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Latest revision as of 13:23, 2 August 2018

Juggy's Back In Town
Date of Scene: 15 June 2018
Location: Central Park, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Juggernaut, Crusader, Rogue

Juggernaut has posed:
    It's business as usual here in Central Park. For the moment, the worry of the traveling spores has not bothered city locations and parks this deep in, enveloped by urban sprawl on all sides, are either very lucky or to deep in to be bothered by the spreading problem.

Luck is probably playing a part of it. It's only a matter of time no doubt.

But either way, it's a typical afternoon here in The Big Apple with the usual mixed gathering of bikers, roller bladers, park goers, and other assorted happenings throughout the massive expanse. A happening that includes a sudden flash of red light near one of the edges of the park. A crackle of crimson energy and spreading tendrils of magical force that seem to shatter the air itself as if it were glass and some monumental force was breaking through. The ground begins to shake as well, causing those near the disturbance to trip and stumbles, cars to swerve and honk, and cracks to spread through the streets.

Just another typical day, indeed.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader happened to be in the area. Since the last few weeks, he has decided he should probably avoid his more volatile form, and be in his more....level headed one.
    It started with the rumblings and cracks, comming from who knows hwere. Car alarms going off, and swerving. And than that light in the distance. He grunts "Well, one should have expected this" trouble always finds a hero
    Without a second thought Crusader flies over to where the portal was and lands. He has no way of closing the portal, so instead he stands ready, his stance not aggressive...merely serious. could be that whatever or whoever comes through is a friendly sort.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue was already in the area as one of the park goers, she'd had early classes today at NYU south of Central Park, but some of her classmates had come up to the park for a live performance tonight on the Great Lawn. To fill in the time, the college students were just... being college students. Even for an Avenger she was still only 19 years old and liked to just hangout with friends and have fun, so currently the young woman is riding on her skateboard and performing some simplistic tricks that still display a familiarity with the art (and she can fly, so that helps too).

But with things start to go a bit wonky--as they tend to do in this city-- Rogue drops off of her board and kicks it up into her hands. She looks in the direction of the noises. She reaches up to brush her hair out of her face and peer through her Aviator sunglasses toward where it sounds like this madness is located.

Juggernaut has posed:
    With a sound like glass shattering and a rumble like a blast of thunder, the air fractures apart as an absolutely enormous torso comes smashing through. An immense figure swatched in crackling red energy that surges around it and gradually parts and peels back like a curtain of electical energy to reveal the immensity of the body of The Juggernaut.

Behind the behemoth is a swirling vortex of red cyclone like energy which burrows like a tunnel into the ethers of some otherworldly realm and a blast of heat scorches the ground as the goliath steps forward, literally shattering the walls between dimensions in the process, to impose a gigantic Juggernaut shaped footprint into the concrete of the streets and shake the area from his footsteps, Seismeters going off for blocks as Manhattan lurches from the goliaths weight and strength.

Needless to say, cars swerve, crashing into each other, fire hydrants burst open and windows crack. Camera phones are out and a clickin' away and bystanders alternate between the occasional shouts, screams and gasps of astonishment. For his part, The Juggernaut - practically the size of the front of a small store, takes no particular notice of anyone in particular and instead blinks a few times and then lifts his massive fingers to his helmeted head in a thoughtful chin grasping gesture though he can't actually touch his chin.

"Huh. Central Park. Figures."

Crusader has posed:
"....Of course. Juggernaut." Crusader says with a stoic expression beneath his helm. Granted Juggernaut wasn't actually doing anything wrong at the moment. Not like there any laws agaist opening portals just to get home after all. It EVERYTHING ELSE! That Crusader has to worry about
    "By Juthuum. Juggernaut, do One and favor...and git a bit of control over yourself ebfore the whole city goes down" if it wasn't for the fact he was flying, the steps would have sent him tumbling
    But he didn't have time for pleasantries, because there was about a dozen or so cars swering all over the place. Crusader flies towards some bystands stopping a car -just- in time to prevent their own deaths. And with people rushing everywhere, accidents were occuring left and right. However he notice a electrical pole begining to fall and people near it. He calls out "Get out of the way!!!!" knowing he wasn't fast enough to reach them

Rogue has posed:
Rogue watches as the Juggernaut is birthed out of that... portal thing? and the city is summarily harmed from it... at least disrupted from its natural flow of normal human chaos anyway. Rogue had heard of the Juggernaut and she'd seen some video footage of him online, as early as this past New Years, she'd seen footage of him charging out of the city with some convoy of cars... this was him, she's pretty sure of it.

