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We're Not All Tanks
Date of Scene: 07 July 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Emma speaks to Josh about his mutant powers, and ends up failing to impress upon him how unprepared he is for what he can do and will become. It goes as well as expected.
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Elixir

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma had been receiving Josh's updates. She had to admit she was pleased, even if she might not say so to his face. However, this last note shoved into her mailbox had left her with some concerns that wouldn't do to leave the boy to fend off and tackle on his own. things had rapidly progressed from the point of letting the boy explore who and what he was, to needing a gentle hand back into the fold.

And while many would not equate Emma Frost with a 'gentle hand', many would actually be surprised. The woman was cold, conniving, and clever, but she had a weakness: Family.

And whether the students in the New Mutants knew it yet or not, they were her family now.

As his note had said, Emma expected to find Josh in the Wellness Centre at Xavier's, and began her search for him there. (Even if she could have just looked for his particular engram amongst the rest of those she was both familiar with and unfamiliar with at the school).

Elixir has posed:
Josh is sitting at the nurse's station desk with several textbooks spread out and a notebook. He is writing and laughing at something a young red headed girl had said. Emma recognizes her, of course, from her file. Samantha Brookes, an 18 year old senior. Samantha has a book of her own in her lap and is sitting in a chair pulled up to be near Josh.

He looks up when he hears footsteps and smiles. "Oh," he says, genuinely surprised. "Hey, Ms. Frost" ~images of Sam, her voice, embarassment, surprise~

"Uh, if you need Julie, I can get her," referring to the duty nurse ~Julie leaving for the kitchen on break, pride, concern about what Emma will think~

Emma Frost has posed:
There's a soft shake of the head from Emma she declines the young man's offer to grab Julie - though that shake of head is earned for his thoughts of Samantha, not the other. Her day entirely too populated by teenage hormones, and male crushes.

"Julie is busy," Emma says succinctly. And, indeed, Julie will find herself busy until Emma is done with her conversation with Josh, leaving just herself and the boy to speak freely about matters. Not that Julie isn't unaware of the matter of mutants at Xavier's. No, this is more a matter of privacy about the topic with which Emma wishes to speak to Josh.

"I've been getting your notes, and I thought that perhaps we needed to have a little talk, you and I."

Elixir has posed:
"Ah, right. That," he says. "Hey Sam, do you think you could..."

"Yeah, no problem," she says shooting Josh a curious look. She gathers up her book and stands up. "Hi Ms. Frost," he says brightly, and then makes her way out.

"I figured you'd wanna talk about that at some point," he says, getting up. "I hope you don't mind I was emailing you."

~apprehension, caution, desire to please, resolve~

Josh pulls the chair Sam was using around for Emma.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma waits patiently for Samantha to leave, Josh having nicely dispatched with her, and Emma leaving the girl with a sudden inclination to visit the kitchens for a snack. It should keep her busy long enough.

"You figured correctly," Emma nods, taking the seat and gesturing that Josh should return to his own.

"So, you've been busy. This proposal to the Wayne Foundation. And now this latest missive claiming you think you're unsuitable for the team? I'd like to talk about that."

Elixir has posed:
Josh returns to his seat and folds up some of his books.

~not a kid <images of the cyborgs, flashes of the bank robbery that afternoon, healing people with the paramedics> pride, anxiety, resolve~

"Yeah, it's been really busy," he agrees, sitting up straighter. "What would you like to know?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma regards the boy calmly, taking in the upper thoughts scattering over the surface of his brain. Noting them. "I was wondering what this claptrap was about you not being part of the team was. Hrm?"

"I'm curious just what it is you think you should be doing otherwise, and how your experience with the New Mutants isn't preparing you for that?"

Elixir has posed:
~Indignation anxiety <images Erika, Andrea, Tyler> frustration <a man running on the ground with a bullet hole, the same man healed> warmth purpose resolve <rehearsed words> ~

"As far as I can tell, especially with who's probably gonna lead the team, the New Mutants are gonna spend the next... three.... years being young mutant activists and doing some self-defence training, bringing up a crop of high school kids to," he shrugs unknowingly. "Meanwhile, I could be actually putting my gifts to use. I can bring people back from nearly dead. I've healed.... dozens now. I should be working in a hospital, not sitting in team building exercises. I /know/ I can't save everyone, and that I need to do certain things," he gestures to his books. "I know that. But I also know there's a ward full of dying kids up the road. Or another bank robbery. Or another mushroom attack. And I could be doing something about it. I can save lives, now. I don't need to be out there carrying a banner for... However long. I don't see a future in this for me."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma settles back, quirking a brow. "Oh? Is that what you think this is. Or, rather, all you think this is? A waste of your time? You believe you're equipped to handle the responsibilities of your powers, merely because you spend time here in the infirmary? You believe that's what this is? Carrying a banner?"

