and turns around to swipe a clawed paw at the student when he loses momentum.

Logan's demon is no match for his adamantium claws, and is ravaged as the brute drove his claws into it. It falls to the ground as life leaves it body, leaving its 'mother' to curse the attacker. "YOU FOOL! THAT INSIGNIFICANT BRAT IS NO MATCH FOR BELASCO'S SWORD. YOU WILL PAY WITH YOUR LIFE!" Without any further words, Darkchilde moves with enhanced agility towards Logan.

Scott's demon is barraged with the force of his optic blasts, giving it no time to collect its bearings once it exits the stepping disk. The continuous blast pushes it back against a tree and is knocked unconscious.

Taking notice of Scott's efforts, Illyana places herself between Scott and Logan, two swords in her hand. Engaging both at the same time, Darkchilde's confidence growing a bit through their interaction, the demon moved like a dance and attacks them at the same time.

Erddrache has posed:
Boris lands roughly, unsteadily after havbing down damage to the demon. As he turns around, he finds his face and chest getting clawed by the demon. Boris let out a cry of pain as the large claws left deep gashes. Boris stumbles back as he is blinded by blood in his eyes and even getting part of one of his extreamly sensitive whiskers, knicked off.
    Boris breaths deeply as he recover from the attack. He tries to blink the blood away and wipes at his eyes. For all intents and purposes, he seemed a sitting duck.

Wolverine has posed:
    "Okay, fine!" Nodding at Cyke as he deals with his demon, and then at Boris as well, "Cyke! The kid!" Nodding towards Boris, Logan returns his gaze towards Illyana after leaving the demon behind on the ground, a victim of Logan's claws "Belasco's Sword" rings in his mind.

    Time for a new tactic. Wincing slightly, Logan frowns. This tactic? To remove Illyana from that sword sword. Gritting his teeth, Logan "grabs" one sword in the claws of his left hand, knowing it would probably cut him. A small price to pay if his plan works.

    Moving in a reflection of her "dance" while slashing at Illyana's wrist with the other claw, attempting to sever it, Logan tries to remove Belasco's sword from her grasp. The hard way. This wouldn't be pretty, if it worked. Illyana was good. "I'm sorry kid!" Was all he said, as his claws slash.

Cyclops has posed:
Cyclops watches as the demon hit by his optic blast slams into a tree and the collapses to the ground and falls still. That's one down. He doesn't have to think twice about the demon that popped up next to Logan. The shrieking of Darkchilde confirms that for him as he glances over towards Boris after Logan points him out. This has him distracted enough that he doesn't expect Illyana's rapid advance to place her between Logan and himself.

He quickly flips his sunglasses up again as his eyes lock onto the demon that just tagged Boris, his optic blasts firing off just as he feels a sharp pain in his side. Closing his eyes tightly from the pain, he does his best to cover them once more with his shades as he staggers to the side, away from Illyana as much as he can.

He wraps an arm around his stomach, pressing his palm against the wound caused by one of Illyana's swords. He can feel warmth spreading between his ribs and his palm as blood soaks into his shirt. Fortunately, Logan is tangling with her now. Taking a few more steps back, he groans as he straightens his posture. Pain nags at him but he ignores it for now as he looks back over towards Boris. If the demon that injured him is still up and at 'em, he'll prepare another optic blast to send it back to hell.

Magik has posed:
Darkchilde is pleased when her attack strikes Scott. A devilish smile, exposing fanged teeth, goes to the man as he falters. However, him being the distraction means Logan is able to gain the upper-hand, and his claws entangle and trap her Soulsword in place. Making every attempt to free the piece of her soul that remains, Darkchilde allows it to be her focus, and doesn't notice as Logan slices through her entire wrist.

A sharp pain explodes through the demon, twisting her head to the sight of Belasco's sword falling to the ground. Crimson blood sprays from the appendage as she howls in more pain. She releases the Soulsword and grabs Logan by the throat, tossing him away. But it is too late. She could feel a part of her returning, the overflow of memories, the light at the end of the tunnel.

The demon's form began reverting: her horns disappeared, blonde hair returned, the hooves returned to ten toes, claws reverting to ten fingernails... well, five fingernails because her other hand is on the ground. Illyana releases large breaths as she falls to the ground in exhaustion. Blood stains her attire and pain continues to flow through her, choosing to ignore it.

