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Latest revision as of 00:12, 3 August 2018

Wait We Get Paid
Date of Scene: 08 July 2018
Location: Avengers Mansion, New York City
Synopsis: Drake is given a surprise 'talking to' by two Avengers.
Cast of Characters: Slipstream, Iron Man, Captain America

Slipstream has posed:
It's a lazy afternoon at Avenger's HQ and currently everyone is checking up on A, B, or C. At least the big guns are. The newest Young Avenger is down in the basement where a ton of prototype weapons and items are stored, currently working with a few curiously. Dressed in a pair of black cargo pants, a snug black shirt over his form and a leather black jacket, he is wearing two bright shiny gold gauntlets over each fist. He launches himself forward with his speed, disappearing and reappearing, then slams a gauntleted fist into a practice dummy that is wandering about. A flash of fire erupts from the gauntlet, sending the dummy careening backwards upon impact. He blinks in and out again, coming from the top as he slams the next fist down, followed by another blast of flame. Boom! Ka-Boom!

Iron Man has posed:
    There is a little argument coming from medical, though some of Drake's noise definitely drowns that out. Tony's voice raises. "Everything you just explained: /nope/."

    With that, Tony gets up, growling into some pain from his ribs, and lowers the t-shirt down on the side the medical assistant was examining. "But, sir," The assistant faulters. It's hard to argue with Stark. The assistant trails Stark out into the hallway, but then gives up, as Tony instead heads towards the noise. He stops in the doorway of the practice room, amused, observing. When the dummy tumbles near his feet, Tony shifts his weight some and slow claps.

    Tony himself still wears a lot of ugly bruises on one side of his face, though he looks like his usual self otherwise. He's dressed way down: just black jeans and a 'WINTERFELL' t-shirt, an orb of glow mildy visible in the center of his chest.

Slipstream has posed:
Breathing heavily, Drake looks proud of himself for a moment, then rumbles out in a fake African accent. "Flattened." So, maybe he's a Doomfirst whore on his smurf account. He even gets that deep, bassy rumble in his throat as he says the word. Straightening up, he examines the gauntlets with a wide grin, then blinks as he spies Tony Start entering the room where the dummy bounces in front of his feet. He glances at the weapons, then pulls them behind his back with a cheeky grin. "Ah.. Hey boss! What's up?" He asks, his voice trailing off at the glowing orb. "I was totally not destroying what is probably expensive equipment down here." He tilts his head a bit. "Uh .. hey, since when does your chest glow?"

Iron Man has posed:
    "It's what they're here for," Tony says of the practice dummy, while it picks itself up. "I've done a /lot/ worse. Then again, mine is called 'intentional rennovation'," Tony says with a dismissive hand gesture.

    "I think you may be better off with something with a little more range, so you're not as close. But if you like punching, hey. I can understand it."

    Tony smiles a little bit at the chest thing, bringing his hand in, drumming a few fingers on the t-shirt spot over the glow. "Always. Just my self destruct mechanism," Tony jokes, amusement in his eyes. "I suppose as an Avenger I should give you the real answer, though, huh?"

Slipstream has posed:
Slamming the pair of gauntlets together so that they collapse and open up to reveal his arms, Drake slips them off and says, "Yeah, you're probably right, but my role on the team is like flanker and target shot caller, right? If I can get in close and personal, I can harass the enemy easier. If I can drop one of the squishies, it frees up resources to take on the bigger targets." Spoken like a true military General, one born in the digital world of FPS's and AR/VR landscapes. "I'd love to have Tracer's hand guns, which shoot light based bullets that sting, but they aren't super effective in piercing armored hides or what not." When it seems that Tony is going to tell him a story, he perks up, always eager to hear some type of historical lesson from his idol. "I hope it's not a self destruct device. That would leave a stain."

Iron Man has posed:
    "Yes, I'm very concerned with stains," Tony says with a laugh and smirk. However, he addresses Drake's commentary first. "You could take a page from Black Widow's book, though. Her ability to stun and knock out 'squishies' is not to be underestimated; certainly not by me. She's a combination: various firearms and close weaponry. Sounds like you want something that CAN shoot, but at close range can disable armored things. Variable modes." Tony sounds like he's thinking it over. There's benefits to talking to the genius inventor about ideas!

