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Latest revision as of 12:18, 2 August 2018

Greenwich Cafe
Date of Scene: 06 June 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Vincent Black

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is seated inside the cafe at a table with tall chairs that you sort've have to crawl up onto! Hipster cafes!

She's got a white scarf on around her neck and her hair is tied back into a ponytail with the white bangs actually braided on either sides of her face, two white braids just laying against her cheeks as she stares down at her phone while sipping from her drink.

She's dressed pretty casually otherwise, a black loose fit shirt that has the shoulders cut out so her bared shoulders are visible... which is certainly a danger but generally people don't walk up and touch you, right? Take a chance!

Rogue leans back in her chair and takes a sip of her drink, then settles the cup down onto the table in front of her.

Vincent Black has posed:
    Vincent slips into the hipster cafe with his a dark blue hoodie on, and the hood raised up over his salt and pepper hair. The cop hasn't seen Rogue in several years. Or at least to him it's been several years, to her it's been a few months since she last saw the weird old cop. It's bright out, and so he's odd looking with the hood up and no sun glasses. He sits down in front of Rogue at her table, instantly recognizing the avenger and sighing as he looks up from under his shadow cast hood.

    "I need your help Anna Marie." The man whispers in a soft tone.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue isn't the best with faces... and when they're encased inside of hoodies it doesn't help much neither. So when he sits down across from her and says that, the 19 year old Southerner just looks up at him and narrows her eyes... her eyes are surrounded by a black eyeliner which make the green pupils stand out even more sharply in contrast.... and she just glares over the table at the guy.

"Who the hell are you?" She says to the man, simply having forgotten that interaction they DID have several months ago, a lot has happened to the girl since then and well, she wasn't that great with faces anyhow!

Vincent Black has posed:
    A lot has happened to Rogue yes, but even time itself has been against Vincent between their interactions, but he's never forgotten Rogue. Not once. He lifts his hand towards the top of his hood and slowly pulls it off his head to show his face for a brief moment before he pulls it back up. She'd likely recognize him as the guy who was on the news who fell out of a third story window and was shooting in public at some weird robot. Now he's here next to Rogue and hopefully she recognizes the time travelling cop's face.

Rogue has posed:
Unfortunately the Rogue who he knew best wasn't from this reality! That Rogue is happily enjoying her role as a leading member of the Xavier School... in a much much different world. This Rogue? She watches him lower the hood and her eyes just narrow yet again.

"I recognize you." She says then. "You were the hobo in the park from last summer or... was it fall?" She can't remember and thats clear on her face. "Either way..." Rogue shakes her head from right to left and looks back down to her phone.

"You're wanted by the cops or something, aren't ya?" She says then to him. "I'm an Avenger, ya know? I can just grab ya by the wrist and drag your ass right t'the police." She raises her cup up for another sip from it.

Vincent Black has posed:
    "If that's what you feel like doing." Vincent says with a shrug before he holds out his hand across the table, waiting and even offering for her to take him in and do her duty as an Avenger. "Or are you going to keep making empty promises Rogue?" Vincent says after a brief pause, willing to push her in his own way. He knows she's not the same Rogue he loved at one time, but she is A Rogue.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's green eyes look up at his hand then as its offered and she waits a second before smirking. "No." She replies to him. "Mosta them cops aren't that fun t'be around. The rest just drool over me and thats just kinda awkward." She's being a bit full of herself, but this Rogue is pretty different from other's Vincent has known... she's got a bit of a Celebrity Status thing going on thats given her a bit more of an ego.

"Alright, right. Whatdya need?" She asks him then, setting her phone down cause Twitter was boring right now anyway and getting WAY too political right now. She looks over the table at the old man and waits to see what he can do to entertain her more.

Vincent Black has posed:
    Vincent rolls his eyes as she admits she's hot and yet he's almost certain in some way he bothers her by ignoring her entirely. His eyes while old, still never stray away from her face. "I need you to find all the info you can about Hendricks and Walstrom." The cop says as he's bending his top slightly to the left so he can shove his arm into his pocket and pull out a flash drive that he claps onto the table and slides over to Rogue.

    "On this is some data in regards to what they're building. They haven't really built one that works fully yet, but you should be able to find their plans on there. It gets bad, for us. Marie. Real bad." He says as he pulls his hand away slowly and keeps his eyes on face.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just stares right on back at him while he talks and her head tilts after she hears what he has to say, then slides the little device over at her... She knows what those are, sort've. "Is that a lawfirm or something?" Thats a pretty decent guess from the otherwise clueless teenage tank girl. She sits up in her seat and adjusts her shirt a little on her shoulders before she reaches out for the Drive.

"This damn thing bette'ah not have a buncha dick pics on it. I can't tell ya how sick I am of gettin' dick pics these days." She sighs dramatically and scoops the Drive up in her gloved right hand then flips it over in the palm to eye the other side too.

Vincent Black has posed:
    Vincent looks over to the doorway as if he's waiting for someone to come in, but he's also technically a wanted criminal at this point. His brown eyes flit back to Rogue, and yet still he only looks her in the eyes, unwaveringly, or uninterested in the rest of her. "I believe you do, but that's not what this is."

    He takes a long breath in, "I understand they were a law firm that switched to a tech based company and will soon create a quite, private option to compete with the sentinel program." He says with another glance around the room and his salt and pepper hair peeks out as he does, but he sighs before looking back to Rogue.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue holds the flash drive between both of her gloved hands, pointer fingers and thumbs. She then lowers it after he finishes speaking and she stares over the table at him. "You realize that I have to take this Tony Stark then, right?" She says to him. "I mean, if what you're sayin' is true, then its his kinda thing... and he pays my paychecks, so... I gotta take it t'him. I can't just got all, ya know, rogue agent on this kinda thing. I know, its ironic as hell, but its how it is now." All her eggs were in this Avengers backet. She didn't have Charles Xavier's money, or Stephen Strange's money funding her expensive college, she was having to do it herself... through Avengering things...

Vincent Black has posed:
    "Just make a copy for yourself first in case he doesn't act on it." Vincent says before he stands up and frowning at Rogue, countless memories that he keeps hidden because it's the right thing to do. "This is something you'll want to look into yourself though." He says before has a flash across his face as he has something don on him. "I'll find you in a few days Rogue, and you can take me in then if you must." Vincent says before he's starting to leave the cafe and stick to the shadows.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue glances over at him as he gets up and says all of that, she frowns a little at it and mutters. "Phrasing..." like any good teenage girl in 2026 likely would. Her hand reaches out again to pick up the drive once more and she moves to slide it into a pocket on her hoodie which is draped over the back of her chair. "I'll check inta it all, I promise." She then says to the man, because hey... he may be weird, but he's a concernzed citizen and she's a public certified Hero! ... or something, she's trying to do this Hero thing right! Its what Carol Danvers does, and everyone loves her!