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Latest revision as of 22:59, 2 August 2018

Great Save!
Date of Scene: 03 July 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Rogue saves Josh and devastates some Reavers!
Cast of Characters: Elixir, Rogue

Elixir has posed:
It is hot and muggy. People still working sling their blazers and suit jackets over their shoulders and those who are not working are in full summer attire. Apple Park is crowded with people sitting in the shade of the trees sheltering from the heat and kids running around oblivious to it.

Josh is sitting on one of the benches, lost in thought after his morning's encounter with the paparrazzi chasing his famous classmates. The first bang goes off without even breaking his reverie. The second is accompanied by a hiss and some concrete chips flying up and hitting his jeans. He looks around and sees them.

About 200 metres away at the curbside is a brown Astro van with four huge men piling out all wearing balaclavas. The van rises appreciably as each one gets out and starts running toward Josh. The front passenger, a slimmer normal sized looking man also masked, is leaning out of the passenger window shooting at Josh with some kind of assault rifle.

The third bang goes off and there is a scream, followed by more as there are more pops. Josh starts scrambling off the cement bench for the far side. Ahead of him he sees a man in a tie, dress shirt and slacks drop to the gravel path as he catches a stray round.

The four huge men, actually ridiculously muscled, move at almost Olympic speeds, tearing up the turf under their feet as they go. They plow through a young couple laying together reading in the sun, trampling them under foot and hardly seeming to notice either the crunch of bone or the screams they cause.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue spent about 9 months at Xavier's where she teamed up with the X-Men for a little while while she finished her highschool education. AFter that? A failed wedding in Paris, a few attacks against anti-mutant monsters, another few months of living and training with Doctor Strange (that was strange) and now? She's going to NYU in Manhattan and is a full time member of the Avengers!

But, through it all, Rogue hasn't forgotten her time in Westchester and she still has friends there at the school and in Salem Center itself. She spent that summer hanging out in Apple Park quite a lot, at the skatepark there in fact.

And so it happens today that the Avenger is flying overhead in the bright summer daylight on her way TO Apple Park... of all places, sporting her slim-fitting green/white Avengers costume with a white scarf around her neck and long green gloves that go up past her elbows (but she honors her X-Men past with X's in white on her shoulders and chest). Her brown and white hair is tied back into a ponytail with the white bangs framing her face as she soars through the sky.

But its the sounds of gunfire and explosions that draw her attention away from the nearing skatepark area of Apple Park. She stops about fifty feet off the ground and hovers there... watching... taking it all in. "Good lord." Rogue mutters. "Can't a girl get a moment t'just relax eve'ah?"

And with that said, Rogue leans forward and rockets toward the chaos with her hands balled up into gloved-fists now!

Elixir has posed:
"Oh no, no, no..." Josh says to himself.

"Help!" yells. Josh scrambles almost on all fours as fast as he can directly away from the shooter and the approaching cyborgs. He stumbles and keeps going until he reaches the downed man.

"Come on, you gotta get up!" he shouts, putting a hand on the side of the man's head. There is a quick golden glow and the feeling of spreading warmth, and his leg wound stops bleeding immediately. Wide eyed and terrified, the man scrambles backward on his butt as a bullet riccochet's off the ground near him and Josh. Another sails overhead and whumps into a tree.

Two of the heavy men... Well... it's hard to call it a jump... They /leap/ into the air, with enough arc that it's almost comedic. Or would be if they weren't changing. Their wrists hinge downward and their hands hang uselessly, while foot long blades push out the arms.

The other two keep running, closing the distance rapidly. They plow through a young woman jogging down the path going in the same direction, sending her flying.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue flies right for the two that are jumping and unfolding the arms to extend out some kind of swords! She aims right for one of them and moves to slam into him... and sure she may not look like much, but an invulnerable girl who can lift almost a hundred tons can and can fly at pretty darn fast speeds... when she hits you? She hits hard! "Looks like someone needs a lesson in good manners!" Rogue shouts at the bladed thugs, dropping out of the sky then and onto her wedge-heeled boots in the grass. She turns around to look toward the bullets barraged citizens, starting now to run toward them to shield them from the gunfire! She can see the flash of light that Josh is doing to heal the wounded man, but she's not sure precisely whats going on there... doesn't look bad. Overall to the Avenger this looks like an anti-mutant attack if she'd ever seen one!

