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Great Balls of Fire or Team Rocket Blasting Off AGAIN!
Date of Scene: 23 June 2018
Location: Triskelion, New York City
Synopsis: In which Rhodey and Darcy discuss upending beer over Fury's head or that really isn't a good idea, Darcy.
Cast of Characters: Darcy Lewis, War Machine

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Midafternoon - Triskelion - NYC

Darcy's finished her afternoon office supply deliveries. Sure, she's got minions - I mean, Junior Agents - to do that for her, but every now and then, she likes to make them they way she used to, so she can check in and make sure things are still okay with things. Right now, if asked, she's on her union break.

Darcy standing, leaning her rump back on the edge of the counter by the coffee machine, waiting as it bubbles and hisses through its perculation. Phone in hand, Darcy seems quite engrossed.

War Machine has posed:
     A time passes before the doors open and in walks James Rhodes. Unsurprisingly he's in a fair bit better state then he was just yesterday what with the 18 hour test flight gone wrong.

     Today he's dressed up in a fresh pilot jumpsuit with the usual deniable asset design to it. No badges no logos just a pitch black flight suit with an attached helmet and air tanks.

     From the looks whatever he's been flying doesn't exactly have a pressurized flight cabin.

     He makes his way to the vending machine and snags the usual, another one of those high caffeine coffee bars he's such a big fan of. Munching away on it he looks over to Darcy, and gives a nod.

     "Lewis, what's the good word?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Gotcha, ya little-" Darcy looks over with a smile as Rhodes addresses her. She smiles sweetly and finishes up whatever she was doing on her phone that was making her swipe up repeatedly. Her phone's set screen down on the counter so she can turn to make herself her cup of coffee.

"Bird is the word, Rhodes. You?" she quips, red lips smirking.

War Machine has posed:
     "ah boppa ooma mow mow." Rhodes says in a calm almost deadpan voice before chomping down on that little energy bar. It's the only thing he eats most the time when he's on the job but then again do you really need anything else? If it fills the stomach as they say.

     "You know sometimes I come down here just to game myself, but I usually break out my Gameboy classic for that."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Eagle in the lobby's a pokestop," Darcy comments. Because of course it is. She makes her coffee sweeter than sweet and turns to face Rhodes, having bobbed her head in time to his sung response to her greeting.

"Gameboy classic, huh? Man. I sucked hard at Tetris. I still suck at Tetris, especially the adult edition."

War Machine has posed:
     "Tetris is in many ways a game in its purest form." Rhodes comments quietly before kicking back leaning against a nearby countertop. "It's a game that at its core is simple to play but holds so many levels it becomes almost impossible to master." He shunts one of his hands into his pocket. "It's almost beautiful in it's simplicity." He shrugs his shoulders. "Shame the original maker barely made a penny."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy regard Rhodes, as he odes to Tetris, over the rim of her coffee mug.

"Should I find you a game of tetris and give the two of you a moment?" she asks, grinning. Coffee being sipped, she collects her phone into a pocket, hip against the counter again.

"How've you been, though?" she asks, switching topics.

War Machine has posed:
     "Problem is the lube would just completely ruin the cartridge." Rhodes states shifting conversational gears without even a pause to allow processing. "Baghdad, Trinidad, Madripoor, school field trips, North Korea, Somalia, Vietnam, grade school dance recital, Turkey, Azerbaijan, parent teacher conferences, Mauritania, Syria" Rattling off the list just off the top of his head before pausing to chomp down on another bite of that sweet delicious coffee bar.

     "Oh, how." Rhodes takes a moment. "Busy. Very Busy."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy chuckles at the very them response. Pushing from the counter, she motions toward a table, wordless invitation to join her if he likes.

"Sounds like. Damn. I thought I was stupid busy," she retorts. "Bravo, good sir. Bravo.

War Machine has posed:
     "Keeping busy keeps me sane." Rhodes jokes with a bit of a smile. "Though keeping busy is a lot easier these days with the rugrunner scrambling around every surface she can hop up onto." A small smirk crossing his face. "She could keep fifteen people busy trying to keep up with her."

