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LexHub: Designing with Doom
Date of Scene: 07 June 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Lex and Victor meet to discuss LexHub, and the council of The Light.
Cast of Characters: Lex Luthor, Doctor Doom

Lex Luthor has posed:
LexTech is known for cutting edge technologies, but Special Projects is where the magic happens. With the Latverian dictator having already received his invitation to the Council while Lex was busy with LexCorp matters, it was simply a matter of inviting the good Doctor over. Lex Luthor had something he wanted to show Doctor Doom, and the address provided to Victor was a /MASSIVE/ LexTech complex in Metropolis. It had something to do with space, and Lex Luthor was interested in some consultation, as well as discussing Doctor Dooms role in the New Order of things.

However Doctor Doom arrives, two armed Team Luthor guards await his arrival outside the complex. Mr. Luthor had requested his visit be discreet for unknown reasons... emphasis on 'request'.

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom was in Latveria when he received Luthor's invitation. Thus, seeing a possible advantage in seeing Lex, Doom made the journey in a quick and orderly fashion, by simply creating a portal to metropolis, appearing in an alleyway and making his way towards the LexTech compex that was described. Dressed in his full titanium alloy armor with that black hood and cloak enveloping his whole being, glowing green energy at his chest, palms, eyes, and feet designate careful use of repuslor tech.

Not bad at all.

Doom simply nods to the guards as he arrives, letting them lead the way to his fellow Council member, curious as to what he needs to show him. Besides, Doom has always shown great interest in technologies regarding space tech.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Welcome, Mr. Doom." One of the guards offers in greeting, "Mr. Luthor is waiting for you. Please, follow us." Other Team Luthor guards can be seen here and there along the complex now, the fortress like walls surrounding the LexTech complex having previously barred line of sight. They look Victors way, but don't deviate from their patrol patterns.

Victor is led into a hallway with a security checkpoint. The scan is brief, before Victor and his escorts are let through out into a large warehouse like area, and they turn to the left for a personnel elevator. The elevator itself going down about ten levels once inside.

The elevator comes out into a catwalk above a /MASSIVE/ underground chamber. Someone could fit an entire super-freighter in here without a problem. Little wonder it's on the edge of the city, towards empty land; Putting this in the center of Metropolis would almost certainly cause massive utility problems for the city.

Off to the left is what looks like a control booth of some kind attached to the catwalk. In it stand Lex, Mercy, and Hope. All three are looking at a large holo-projection in the middle of the room.

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom says nothing, simply nodding once to the guards as they lead him through the facility. Doom is polite and follows all the safety measures in place, including the scan. He must admire Luthor's regard for the safety of his projects, at the very least. Doom would have inevitably done the same. As he enters the elevator, he's still almost frightfully silent. He was focused. Why specifically was he here? His questions will be answered soon enough.

The doors open and it's like Darth Vader just arrived on the Death Star. Doom approaches that long catwalk to that massive chamber, his midnight black cloak trailing behind him as his eyes explore the area, eventually coming across Luthor, Hope, and Mercy. "Luthor. You asked, and now you recieve." Doom states in greeting.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Victor! May I call you Victor? I've always wanted to meet you, but LexCorp just keeps me so busy." Lex starts with a happy tone to his voice as he turns to regard Doctor Doom. His perfectly tailored business suit is adjusted slightly as he walks over to VIctor and offers a hand. "Welcome to LexTech Special Projects Complex 3."

Now that Victor is in the booth, he can clearly see the projected image; some sort of enclosed assembly. "The chamber itself is new construction, but it'll be seeing use within the year. This is where we're designing and testing LexHub, LexCorps eventual space station." Hope and Mercy look every bit the part of heavily armed and outfitted bodyguards, and they move to either side of the chamber as they keep an eye on Doctor Doom.

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doctor Doom looks to Lex. "Even if I said know, I have a feeling you would still refer to me by that name. But it will suffice, for now." Doom permits with no immediate feeling of irritation that Lex would be able to detect, but he extends a hand to shake Lex's. He's a King first and foremost, after all. Which means while he's first among equals, he also is extremely knowledgeable and willing for common social etiquette. His grip is firm, though despite the armor, the grip isn't painful at all for Lex.