    "Let's start with the simple answer. It is a power cell, which also keeps me alive. If something happens to it, bad news."

Slipstream has posed:
"Woah. So you got your own .. thingy that you're stuck with also?" Drake asks as he glances down at his left wrist to the mechanical band that keeps him centered and not torn apart by the particles. "So .. what is it? A battery or something?" He asks curiously as the conversation of weapons is dropped for the moment. He considers this far more important information.

Iron Man has posed:
    "If you keep that much to yourself and off your feed channels, I can talk more on why it's keeping me alive another time," Tony says, teasingly, but there's a firmness there. This is a secret, to some degree, even if Tony's acting casually. "...But a similar one powers /Stark Tower/."
    "Kinda like saying a nuclear warhead is a battery." Tony crosses the room, managing not to flinch, to the racks. He picks up one of the objects that didn't work when Drake tried to use it: some kind of arm mounted gold object. He picks it up, taps the side to eject some lead wires. With an entirely comfortable and relaxed manner he pulls the leads under his shirt out of sight, attaching some kind of clip, and the thing powers on with a heavy throb of power, panels starting to unfold and orient off of it in a liquid pattern up forearm and down onto hand.

Slipstream has posed:
"Oh. I don't really do the streaming thing much these days.. well.. I do ... I guess.. just not as often. Ever since you announced I'm an Avenger, it's gone crazy. I went from fifty thousand viewers to over three hundred thousand, everyone freaking out and asking about .. me being on the team, and other crazy stuff. I'm rich now or something. I made like a hundred K in two hours in donations the other day." Drake says with an amused grin. "But I wouldn't tell them anything, anyways. That's stuff is secret stuff. I wouldn't screw the team over by running my mouth." He watches him with the new device, eyes widening. ".. Wow. You literally do the coolest shit in the world, Mister Stark. What is that?"

Captain America has posed:
It's taken Steve a little time to track his friend down. Even for him, Tony can be elusive at times, even though he's sure his friend doesn't really mean it. Or isn't really trying.

Roads lead to Rome, or so the saying goes.

Where there's noise, there's Tony? That should also be a saying.


Down into the basement, now that tattletales have, well, carried tales. The man is also dressed casually; dark blue t-shirt, jeans, boots, and he's removed his ball-cap in the house. Catching the end of that last bit, 'made like a hundred K in two hours in donations the other day'... a voice comes from the door,

"Great. When you're done here, you can head upstairs and find a good charity to donate it to." He steps inside the room now, and he takes a good, long look at the man who may inarguably be one of his best friends. "Tony.." Why does it sound like he's saying //everything// in that single word?

Iron Man has posed:
    "Yes," Tony agrees into the compliment that he is doing the coolest stuff in the world. Literally. He's self aware, and shameless. The smile is confident. "I'm working on something off and on that I am descriptively calling the 'Hulkbuster'," Tony says. The parts unfold quickly into a massive piece. "The end ejects, to grab and fling. Sometimes if he's beyond control, we have to deal with it. And engaging directly fist to fist in the middle of civilians isn't how I'd like to handle it going forward."

    And then Steve arrives. Tony finished what he was saying, like he always does, and then waggles his free hand back towards Cap without turning, yet. "Steve," Tony answers, cool as ever, cheery. If Tony hears Steve's 'everything,' it hasn't put him in check before, and it certainly isn't doing so now.

    "By the way, I have some charities, if you like." Of course.

Slipstream has posed:
"Uh .. I kinda .. have a savings account I was planning on sticking it in since ... being a Avenger doesn't come with a paycheck or .. medical benefits.. that I'm aware of." Drake trails off a bit sheepishly. "My job really has like a five year span of popularity before the kids stop caring about me and start watching someone else, most likely with a plunging neckline and a K to D ratio of one to fourteen." He pauses. "That's a bad ratio by the way. It's like... a ratio in which you should uninstall the game." He says with an amused grin, though he straightens up a bit more as he sizes up the Cap. Another one of his childhood idols. "But.. yeah, I can.. slip some .. into maybe my favorite charity, Child's Play."