"Wha- what... Where am I?" Illyana asks, looking around. "Mr. Summers? Logan?" To the side she can see another person, someone she is unfamiliar with. Lifeless demons sprawled throughout the area, and only one thought comes to mind in this moment: "What have I done?"

Erddrache has posed:
The demon approaches Boris ready preparing to strike him down! Two things happen at once that ended the demons life. Boris despite being blinded actually side steps the claws comming down that would have surely ended him.
    As the demon turns around to go for Boris again, the beam from Scott reaches the demon and blast through the being who falls to the ground dead. The day was won.
    Boris still blind and sending out the tremors, was still in pain. "Mr. Summers? Mr.Summers?" he asks only knowing Scotts name. he heard a new voice, one he did not recognize "new persoon, be of vee careful dere demons" he stumbles forward as he tries to figure out where to go and where everyone is.

Wolverine has posed:
    Tossed through the air, Logan flies towards the nearest tree, and strikes it...hard! Stars explode all around him as he then hits the tree and then the ground, the wind knocked out of him. Trying to shake his head to get his bearings, Logan gasps, and struggles to stand.

    It will be a few minutes before Logan is able to get up, but as he struggles to remain conscious. Then, the sweet sound of Illyana's voice hits his ears. All's he can force through his lips is..."Wel...come. Home. Kid. Ugh. Nice...toss."

    Logan knows Scott will rush to her help, and it would be alright. Boris was fine. At least he hoped it wouldall be alright. Piotr would be pis*ed...

Cyclops has posed:
The demon that was attacking Boris now dealt with, Scott collapses to one knee, planting a hand firmly on the grass to support himself as he looks over to see Logan hurled into a tree. A heavy sigh escapes his throat as he prepares to fire another blast towards the demon when suddenly Illyana's voice returns and utters his name. 'Thank God,' he thinks to himself as he lowers his head and closes his eyes in pain from the wound. He reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a small communicator device and presses a button the side, "Piotr, I think you might want to come out to the back yard."

With that, he stuffs the communicator back into his pocket and rises back to his feet with another grunt. Stepping over to Boris, he kneels down to make sure the kid is okay while glancing over at Illyana, "Ms. Rasputin." He pauses and takes another deep breath, "There are better ways to say hello." A poor attempt at humor despite the scene of devastation that now litters the back yard of the institute.

Magik has posed:
On her knees, allowing the greenery underneath her to hold up her weakened frame, Illyana takes a look around once more. The devastation, indeed. Those glacial blue orbs find their way to the sword that started it all, remembering what she was doing before opening the glass barrier around it and wielding it.

Slowly crawling her way to the cursed sword, noticing her hand is still firmly wrapping around its holster, Illyana winces as she leans over and pries her limbs from it. Almost instantly, the red-tinted appendage reverts to its usual olive shade once it is free. Attaching it to the nub on her arm, Illyana closes her eyes and concentrates, whispering a spell.

A light frames the severed area and a wisp of smoke rises into the air as the appendage is reattached. Illyana is still not able to move her fingers though. When Scott calls into the communicator for her brother, Illyana prickles in fear. "No!" she calls out, "He cannot see me like this, please!" There is no denying the shame that Illyana projects through her words.

But, it is too late. It is time for Illyana to be an adult.

Erddrache has posed:
With the apparent calmness he hears in everyone, Boris assumes whatever did happen has passed. "Kin somewan tell meh vat jist hell jist happened?" he asks, the tremors now dieing. Bone plating grew over the damage he did sustain. The dwarven mutant gets down onto his arms and legs and burrows into the earth - least things where stable under the ground. For now he merely listens.

Cyclops has posed:
Scott's brows arch as Boris burrows down into the ground. Looks like he's alright for the time being. Just then, a muffled voice sounds from within his jacket pocket. Piotr confirming that he's on his way just as Illyana voices her apprehension about having to face him in her current state.

He slowly rises to his feet and walks towards Illyana as she reattaches her severed hand to her arm. He winces both in pain at his own wound as well as the sight of her mending herself, "Are you okay?" His breathing begins to steady as he wills himself to calm down so less blood is pumping through his body and onto his clothes. He glances down at his side as he pulls his hand away from the gash. It's deep but he'll live. He's been through worse.

