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Latest revision as of 22:12, 2 August 2018

Bright Stars over Gotham
Date of Scene: 29 June 2018
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Nightwing and Starfire reconnect and agree to be co-conspirators.
Cast of Characters: Nightwing, Starfire

Nightwing has posed:
    Above the shadows of Gotham, the skyline is always a curious line of lights shining upon the tall silhouettes of the grim skyscrapers. Clouds at times drift past, floating across the way and lending an element of etherealness to the world that serves to make the city seem so terribly brooding and severe despite it only being a handful of miles across a river from New York.
    There'd been rain earlier in the night, not a storm but more the steady downpour that's left the streets glistening with the hint of water and a few puddles that serve to cause the cars that roll through them to sound louder than normal with those splashes. Upon the rooftops, however, the moonlight is bright enough to make everything shine with a hint light as if everything were made of diamonds.
    Everything, that is, except for the lithe young man running across the rooftop. His black suit is still matte and holds to the shadows even as he rushes along the edge of the building. Footsteps quick and his movement smooth, he plants a hand upon the small wall that borders the roof and vaults over it with a clean leap then skids along the underside of a pipe to continue his stride.
    It ends just under a tall billboard that proclaims the next iPhone to be a thing of wonder, but in front of it is just that dark silhouette. Not of the bat, but of his first protege, Nightwing.

Starfire has posed:
In Titans Tower, Starfire was cleaning her room and found a photo album of her first human romantic partner, Dick Grayson. She studies the photos and smiles. Due to various events, the two had to separate - but it wasn't a _bad_ separation per se. They just drifted apart. So - Starfire decided to see what she could do about it and sets course for Gotham.

A fiery streak would flare across the dark moonlit sky as she enters Gotham city limits, as she starts searching. She is hoping she can find her friend as she is traveling relatively slowly, but shining enough to be easily noticable - from those on the rooftops that is, for she's well above the roofline.

Nightwing has posed:
    "I got nothing out here, Oracle. Sorry, looks like this is..." Nightwing's voice falters on the comm frequencies as he lowers his hand from his ear. The heads up display continues it steady stream of data as he lifts his head and then zooms in on that figure darting across the sky. There's never any mistaking Koriand'r, considering the trail that plays off behind her, and her silhouette is rather unique as well.
    He gets a small smile but then speaks on the frequency again, "I'll make another loop, but if I don't get anything I'll finish up the patrol. Nightwing out." But for now he doesn't shift into movement again. Instead he stands up and lifts the display on his inner wrist, touching the screen with a fingertip and keying in... the old Titans communications he had from his time back then. He'll test it out by cleaing his throat and then speaking.
    "Starfire, is that you over Gotham?"

Starfire has posed:
The fiery streak stops, just the flare of her glowing hair calling her out. She grins at her wrist-communicator and taps it. "Yes it is, friend Nightwing. I was looking for you. Could you give me a signal to your location? It's kinda dark down there." She starts to descend slowly as she squints around - but she lacks supervision or the like. "It's like trying to find a shadow in deep space..."

Nightwing has posed:
    On the comm she'll hear the smile in his voice as he lifts a hand to wave. From afar he might look just like a tall shadow standing in front of that billboard, trying to gain her attention as he speaks into the comm. "Turn to your right a bit... a little more, see the..." He pauses and looks up and behind him, irisless eyes narrowing as he ponders the sign behind him and he grins a little crookedly.
    "See the iPhone billboard?" And if she does she might well see the youthful vigilante there as well.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r squeeeeees and rockets towards it like a descending meteor as she finally pulls to a stop and lands gently on the roof - and immediately would give Nightwing a big hug. "Oh, I have missed you, friend Nightwing." She finally lets go. "It's... well... I was cleaning through my bedroom and found... an album of photos. It... made me think of you. Of... of us."

Nightwing has posed:
    There's no hesitation as Nightwing steps forwards and accepts the embrace, his arms slipping around her and drawing her close where he'll turn his head and touch a small kiss to the corner of her cheek. He draws back and smiles up into her eyes, that crooked cocky half-grin on his features speaking to the warmth that she's not able to see in his hidden eyes. "It's good to see you, Kori." He gives her hands a squeeze and then hops off of that billboard and its support, landing with a faint crunch upon the gravel below.
    Down there on the actual rooftop they're thankfully out of the light and what others might be able to see so easily. He'll wait for her to descend as well and he smiles, "Were you? It's not like you to be sentimental. What was the occasion?" He walks across the way and then hops up upon the edge of an old industrial air conditioner, resting one armored boot upon the side of it as he looks to her.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r smiles faintly. "Maybe I'm growing up a bit more," she finally states, after landing on the roof with barely a sound. "I remember being very much happy with you when we were closer. I have not had any such bond since. I miss it. And I studied the photo album and remembered." She sighs. "Few undrestand me. I don't quite... fit... in with Earth. But you made me feel welcome." She paces back and forth. "Maybe I'm just being Silly Starfire again..."

