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Changeling: The Bearer Of
Date of Scene: 28 June 2018
Location: Triskelion, New York City
Synopsis: Skye takes Fury his gifts... and checks in about recent events, include the news about Genus being compromised, and that she has a lead. Fury's answer: fix it.
Cast of Characters: Quake, Nick Fury
Tinyplot: Changeling

Quake has posed:
This was becoming an old habit: Skye inviting herself to Fury's office to speak about things nobody else was supposed to know about. One might wonder if she ever had an SO, or if he'd always been that. Or if she wasn't undercover at her day job, hidden in plain sight.

Whatever it was, Skye was, again, the bearer of possibly bad news... only this time she had gifts to sweeten the deal.

The usual routine: Skye shows up, and no, she hasn't an appointment, but yes, she needs to talk to the Director... Now.

With an afterthought of please.

Nick Fury has posed:
    Deciding to take a trip to the Helicarrier, Fury has had all of the most recent reports and status info. transferred here to his office on the ODYSSEY. Looking over them carefully, his face shows no emotion and his eyes remain devoid of emotion. A glass of a clear liquid is located to his left, just within reach of his left hand. It is currently half full.

    "Come in Agent Johnson. I know you are skulking out there." The door opens after Fury hits a button. "I assume you have your report ready for me?" Fury's eyes look up at the doorway.

Quake has posed:
Her usual grin is mostly absent. It flickers and lingers at the edges of her lips, but doesn't quite fully realize. "Yes. And a couple other things as well."

She comes in, totally ignoring the skulking comment (how unlike her!) and closes the door behind her.

"Want to start with the good news first?"

Nick Fury has posed:
    "The good news..." Fury stands as she enters, waves her to a seat, and then sits down. "Sure, why not. I expect that the bad news will probably outweigh the good news anyway. It always does." Fury sighs, closes the viewscreen down into the desk, and nods. "Fire away."

Quake has posed:
Skye gives a hint of a grin now. "I haven't broken the new recruit. So there's that. And the reports on the China trip are almost finished. But this might make your day happier."

Two boxes are set on the table. One low and flat, somewhat the size and shape of a flatware box. Being who he is, Fury can probably make a good guess at what the box contains. The second box is about the size of.. well, again, it's Fury. He can make a good guess. Many 26ers come in boxes that size.

"We brought these back for you. Figured you might not have had the pleasure to enoy something straight from China, with the added bonus that if you don't like them, you can give them away and keep the good stuff for yourself.

And, indeed the flat box contains an assortment of cigars - from all various places Clint and Skye has stopped, while the other box contains a bottle of Xifèngjiu:

Xifengjiu (or Xifeng Liquor), one of the famous and time-honored liquors in China, is produced in Fengxiang County, Shaanxi. It boasts a long history that dated to the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD). Xifeng Liquor is refreshing but not tasteless, strong but not pungent, harmonious but not excessive acid, sweet, bitter, spicy and fragrant flavor.

Nick Fury has posed:
    Fury leans back in his chair, picks up his glass, and drinks as Skye begins to report. Nodding at the appropriate parts, Fury remains quiet throughout, until the end. When she finishes this first part of the report, Fury shakes his head, and says, "First, the new recruit. That is good news. Breaking them is always tough on Human Resources. They continuously complain about my...Trainers."

    "Second, thank you." Fury almost allows himself a smile at the arrival of the boxes. Almost. "Always willing to try new things. Especially that which you have to light on fire to enjoy fully." Fury looks up at Skye. "The Xifengjiu is also a nice touch." Fury's eyes narrow a bit. "Now the bad news, of which, these items are meant to soften I expect?"

Quake has posed:
There's a grin from the young woman and a shrug. "Everyone else got things a little more.. well, sentimental.. but you.. Figured you'd like this best. I just can't say how good the stuff is. Yun's family had good things to say, so there's hope?"

Of course, it's not all fun and games.

"Yeah. The bad news. Though really, the gifts weren't to soften the blow. I went to visit my lawyer friend - turns out we knew each other as kids - and got we got jumped. I'm not sure, but it might be related to the stuff that went down in China. And while I was getting stitched up" -she shows him her arm, all neatly bandaged- "I found out he.. might know who it is that threatened Genus. And.. Genus is feeding this person information. He's terrified and didn't want to tell me."

Nick Fury has posed:
    "Hmmmm." Fury says, and finishes off his drink. Moving the glass back on the desk, Fury leans forward and nods. "Yes. Thank you. I appreciate it." Fury looks at the gifts once more, than back at Skye. "I appreciate the "sucking up to the boss." Now, he waits for the other shoe to drop.

    Listening to the details of her past, the situation in China, and Genus, Fury nods and says, "Okay. Do your best to ensure this doesn't escalate worse. Maintain security, and find out who it is that is threatening Genus. Anything else?"

Quake has posed:
"Gotcha." Skye takes that as her cue to take her leave. She's been through this song and dance enough to know the signs. Not to mention, she has all the information - or permission - she needs at this point. "I'll keep you up to date."

Nick Fury has posed:
    Fury rises, nods, and says, "Thanks. For the gifts, and for keeping me up to date. Stay out of trouble." With that Fury goes back to work reading over all the reports he was so looking forward to...