"So I see. A space station? To what end would you need a space station." Doom questions Luthor, his eyes analyzing the schematic holographic blueprint that Lex appears to have set up. Ah, Hope and Mercy, pretending they could be a threat to Doom. He does take notice of Luthor's apparent...taste in bodyguards.

"...a well-done design." And from Doom? you might as well get a diploma in Nuclear Astrophysics with those words.

Lex Luthor has posed:
The holo-display is given a look again, before Lex moves over to it, and starts to point with his hand vaguely over the image, "Why wouldn't I want a space station? We have the technology to build it quickly and effectively, and once LexHub is operational, we can start to build spaceships of our own to start exploring and exploiting our own system, and beyond. Maybe do more. There are a lot of possibilities for revenue for LexCorp too."

Lex looks back to Victor with a smile, "Can you imagine what a Zeta-tube equipped shipyard can do for profit margins? Build satellites for our communications grid right in space, and just toss them out the airlock with thrusters to get them into proper orbit. The possibilities are /endless/."

Doctor Doom has posed:
Victor keeps his eyes strictly on the holographic blueprint in front of him, not looking to anyone for now. Yes, he assumed Lex would build a space station just to have one, but he's smart enough to know that there is an underlying reason for it. Perhaps to rival the Watchtower of the Justice League?

Nevertheless, Doom finally turns his head to Luthor. "....I take it you already plan on using a nuclear self-sustaining core for the station. I'd suggest a titanium-alloyed shell to properly maintain the energy supply. Doom will assist you with the technology for individual crafts." Apparently he sees fit to join him in this endeavor, seeing distinct advantages in it's use. of course he's going to probably secretly weaponize it. juuuust in case.

"But I somehow doubt that you brought Doom here to observe and admire a blueprint-plan for a space station."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"It's partially why I requested your presence. As you can imagine, security is a concern when it comes to projects of this magnitude. I can only imagine how far you go with your own security needs in Latveria." Lex notes as he steps forward, toward the glass pane that gives a beautiful view of the still under construction chamber. His hands move behind his back as the businessman billionaire watches, "I am working on building many technologies for the benefit of LexCorp and the Light. I've been told that you accepted the terms of the council, and I wanted to touch base with you about LexHub, and the council itself."

Lex turns his head just enough to look at Victor with a side glance, "I'm looking for as many second opinions as possible on the design of this. There are... elements... of this station that will require expertise out of my specialty. You and Selene are both adept in the mystic arena." He gives a charming smile, "the mystic and technological points of it I'm very interested in working with you on design and testing. For example; building vacuum chambers for space grade testing of components is pointless if you can design a spell for it thats much less expensive. Designing mystical wards that work in sync with the security technology. Is that something you'd be interested in?" Lex inquires.

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom simply seems content to remain silent with his arms crossed as Lex explains his mad idea. Victor doesn't reply when Lex brings up that Doom accepted a position on the council, seeing no reason to confirm or deny since word had already gotten out. He keeps his eyes on the chamber which holds Luthor's grand idea and keeps it secret, for now. At the talks of 'touching base' about the council and LexHub, Doom nods. "Speak."

and sure enough, Doom had assumed correctly that Lex might ask for help on such a project. Though he didn't expect asking assistance of a more mystic nature. Though Selene's magic accuity does make Doom scoff lightly. "She's a dabbler compared to me...But." Doom cliffhangs for a moment.

"Fine." Doom answers, because he can't use other members of the Light to his advantage if he doesn't play nice. "It's childsplay for Doom, but I will assist you." always so confident and proud.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"More eyes on a project is always good, but the nature of this project means any sort of sabotage or espionage would set our schedule back weeks or months. LexHub is meant to serve as a central control hub for both LexCorp and the Light, with a legitimate front to it from my own connections." Lex gives in reply, "Which means calling in experts with a vested interest in making this project work." His eyes go back to the chamber, and his tone gives an air of charming amusement as he continues, "I'm sure you'd have your own interests in building a project of this magnitude, and I'm happy to listen to them in return for your time. I'm the best technologist on the planet myself, so having someone who can handle the mystical end will ensure that LexHub is a very secure place for our use."