She glances back to her friends and says something quickly to them, but they've all got their phones out anyway, one of them even shoves her by her shoulder and motions her toward it all. She seems reluctant but sighs softly. "Yeah yeah..." She mutters. "I don't get paid enough for this crap." Which she knows isn't precisely true, the Avengers basically pour money on her head!

Rogue hands her skateboard off and then adjusts her hoodie so its better closed over her torso in the front (more professional that way) and then she shoots off into the sky and flies toward where the Juggernaut has emerged!

"Yeah, what he said." Rogue says, now hovering about fifteen feet off of the street, she glances to Crusader as he's doing the civic duty hero-y thing saving bystanders, then she looks back to Juggernaut. "I'm with the Avengers. You gotta chill out on this kinda public disturbance, Miste'ah." She tells the Huge Dude.

Rogue takes her eyes off the Juggernaut when Crusader shouts about that electric pole, but its too far away for her to reach it in time!

Juggernaut has posed:
    "Huh? You the local good guy or something?"

Juggernaut's flippant dismissive response to Crusader rumbles out with him barely giving him a glance. He doesn't sound familiar with him either. Is this the same one Crusader encountered before? Different dimensions, time travel, etc..those are a thing after all. The behemoth doesnt' seem to pay him much mind at all when all is said and done. In fact he does seem a -little- disorientated as he steps fully out of the portal and straight into the middle of the streets where he begins plodding forward like a monster truck with arms and legs.

The people in the immediate wake of the portal have abandoned their cars which is fortunante as the goliath literally steps on them as if they were little more then..well..cars in said monster truck rally. Treading across them and flattening them under massive feet that continue to shake the ground and leave imprints in his wake.

Behind him, the portal suddenly warps shut. Spiraling out of existence with a final flash of crimson light. Alas, Juggernaut is here to stay.

"Avengers..wha..? So this -is- Earth! Bought time..I was stuck in that crimson cosmos for what musta been months. Maybe even years!" Time could have been flowing differently for him.

He claps his hands together, full strength as if kicking ou ta round of applause at his own freedom. The force of the impacts sending shockwaves out that might help the falling light pole avoid killing people. Or it might not.

"Man.. it's good be home!"

Crusader has posed:
Crusader sighs with -some- relief. The pole doesn't hit anyone thanks to the shockwave. But good lord, this man was a walking wrecking ball! At least people had the right of mind to get going. But this needed to stop

Crusader flies infront of Juggernaut and than lands, arms crossed "Juggernaut, you need to STOP! Your crushing cars and tearing this area apart...and your have not even lost your temper yet! Just...just sit down and take a breath" he doesn't threaten to take him down. That only ever leads to more trouble he has found. So he was trying a peaceful solution first. With the blocked up traffic, there wasn't much he can do besides stop the unstoppable.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue flies up a few feet higher off the street as Juggernaut sends his shockwave across the pavement. She watches that for a moment before looking back to him and then to the portal that closes up. She sighs softly. "Can't go a good god damn day around here without this kinda horse crap pilin' up..." The teenager shakes her head side to side and reaches up to remove her sunglasses off of her green eyes.

She looks over to Crusader then while tucking her Aviators into the hem of her hoodie and shirt in front of her chest and then glances back to the Juggernaut. "You keep wreckin' stuff like this and the entire power'a the Avengers and SHIELD is gonna come down on ya, and you're gonna get your beefy butt tossed inta the Raft out at sea." She threatens him, not making any aggressive physical moves cause she's heard well enough of what this big fella is capable of... plus Crusader just reaffirmed that this IS the Juggernaut.

"They got rules t'play by around here, ya know?" She adds. "Much as I dislike them myself, I still follow them cause it gets all kinda frustratin' when ya don't."

Juggernaut has posed:
    "Tth. Home and right away I got folk thinkin' they can take me on.." Juggernaut's teeth are full and big as a broad smile creeps into view. His fingers lace together, producing a loud sound like boulders splintering as he cracks his knuckles. "Well...I suppose a quick work out is a good welcome home party. Aint you heard, little girl? Nothing stops The Juggernaut! I...uh.."

He pauses in consideration of the full scope of what's going on, "Huh..I guess I'm not after anything. Just glad to not be stuck anymore.."

