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Clash of Cultures
Date of Scene: 25 June 2018
Location: Manhattan, New York City
Synopsis: Dru-Zod has learned english, and met some of earths meta-humans, cultural shock indeed, but things have ended peacefully..
Cast of Characters: Zod, Sister Reinhardt, Stardust, Hulk

Zod has posed:
     The call went out over the dispatch. 'All units, be advice, suspicious individual found at Manhattan Electronics at 550 8th street manhattan. Subject is tresspassing and has refused to leave. '10-4 dispatch, Unit 42 enroute, 10-4 dispatch, unit 52 in route for backup.' was the reply on the radio where sure enough, 2 minutes later two squad cars roll up and four police officers get out of their cars. "Alright Rookie, keep your eyes open and pay attention." The veteran officer tells his new partner his hand resting on his gun. The rookie actually draws his though he keeps it down low the training officer not noticing as they enter the store after the first pair.

    Dru-Zod stands at the back of the store, a bank of twelve different televisions, on twelve different stations are playing, each with their own individual audio playing from their inbuilt speakers. It could be a cacophany of sound except the volume of each is turned down low making it more a murmer than anything else. Arms crossed infront of him, wearing something that looks vaguely robe like and somewhat 'karate gi-ish' looking to be made out of black and silver silk, the man's eyes dart between one screen and the next as he absorbs in what he sees and hears, the lexicon of this planets language starting to build in his mind..

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne had heard the dispatch herself...thanks to her ring, and she showed up, behind the officers, and quietly walked inside as well. She had her Blue Lantern uniform on, but she wasn't glowing, except her ring....and she was keeping far behind the officers.

Stardust has posed:
Despite the other distractions, the Titans do have this thing called "monitor duty" that just occasionally does get performed. Now is one such occasion, and more because she really wants to get out of the tower for a while than because the report seems particularly promising, Stardust makes her way to investigate the suspicious individual report. She drops out of the sky, takes in the parked squad cars, and heads inside the store at a hover. She's not going for subtle.

  Inside the store, Stardust stops by the door to study the scene. Potentially jumpy cops, a costumed figure of some type she doesn't recognise (though a voice in her head informs her, 'Blue Lantern. Powerful.', and a figure dressed oddly with an even odder manner of television watching. "Stardust, with the Titans, here to help if you need it officers," she says, loudly enough to ensure that it's not only audible to the cops, but that the oddly-dressed guy is aware that there are people approaching and hopefully doesn't get too jumpy.

Zod has posed:
     "Sir, you've been asked to leave and are currently tresspassing." one of the senior officers states in an authoritative voice to Zod. The Kryptonian doesn't seem to pay him any attention as he continues to learn and absorb. Another officer glances back and just sighs. "You capes." he says with a bit of annoyance "We have the situation under control. Go get some kittens out of a tree or something, and stop undermining honest folks." the cop adds. The rookie on the other hand has his eyes wide as saucers looking back at the floating pair of women. With a counter in between him and Zod he just looks back and forth kneeling down for a bit more cover his gun aimed at the dark dressed man. Seeing what's going on as well, the other officer who's not spoken yet draws his gun though it's not brought up to bare on anyone.

    "Sir, I am talking to you." he says reaching out to grab Zod's shoulder and pull him around. That's when Zod's training kicks in. Unaware of his new strength and power just yet the solder's movements are fast, a little over exaggerated even as he spins the force of which actually yanks the cop around sending him flying into a display of HDMI cables. Which is all that's needed for hell to break loose as the already on the edge rookie pulls his trigger sending a slug at Zod's forehead for it to ricochet off hitting the stick in the mud cop winging his shoulder and dropping.. "I'm hit!" he calls out which has the other officer bringing his gun up, the two armed police officers opening fire and not realizing what's in store..

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    As soon as the first shot is fired, Suzanne's own reflexes kick in and there is a barrier in between Zod and the Officers....as well as one around herself. "The 'honest' folks here.....seem to be making a situation escalate needlessly." She says before she looks to the person at the monitors and........stops. "Well....damn. I didn't expect to see you again." She then chuckles a bit. "Like you can understand me." she then looks towards the TVs and tilts her head. "Hmm....trying to learn? At least no one's trying to get you in their ship this time."