He turns then, bodily, to regard Victor, "I don't know how much Grodd told you about our organization. We have a number of plans in the works, and you have a reputation for... not accepting outside interests or influences. With our council being all about sharing power and the mutual goal of advancing Earth as the dominant power, with us in control... what made you decide to align yourself with the council, if I may ask?" Lex inquires. He might not be able to see the man entirely... but Lex is an adept judge of character and reader of body language, enough to get a read on the Latverian dictators reaction.

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom crosses his arms as he watches the project in the process of being created as Lex goes on his minor speal. Every detail, every word, every syllable resonates in Doom's mind as he remembers every word Lex says in the event that he needs to prove a point one of these days. Though when Lex says he's the best technologist on the planet, it appears as though Doom turns his head slowly towards him, as if to challenge that notion. But he remains silent to let Lex speak.

"You are right in assuming that someone of a mystic mastery will ensure that this space station is fully secure and a worthy space for members of the Light. As it stands, even one such as I needs to make compromises for the greater god of humanity and of earth itself." Much like Luthor, even Doom isn't above not focusing on himself and helping society as a whole. With that in mind, as Doom is asked why he joined the light in the first place, Doom looks to Lex. "The answer is simple. There has been a far greater presence of the outside universe of late. Aliens invade the world. We push them back by the skin of our teeth. More aliens make themselves known and we try to play nice and stay off their radar. If we continue in such a manner, there will be a day when humans are sent groveling to their knees. Latverians included."

"If I do not help you, the eventual repercussions will eventually arrive. Because of that, there is no reason that has been presented that is both logical and sound as to why I should've refused. Humanity will be the great power. The top of the food chain. If it means I must play well with others and share my resources as others do the same, then I find no reason to not do the same." Doom answers clearly and straight to the point, leaving no room for monologues or words of pride.

Though even Luthor is smart enoughto know that Doom is probably planning something nonetheless. He's not one of the top five greatest minds in the world because he grew careless.

Lex Luthor has posed:
As Lex listens, he allows Victor to finish without interruption, before he nods firmly. "Your assessment is ninety five percent in sync with mine. One day, the powers beyond Earth will seek to undermine our economic, political, and civil infrastructure, regardless of nation, if they aren't already. The very concept of nations is pointless in comparison to the empires that have their eyes on us already. Among other things, LexHub is meant to be the start of a shipyard to start to correct that imbalance, along with starting to consolidate organizational resources so we can start to direct the UN and SHIELD along the paths we desire. I assume Grodd gave you the initial draft for the council charter?" Lex asks, eyebrow raised. No nonsense for that question.

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom listens to Lex's words. Eventually nodding. "Precisely." Victor agrees with Lex's assessment pretty easily, and nevertheless the question of the hour has arrived. Did Grodd give him the initial draft. "No. I was expecting it, but our Gorilla ally found himself captured before I received the official charter for inspection." Doom didn't seem perturbed. Nevertheless, his eyes fall upon Lex. "Which brings me to -my- reason for visiting." He assumes Lex can connect the dots that he wants to see the charter. or at least have Lex inform him.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Of course. Which is why I checked." Lex concedes, before he pulls out a thumb drive, "this is encrypted and only council members have a key to get into it." He presses the drive into the USB slot on the holo-projector, "Anya, display file 001." And a set of documents pops up, encrypted. "Decrypt. Voice authorization: A New World." A female voice can be heard from the speaker system, "Access granted." The documents decrypt in front of Victors eyes, and Lex goes back to the control station at the front of the catwalk booth and begins to type, "The council is not formally convened yet, but once it is, the rules in that will take effect."

A backwards glance, "If you find reason to reject those terms, there is room for negotiation... but not by much. If you do, I'd love to get started on the design for the central module. The Zetatube station in particular has been giving us headaches. I've had to redesign it twice so far."

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom nods lightly to Lex as he sees the documents that begin and end the charter, his eyes falling upon it as he reads through each word...each carefully crafted line. "I accept these terms." Doom states clearly and confidently, with no room in his tone or his body language to suggest otherwise. "Though I advise that each member of the Council sign the final and complete draft to ensure that everyone knows the rules and boundaries of which we are set."

Finally, as Lex asks to get started on working with him for the Zetatube station of the LexHub, Doom simply nods. "Of course you have. Tell me, have you been assuming you can teleport anywhere? or do you have zeta-capable machines in select areas where we could arrive at select points. Both have far different solutions..." and thus a meeting of minds begins.