His gaze flickers between Crusader and Rogue, "And you two are mouthin' off but not exactly throwin' punches.." He then points at Crusader, "Hey..I remember you now. It's all coming back. You're that small fry that tried to get in my way when I got hired to crack open a vault.." He then points to Rogue, "But you, little girl, I don't know.."

Crusader has posed:
Crusader doesn't seem moved and even acknowledge their past. As much as he would want to "Look, you already caused a bunch of destruction - and we do not wish for me. You just got home. Even you must realize the value of not having every law enforcement group after you" he gestures around "And this is sure to bring about the opposite effect if it gets worse." good lord, he wish he didn't have to play peace keeper right now
    Though he can't help but glance to Rogue a few times. This was the first time he has heard of The Raft...and he suddenly had a feeling he doesn't want to know more than that "But as Rogue says, it less frustrating when you not dealing with folks. They are kind of like loud flies"

Rogue has posed:
The floating southern belle is just looking from Crusader to Juggs and then back again, listening to them speak. She smirks a little then but whne Juggernaut says he doesn't know who she is, she raises her left glove hand up and touches it to her chest. "Why, I'm Rogue, sugah, and I'm the one who's tasked with helpin' t'protect this city from Heavy Weights such as yourself... But a little bird told me that you're a bit of a challenge, like ya sayd... can't be stopped and all that. Personally, I don't feel like fightin' right now... which is pretty weird cause generally I fight all the time, but I got a concert t'be at tonight, so I'd rather just work this out all peaceful-like."

Rogue looks then toward the line of Cop cars already on-scene and parked back behind them/beside them down the avenue. "They're gonna start gettin all kindsa up on your business if ya don't peacefully go about it." It may already be too late really, she's not honestly sure. She just doesn't want it to get worse!

Juggernaut has posed:
    "Much as I hate to admit it you wimps might be on to something.."

Indeed, the approach of the cop cars doesn't bother him. Not even the threat of The Avengers or SHIELD..but he can't help but consider the hassle of trying to deal with all of them at once.

"So you're going to just let me walk, eh? I guess the local de-gooders are finally getting some smarts among them."

Was that a compliment? Well second one if you count him actually admitting that they may be right on encouraging him to not cause more destruction if he doesn't have to.

Cyttorak is not pleased however. This is his champion..and he's refusing to spread destruction of his own accord? There might be repercussions later..but it's nothing new where Juggernaut is concerned.

"Alright, kids, fine. But I'm gonna call in this favor on you two later.." He takes a few shuddering steps backwards, considering an easy exit path.

Crusader has posed:
Oh lordy lord, Juthuum help Crusader, cause Vorn about ready to come out and start throwing some punches. But no, there were civilians about and, Juggernaut was co-operating. "Yes, we are just going to let you walk" he'll take the compliment as is "And...one see your looking for a path out" he looks around at all the cars and such "...One recommonds just jumping out to the country side somewhere while you figure something out" out of the city where there was less to destroy? Yes Please! And crusader was mindful to mnake that a suggestion, because thugs do not like to listen to heros give orders.
    That being said he can't help but glance at Rogue "...und did you say concert? Who?" yes, this was very important.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue listens to the both of them and she floats down toward the street until she's about 10 feet off of the pavement now (all new cracks in it after Juggs' arrival). "Music, here in the Park." Rogue replies to Crusader with a little grin before she looks back to the Juggernaut.

"Look, Champ..." She starts toward him. "You goin' someplace in the city or outta'f it? Cause if you're goin' someplace that ya wanna get to faster, then just take my hand and I can fly ya there. I may not be as tough as the Legendary Juggahnaut, but I'm pretty sure I can air lift ya wherever ya need t'go. Then you can skip past all these pathetic weaklings and just get right t'where you're headed. I mean, unless ya wanna walk all peaceful like through all these people. Its the middle'a summer now though, so the tourists are out in force."

Rogue motions toward the line of civilians who're doubtless recording all of this on their cell phones and posting it all to the social media sites online. She looks back to him then. "So thats an option for ya also, if ya wanna take it. Free'a charge too! Unlike Uber..."

Juggernaut has posed:
    "So let me get this straight." Juggernaut's attention first settles on Rogue though he eyes Crusader briefly. "-You- .. an -Avenger- ..are gonna fly -me-..someone the "news' likes t'lable a 'Super Villain' ..somewhere else and just..let me walk? WIth all these people recordin' what's going on? At risk o'yer reputation and The Avengers and all that?"

