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Latest revision as of 12:48, 2 August 2018

Remember that time the guy with no arm came by...
Date of Scene: 11 June 2018
Location: Metropolis
Synopsis: Clark and Lois know each other too well...
Cast of Characters: Superman, Lois Lane

Superman has posed:
He seems to be in good spirits as Clark shows up for lunch in your office. Why your office? Because you have one and he does not. And so he sets down the take out. It's pot stickers, noodles, and mongolian beef. There probably should have been a vegetable dish but...you know...men. And so he puts down a couple of large unsweetened teas with lemon and he takes a seat in a chair. Of course, it's still piping hot cause....Clark. He manages to get to places and back pretty quickly. But, to his credit, this is definitely from Golden Dragon up the street and not from Shanghai so...it's probably not quite as good as the Chinese you had last weekend. "So....what's the story morning glory?" Even though it's evening time. He's been catching up on music and apparently, Oasis is this week's band of choice.

Lois Lane has posed:
As he enters, Lois is in the process of hanging up the telephone. She has a folder sitting on her desk in front of her with the bits and pieces for her latest story. There is a large coffee in a to-go cup from a place down the street. It's cold. It was hot when she came into her office. Laying on her desk in the center of her giant calendar with dozens of notes written on it is the tazer she carries in her purse.

"Other than the one I came in here to write is a new one based around the crazy man who was in my office when I got here a little while ago. Security already came and went, after he disappeared into thin air. Literally. But not before he cut his arm off. And put it back on."

Superman has posed:
He opens the top of the coffee and he looks at it a moment, and there's a hint of steam coming from it after a second. Look. Warm coffee. He grins, as he sets it back down and smiles, setting out the food and such as you hang up the phone. "You know, that's a lot more effective if people don't know you have it versus keeping it on your desk like it's one of the things you have as part of your arsenal like pen and lipstick and such. Plus....pretty sure with how often you just run out of here you probably forget it more than you carry it," he says though even his brows raise slightly as you mention the guy and even Clark says, "I'm sorry, what now? Who did....what? And why?" Yeah, okay now you have Clark and Superman's attention. Fortunately, you only have to tell the tale once.

Lois Lane has posed:
"Thank you!" And with that, the nectar of the gods is partaken of by a grateful Lois since it is now warm again. "Knew I kept you around for something," she adds as she sets it back down. She frowns at the comment about the Tazer. "Ha ha. It was in my purse. Until crazy man was in my office then it was in my hand. I can't rely on superheroes all the time, after all. A gal has to look out for herself."

She rolls her chair around her desk so she can sit beside Clark as she starts poking through the various containers of food. "He said his name was Deadpool. Wade Wilson. He seemed to want to be interviewed for some reason. Claimed he was a mutant with a healing ability. Could grow back limbs. Silly me asks what she thinks is a rhetorical question. He did not take it that way and literally cut off his arm with a katana. He had two, strapped across his back," she adds. "Then he picked up the arm, put it against the stub and within seconds it was back in place and working. Then he actually cleaned up the blood himself."

Superman has posed:
He nods, "And how long ago was that, exactly?" He doesn't recall specifically when this guy was there versus how long the tazer has been on the desk since then. Still though, he chuckles, "True...though only cause you insist on doing things for yourself. Some whole independent thing. Plenty of women in American history did just fine baking pies and hanging sheets," he says, referencing an old miswestern American lifestyle that is absolutely not who you are, and entirely amusing to tease you about as even a possibility, as if Lois Homemaker would ever be a version of you that the world would see. "Though I suppose it's nice at least that he's that polite?" He looks entertained by that thought, as he leans back. "Did he say what he wanted to be interviewed about?"

Lois Lane has posed:
"The Tazer is still in reach. You mention sheets and pies again, I'll use it on you," Lois warms. Even if it wouldn't do much good, it might give her some satisfaction if he's going to talk that stupidity. Then she focuses back on the topic at hand.

"Well he opened with asking if I had time to discuss our lord and savior Chuck Norris," Lois offers as she digs into the food, settling comfortably in her chair. "Then he offered to be interviewed. Claimed he won his mutancy in a card game. That he's been shot in the head a lot so some things are jumbled in there. Just utterly random. He never tried to hurt me. Just himself. He left behind the tissues with blood, a trenchcoat and a fedora. The authorities have them. Security called the cops but some SHIELD agents came instead. It was a couple of hours ago maybe?" She munches then continues. Reaching across the desk, she pulls out her notepad and flips it to the page where she had jotted some notes about the encounter. There's a phone number. "I got his number in case I wanted to interview him later. I wonder if his blood could be used to help heal others. Maybe find a cure for cancer that can be replicated." Oh dear. She may have the inklings of a story there and that is never a good thing when it involves crazy people.

