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Latest revision as of 20:52, 2 August 2018

Ragnarok pt 5: Player Two has entered the Game.
Date of Scene: 22 June 2018
Location: Asgardian Ship in Earth Orbit
Synopsis: Thor and Tony catch up on what has passed.
Cast of Characters: Iron Man, Thor
Tinyplot: Ragnarok

Iron Man has posed:
    From the teleporter pad comes the initial warning, that teleportation is in progress: stand clear. The teleporter pad, located a bit away from the large hangar door, is a raised platform with a broad disk above it. The forest of boxes and supplies all around it make it more closed in than it might normally be. The hangar itself, full of damage and activity, various shuttles and ships, is a bustle of movement compared to the more quiet teleportation area, but not for long.

    The teleporters pull a group through, perhaps three persons and a large object - which will, as they phase in fully, be revealed to more properly be one Iron Man, appropriately in armor for the journey, two machinist technician robots flanking him, and a large STARK labeled stackable set of heavy crates. Iron Man immediately looks around, expectantly, while gesturing with both hands in a few circular finger-waves for the robots to unload and move off the platform.

Thor has posed:
    Across the way in that hangar deck, a large piece of a heavily armored ablative re-entry panel seems to be floating across the room, moving with a curious gait as it bobs up and down. The seventeen foot tall section of shuttle hull pauses at the commotion nearby even as near Stark one of the guards turns and lifts his voice.
    "Milord!" The spearman turns back to Stark, giving a nod and a sharp salute with the spear's haft striking his chest and then the deck. "Bide a moment, sir. Someone shall be summoned to greet you."
    But the last part of the guard's words might well be lost due to the loud /CLANG-KAKRUMP!/ of that section of armor being set down upon the ground by the man who was _carrying_ it and then sets it down against the hangar wall.
    From afar Tony might well see the tall blonde man as he wipes his hands upon his pants legs and then the broad smile spread across his features. His own name is hurled at him at first, "Stark!" And then Thor is striding across the room towards him.
    There is going to be a hug. He knows it. He can see it. In the gait, the wide arms, the smile that reaches the eyes even as he shakes his head as if he did not know how to say all that there was to be said. Instead when he gets within ten feet he says, "It is so good to see you, my friend." And unless he does step back or shy away then indeed there will be an embrace as the larger man seeks to greet his comrade.

Iron Man has posed:
    "The Tony abides," Tony answers evenly to the spearman that greeted him, offhandedly but with a light little sigh. Nobody's around to understand his full breadth of humor. This may be a difficult visit. Such a waste. "'Someone'?" Tony then echoes of the guard. His raised eyebrows don't actually show through the helmet, but his tone still carries it. Obviously he will be personally greeted by Thor. And probably grabbed and flung around a little bit. There's more than one reason to be arriving in armor. Taking an enthusiastic greeting from the Asgardian lord is like dealing with an overexcited puppy at times. Still, hard to dislike the puppy.

    Of course, things do indeed happen exactly as predicted: and Tony doesn't dodge at all. He does open his helmet to give a bemused smile, able to take the hug with reasonable grace. "Feels like a few years. A few years with people that don't want to have a proper drink to let off any steam. Torture. But with the amount that gets crammed into each day lately, no surprise, is it." He skeptically looks Thor over physically, in the same way he'd assess damage of a hull breach. "I don't want to meet the thing that's made this mess out of you. It's not coming for us anytime soon, is it?" Tony asks, though there is an undertone of serious concern that plays in the question.

Tony himself is battered, but isn't missing any body parts. He's sporting bruises, specifically forehead on the left side and some bruise down that same cheekbone. He's been having his own adventures with monsters, and has an exhausted edge that is being suppressed right now with focus and proper reception of Asgardian sized hugs.

Thor has posed:
    The tall blonde man's hand /thumps/ against Iron Man's shoulder as he rests his hands there so he can look Tony straight in the eyes. It grants the man a chance to look at that strapless eyepatch up close and it does clearly seem to be a thing that has been constructed in a hurry and decided upon as being 'good enough'. But Thor seems to not mind it, at least not in this moment as he shakes his head in response, "No, my friend." His smile softens a little, a touch remorseful as he says, "The enemies of Asgard have been felled, but at too too great a price. They shall trouble no one anymore. Ever again."
    Shaking his head he draws back and gives Tony another look over, then meets his gaze. "You seem as if you have seen your own ill time, I have heard you have been beset and I offer what aid I can grant. Point me at those who must be smote and I shall."
    That having been said he steps back and away, now granting the man his space as he uncurls a hand gesturing to the side for the other Avenger to follow him. "As you can see... we are enduring. Things are progressing... 'tis better than when we first arrived but much is still in flux."
    A pause as he steps to the side and he leans to thump upon the back of the armor, "Come. Share a drink with me. We have much upon which to speak." He starts towards the far door, though it's clear that that door is in a state of ill repair, half of it hanging broken on its slide.

Iron Man has posed:
    "Yes, we could have used additional smiting," Tony observes with an easy laugh, "But I think Hulk was happy to pick up any and all of that. Usually in the correct direction." Tony comes along on the 'tour' easily; his robots come along, bringing the gear. "He's at work on a biological idea to see if we can't keep that fungal monstrosity well away from you up here. It would definitely add insult to injury."

A snap of gauntleted fingers is given to the offer of drinks. "I happily accept your hospitality of powerful mead," Tony says, in a very polite way that he can be capable of when he chooses to. Overly polite perhaps, but that likely isn't something Thor will even catch. Tony amuses himself, mostly. And often that's enough.