She shakes her head. "Terribly disappointing. I thought better of you, Josh. Truly. And your answer shows just how far you have yet to come and to grow as a person, let alone a mutant. You aren't nearly ready to take on what you think you are. Not if that's what you think all this is. And I'm here to tell you that your attitude makes you a liability to those very people you wish to help."

Elixir has posed:
~indignant frustrated <images of Andrea talking> calming resolve anger~

"I'm enough of a person not to be talked down to," he says pointedly. "And you have never said what the New Mutants are, to any of us. So if there is a lack of clarity here, you take some of the blame. Andrea is probably going to be the leader of the New Mutants, and if she is, that's where she's taking them. So that's the best information I have about what the New Mutants are or will be. And that's not for me."

~<Jean Grey holding Pierce aloft in Phoenix fire> dying, useless, warmth <Psylocke looming over him, the jet> <paramedics thanking Josh, a woman waking in a pool of blood on a tile floor> anger~

"I /know/ there are other things going on here, and I /know/ I'm not ready for them. And that's fine. But what I can do, I should be doing. I'm serious about this, it's not some kid thing, it's a moral imperative."

Emma Frost has posed:
"What you should be doing is learning to control your powers. What you should be learning it to understand what it is to trust others. What you should be learning is what it is to be Josh Foley, person, before you decide what it means to be Josh Foley hero."

Emma's words are calm, but there is just a hint about her that suggests she's more invested in this than casual observation.

"Do you know why I haven't said what the New Mutants are? Because you need to discover that together. You need to become the people who will be the mutants that carry us forward into the future. You need to become the leaders. The faces that humans look to without fear when they think of mutants. You need to understand what it is to sacrifice yourselves for others, in order to become a cohesive working unit. A thing that is sorely lacking amongst you as you all flit about doing what you please as though your powers were enough to save you."

"It isn't enough to have powers, Josh. Or to use them. They are nothing without the character and strength of will behind them. You can not save everyone. And unless you learn how to channel your desires and your abilities into doing the most good, you will fail. Your hospitalized children are not the most good. Not when you barely know your own abilities. Not when mutants are still feared."

Her lips purse into a thin line. "You wish to learn how to use your powers, to heal with them? You wish a teacher?"

Elixir has posed:
~<middle aged man yelling> submission <Pierce, speaking, cajoling> submission anger shame indignation <Andrea ordering him to sit down> indignation /NO/~

"Mutants will /always/ be feared! The world isn't waiting for Josh Foley to have a second come to Jesus moment, Ms. Frost. I can /already/ heal people. I've already /died/ trying to do the right thing with my team. I've lost, badly, been shown exactly how pathetic my fighting skills are and how.... twisted I was," he says, his voice rising and then falling as he gets control of himself.

"If you've got someone who can show me to do that, while I do what I can, great. I'll learn. I'll grow. But I'm not here to be some mutant poster child, and I'm not here to screw around with a bunch of kids that can barely drive, much less deal with what's out there."

Emma Frost has posed:
"Mutant poster child. I see."

Emma nods to herself.

"You aren't ready for what I can teach you. In fact, I'm not certain you should be allowed to wander about with that attitude. You wonder why mutants are feared, Mr. Foley? Those such as yourself who believe there is no other way than to push their agenda upon others because they think they know better. Because they think their desire to use their abilities to do better ranks above the wishes and the desires of those around them. Because they think that they ARE better, Mr. Foley. And your come to Jesus moment was lacking if you have failed to understand that."

"Those kids, as you call them, will be the men and women you will spend your mutant life depending upon. If, as you say, mutants will always be feared, THEY will be your lifeline. Your anchor in that mire and muck. The people who will come and hold your back when all else around you falls to chaos. They will be the ones who understand who and what you are without reservation and judgement."

"I wouldn't be so quick to throw them away because you think you are that much better than them. Not when your very words and attitudes show me that you are not ready for any of the respsonsibility of your powers."

Elixir has posed:
~indignation tired exasperated~

"You talk like I'm just supposed to respect you because you're... you. Like you have the right to talk down to me like my parents," he says, sounding spent. "You're lecturing me about pushing my own agenda? You think those people at the bank today didn't want to live? Meanwhile, what, because I refuse to see it /your/ way, you're to tell me I've got issues? Pot and kettle, Ms. Frost," he says quietly.

