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Revelations in the Rain
Date of Scene: 05 July 2018
Location: Central Park, New York City
Synopsis: Selene and Lar open up to each other on a rainy day in Central Park.
Cast of Characters: Black Queen, Mon-El

Black Queen has posed:
It's Central Park, and there's lots of open space. Lots of people walking by. Selene is doing neither, she's sitting on a bench. Birds and squirrels that bother other people in the park seem to give her a wide bearth, maybe last weekend she was poisoning the pigeons? Who knows? There she sits, almost motionless, looking a little off into the distance, like someone zoning out. Those adept at reading human emotions might see disappointment, or a nostalgic longing as she looks about the park, her eyes mostly moving, trailing after people walking, no particular people, just any one including couples. She takes in a little breathe and lets it out in a sighing huff, her hands lightly grabbing at the edge of the bench, her legs crossed at the kneee due to her short pleated skirt, but she's in a posture halfway between getting up and leaving and staying put.

Mon-El has posed:
    After a series of very hot and humid days, a thunderstorm is brewing over Manhattan this afternoon, with rain threatening to come down at any moment. Still, the dark grey clouds haven't prevented some people from venturing out to Central Park anyway. There is still a smattering of tourists and locals milling about the Great Lawn with its smooth grassy hills and rounded rock formations, even as a roll of distant thunder can be heard rumbling across the sky.

    As Selene is sitting there watching people stroll by, she will probably recognize one person in particular that she is actually familiar with personally--Lar Gand, the alien from the planet Daxam. He seems to be trying to talk to someone down, a larger middle-aged man who does not in any way look happy.
    "...very sorry about that sir, I swear. I...really wasn't myself."
    "'Sorry' doesn't cut it, kid. Not this time!" the man says, glaring. "You kissed up to Supergirl so that I'd get the blame didn't you?! I -told- you this wasn't over!"
    "Look, you saw what happened last time. Are you sure want another fist fight with me...?"

Black Queen has posed:
The dark grey clouds, and even rain and thunder wouldn't of stopped Selene. It doesn't stop her now. There's little she fears and being wet or even electrocutd are not on that list. After all, multiple times in history she's been drowned till death, and electrocuted? Oh, the asylum days of the last two centuries were not kind to their captives. And so she stays, one of few who still venture out, people watching and sitting, longing for days long past. Such an odd look for such a young woman.

Looking over at the altercation that disturbs her peaceful memories. She glares, absolutely glares at the middle-aged man who is unhappy. And there's a bit of a quick turn about in the man's personality. He smiles up at Lar and says, "Oh, no harm done lad. My apologies." And then starts to walk off in a bit of a daze, "I guess I should go home and tell my wife I lost my job yesterday, and that I was having sex with her sister." And that, that right there, puts a grin on Selene's lips. She can't help but softly chuckle at her bench, a genuine smile that even reaches her eyes, as she sighs and leans back. The chuckle wouldn't be audible to anyone without some kind of super senses, but she seems much more relaxed, a bit more at peace as she leans her head back to the back of the bench and looks up into the clouds.

"Oh come, beautiful thunder, come. For who should fear the wind and hail, the fire and storm from above, only she who has a fear of death. Not once, for the fear is over, but many times. Yes, cometh lord of doom, despair, come and entreat my favors." A little bit of crackling thunder almost seems to respond off in the distance, the rain has yet to arrive but it looks like it is already falling off in the distance.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar was starting to look rather exasperated at this whole situation when the man suddenly appears to have a complete change of heart and start walking off, even telling himself that he is going to give his wife extremely bad news about his own behavior. "...." he stares after the man, wondering what in the world just happened, but then he hears that familiar chuckle and looks over at Selene. Oh, right.

    "Uh...thanks." he says as he approaches. "You didn't have to ruin his family life though..."

    Raindrops begin now, just a few at a time at first, but quickly become a steady shower. Again the thunder can be heard overhead. Nothing too violent, but it's enough that umbrellas start to pop out all over the park.

