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Latest revision as of 21:33, 2 August 2018

A Lovely Day For Chess
Date of Scene: 24 June 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Professor X, Captain America

Professor X has posed:
     Ah, what a //beautiful// day to be outside! At the park no less! It's the usual day. A light breeze in the air but it's the perfect weather. Neither too hot nor too cold. The park seems to be quite busy today, with children playing with frisbees and playing tag and the like while adults simply converse amongst themselves with either a coffee, beer, or soda in hand. But, there seems to be one elderly-looking man simply sitting by himself at one of the many chess tables around.

     It was Professor Charles Xavier. Mutant rights activist and otherwise prominent philosopher and one of the greatest minds in the world. Telepathically and intellectually thinking. He is in his wheelchair, as per the usual, and he wears a black suit with a white undershirt and a blue tie! It really brings out his eyes, if you look closely enough. He has a small blanket over his legs to keep him comfortable and he seems to be wearing the classic Englishman's tweed cap. the chessboard is untouched as Xavier looks out amongst the population of the park itself.

Or he's waiting for an opponent. Who could say?

Captain America has posed:
Captain America is enjoying the sunshine. He is happy to be spending time with such an influental man. Steve would never pretend to know for sure what it is like to be a mutant but he empathies their condition. As it is, he knows he is out of his depth here but going to have a go at it. He doesn't even do rediculous stuff like sing in his mind because he trusts Charles fundamental honesty. "So tell me....what is the news upstate professor?

Professor X has posed:
     The Professor's attention shifts to Steve Rogers as he speaks with him. Charles, makes the first move, moving a pawn up one space before letting Steve make his own turn. "Well, Not too big a deal has been happening, to be honest." he speaks with that classically charming british accent. "The school is starting to receive quite a few new students, which means Jean has admirably ran it in my absence." He shrugs very softly. "But...aside from this Asgardian situation that this great nation now attempts to handle, nothing extraordinary has occured. Which, Mr. Rogers, is a very good thing. But what of you and yours?" he asks curiously with a fatherly smile on his face.

Captain America has posed:
Captain America says, "Seriously? That's the best news I've heard all day. Between space mold, crazy gardens and Asgardians, normal in your neck of the woods is great. I agree with you entirely. The Space Mold is a big deal. It's affecting agriculture and these monsters are going to hit civilized areas soon. I'm more worried about Asgard to be honest. Tony will do what he always does with these thigns....but no gadget can make people...be better. That takes time." He replies carefully, wanting the game to last."

Professor X has posed:
     Charles can't help but laugh a little bit, but he nods very lightly. "Yes. It's....a very worrying thing. to hear that his home had suffered such a mortal blow....but it is good to see Thor in such a responsible manner, rather than the warrior he always appears to be." he nods lightly. "I'm proud of the young man. But for Mr. Stark...I agree. I believe he tries to force change in others at times, but, time heals wounds." he shrugs very softly.

"But how are -you- doing with all this, Captain? It's been some time since we last spoke."

Captain America has posed:
Captain America nods. "I can only imagine. And Thor is a standup guy no matter how open his understanding of things sometimes makes him to Tony's zingers. I watched more TV just to get some of the jokes than I care to for a while now. I still dont get most of them. I am doing well personally I guess. I am glad I have friends from the past, but its....I wont like Prof not an easy thing. I missed a lot and catchup only does so much good. I try to pour myself into the work. It helps. A lot

Professor X has posed:
     Charles smiles softly to Steve with a bit of a smile at his minor joke about Thor's understanding of puns. Regardless of such, he nods lightly as Steve explains his situation to him and Charles nods lightly. "I won't lie to you and say I understand or sympathize, Steve. But...to hold those truths in your heart and be the best you can be, if not for your sake then for theirs, is a thing of beauty. I believe there is a reason for everything, Steven. What reason in your case? I cannot say." He says in a more fatherly manner.

Captain America has posed:
Captain America says, "well I have done a lot of good here and now Professor. And more importantly, the country has lost something it had, so helping us find that again is a mission for me, but ...I would like to think I might have helped us not lose it in the first place....what's done is done and I am not messing around with time travel. Things could have turned out a lot worse for my friends."

Professor X has posed:
     Charles nods lightly to Steve. "Steven, I don't need to read your mind to tell such things. But..listen to me, son." he sits up a bit more, well, as best as he can as he looks him in the eyes. "The biggest problem of mankind is that we never look to the present. We always look to the horizon to see what may come, or we turn around and follow past footsteps. Great men and women alike have fallen to both because they could not focus on where they were and what they were doing. You are a good man, Steven. But it will do you no good to look behind your shoulder. You are here in the now...and we are all very lucky for it."

Captain America has posed:
Captain America says, "Fair enough Prof. You have a good point there. That's kind of why I never tried to go back besides having a chance to do so. The world needs me here. I am here. It's what I need to do and focus on now."

Professor X has posed:
     Charles smiles to Steve, chuckling a bit. "Good. That will be your best way to maintain who -you- are, mentally speaking." he smiles softly "But alas, that is enough of serious matters no? Let's enjoy a fun game of chess. Have you finally found yourself a lucky lady, young man?" he teases God's Righteous Man just a little bit like a grandpa would.

Captain America has posed:
Captain America is unsure what I am in the mood for though :p

Captain America has posed:
Captain America says, "and I'm sensing I might be oddly picky....which is unusual for me"

Captain America has posed:
Captain America says, "Yeah. there are problems with this char....I'm not talking re politics on the mush but...what can be problematic can also be catharsis, I am doing a plot soon"

Captain America has posed:
Captain America says, "Trying to figure out how to make it relevant but also not plutonium"

Captain America has posed:
Captain America says, "my idea was MUCH more in your face even though the half that would not lose a few fruitloops short of a cereal bowl would LURVE it...but I ran it by people....not doing it :D"

Captain America has posed:
Captain America says, "I am simply going to say I am past the concerns of certain people."

Captain America has posed:
Captain America says, "and put the rest on the political channel beyond that."

Captain America has posed:
Captain America says, "I think some of the weirder stuff I'll do w Tom or Grodd might not be everyone's cup of tea :D"

Captain America has posed:
Captain America says, "Ivy is one of the few people I consider more messed up than Tom"

Captain America has posed:
Captain America idles, bbl :D (Tom Night actually but Tom Green would be interesting :D