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If you want to make an omelette...
Date of Scene: 01 August 2018
Location: Gotham - Clocktower Penthouse
Synopsis: June receives an unexpected visit from Red Robin while at Babs' apartment.
Cast of Characters: June Connor, Red Robin

June Connor has posed:
    June isn't sure where Babs has gone. She didn't say, and June didn't ask. She's indifferent to the matter, though, she has the place to herself. She's got a stocked kitchen. She's not certain what to make of a food store not made of microwaveables and cans.

    She decided to make the best of it though, and try her hand at cooking. Since she was by herself, she didn't feel the need to even be fully dressed. Clearly she isn't expecting anyone to drop by. She wears a pair of black underwear and a torn midriff bearing shirt that looks like it's been through the wash maybe fifty times past its lifespan. A shirt for the band Cake, which probably gives its estimated age. She eyes the recipe in front of her, several eggs and various vegetables around. She takes the carving knife, and begins to chop the green peppers.

Red Robin has posed:
     Red Robin was on his way to talk to use Oracles computer terminal Red Robin having been staying in touch with her, but nobody else really. Using the handheld to disable the perimeter alarm momentarily so he can slip into the living room, that's when the light pool of oil in the pan that is heating up for some searing suddenly flashes into flames, a thick collum of smoke hitting the smoke alarm. This of course causes Red Robin to come racing into the kitchen to find June there.. "Who are you?!" he asks in surprise not having really expected anyone to be 'home' right now...

June Connor has posed:
    June leaps to the side as the pan catches fire. "Oh shit," she reaches out, pulling the flaming pan off and tossing it into the sink. She might have normally been prepare for the sounds of someone entering, but between the sound of the smoke alarm and the need to extinguish the iminent destruction of the apartment, she did not realize someone had come in until he speaks.

    "Oh shit!" she exclaims again, this time at the cowled figure. Another small kitchen knife is drawn from the wooden holster, and thrown like a kunai at Red Robin in a flash even as the oil drains into the sink. "Who are you!?" she responds to the question with the same question, flipping the large carving knife dexterously to a backhand grip, taking a ready ninjistu pose. It's clear she knows how to use blades.

Red Robin has posed:
     Red Robin catches the blade between two fingers and growls, his altered voice deep and menacing.. "I asked you first, but Fire first, /then/ you can see about killing me." he growls reaching to a near by pantry to grab a bag of flour that he then moves past the woman confidently to dump the entire five pound bag on the oil fire.

June Connor has posed:
    June moves to the side as he takes the flour, dumping it on the fire. She makes no move to stop it, but loosens slightly as he doesn't immediately attack her. "Yeah, well I was here first," she answers as the flames puff out, reducing the outpouring of smoke. "So who are you?"

Red Robin has posed:
     Red Robin pulls out the slate tablet no bigger than a small smart phone and flashes it at June, it being one of the ways Oracle allows for folks to bypass her security and get into the clocktower. "A friend." he says as his other hand produces a collapsable bowstaff that he extends, using it to press the reset button on the firealarm. "Let me text Oracle to let her know the place isn't burning down." he says as he hits a button. "Red Robin to Oracle, text only "found someone using your kitchen, things got smokey, but nothing is toasty." he says cheekily to the voice to text before sending the message.

June Connor has posed:
    June gives a slightly dubious look. "You always come into your friend's house wearing a mask?" she asks, lowering her knife completely and taking a ready, but not necessarily combative pose. "I figured people knock around here like most places," she says, waving the knife casually at the door.

Red Robin has posed:
     Red Robin shrugs, "This is the headquarters for one of the leading information brokers for the good guys. You don't just ride your motorcycle up to the front door and let yourself in." he says with a smirk. "Now, You know who I am, who're you and what're you doing making yourself at home?" he asks motioning to the various ingredients laying about..

June Connor has posed:
    "I broke in with a pocket knife because I was walking the town in my panties and I was bored," June answers. "You just let yourself in," she comments. She decides that the knife is not necessary, and walks over to the blade rack, resheathing it. "Babs told me I could stay here, got some crap happening, long story that I don't generally share with people whose face I can't see."

Red Robin has posed:
     Red Robin shrugs.. "Well you should get use to capes coming and going, comes with the property." he says with a smirk not looking to take his cowl off. "and I wasn't going to judge your state of dress, I've fought poison ivy, and harley Quinn in less than what you're wearing." he says simply "never try to understand the mind of a villianess." he quips sagely "What're you trying to make?" he asks pointing once more to the ingredients having decided not to press for identification.. If Babs knew her and she knew her civilian ID, he wasn't going to worry about it..

June Connor has posed:
    June seems unconcerned with whether she is dressed appropriately. She's toned, but thin as a rail and has the chest of a ten year old. Not exactly the type that tends to be seen as alluring. She hmphs. "I do," she says. "Guys are easily distracted by looks. They get you lookin' at their ass, you aren't lookin' at their attack. That's why they do it."

    She looks back at the counter, then glances back at Robin to add, "Not what I'm doing," she clarifies. "I was just tryin' to make an omelette." And apparently she needed a recipe print out for something that simple.

Red Robin has posed:
     Red Robin takes off his gloves and moves to wash up in the sink. "well stand back, and let a master show you how it's done." he says as he gets cleaned up. "you need a bigger pan for omlettes than that, and more oil, the small pan, and the lack of oil caused what was in there to flash fry." he explains as he returns to the kitchen island to grab both the original knife, and a different knife, tossing the first in the sink before he starts to expertly start chopping the ingredients into a fine dice..