Stardust has posed:
"Hello! I don't wear a cape," is Stardust's response to the irked cop. "Don't they teach you basic observation at cop school?" She rolls her eyes, crosses her arms, and lets the cops get on with it.

Which they procede to do *really badly*

  "STOP shooting at each other, you half-wits!" Stardust yells out, before swooping up, over the heads of the cops and down again, getting herself in the line of fire, turned to face the shooters. She doesn't know how bullet proof Zod is, but she does know how bullet proof she is. There's the added advantage that her particular type of bullet proof means that bullets don't ricochet nearly as much. As she's facing the cops, she is for the moment unaware of the blue barrier that Suzanne has erected - it's behind her. "You're the only ones firing," she yells at the cops. "So much for 'situation under control'.

Zod has posed:
     The cops /do/ stop shooting, one moving over to look at the downed officer, his shoulder hit but nothing life threatening, they start to call in for both backup, and medical services, letting dispatch know that two metas have arrived on scene as well.

    "There is no try." Comes Zods reply glancing over at the downed officer and his partner. "This is twice now you and I have come to cross paths, are you and this other one this planets security and law enforcement?" he asks curiously the man not aware of what a blue lantern, or meta-human is just yet.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne smiles a bit at Zod as she hears him speak. "Actually, no." She then points to the police behind the barrier. 'They are....supposed to be, but they're rather....trigger happy." She says keeping the barrier up. "At least you're learning. First of all, let me introduce myself.....I am the Blue Lantern for this sector, and....I'm sorry for what you had to go through when you arrived. We're trying to prevent it by talking to you." She then looks to the police. "or, at least....I am." She then looks to Stardust. "Can you....do us all a favor and temporarily relieve them of their weapons? So they don't get hurt further?"

Stardust has posed:
"There is no..." Stardust looks over her shoulder at Zod, and is momentarily distracted by finding the blue barrier, which she raps her knuckles against. "There is no try? Are you Yoda?" She asks. "Certainly sounds like you come from space." She looks him up and down, looking for obvious signs of alienness. There are enough species that look remarkably similar to humans that it doesn't make a lot of difference though. "But you're way too tall for Yoda. And not ugly enough. Please don't throw cops. Even dumb ones. It's one of those things that just isn't correct etiquette on this planet."

Stardust turns to Suzanne with an arched eyebrow. "You know this guy?" she whispers. "And no. Relieving cops of their fire arms really annoys them. They should be out of the way for a while now. Normally they have the sense to stay back when there are metas on the scene. They called for backup, someone more senior should show up and get them not to be stupid."

Zod has posed:
     "Who is this Yoda of which you speak?" Zod asks curiously "I am Dru of the house of Zod Commander General of the Military Guild." he says as a shadow of sadness passes over him for a moment. "Or I once was, in another life." he says simply. "Why were these soldiers accosting me? Is this /not/ a public news hall?" he asks politely. In the distance the sound of several sirens can be heard quickly starting to close the distance..

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "It is not, sadly. What you did, accoring to the local laws, was illegal. Called Breaking and Entering. And Yoda is a pop culture reference. 'there is no try' is part of a quote....'Do or do not, there is no try'. Well, Dru....Welcome to earth, or Terra, if you wish to call it that. And they are not soldiers. They are civilian law enforcement officers." She then looks towards the door, as she hears the sirens....and erects a barrier between herself, Zod and the doorway. "Just in case they come in with their guns drawn." She then looks back to Dru. "There's a lot to learn about earth....such as....you're a lot stronger than most of us humans....."

Stardust has posed:
"Short green guy, about yay high, Stardust explains, holding a hand flat and about two feet off the ground. "Says 'there is no try' a lot. But let's not worry about that, he's probably not here. I believe he lives in a galaxy far, far away. So, a general, huh? I hope you're less of an ass than the last one I met. Welcome to earth and all that. What planet do you come from?"

  Stardust looks back at the doorway and the new blue barrier, then turns back and steps up next to Suzanne. "Actually mostly you just spooked them. This is a store that sells media reception devices. It's not intended for public use in general."

Zod has posed:
     Dru-Zod sneers. "This yoda sounds much like my grandfather, doubt leads to fear, and fear kills the mind and leads to failure." he says as if he were quoting something once said to him and drilled into his head. "I broke nothing, and others were coming and going, I did not know this was a shop, but I knew that if I were to watch this planets media I would learn the language." he explains. "I do not have any of this planets currency, but I do have access to raw resources, are there any elements concidered valuable that I may have on my ship? I can produce some to pay for the trouble I have caused." he offers.