While they walk, Tony removes his helmet more completely, comfortable, dangling it from his off-hand by the jaw, after briefly running his other hand into his hair, not that it needs fixing. He's jarred a little by the thump to his back, but doesn't drop the helmet. "I expect you'll be in a rash of meetings to sort out the politics of your people," Tony queries, guiding. His eyes carry a thoughtful pressure of tension, mouth and jaw adjusting with a flow of expressions that is Tony's 'thinking' face.

Thor has posed:
    "There is much that has happened even in this short time since our arrival." Thor says a touch solemnly as they continue walking and he reaches that door which makes a pitiful half-hearted attempt to slide open but fails to do so considering half of it is off the track and seems broken, particularly at a point where the imprint of a large hand seems to be. But Thor steps up and shoulders open the door then passes through, making it wide enough for Tony to follow after this his entourage if needs be.
    "I would have your counsel, for you are more well versed in the tides and flow of the politics of man." That hallway the broken door opens up to is only perhaps some twenty feet long but it leads to a set of stairs that carries upwards. Upwards into the observation deck that Tony might have seen in the initial scans of the ship. Half of the room is a bubble protrusion from the ship that allows those upon the raised section to look out upon the infinite. The other half of the room is the dark metal of the ship itself, though in that room is a large purple and gold table that has an ornate bottle resting upon a tray with a quintet of glasses beside.
    "I have a good man keeping watch upon the hull of the ship, his goal to grant warning should the mushroom creature present itself. We will at the least have warning and if so we shall contact you, though it may have to be brief. Even now the power drain for communications is appreciable."
    That said he gives a nod towards the seat, not motioning for the man or ordering him to take the seat, more the feel of it is offering should he so wish. Then he rests a hand upon the neck of the bottle and says, "But first... what should I do, Tony?" And for the first time. Now... with that broken door at least partially closed behind them they have privacy and he can see the injury to Thor's pride, and the pain of a man tasked so.

Iron Man has posed:
    "Well versed? Enough to know how much pressure to apply on an appropriate neck to get something I need to happen made into reality, so, well, yes," Tony says, hardly one to be EVER humble, including now. Tony has a comfortable confidence and assurance, and perhaps that is something that could be of value to the upset, questioning god of thunder right now.

    "I don't mind telling you, or anyone, what I think; you hardly need ask," Tony smiles, a touch of rogue there, but still watchful, keeping an eye on Thor's emotional state as much as he is paying attention to the information he's been given. And also assessing visible damage on the ship. Tony the multitasker.

    "Well, I've brought some communication boosters with me. So at the very least you're not drifting out here without lifeline." Tony's robots are still present, but they just stop near the broken door. "Start analysis on that, and get my station set up," Tony instructs them, and they trundle off to do that, immediately.

    That big question, though, lands. What should Thor do? Tony looks at him a long moment. "Pour," Tony answers, simply. One thing at a time.

Thor has posed:
    "That would be very good," Thor says when Tony speaks about the communication boosters even as he then sets to fulfilling the request by pouring one of the few remaining bottles of Asgardian Mead in the universe. The amber liquid gurgles faintly as it fills first one glass, then the other. "I know there are others here who have been to Midgard who would wish to get in contact with others." For the call of Ragnarok did indeed draw Asgardians out of the woodwork.
    "Here is the situation," Thor sets the drink down in front of the Man of Iron and then pulls out a chair for himself. He straddles it and leans forwards, brow knit in focus. "I know the difficulties our presence bring to the fore for the nations of Midgard." He uncurls a hand as he speaks, "Wakanda's King has offered us asylum, as well as the Themiscyrans." He lifts his gaze to focus back upon Tony. "Alpha Flight has rendered aid and the Nova Corps and Lanterns have been made aware of our situation."
    He sits up and only then takes a sip. "My current plan is thus," He gestures wide, "With the support of those two nations I shall address the Nations in Unity. I will tell them what has passed, that they are in no danger from us, and that we would resettle." A larger swallow then and he scowls. "And then... it will be... navigating a morass of horrible political creatures."
    He takes a deep breath and then looks across the table at Tony, frowning. "I know you cared not for my brother and with strong reason. But it is times such as this... that I do miss him."

Iron Man has posed:
    Tony listens to the speech, dropping his helmet to set it on the table, and then promptly reclines into one of the other chairs he'd been motioned towards. It is one of his usual relaxed manners, though somewhat restrained just due to being in his armor. He expects to need it soon, if they end up getting into heavier work on the ship. But this drinking interlude? Very welcome. Tony pulls the drink set in front of him towards himself.

    "Good, I'm glad Alpha flight is pulling through there. I met with one of the Lanterns recently, as well as the Wakanda King, who directly offered to help the Avengers. The Avengers have more allies globally than we ever have had, and I think we should use ALL of that leverage."

    Tony rolls his eyes at the comment about Loki. No, Tony does not like him, but manages to keep it to his eye rolling, and not other remarks. "Right now, I'd bet your people want some hope of what could be ahead. With that, you can rebuild anything, anywhere. And it sounds to me like you have a lot of that to offer them. That's a really good start." He offers to clink glasses. "To hope."

Thor has posed:
    As Tony Speak Thor listens, his head bobbing at points as he hears different points he agrees with. But then Iron Man adds that last and the lifting of his glass and Thor's smile returns albeit subdued as he nods. He leans forwards and the glasses clink together, "To hope." Says the God of Thunder... and then they both drink.