June Connor has posed:
    June arches her brow, vaguely motioning for him to take over. "Okay, Spymaster Chef," she says. "Show me your stuff. If it's okay with you, I might just go put some pants on, though." She turns around to head toward the guest bedroom, the high cut on the shirt revealing from the back a tattoo that crawls up the right side of her back, a japanese dragon that is popular within Japanese crime syndicates.

Red Robin has posed:
     Red Robin files the tidbit of information away but doesn't comment on it a new pan and oil set in it, soon the smell of cooking onions and other vegitables is filling the living space a bowl with beaten eggs waiting to be added to the cooking vegitables.. "Cheese or no cheese in yours?" he calls back in fluent Japanese

June Connor has posed:
    June pauses at the door, looking over her shoulder. "Did you just say I'm cheesy?" she asks with a suspicious quirk of her brow. Apparently her Japanese is not quite as fluid. She shakes her head, and enters, pulling on a pair of shredded jeans before returning to the main area.

Red Robin has posed:
     "No, I said your panties looked like swiss cheese!" he snarks. "You want cheese on your omlette? Babs has cheddar, feta, and gouda." he says glancing in the fridge.. In the kitchen he's got one hand on the pan flipping it's contents with an expert flick of the wrist while his other hand has the fridge door opened grabbing the three bags of their respective shredded cheeses..

June Connor has posed:
    "Probably," she says. As it was, those panties didn't have any holes, but some of her others do. Her shirt has a couple in it that don't look like they are there by design. "Oh, yeah, who doesn't put cheese in an omelette? I guess cheddar. She leans her elbows on the counter. "So this is what superheroes do when they aren't busy sticking their noses in other people's business. I gotta say, you look like a meme right now."

Red Robin has posed:
     "Gotta eat when you're not punching badguys in the taint." he says as he adds the eggs to the pan using a spatula to keep the eggs moving the cheese going on at the last minute before it's folded over and plated. "Here we go." he says going to make a second one for himself.. "Enjoy." he adds

June Connor has posed:
    June gives a look at the perfect looking omelette. "Screw you," she says with a scowl. "How'd you make it look like that? It's like off a Denny's commercial or somethin'." Apparently the first part of her comment was somehow intended as a compliment. "I can burn water, I swear." She goes to the drawer, pulling a fork out.

Red Robin has posed:
     Red Robin shrugs.. when you've got to have the reflexes to dodge bullet paths before the badguy has fired, keeping an eye on an omlette and the heat of a pan while it's cooking is kids stuff." he says joining with his omlette and fork a few minutes later. "The rest comes with practice, and eating scorched omlettes for breakfast for a couple of years." he adds with a smirk.

June Connor has posed:
    June pulls up one of the bar seats, sitting at the counter in front of her rather than moving to the table. "And so modest," she adds, taking a bite. "Not bad," she says around the bite of food. "So, you got a name?" she asks, "Or should I just call you Red."

Red Robin has posed:
     "Red works for me Miss Mysterious Home Intruder." he says with a smile taking a bite of his own omlette and washing it down with some water. "It's safest that way." he adds simply not going into any elaboration.. "So what are you doing with Babs? Working with her? or under her protection?" he asks curiously..

June Connor has posed:
    "Safest," June answers with an arched brow. "I ain't done somethin' safe in years." She takes another bite of the omelette, and then walks back to the fridge. "June, she wants me to hunt bad guys with her, kinda mutual benefit sorta thing." She pulls a beer from the six pack that is supposedly being kept for someone other than Babs, or so she told June. "Want a beer?" she asks, holding it up.

Red Robin has posed:
     Red Robin shakes his head "not while in costume, thanks though." he says holding up his water that he's more than happy with. "the safety might not be for you.. If you knew my name, other bits of information would be inferrable from it, and from there, secrets that aren't mine could be learned." he explains before taking another drink. "What sort of training do you have? I saw that you're pretty good with a knife.. but what else do you bring to the table?" he asks curiously

June Connor has posed:
    "Me?" June asks, taking the beer to the table, and popping the top on the corner. Probably not the best thing for the countertop. "I don't know you, kid, so I'll keep my training to myself. For safety, inferred and shit, right?" She doesn't seem any older than the young man, even if she does call him kid. She takes a swig of the beer. "Damn she keeps good stuff here. As for bring to the table, I think I mostly bring better music, and the ability to piss off diverse groups of people all at once." She shrugs. "And I can get into stuff people don't like me getting into."

Red Robin has posed:
     Red Robin nods as he finishes his omlette. "fare enough, if Babs wants either of us to know more, she'll let us know I guess." he says standing up and making his way to the sink with the dishes. "Well June, as nice as it has been to meet you, I /do/ have some 'work' to do." he says grabbing his near by gloves and putting them back on.

June Connor has posed:
    June nods, "Okay, well," she offers. "Have fun kicking unsuspecting souls in the ass." She tilts her beer in a salute. She grabs the plates, and takes them to the sink, looking at the flour mess. "Well damn, I guess that means I get to deal with this."

Red Robin has posed:
     Red Robin grins.. "Most of the mess /is/ yours." he says "and in my family it was always, he who cooks, doesn't clean, so it's all yours." he adds. "Was nice meeting you June." he adds vanishing around the corner. If she goes to see where he is going she'll find the living room and the rest of the flat empty..