Superman has posed:
"Lois," he says casually. "You're adorable." He looks at the tazer and you and just grins. Of course it's amusing to him to have you mention using it. He chuckles quietly, looking at it and then staring at the taxer a moment his gaze flicks towards your notebook as you flip through it. A few big names there - SHIELD, the like. He'll be googling Wade Wilson later, that much you can count on. "My guess is if SHIELD showed up, that they'll do plenty of research into his blood. But this sounds all very strange. I mean so far other than the fact he's a mutant what would make him worthy of an interview other than his own desire for attention? He doesn't sound right in the head, and my concern is you're playing into exactly what he may want if you follow this one."

Lois Lane has posed:
"I don't care about the guy. But I watched him reattach his own arm. If his body can repair itself like that, would he be able to help others with it? If he was handled properly, he might be willing to allow himself to be tested or use his blood to help people. I don't know for sure. Just feels like there might be an angle there," Lois says with a shrug as she kicks off her shoes and and leans back, tucking one foot up and underneath her other leg. "It's probably nothing. I'll behave."

Superman has posed:
"No you won't," he says, but he smiles as he says it. The fact you don't behave is what he likes about you. "My point is, you have a good heart Lois. You're being altruistic in this. What's his motivation? He left you the traces to be able to find out if he can be helpful. Let's see how that pans out. Then you can contact him and we can meet him. Together," he says, not at all sounding like your bodyguard or personal pocket superhero. "And then you can chase down your story and maybe do the world some good. Even if the guy who apparently could be a cure for everything decided to contact a reporter instead of something more....pertinent...like the Center for Disease Control or...any person with a last name who's first name is Doctor."

Lois Lane has posed:
"Don't be a smart ass. It's not becoming on you," Lois mumbles around a moutful of food before washing it down with coffee. Because coffee is always a good thing to drink no matter what. Even if she has her tea sitting there. She needs that coffee after not getting to finish it earlier. "I'll wait and see if we hear anything back from SHIELD. I doubt they will really tell us anything other than if I need to hire a bodyguard or something. Wonder where I can find one of those," she muses, violet eyes showing her amusement.

Superman has posed:
"Yes it is," he says amusedly, as he looks to you. "I'm an excellent smart ass. I just only share it with a select few. I wouldn't want to ruin my sterling Smallville reputation after all," he offers with that playful smile and he even reaches above his head, adjusting his halo just as, annoyingly, the light plays off of something outside and seems to actually give him one for a second or two before whatever was reflecting it off an office building across the way moves on. Still...even the comic book writer gods smile on him now and again to give him those moments that are not fair for the rest of humanity. "I'm sure you can find a way to dig up enough information that SHIELD will happily tell you what you want to know about this so that other people don't find out about something else you learn about. It's what you do after all."

Lois Lane has posed:
She almost laughs. Somehow, Lois manages not to but her eyes flash, showing he hit that nail right on the head. "Would I do something like that?" The lightning that kills her for such lies might scald his clothes a little. Thankfully, that strike doesn't come. "We'll see how it goes. I have a few contacts in the agency. They might be able to fill in the blanks without me resorting to other tactics."

Superman has posed:
He takes another sip of his tea and nods, looking at you as he stands up. It's wierd, you don't remember seeing him eat, like not much, but the food is all gone. But yes, Clark has a good appetite, and enjoys all the tastes and flavors. "Well good. You don't do that, and I won't use my super hearing to keep an eye on you when you go to meet with said agents or contacts and make sure that you don't need my help," he says, cause you know, no lightning there either and he would never do that. He grins though and puts his containers in the trash for what he finished for when he leans down and he kisses your cheek, "There you go," he says with a smile. "Let me know if you need your coffee warmed up later."

Lois Lane has posed:
"Thanks," Lois murmurs, tilting her head to the side to offer her cheek for that little kiss. She remains where she is but she does bring her other foot up off the floor and prop it on the chair he just vacated. She'd have put it on his lap earlier but feet and food don't mix. At least she was that polite. "I'll keep you in the loop," she promises before taking another bite.