    When Colette asks him where he is from, the sadness is once more there. "I come from a planet beyond the borders of this galaxy, long ago it was destroyed due to the Hubris of our leaders, and the cowardice of our best mind. It was a world called Krypton." he answers in subdued tones..

Hulk has posed:
The Hulk has been seen all over the country, especially locally, lately. The Avengers have been working overtime dealing with the spores that have started to terrorize half the planet. Luckily (or perhaps unluckily, depending on who you ask) Bruce has been taking a break at the Avengers mansion between operations when the potential alien/meta sighting popped up on Avenger radar. It didn't take long for Bruce to /drive/ to the scene after that.

This being an Avenger first responder vehicle, it's pretty fast.

He might be legally cleared and a publically known Avenger now, but the infamous reputation of Bruce Banner tends to be carried wherever he goes.. so he's slowly taking in his surroundings as he stands next to the car, taking in the situation quietly for now.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne tilts her head as Zod says that and nods a bit. She then looks to Colette. "If they're spooked by me, they had little hope to begin with." She says before looking to Dru. "Welcome to earth." Then her ring blinks a couple of times...which makes Suzanne lift her hand....and a window pops up.....an instructional window. "Hmmm..." She says as she follow the instruction. "I can remove the bullet and close the wound....if you wish. It'll be a lot faster than the hospital working on your arm for an incomplete heal."

Stardust has posed:
at the word 'Krypton', Stardust raises an eyebrow towards Suzanne. She doesn't really need to add the obvious. Kryptonians are a known quantity, and one you have to take seriously. <<Welcome to Earth, Dru of the house of Zod>> Stardust says -- in rather poorly pronounced and heavily accented Kryptonian. The kind of thing someone might say if they'd heard the phrase and were repeating it. She then returns to speaking English. "If you have any gold, platinum, or non-radioactive rare earth metals, they would be easy to trade for local currency. You seem to have picked up the language quite well."

"They called for medical attention," Stardust whispers to Suzanne. "May be better to wait for the pros than attempt surgery from an instruction manual." She pauses a moment, her eyes turning to look to one side as if listening to someone else. "Oh unless that's a ring thing you can do. In which case go ahead."

Zod has posed:
     Outside half a dozen cop cars, two fire trucks, and an ambulance (The Partridge refused to leave his tree) come blaring on up people having started to rubberneck at the store and the blue bubble that has appeared inside. Stepping out of a unmarked car that also roared up is a petite woman with short blonde hair a bullhorn in one hand and a glock in the other "This is the NYPD Lieutenant Julie Andrews to the individuals inside Manhattain Electronics. Come out with your hands up, and any powers you manifest powered down." The woman says in a firm and confident voice before she starts directing the other cops to start dispersing the crowd.

    Inside the store Zod quirks a brow "Where did you learn to speak my native language?" he asks curiously before he frowns at the command from outside not use to being given orders much any more. "Is there any way to diplomaticly handle this?" he asks curiously. The cops glance at each other and the one who seems to have taken charge glances over at Colette and then back to Suzanne. "I think we'ed rather let New York General take care of things thank you. "Help me take him outside." he says to the other cops before glancing back at the three Meta's "You three should do as the lieutenant asks." she adds

Hulk has posed:
Ahh, there it is. The need to feel 'in control' from authorities Bruce has come to experience first hand many, many times during his time on the run. Clearly, they need to assert themselves to project their fear. Bruce starts to walk over to the front of the shop at this point, watching the goings on.

From behind the cops, he speaks up, "The man bounces bullets off his chest and tosses your people around like ragdolls. The metahumans here are more equipped to handle this as a serious threat." He smiles, ironically, "Trust me, I know." Bruce gives with a tone of mild amusement as he slips his hands into his pants pockets.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "There's a lot aboutus you don't know yet, Dru." Suzanne says to him, before she looks towards the cops. "If I lower the barrier, there will be more cops injured by their own stupidity. No." She says as she lowers the 'window' put up by the ring. "and suit yourself." She says as she steps back from the cops in the shop. She wasn't getting that close to someone who was that trigger happy without some sort of barrier there.