     "This morning I found her tearing apart my flat screen to use for parts in one of her projects."

     He shook his head from one side to the other slowly taking but a lone moment to mourn the loss of his television, before asking. "Enough about me, how's life treating your side of the fence?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy nods to Rhodey's assessment of busy keeping one sane. She doesn't have a kidlet of her own (thank goodness for now) but she nods anyway. Part of the derby life is being a sister and helping entertain the rugrats of other skaters now and again. Darcy loved being the Aunt.

"Life's okay. Work, skating... that's about it. Pretty chill to be honest," she says, not neearly as busy sounding at Rhodes is, but she's okay with that.

War Machine has posed:
     "Hey sometimes there doesn't need to be more." He shrugs his shoulders. Rhodes attention driving up towards the ceiling tiles before he banks the wrapping paper of his energy bar off the side of the bin only for it to fall on the outside completely ruining his moment of trying to look cool. Assuming that was what he was doing.

     He walks over to the can and kneels down in his full flight gear picking up the wrapper before stepping right back where he was. "You'd think being a master of Beer pong I'd be good at hitting in these trash-kit-balls...." As he throws another shot only for it to miss by a few CM. "You'd be wrong but you'd think that." As he lets out a sigh.

     "You hear anything new about that whole mold business?" Asked as he moved right back over to pick the wrapper once more.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy chuckles as she watches Rhodes toss and miss with the wrapper, coffee being sipped at regular intervals.

"Mold business?" she asks, head tilting slightly.

"Was there a leak during the last rain storm?" Because no, no she hasn't heard anything. Which, after all, isn't really that surprising. She's just in office supplies.

War Machine has posed:
     "Eh sort of." Rhodes just slams down the balled up wrapper into the bin before shifting round on the spot. "It's not really that big a deal anyway." He looks down at his smart-watch as it starts to beep away. "Looks like I've got to get heading here shortly they finally put the fire out on the x one eleven jay ar dee"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Fire?" Darcy asks, eyes widening in concern. The thought of mold is put aside for now, though she'll have to check on it when she gets back to her office. Afterall, if that mold was in a location with papers or files or something, she might have some extra work to replace any items effected.

"Everyone okay?" she adds, coffee cup coming down.

War Machine has posed:
     "Last I checked." Rhodes rolling his shoulders as he spoke already tossing back on the helmet that had been hanging on the back of his flight suit. It's a complex thing with an air-tight seal.

     Once the helmet goes down his voice sounds modulated by a significant degree. "Don't get too worried I'm used to things catching on fire when we do the initial shakedown of a new test vehicle."

     There's a low hiss as the suit begins to achieve proper pressure balance causing him to look like some sort of modern day storm trooper pilot. "Besides we have more then enough safety precautions in place that it's actually fairly low risk, when we're not running combat ops tests."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Uh-huh," Darcy vocalizes as Rhodey suits up.

"Whatever you say, Lando. Just, mind that re-entry? I hear it's a bitch." Her brows are quirked, one up and one down. Her lips are lopsided in a not quite grin. She's still worried, that much is clear, but she's not about to get involved. This is his job, andso it's not her place to step in. Doesn't mean she can't fret internally. Another sip of coffee, fortifying to her nerves, is taken.

War Machine has posed:
     Rhodes points a lone gloved finger towards Darcy. A moment later pointing to the visor of his helmet before pointing right back to her eyes."We'll see who's laughing when I finish the kessel run in 10 parsecs." He rolls his shoulders once more adjusting the fit of the suit so it's comfortably back into place the air tight seal completed and pressurized. "That said if you see reports of a mile wide fireball over Sacramento, then hear about my tragic car accident pour out a beer for me."

     "Preferably not over Fury's head." As he makes his way back for the door. "Pretty sure it wouldn't help his hair grow back."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Still," Darcy comments, sipping her coffee. "If he ordered it and that's teh result, I'd likely feel better about life if I did. That said, don't turn into a fireball."

Darcy offers Rhodey a coffee mug salute as he makes his way to the door, and she sips her toast after he leaves the break room.