Elixir has posed:
The two in the air are heavier and harder than expected, but that is a relative thing to someone with Rogue's strength. The first careens off the impact with Rogue like he was hit by a train, and pinwheels into the second. The second yells obscenities as he gets hit by the first, and they crash through the outer branches of a tree, raining foliage down on people below, and then crash through a fence into an area of scarred and disturbed earth; the former Apple Park space mushroom site, destroyed a little while ago by the Avengers.

Josh looks up at the yelling just in time to see a green and white streak take out the two jumping men. One of the men on the ground skids to a stop, digging furrows in the gravel as he does. Then he launches himself into the air after Rogue.

The fourth keeps coming at Josh. He snarls and makes a grab for him, but Josh rolls out of the way. He comes to his feet and kicks out at the man's knee, but it's like kicking a tree trunk.

"You're gonna die, mutie," the cyborg snarls.

The shooter at the van seems to have clued in that whatever their mission, the real threat was in the air and he aims up and starts shooting in Rogue's direction.

Rogue has posed:
The big thug that jumps at Rogue while's running manages to slam into her and shove her off of her course simply because her body weight just isn't that much compared to him... but a second or two later and she's using her strength and durability to push back at him! "No touchin'!" Rogue shouts at the big fella as tries to tackle her like that.

"Thats not how ya treat a lady!" She snarls at him while her gloved hands go to grab at his shoulders and she moves to start to whirl him around! Lifting up off the ground in a hover, Rogue will start to whirl the big guy around and around and around before she finally RELEASES him on a course toward that van the gunman was getting out of!

And when she's shot at? She doesn't shy away from it! The bullets even slap right into her body! *thapthapthapthapthap!* and just... bounce right off... not even harming her specially designed green/white suit!

Rogue narrows her green eyes at the man shooting at her, her white scarf whips in the winds across her right shoulder... and she SHOOTS OFF toward the gunman, aiming to topple him in a painful charge! She's definitely a bruiser!

Elixir has posed:
The man Rogue releases flies fast enough there is barely an arc to his trajectory. He slams into the side of the van. The van caves in around his body, the frame bending almost to 90. The impact forces the van to rotate into the lane of travel. An orange Atlas semi-truck ploughs into the driver's side and comes to a skidding stop yards down the road.

With the van whipped away, the shooter is left standing. He drops the gun and turns to run, but barely gets his first step in when the impact comes. He is definitely not whatever the others were and he practically ragdolls under the impact.

In the cordoned off area a dust cloud rises from where the two jumpers impacted. They get up start running away from the fight, bursting through the fence on the far side of the area.

The remaining attacker swings for Josh's head, misses, and catches Josh's leg. The man unceremoniously pulls Josh off his feet and launches him into the concrete bench. There is a gruesome crack and Josh gasps as his back bends to an unnatural angle. Then there is a golden glow again and Josh straightens out. He crawls off the bench onto the far side from his attacker and tries to scramble back to his feet as the glow fades.

Rogue has posed:
The gunman that Rogue tackles is dropped right onto the ground... she does restrain herself so that she doesn't kill him though... but she doesn't worry if she hurts him and in fact she's instantly reaching for his hand that he was using to fire the gun with and moves to wrap her gloved hand around it and squeeze until she hears/feels his trigger finger snap/break.

"Let that be a reminder on how what ya did t'day was the WRONG choice!" Rogue scolds him as she then stands up off of him walks over to stomp down onto his rifle, smash it into shards beneath her armored (and sexay!) boot.

By the time Rogue sees the other two leaping off and fleeing, she spins around to see the civilians... She's able to catch another glimpse of Josh, healing himself? But that kind of power was never hers to easily or quickly understand. With great speed she sprints toward them.

"Hey!" Rogue shouts out to the last Attacker. "How about ya focus on me, huh?" She moves in to delivery a hard haymaker punch to the guy's face!

Elixir has posed:
The gunman screams when his finger breaks. He rolls onto his back, craddling his hand and crying.

Josh raises an arm to ward off an expected blow that never comes. Instead Rogue's haymaker catches the man mid swing. His neck snaps to the side just over 90 degrees and stays there. He spirals to the ground, then gets up with surprising speed. He turns his body sideways to bring Rogue into his field of vision, like some grotesque half broken action figure. The hatred in the man's eyes is pure insanity. He whirls around, lashing out with a vicious roudhouse kick toward Rogue.