She then looks back to Dru. "Sadly, no. Usually, when they say 'put your hands up and power down...they intend to detain us."

Stardust has posed:
"Julie...Andrews?" Stardust whispers, a broad grin on her face. She steps towards the door, cups her hand to her mouth and calls back "There is no immediate danger, Lieutenant Poppins. We have a newly arrived extra-terrestrial here. The heavy handed approach would be ill-advised. Please inform your superiors that this is a first-contact situation and diplomatic protocols are required."

She turns back to Zod with a shake of her head. "I can't speak your language, sorry. I just have a kind of..." she stops a moment, trying to think of a quick explanation. "Encyclopedia of space things. I looked it up. I figure people like to hear a greeting in their own language when possible."

Zod has posed:
     Dru-Zod's forhead furrows a look of frustration on his face at the news of being 'detained' "Very well, let us go and speak with this Liutenant and see if an accord can be reached." he says simply starting to make his way to the door as the wounded cop and his buddies have reached the edge of the 'bubble'

    Liutenant Andrews sighs, 'Always have to find a wiseass in a crowd, thanks dad.." she grumbles before looking over at Bruce "The mayor might put up with capes doing our jobs, but it's still our job to do." she tells him before speaking into the bullhorn. "It can all be discussed down town, please exit the store or anti-meta ordinance will be used." the woman warns of the force that will be involved..

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "you'll forgive me if I leave my barrier up for the time being. Opening fire is what started this whole thing." Suzanne says as she walks with Dru out of the shop. "and...you'll ALSO forgive me if I go 'downtown' under my own power, as I've done nothing wrong. And you threatening force is not going to make this any better." She says in complete exasperation. "Is diplomacy not taught in the police academy? Is everything 'comply or we'll shoot' now?" She says rubbing her face. "I'll meet you 'downtown', Lieutenant -Andrews-." She snarls the name at the woman. "Don't shoot at me, or your bullets will rebound. And don't try to take my ring....or you'll find your own tactics used against you." She says as she lifts off the ground. "And to think....I've always thought highly of the NYPD. You're just bullies with badges and guns."

Hulk has posed:
Way out of their league and trying not to show it. It's a reaction Bruce knows well. Still, the man isn't tossing people around like ragdolls yet, so the Hulk doesn't need to come into play yet. For now, Bruce simply listens and monitors the situation. Still, anyone who pays attention will see Bruce there, just standing with his hands in his pockets. Eventually, someones going to realize it.

Stardust has posed:
Stardust turns a weary expression on Zod. "Someone wants to be an idiot. Sorry about this. If things get too annoying, here's a phrase you might want to learn. It goes like this: 'I claim political asylum on your planet.' It'll annoy them right back, and they'll have to pass it up the chain of command."

"We're coming out," Stardust calls out to the lieutenant. "The alien appears to have peaceful intent at this time. Try *real* hard not to do anything that will turn this into an interplanetary incident, hmm? Those kind of things look really bad on your permanent record."

Zod has posed:
     Dru-Zod stops at the doorway sighing a bit as he looks at the floating blue girl.. "From what I can see here, you have no official Capacity for being here other than being a ######" the last word he says in Kryptonian that would translate into Good Samaritan. "While I appreciate the sentiment, not following Lieutenants stated request, /is/ a provokative action which could cause the civlian law enforcement to do something more drastic. Please power down as she requested, this not need escalate more." he says reasonably..

Stardust has posed:
Stardust wonders to herself if '######' is a Kryptonian insult. The voice in her head assures her it is not, which she finds disappointing. It's good to know how to insult people in as many languages as possible. "The relationship between civilian law enforcement and the powered community here is a little... hard to explain," she tells Dru Zod. "Sometimes it's easier to just fly away once a situation appears to be safe."

Stepping to the doorway, Stardust calls out to the police "The extra terrestrial is willing to come along quietly if he is treated with the deferrence due a visiting dignitary from another world. Your beat cops failed to do that. He has also stated his willingness to provide compenstation to the damage caused to the shop. He's coming out now."

Zod has posed:
     Dru-Zod nods leaving the store with Colette as the Blue Lantern takes off to the sky, going out to meet with the authorities and clear things up, no explosions, and the only damage done was by some idiot police with a trigger happy rookie..