Colossus has posed:
The big Russian is not upset at first, but was still moving at a strong clip, which speeds up into an armored charge after he lays eyes on the forms of people laying on the lawn. There is a lot of armored Colossus on display; he was at the lake. His thundering approach brings him into the back yard, to lay eyes on the people actually present.

"What is happening here?!" Piotr asks at top volume. Logan at the tree, and then --- Illyana. He rushes to her immediately, dropping to knees at her side, distress and horror evident, overwhelmed by the blood all over her. He had a towel over his neck, he yanks it off, but can't quite find the blood source on her; he missed the severed-hand thing. "Dragotsennaya sestra."

Magik has posed:
Illyana does not see Scott wince, nor does she see anything around her. Her eyes are firmly focused on the grass below her, as thoughts race through her head and options formulate silently. If she really wanted, Illyana could have simply teleported away, back to Limbo to live out her time-displaced days, but something inside of her forces her to remain.

The baritone of his voice sends a slight chill down her spine, and slowly, she looks up from the grass to meet his concern. "Dorogoy brat," Illyana replies. She attempts to stand, raising slowly from the grass, but stumbles just enough to illustrate the weakness in her body after the ordeal. "I'm sorry."

Erddrache has posed:
Boris head perks up at the thundering approach. Oh....oh no. That is not a person he wants to be on the bad side of. That being said, Boris wasn't going to leave the question unaswered "Some demoon ladeh came vrough vis portal und attacked. She had brooght three othar demons wit her...hence vee bodies aroon here" his head perks back down.

Cyclops has posed:
Thinking Piotr should be here for his sister's arrival, Scott had called for him. He hadn't, however, planned on going into any details about what had just happened. Everyone was alive and mostly uninjured. Then Boris pokes his head out from the ground and spills the beans before hunkering back down. Scott closes his eyes for a moment before glancing over at the metallic hulk looking his sister over.

He lets out another quiet sigh and looks back at Illyana. She seems to be mending okay. He'll be fine with a little medical attention and Logan will boune back in no time. Boris also seems okay. Just a fun little 'welcome home' party.

"Nothing a little lawn maintenance can't take care of," he says as he surveys the collateral damage around the grounds. He should probably head to the infirmary.

Colossus has posed:
A simple headshake is given to Illyana's apology. He won't hear it, whatever it was. Piotr doesn't really have a full scope of exactly what is going on, but Illyana standing on her own isn't something necessary. He reverts out of his metal form, a clear show of total trust, and attempts to gently steer her against him, before picking her up with exceptional care. "Quiet for now. I take you to medical," Piotr tells her, in a voice that is both no-nonsense and caring. He finally looks to Scott as well, present enough to take in the severity of the other X-Man.

Magik has posed:
Illyana has no will to fight - not her brother, at least. When he picks her up, she falls comfortingly into his chest. In moments as these, she wishes she could blink her eyes and everything would go back to normal. Unfortunately, Illyana has learned over the years that normal and the mansion did not go hand in hand. So instead, her blue eyes close tightly as she is carried by Piotr.

Erddrache has posed:
Boris pokes his head back up and notes the formally metal giant wasn't going on a rampage. This was a good sign and his own tremors have calmed down. Comming back up, he walks over to Logan and hefts him up, mind of his blades. He than walks over to Scott as he carries Logan "do sie need vee Hand Mr. Proffessor Summers?" he still wasn't sure who Illyana is, not making the connection between her and the demon who attacked, but kept glancing to the Rasputin's with some wonder.

Cyclops has posed:
As Piotr takes up Illyana and Boris walks over to assist the dazed Wolverine, Scott grimaces as his muscles shift and send a fresh spike of pain through his torso. He shakes his head and waves Boris off with his bloody hand, "Thanks, I got it."

Not looking forward to the paperwork he'll have to fill out about the incident, he turns and starts to make his way back towards the mansion's back steps. He casts another glance towards the non-metal form carrying Illyana and nods appreciatively at his quick response.

Colossus has posed:
As Scott appears to be mobile on his own, Piotr nods once simply back to him. His attention goes fully back to the girl in his arms, and he carries Illyana swiftly through to the elevators, confident to lead the 'charge' to the infirmary facilities. If the demon sword was left behind somewhere, he didn't notice or care about it: all eyes were for his little sister.