Josh turns and scrambles away again, seeing the flying woman knocking the cyborg for a turn. He decides discretion is the better part of valour. He gets to the young woman who was jogging, who is nursing her arm and rolling on the ground. "Get going," he says, pulling her up by the good arm. There is another golden glow. The woman sags for a moment, then shakes it off and needs no further encouraging. She resumes her jog, at top speed, in the opposite direction.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just lets the kick hit her, she has no reason not to... Rare is that she runs into an opponent who has the power to do anything to her. It HAS happened, but its been very very rare. She's 19 years old and has had Carol Danver's powers since she was 16. It wasn't until she got to Xavier's last year that she started to harness the full capabilities of them though, but since age 16 she'd... had a lot of experience in at least understanding she's a lot more damn powerful than she was prior to her run-in with Ms Marvel back then.

So the kick is shrugged off and Rogue just lunges and reaches out to grab the man with both of her gloved fists, pulling him right up close and personal against her. She GLARES back at him. "Weak." Rogue says to him, anger in her voice. "Gotta get bette'ah, sugah." She adds, her youthful voice's tone is naturally husky and flirtatious in nature. Rogue then moves to HOIST THE MAN UP and TOSS HIM toward the lake!

Elixir has posed:
Josh stands up slowly as the jogger takes off and watches the kick just.... stop when it hits the woman. It is hard to tell who was more surprised, Josh or the cyborg, but regardless it is the cyborg who goes flying. A hush falls on Apple Park as the man sails through the air, further, further, and then disappears into the lake.

Shouts of alarm turn into cheers and expressions of relief, some clapping. The honking of horns where the semi-truck crashed.

Josh just watches the cyborg get tossed into the lake, then looks at Rogue, somewhat slack jawed. He shakes his head when hears the continued pained screaming of the young couple in the grass. He gives a half wave to Rogue, then turns and runs over to the two young men. He kneels down beside them and touches each one in turn. There is a glow, they each stop writhing and check themselves over. Something is said and then start packing up hastily.

Josh gets back up and walks over toward Rogue, looking around. "Wow, um, like thanks," he says. "Seriously, /thank/ you... I'm, uh, Josh," he says and holds out a hand. "You're... oh crap, you're an Avenger!" he beams.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue watches the thug disappear into the water and then wipes her hands together afterward, the gloved fingers thudding quietly against one another. She glances over to the sounds of cheers and jubilation at the sight of it and it makes the teenage girl show a light grin, but she knows better than to assume that all danger is over at this scene... So she keeps looking around for more trouble, at least until Josh walks over to her.

She gives him a quick look over. "Ya'll right?" Rogue asks in her thick southern hued voice. "Seen ya take a couple'a hard hits there... but ya literally seemed t'bounce right back."

Rogue's right hand reaches out to accept his in a shake, the glove is warm and feels textured when actually touched, its a fancy material!

"I'm Rogue... Used'ta go t'school around here. With the Avengers now... yeah." She shows a slight smile. "Happy t'help. But... what the hell was that all about?!"

Elixir has posed:
"Rogue? I've heard about you! You went to Xavier's," he says with a bright smile as they shake hands. "That's whereI go, I'm uh, a healer, doing first year bio" explains the golden skinned mutant.

He looks over toward lake, the smashed van and then back to Rogue. "It's sort of a long story," he says. "Those were Reavers, uh, anti-mutant extremists. I sort of," he starts to say and doesn't meet Rogue's eyes. "... used to be one, but switched sides. They're not too happy about it. Man, I'm really glad you were nearby," he says more soberly.

Rogue has posed:
After shaking the hand she draws hers back and uses both of her hands to adjust the scarf around her neck some so it wasn't quite so long off on one side. She grins a bit at what Josh says. "I had a feelin' you might one'a them X'ers too." She says back at him in a slightly coy way. A nod later and she's glancing around again, raising her left hand up to swipe some of her white bangs out of her face.

"And yeah, they had that anti-mutant stink about them... Gonna have t'start up'n some patrols around here, I think." She lets out a exhale and looks back to him. "Whats your name, Heale'ah?" She asks. "Thats a pretty damn impressive mutation you got there... You're gonna have a long long life'a people wantin' you around." She shows him a big smile then.

Elixir has posed:
"Thanks!" he says.

Josh's grin broadens at Rogue's smile, he couldn't have helped it if he wanted to.

"I'm Josh Foley," he says. "Don't have, you know, one of those names yet. But hey, if you ever need a healer, I'm your guy!"