Black Queen has posed:
There's a bit of a surprise as Lar comes in her direction, but she just sits up more. Patting the bench next to her she smiles, "Oh, Lar. Times like these, just take what the world has given you. An opportunity." She slightly angles herself against the iron arms that have been shaped into decorative curlicues so that she can face more towards the other side of hte bench. She offers a welcoming wave of her hand and mentions, "I merely gave him a small push, a slight one, a little, tiny itty bitty push to tell the truth."

There's a small shake of her head, "I was not the one who was lying to my spouse, nor the one who was having infidelity. It may ruin his life in his family, but does it not improve the life of the one he's cheating on and lying to? Of course. There are always two sides to every coin, and the best side is the one of honesty." And with that soft drops of rain start beading on her jacket, a few hit into her tightly bound hair that's pulled back in a ponytail, and she closes her eyes a bit, "My favorite thing about rain, people scatter, as though the sky is falling. Peace comes with the rain. New beginnings, even if they start with some thunder."

Mon-El has posed:
    "What, you didn't think I'd hear? If Superman could hear it, I can hear it." Lar smirks at Selene's surprise. He sits down next to her as she pats the bench. He ponders her words, frowning for a moment as the rain starts to come down gently, splattering onto the bench and filling the sidewalk with little puddles.

    "Well, maybe you're right about that. But people should be allowed to choose their own path, whether it's one of honesty or dishonesty. Then the consequences of their actions will be theirs and theirs alone to own."

    He looks out at some of the people huddling together under what little cover the park offers to get out of the rain while others just head back to their cars or other transportation as she makes that remark about the weather. "I take it crowds aren't your favorite thing then?"

Black Queen has posed:
"To be honest, every cape wearing fly-about seems to blur for me." Selene offers in response, "It is hard, here on the ground, to keep track of you all." Selene looks to you and squints a bit as you start to talk about the morality of people choosing, "Do you think he did not choose?" She questions, "I merely edged him into telling the truth. You he blamed for something, that really was not your fault. I tried to help you, have him admit his mistakes. And, oops, he had more mistakes than I realized." She shakes her head a little bit, "It is no different than finding a thug on the street stealing a purse, and stopping them from doing so. If you did not see him, or zip to the woman's rescue, that thug would never have gone to prison. But because you rescued them, when a person without powers could not, you forced him along a path unchosen."

Selene seems very comfortable in her words, her tone never even comes close to edgey, she's smiling and speaking with genuine sincerity as she leans against the back of the bench. "Crowds are difficult, sometimes. When I want my own thoughts. When I want the peace that feels like a dream. You must know, in part, what it is like to walk around and be surrounded by...." She grumbles out a little bit, "The buzzing of a broken bulb that no one has fixed because they have not the ears to hear it, or the conern to fix it."

And sure enough, as the rain begins to get harder, more and more droplets coming down, thunder punctuating the environment every few minutes, Selene's lips curl into just a small smile, "Plus, it reminds me of how little we've come from our origins. Primatives, scared of the unknown, worshipping false gods who promise safety while ignoring the real gods who till the fields every day into making a better world, a better universe."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar sighs. "Look, I appreciate what you did, don't get me wrong. I know you were trying to help and it was better than a fight breaking out but I just--" he shakes his head. "It isn't what I would have done. Sure, rescuing someone from a thief would send the perpetrator to jail against his will, but jail is simply a consequence of choosing to steal and getting caught in the act of doing it. Everyone knows it's a crime, and expects punishment if caught. Of course they still have the freedom to choose to break the law, but not freedom from the consequences of doing so."

    He raises a brow at her last comment. "False gods, huh? And who exactly are the real gods then, in your opinion?" he asks.

Black Queen has posed:
Selene Gallio shrugs a little bit and keeps her smile on her lips, "Do not worry. I didn't take offense. I just, feel the same way. Just because your powers allow you to move people, physically, to their consequence makes it no more right or wrong than me using my gift to push someone to their consequence." She offers before adding, "It was not like you peer into people's houses to see them naked, and it is not like I knew he was cheating on his wife with his sister before he admitted to it. He is walking to his consequences, because I could not lift him and carry him into jail. He was still doing something wrong. A credit card you can get a replacement for, a broken heart lasts a very, very long time." There's a bit of a look down, at that, a momentary sadness in memory.