He shakes his head. "Look, I'm not throwing my friends away. I'm telling you I'm not joining your little club and dancing to whatever beat you've dreamed up, 'kay? That's great and all, and it's a beautiful vision. But I have no /idea/ where you think you got the right to lecture me about how I have to be. If that's the strings your offer came with, then thanks, but no. I've been the little eager beaver chasing after everyone else's dream for too long. I'm not doing it again."

Emma Frost has posed:
"I have a right, young man," Emma says quietly, "Because I clawed my way tooth and nail to where I am when I was abandoned by my family for being a mutant when I was younger than you are now. Without that handful of bills that were thrust into your face. Or even a neatly packed suitase waiting at the door."

"I have a right, young man, because I know who and what I am, and what I can do. Because I've seen what you speak of, and I've made a difference."

"I have a right, young man, because there is not a day goes by where I do not risk my everything and my all for my fellow mutants, including you, so that you, YOU, Mr. Foley, might have a chance at a life where mutants are not only not feared, but seen as nothing more than belonging in this world. Where you don't have to worry about who or what is going to attack you merely for who and what you are - and if you think that being able to heal others will keep you from that fate, you are mistaken, Mr. Foley. You are still a mutant, and no amount of healing others is going to change that ingrained fear as long as you think you've got all the answers in your petty 20 years upon this planet.. with HOW many of them knowing that you're a mutant?"

Emma pauses.

"Oh, that's right.. weeks. Weeks, isn't it, Mr. Foley? You know nothing about what it is to be a mutant. Or what my vision is. Or any agenda I may have."

"I came here to talk to you about how we could facilitate your learning. And I see I was mistaken in thinking you actually cared about that more than you cared about being a hero. You, Mr. Foley, are still that frightened little man following your Reaver preacher, only now you have abilities that you think make you better than those, how did you put it? Oh, yes, bunch of kids that can barely drive, much less deal with what's out there."

Elixir has posed:

"I KNOW I'M A PIECE OF SHIT!" he snarls back and slams his hands down on the desk in frustration, then rubs his face.

"Alright? Is that what you wanted to hear? I know I'm not better than any one of of your fucking little team. I know I'll never make amends! You sarcastic b..." he bites himself off. "God, it's like talking to a fucking wall. You didn't come here to facilitate my learning, you came here to set me straight, without knowing a fucking thing about me. That's nice that you think you do, but you don't."

"You know who I talked with in here, just last night? Ms. Grey. Right in front of that picture," he says, getting up and pointing to the painting of the angel descending on the wounded soldiers. "And she sure as shit didn't sit there being holier than thou and chucking insults. I don't know if you're having a bad day, or like, this is just you, but I'm sick of it, from you, from my parents, from Pierce. You're just like them."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma neither fliches, nor turns away from the tirade. In face, short of waiting for it to be over, she's nothing but a wall of calm ice. Only when he's tarred and feathered her with that accusing and unflattering brush does she deign to speak again.

"First, if you're going to insult someone, especially a telepath, finish the thought. I'm a sarcastic bitch. You can say it. If you're going to sit there and accuse me of being nothing more than uncaring and unsympathetic, then at least have the balls to finish the sentence and say what you really think. You do neither of us any favours in holding back."

She gives a slight shrug.

"I've heard worse from better mouths than yours. As to your being a piece of shit, no. That was not the point of this. The point of this was the fact that you are rushing out into the world headlong when you've had mere weeks to come to grips with who and what you are after you've spent your entire life being a people pleaser."

"You, Josh, are not ready for what it is you are throwing yourself at. And you are going to do yourself and others harm out of the desire to to do good. It isn't enough to want to do good. You actually have to be capable of it. And if you think that what I just put you through there is as bad as it gets, then you fail to remember how you and your former friends treated mutants, how how that little temper tantrum of yours right there will not go away just because you choose to heal others. In fact, you will find yourself in a position where you will be angry at how you are being treated, and spoken to and of, and you will lash out. You see, Josh, what you don't know about me, is you're not the only healer in this room. And anything you can heal, you can also harm."

"I may not have your skill or your finesse - we come at the matter from differing viewpoints - but you are not unique. I understand you better than you think, young man, because I was you, and I paid the price."

Elixir has posed:
~exasperated indignant resolve~

"This is going nowhere and I frankly have better things to do than be preached at by you. So are we quite done here?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma shrugs, and stands.

"As you've decided not to listen, then yes, I suppose that we are done here. Learn what you can in the infirmary. I'm unaware of another with healing under their belt as a power. When you've had time to think better of what I've said, or should you actually wish to learn to use your abilities more effectively, you do know how I can be found. But be aware, young Mr. Foley, you can't undo the mistakes you'll make. Try to make them worth what you learn while you still know everything."

And so saying, she takes her leave.