He ..clearly..sounds like he doesn't believe her.

"Yeah right."

Nope, he doesn't believe her.

"You just threatened me with the Raft. I'm pretty confident down here on terra-firma, thank ya very much. No tricks. So what I'm gonna do is walk right on outta here until I'm satisfied..and you two.." he points at Crusader and Rogue, "Are gonna make sure I don't get followed. I don't mind taking a swim.." he thumbs at himself, grinning, "I can get to The Hudson or East River pretty fast.."

He then turns to Crusaders, "I jump but not like that. You got the wrong color, chum. I'm red. Not green."

Crusader has posed:
"Could have fulled me with those thunder thighs" Crusader says crossing his arms. Evidently he got quips. That and he remembers Juggers punches...he is fairly certain Juggernaut could travel like big green if he was so inclinded. But he doesn't push it
    He eyes the crowd a moment, but the media doesn't worry him. He looks to Juggernaut "Now let us be done with this. Now one wishes to prepare for this concert of musical proportions" he wonder how Juggs was going to get to the Hudson now.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue laughs softly/innocently at the man's accusations toward her. She puts both of her hands up near her collar bone indicating herself. "_I_ didn't threaten ya with the Raft." She corrects him, then motions with her right gloved hand toward the NYPD in their blue/white cars not far from where the three of them are. "_They're_ gonna threaten you with it. I'm the one tryin' t'minimize damage and get ya outta Dodge, so t'speak. Thats what the initiative is for the Juggernaut Protocal with the Avengers these days."

Rogue then puts her hands out toward him with her gloved palms up. "Full disclosure, we're just tryin' t'minimize civilian casualties. What ya already damanged today?" She glances around their immediate area.

"Its peanuts, and the city is insured t'fix this kinda crap." She then glances at Crusader and then back to the Juggernaut. "What you COULD do? Is level this whole place, right? I mean, don't get me wrong... that kinda power is impressive as all hell... But I'm just a college student, who don't wanna have t'go through the trouble'a findin' a new school, cause the Jugganaut smashed the one I'm in."

Rogue then gives a big grin and she shrugs her shoulders. "But, either way, I'll be flyin' around and watchin' t'make sure you don't get inta any more scuffles. For the time bein'."

Juggernaut has posed:
    "Aww, I got a whole PROTOCOL name after me? I'm flattered. You know what girl, I'm gonna do you a solid and minimize the trouble just so you can go learn your ABCs.." quips Juggernaut.

Crusader is given a baleful glare however. He heard that. Thunder thighs indeed. This is all muscle!

"You two owe me. And I want a beer. But next time...if you get in my way there aint gonna be some easy way out.." Of course he can't just let it end with let bygones be bygones can he. "I'm The Juggernaut. I got a reputation to keep.."

And with that he's suddenly pounding up the streets again in a rapidly gaining job. There's no avoiding -some- damage here. The guy is built like a semi-truck after all. In fact, quiet as it's kept, he's actually much bigger then when Crusader last saw him.

But there's no time to contemplate on that. Despite his words to Crusader earlier--Juggernaut -does- leap! The ground lurches violently as he sails up and up and up into the air, towards the roof of the nearest towering building. By some miracle or careful application of his own strength - or both - the building shudders but sustains his impact..and then he leaps again! The massive force sending him rocketing across the skyline. He's no Hulk. He's not crossing the city in super sonic speeds but Juggernaut has leapt to knock down titans before. Such a leap as this is an easy task.

Mere minutes later and he's crossed the city street distances from The Park to The East River and he goes plummeting for it like a meteor. Some tourists and boaters catch his re-entry and and buffetted by the waves but considering he has no need to eat, drink or breath and has walked the ocean floors before..this is an easy exit for him and a quick way to not be followed....

Crusader has posed:
Crusader would make another quip, he wasn't exaqctly highing them. But he not one for talking behind peoples back, even if there thugs. He crosses his arms "Well...that went better than last time"

He looks to Rogue "Well you best get squared off with your concert, unless you want to stick around for clean up duty." there was something in his eye. He noted Juggernaut was bigger, and internally it brings a grin to his mind
    Externally...he was having to deal with the reprecussions. Which pretty much ment answering to the police, and helping clear up some of the heavy duty damage done here, like crushed togeather cars. Though...he does take our a beer from his chest and drinks it. "Ahhh, whoever said drinking on the job was a bad idea, never met jugs" the bottle toshed into a recycling bin. Time to get to work.