Then she looks up again, shaking her head a little bit, smiling up towards the clouds. "The rain feels so nice, I hope you do not mind, staying outside?" She waits a moment to get approval before she offers, "There are real gods, wandering around. You might not even notice them. They would look like you or I, possibly keep their powers hidden, not even minor ones like me, or great big ones like you. Though how many people like you wish for people to worship them? Enjoy the bowing down as if they were a god? They, by fortune, of their birth often just merely can do more than any of them." She waves her hand to indicate the masses of people, "I wish I had it in my power to protect them from their false worship. I wish you, and people like you, did not have to deal with them looking to you to be perfect as though you were a god."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar shrugs. "Maybe." And it's left at that. He watches her get a look of sadness, perhaps regret, on her face at the mention of a broken heart. Not surprising, really, everyone's had their share of relationship failures in life. Certainly Lar has a few of his own, even some that are still bothering him right now...

    "Difficult breakup?" he guesses, at her downcast demeanor.

    He follows the wave of the hand toward the people milling about, looking a little confused at first. "Heh, I guess that's one way of looking at it. I mean I definitely don't expect people to worship me. I had enough of that back home on Daxam."

Black Queen has posed:
There's a look, a momentary glimpse off to the side as if Selene is looking for an escape but then she looks back and nods her head a little bit. "Not too long ago, my husband... he died." She mentions, "Not, exactly a breakup. What makes it worse, is he spent much of his life with me, taking care of things, making sure my life was easy and happy and full. And when he died, he probably would not have been..." She takes a moment, and breathes, "I feel guilt for his death. And I know it was not my fault, that even if he had been with someone else, or somewhere else, eventually fate catches even the best of us."

There's a slight slump of her shoulders and she pushes against the bench a bit to rise her shoulders back up and she takes in a slow breathe and out a slow breathe, before she nods, "It has been a few years, since, and it still feels fresh on some days. I never doubted what he thought, never doubted his honesty. Even with my gifts, he presented himself to me in the exact way he was. Inside and out, the same. It is hard to meet someone... so honest." She smiles lightly and then sighs a bit, "You have powers, but you remind me a lot like him. Honest. Not a lot of people would tell me they are an alien on our first meeting."

Mon-El has posed:
    "He would not have been what?" Lar asks, frowning as she does not finish that thought. Though he does appear to have compassion for her in his eyes. He...knows how it feels. To feel guilt over the death or harm of a friend or loved one, even while knowing it wasn't -really- any fault of his own.

    "I'm...sorry." he says, as she admits to the fresh feeling of the loss despite the time that has passed. He pats her on the shoulder gently, then shrugs. "I mean, what reason would I have to hide it? It wouldn't have been long before my true nature revealed itself anyway, even if I had tried to pretend I were native to this planet."

Black Queen has posed:
There's a pause, you are asking her a question, you show sympathy in your voice, and she is almost chewing on her lower lip as she thinks about saying something. "I just, I sent him on a morning errand, and it was dumb, it wasn't needed. I was angry, and it wasn't even because of him, but I sent him away to do something I didn't even need him to do. And..." She tears up a bit, "And... he was..." She has a few tears coming down her cheeks now, "Killed. By some, street miscreant. I was even happy he was not at home, that it took him so long to walk there and back, I did not even notice the time. And then, the law enforcement showed up at my house, and told me of his... passing." She wipes her eyes, "I am so sorry. I, do not mean to cry, I... it is just..." She leans forward a bit, as if she might fall against the bench if she is not caught.