Captain America has posed:
Of //course// it doesn't, but that means nothing to Steve. He's forever optimistic, thinking that perhaps one day he'll break through. After all, what if one day he //didn't// push, and that was the day when Tony needed it most? He'd never be able to live with himself.

"Hopefully more off than on right now," Steve interjects. He's leaning against the threshold now, arms folded in front of his chest, blue eyes watching the pair. "Because a little birdy told me you probably shouldn't be up and moving around.." He pauses, catching the bruising, and a soft whistle rises, his voice almost sympathetic. Almost. "That hurts."

There is honest relief to the 'Original Avenger', however. Everything he'd been told made it sound thirty times worse than it looks. Either that, or his friend is an amazing actor.

Okay, a little of both then.

Brows rise as Drake begins to hem and haw about the use of the money, and he shakes his head. "There is no way you're gonna profit off being an Avenger." Steve's looking right at the kid. "You're on this team, you get three squares, roof over your head. Equipment... but no. Making a profit off of it is wrong." Even he doesn't profit from the commercialization of 'Captain America'. He's got it all siphoning into charities around the country... soupkitchens in Brooklyn to Doctors without Borders.. to..

"That's gotta stop."

Iron Man has posed:
    Tony smiles cheekily into Steve's stare. It isn't that Tony isn't /aware/. It's never that. It's this elusive quality, where the game is played, and weaknesses aren't on display. Unless they are useful. Still, Tony doesn't hide things.

    "Well, 'shouldn't' is really just an advisory. There are lots of things we shouldn't do, but it turns out all right. Usually best to just go along with me. I'm healing fine, and there's priorities. Saving the world from disaster."

    Tony diverts his attention to the gauntlet, deactivating it and looping a hand under his shirt in front to remove the power lead cable. He sets it back on the rack somewhat carelessly.

    "/Also/, I'm hurt you dislike medical here. You've been kept /alive/ in that facility. And it does pay - because I pay you. There's also the rooms here at the mansion. Were you not set up?" Tony asks, incredulous, as if upset one of his underlings failed him. "...Or did you just not check in about it." That seems more likely. "---because you have /incredible/ dental."

Slipstream has posed:
".. Wait, what? I get paid? Dude, you know I don't live here! I live with my team in New York City, under contract ... and I get medical and dental through them. I think I do.." Drake trails off, giving Tony a betrayed look in his eyes. "The point is, the money I make off stream is kinda how I live.. outside of my base salary as a pro Overwatch player." He glances back and forth to him and Steve, looking surprised and then feeling a bit guilty. ".. No one told me I had to live here, or any of that stuff. I thought I just show up and .. get you coffee and sometimes get to go on a mission."

Captain America has posed:
Steve doesn't let his friend get too far afield in terms of answering questions, his questions, but if he does drop the line for the moment, he's certain to bring it up again. "Saving the world from disaster. You //do// know there are a few more of us that can tap you out for a bit, right? You're no good to anyone only operating at half." That's all he's going to say on that matter; bringing up the suit right now might not be the best of ideas. Not with the kid around.

Looking back up and at the younger newly dubbed Avenger (in training), Steve shakes his head emphatically. "No. If you don't donate the money you received for being an Avenger online, you're not going to be able to advertise it anymore. Do you understand what I'm saying?" He pauses to allow that to sink in.

"And yes.. being an Avenger means being on call.. Tony, didn't you explain this to him?"

Iron Man has posed:
    "My half is one hell of a lot better than nothing. But I've been delegating. Come on, be proud of me, I deserve it," Tony teases Steve, but there isn't a lot of wattage behind it. He heard him.
    "Drake, you don't have to live here. But that's what the promotion was about. I'm cool with demoting you back down, though. What do you think, Steve? Demotion back to coffee-intern?" Tony asks in a relaxed deadpan, as if entirely serious. Steve, of course, will know better. Tony's just, of course, messing with the kid. Although it can become reality. Sometimes Tony's jokes do take a curve into serious.

    "While I'm flattered you think I remember everything about you and your other contract... I mostly have assistants who handle it. Also, I thought I explained it. I /know/ it's in the orientation materials. Still, I see how it is, beat up on the guy with the concussion. Very nice."