Nightwing has posed:
    "Oh no, Starfire." Nightwing smiles and reaches out to rest a hand upon her arm, giving a soft comforting squeeze. "I don't think it's you fitting in or anything. I mean heck," He draws up his other leg and rests his foot on his knee, leaning back a bit so he can look to the side at the moon, then back towards her with that smile. "You have such a lovely sincerity to you, and you are up front with those you care about. It might just be because of what you've been doing, or been having to do."
    He uncurls a gauntlet towards her, "You just need to find a guy who will treat you well. Though you've got the extra hurdle of being in this whole..." He gestures to the side, indicating the whole superhero gig, "Craziness too. So anyone who wants to be with you will have to be alright with evil scientists and killer robots and all."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods. "I know," she stats softly as she pats the hand on her arm, then takes Nightwing's hand. "I could've just stayed as being a model. I still do part-time. But I was made for more. So I do more." She gazes you into the eyes through your mask and states, "I know someone who might be alright with the scientists of evil and robots and... stuff." She smiles faintly. "The one and only Nightwing."

Nightwing has posed:
    "To be fair it made things interesting." His grin is infectious as he squeezes her hand as well. A glance to the side is given as he touches a fingertip to the edge of his mask, causing the display to shift to a passive observation mode. He turns back towards her and replies, "Right now though, I'm not sure I would be good company for anyone, let alone a boyfriend." He shuffles a bit to the side and then pats the seat next to him on that air conditioner just as it makes a low rumble and kicks on quietly.
    "I've been gone for a while, and had to deal with some..." His eyes distance though it's hard to tell what with the mask, but then he looks back at her and she'll see a small frown upon the corner of his mouth as he shakes his head, "Some hard decisions I had to make. I have new respect for some of the things that Batman has had to do... been through."
    "And it wouldn't be fair for me to ask you to wait. But..." He scritches the back of his neck thoughtfully. "I could maybe introduce you to someone if you like. I promise they won't be jerks."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r is silent for a while, gazing at you. Then she nods. "Yes - the life of a warrior is not easy. There are times where one is not ready for companionship. I had my own dark period from time to time. Where not even flying was joyous." She then murmurs, "Introduce me to a someone?" She ponders as she gazes at you. "Is this someone a man who knows about.... our dangerous lifestlye?"

Nightwing has posed:
    "Well, I do have some friends who are part of this..." Nightwing's brow furrows and she might well see a small wrinkle to the bridge of his nose. "You'd probably really like... Connor. He's very nice... very zen. You two would probably get along." He takes a moment to check the display on his inner wrist, perhaps making sure they're not being eavesdropped on as he touches a fingertip to his chin and hrms.
    "A few that I am sure would like to meet you but are... honestly kinda jerks." Roy's out.
    "But if you're looking for that. I can try." He slides off of the air conditioner, his boots causing the gravel to crunch a little again. "I hate to see you so down, though, Starfire."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r smiles faintly. "I am better. But I just miss you. I am not meant to be alone - it's... not something I am good at. My emotions run high and hot as you know." She hmmmmm softly. "I would love to meet this Connor. But I wouldr ather not be with an honestly kinda jerk." She winks softly as she pulls a picture out of a pocket and shows it to you - of the two of us eating pizza, the Silkie chewing on the pizza box. "ONe of my favorite memories..." she muses.

Nightwing has posed:
    Nightwing sidles back up to lean to the side and look over her shoulder at the picture. His smile broadens as he leans forwards and touches a fingertip to it and then shakes his head, "Those were some good times." He takes a deep breath and shakes his head, for a moment touched by the sadness of what has passed. But then he looks askance to her and says, "You know, maybe we should do something fun like that. Out and about with people. It'd be a good excuse to meet others, and I can be there to take there to run interference for you if needs be."
    His brow furrows, "Yeah, actually... I think I may have an idea. Do you still have my email address that I was using when I was in school?"

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods. "Very well. Maybe the two of us were not meant to be - but we can still be the good friends...." She nods slowly. "Email address? Yes, I think so - I'd have to check the computer back at the Tower." She hmmmms softly. "And if there's anyone you have your eye on, I can maybe 'run interference' as well to connect you....?"

Nightwing has posed:
    His hand rests on her shoulder and he gives it a good squeeze as he tries to meet her eyes, "I don't have my eye on anyone. I just..." There's a pause and then he chews his lower lip for a moment, "Maybe we'll talk about it later. Okay?" He puts it off at the least with that, perhaps not ready to share what had passed during his trip out of the country or the lives that were endangered because of him... but perhaps soon.
    "But you're right, no reason we can't be good friends and keep an eye out for one another." He pushes himself to his feet and then gives her a smile again, "C'mon. Take a lap around the city with me, for old time's sake?"

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods slowly. "It is good enough for now. I hear the pain in your voice... I know that you are not ready. But maybe one day." She hmmmmmms softly. "I'll follow your lead - and stay grounded for now. If I light up too much, the crooks will run away like cockroaches from a hungry Silkie." She stretches, and readies herself to follow Nightwing's lead.