Mon-El has posed:
    "I..." Lar suddenly feels a bit awkward as Selene starts crying, but he at least tries to support her and push her back up as she seems to be on the verge of flopping over. "...I know how it feels to lose something or someone you love. When Krypton was destroyed, millions of my people died in the fallout. Most of them because they didn't have access to the resources my family did. Not because it wasn't possible, but because it wasn't given to them. They were trained all their lives to be willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their leaders. And on that day, many of them did." He scoffs a bit at that. "Not that we deserved it. They either worshipped us or lived in fear of us. I never liked it, but I was always too afraid to say anything about it to my parents. I just...convinced myself there was nothing I could do until I inherited the throne, and tried to ignore it by wooing myself into complacency with carnal pleasures until coronation. Never imagined that day would never come. That I would be too late to save any of them." He sighs. "Well, I guess at least you're not the only one who feels stupid."

Black Queen has posed:
Selene Gallio's weight is of course, almost inconsequential to your ability to hold onto her, and she sniffles a bit and looks up at you. She raises her hands up and wipes her eyes, "I am sorry." She shakes her head, "I did not mean to cry. It is just, a hard... thing to remember." And she swallows a bit, letting the rain poor down on her, making her hair thicker than it already is and heavier. Her plaid skirt is soaked and sticking to her legs, that jacket fairs fine however since it is treated leather, and she shudders out a little more as she tries to calm her sniffling sadness. And when she can she looks back at you. "Maybe..." She looks around, "We could, go inside to a cafe? Or something. And be stupid, around a cup of coffee? I feel even dumber going inside to a place soaking wet, but... if I were with someone else who is drenched. It is just nice to have someone around." She leaves that with a slight questioning tone, and quirks her mouth to the side, "You knew you family though, had parents to be too afraid to talk with." She reaches up and grabs gently one of the hands that are holding her up, "Not all of us were as lucky. But, I still have a home... it seems so different than when I was a child, as if it is a whole other world, but still. I at least have that, I hope that you are making a home here? On Earth?"

Mon-El has posed:
    "Sure." Lar nods at the request to go inside, standing up and heading back toward the street where there is bound to be a coffee shop of some kind. "You didn't know your family?" he asks, as that seems to be implied. "But you wish you did?"

    He shrugs at the question. "As much as I can, I guess. I've been spending a lot of time in space, but Earth is nice enough. I have managed to make a few friends." Although he wasn't on the best terms with all of them at the moment.

Black Queen has posed:
"Thanks." Selene says as she stands up, holding onto your hand a bit to help pull herself up. And she's drenched. The skirt that would normally bounce lightly against her legs as she walks instead sticks to her thighs, and the hair that would flick and bounce behind her head, instead hangs heavily in a straight line. "I only know them from stories." She comments, "Things I was told by others, by friends and neighbors. I know they loved me very much. That I can feel, even now. That they wanted the best for me, they knew that I would grow to be a strong and independent woman." Selene mentions, though she's walking she keeps holding onto Lar's hand unless he pulls away. Not like intertwining, more like she can't let go, needing the aid in walking. "I do wish I had had a chance to meet them. They died shortly after my birth. I feel like I know them as well as they knew themselves, but it is not the same."

When you start talking about Earth and Space she looks up, and then back to Lar, "I have never been to space. My feet drag dirt with them everywhere they go. I think I would be... out of sorts." She looks up again and takes in a deep breath, "Besides. There are those of us who are meant for the stars, and those who are meant for the soil, and still those who are meant for the in between places. I wish I had powers like yours, to fly and be strong. Physically just... powerful." It's said lightly, "So, very powerful..."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar heads out of the park and into a coffee shop nearby--just across the street. He doesn't pull away from her hand, although he seems a little bit uncomfortable as if he isn't really sure how to feel about it. "I'm glad to know that they loved you." he remarks about her family.

    Walking up to a glass entry door he pulls it open and takes her inside with him. It's nice and dry inside, although their wet clothes begin to create puddles on the floor by the door. He smiles a little bit at the comment about his powers, his face flushing some. "Oh but you can do things I could never even dream of. I may be able to lift just about anything physical, I couldn't touch the mind." he remarks. "Just because your abilities aren't as physical, doesn't mean they aren't as powerful."

    There's somewhat of an awkward pause, then he clears his throat and finally does pull away from her hand. "Well, it was good talking to you, Selene. I hope you...uh...have a good day." And once she has bid him farewell too, he walks out the door and shoots off into the grey sky.