Slipstream has posed:
"... But.. I don't... promote .. the Avengers on my stream. No one would even know if Mister Stark didn't announce that I was the newest Young Avenger and it got all over the Internet. People donate to me because they like me. I think.. or they like my gameplay. It's ... fine .. whatever... I'll donate it. I don't care." Drake relents with a loud sigh as he rubs at his eyes tiredly with a hint of frustration. ".. I didn't get orientation materials... I ... am so confused... " That much is obvious from the youngest hero. He is taking this obviously very seriously. He is the type that falls for it every time.

Captain America has posed:
Steve is actually, honestly proud of Tony //if// he is actually delegating. Part of him doubts it, but there's that other part that will be celebrating that fact later when the men are alone and clear to talk. "It's a lot better than nothing, and I'll give you that it's better than some." At least he's lost that dubious expression... mostly.

"Oh.. I met Miss Drew the other day. She.. told me about a few things." //We'll talk later.//

Now that Tony's backing his play, Steve's pushed himself straight again and wanders fully into the room. He glances at the new project the resident genius is working on before comes to roost at one of the worktables. He's not relenting on the money aspect, but when Drake backs down, Steve looks.. pleased. Relieved. Proud. "Great. And, like we'd mentioned, being here with us means you have some access to the same things we do. This building, the work areas, kitchen.. a room. Three squares, and a salary." And the fruit basket.

Iron Man has posed:
    Tony has since removed a small phone-like gizmo from his pocket. There is some scowled flinch because of the angle and rib injury. But he got it out fine. It lights up with amber glowing holograms, which he breezes through with his fingers.

    "Okay. I'm assigning Katy to you for the next three days. She'll sort you out, and missing paperwork. She's also great at heart-to-heart talks about if you want to be an Avenger or prefer errands as a career choice. At least, I hope she is; I don't recall it on her resume originally. No judgement. We'll find out." Katy is one of Stark's young blonde assistants. Drake probably won't suffer.

    "Okay, done." Tony flashes a confident smile, clearly ready to move on in the discussion. "I sent Miss Drew to Mexico. Delegation." SEE. "And she's fine." Also important.

    "I was meeting with politicians." So much for delegation.

Slipstream has posed:
"... I um... okay... " Drake trails off for a bit as she furrows his brows, followed by a sigh as he rubs the back of his neck. He plucks the gold gauntlets back up and moves them back to the rack to put them where he picked them up at. His eyes wander along the rest of the weapons for a moment before he shoves his hands into his pockets.

Captain America has posed:
If by 'fine', Tony believes Steve didn't notice it? Heck, the other man probably //felt// it, what with the slow and deliberate movements to //not// pull an errant, angry muscle. He doesn't say anything, but he watches.

When Tony assigns Katy to the young man, a chuckle exits the man, and he drops his head before shaking it. "Good call." Raising his gaze again, he checks on the lad to be sure 'okay' is his definition of 'okay' or Tony's. When exactly did he turn into the mother hen for everyone again? The gauntlets are returned, and acknowledged with a nod. "Thank you."

"She didn't tell me about Mexico." He doesn't think she did, anyway? "And.. politicians." Steve sighs, though at least this particular meeting the billionaire has some experience. (Not always the //best//, but at least it's something Tony can handle. And the PR fallout... unless that just hasn't yet been felt.) "How'd that go?"

Iron Man has posed:
    "It went fine. I put the rundown on it up on the shared database," Tony answers, apparently assuming Drake is as 'okay' as he said that he was. No need to dig deeper there. He's also got his attention still in his phone-like item, so there's that. "She JUST got back from Mexico, though. So that bit is hot off the press," Tony clarifies, evidently multi-tasking with whatever distraction of images he has going on his device. But the man can certainly multi-task.

    "Drake, I'll follow up on your weapon ideas, in between saving the world from fungal infestation," Tony says. "And between resting," Tony says, for Steve's benefit.

    "I have something to deal with now, though," Tony adds, starting to breeze out of the room in his usual manner and entitlement. And that expectation that things did get handled.