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Space Treasure
Date of Scene: 09 July 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kup, Sister Reinhardt

Kup has posed:
Kup has put out a notice to adventurers of better repute to help him chase down a map that he had achieved from a rescue he made. As he looked around with ease and caution as was his want, he carefully found what he was looking for and in this case it was the planet Paligula of Sector 4242. The Rust Bucket waited in the loading dock of the orbital station, curious to see who would respond on the carefully coded com signal he had sent to all of the right channels.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    A portal opens and out flies a blue comet that seemed to circle around the orbital station a bit before it slowed....and showed the form of a.....human. Humans don't come out this far. Nor do they have an aura around them either. Nevertheless, there is one here....and if Kup is familiar, she wears the uniform of a Blue Lantern. "This.....is definitely where the signal came from....."

Kup has posed:
Kup steps out of the deck of his ship, waiting until the last minute because well...he was a cybertronian, and even now people gave him dirty looks. He ignored them, he was quite used to it by now. He moved up towards the center where he had put in the coded message but wasn't sure he'd get a response. It was a common but ancient commonwealth code but it had been adopted by many organizations now some of whom really even did not know its origins so long lost in the mists of time.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    The Blue Lantern just took her time flying around the station until she went inside. And.....that is where she finds Kup. "Jeez. I didn't know metal could get wrinkles." She says circling above Kup.......but was clueless on how to approach him. So she simply....watched. She didn't even think she knew how to speak to it.

Kup has posed:
Kup spots a Blue Lantern. He is impressed and approaches her, not realizing she was following a code, "By the Robots above, are you a Blue Lantern? It has been ...well...decades. I am honored to meet you. My name is Kup. I'm a Cybertronian, not local to this sector." He beams widely and extends his hand.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    The hand extended is about as big as she is. She looks at it....floats around and even pokes at it before she floats up to Kup's face......as her ring begins to translate what he said. "Decades? I didn't even know of the Blue Lanterns until Brother Shon presented me with one." She says quietly. "And.....if you can't tell, I don't know that language that you spoke. This is one of the few times I left my planet." She then starts to scan Kup's form. "Cybertronian.....So you're another species?"

Kup has posed:
Kup says, "Cybertronians are an old and proud race, many say too war like and I can't lie about that, but I'm an old soldier and old soldiers avoid war. That's the whole reason I'm looking for this treasure, get the energon and let the others have what they can find. The Blue Lanterns in my time have done amazing things. Why, I remember the time Madarian Toot turned an entire mob to joy right before my eyes. Saved millions. I would tell you about it but I'm waiting for adventurer's thieves and potential con men of a slightly benevolent variety for an expedition of dubious intent. That's...Galactic Common....well, I am a bit far from my side of the galaxy. I..." he shrugs, "Get around." He speaks Asgardian, "Is this your language?""

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    The ring translates for her again, thankfully she's been around Asgardians. "No, that's an Asgardian language and I'm not asgardian. Ever heard of terran? In my case it's....english."

Kup has posed:
Kup says, "Terran..." he holds his hand to his chin, and then nods, "Humans. Vaguely recall there is a half human running around with the notorious Guardians of the Galaxy, one that saved Rann, and there was some up and coming minor power out on the other ...are you a human? Well bless my bolts, I am honored. I had heard rumors of a few human green lanters, but would never have expected a blue one. I am honored." He doesn't stop speaking Asgardian since changing languages would be changing and change of any kind is pointless. But after a moment, knowing the ring will translate he slips into more comfortable cybertonian. "I could tell you stories about Rann, but there simply isn't time...unless I could interest a Blue Lantern in a treasure hunt?" He smiles with a twinkle in his eye."

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "I wouldn't know. I didn't know this ring could fly into space until I travelled to Oa during a crisis. that was sorta freaky." Thankfully, Suzanne's ring is translating the whole way. "And a half human? Never heard of the Guardians. Well...I imagine I'll run into them eventually." She then shrugs. "Well...let's figure out what this treasure hunt leads to, hmm? I'm not that worried about treasure. But....something could be useful."

Kup has posed:
Kup says, "They have been around in one form or another for a very long time but people keep assuming that they're new. Nothing is ever new. You know that there have been over fourteen great fashion cycles in the history of the galaxy, slowly moving like osmosis from sector...oh really?" He beams, interupting his own story for once, "Well if you care to join me..." he frowns and looks around realizing his call was otherwise unanswered, "We can fly together on my ship and I can tell you more stories about the Blue Lanterns. Our first clue is in the Archive Moon about an hour away.""

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "All right. And, perhaps, you can tell me about Cybertronians as well. Since, well...you look like a giant robot to me." She says as she floats into the ship with Kup. "You're flying....and navigating...."

Kup has posed:
Kup beamed and walked with her to the space ship. He walked inside setting aside packages, wires, devices, gizmos and other insane piles as he moved towards the bridge, "I would be delighted." As he moved towards a bridge which was designed for beings much larger than Suzanne, he nevertheless cleared off a giant pile and began to talk about fascinating tales of Blue Lantern lore she might likely never have heard of.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    She definitely hadn't heard any tales of the Blue lanterns...since she was only one of two Blue Lanterns she had heard of. She still listened intently to Kup's story. Even as he bridged from one to the next...she listened. And she didn't get tired, but she did, occasionally, have Kup go back to a previous point when she had questions.

Kup has posed:
The archive moon loomed larger and larger, a desert rock with giant spires reaching five hundred miles into the sky. Eleven civilizations had all come and gone and each of them had built on top of the Archive of the last. Kup had lived through them all and this was thus one of his favorite places seeking knowledge. He bypassed the main 'official' entrance, moving towards one of the well hidden secondary docking bays for people who knew where the older, more obscure and thus more valuable knowledge could be found. As the ship landed, he finished one story and leapt right into another. "And that is how a Blue Lantern helped save Cybertron. But really that is just a pale shadow compared to the time a Blue Lantern worked with a Red Lantern of all things to turn back an astroid shower on Armacron 6 a few hundred thousand years ago...."

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "Well.......There are Green Lanterns where I am....a lot of them. And I'm the only Blue Lantern." Suzanne chuckles a bit. "The red and blue must've been drawing power from each other like crazy. "So....now that you've broached the subject....tell me about Cybertron..."

Kup has posed:
Kup blinks a moment, expecting to be interupted and told to shut up but Kup will tell any story he can to keep his gears in working order and beams, "Why would be DELIGHTED. You know I could do the old boring version but I think personal anecdotes really really help you understand a place; let me tell you about this time, the Decepticons, a faction that is selfish and evil and the reason everyone hates us, ambushed a friend of mine called Omega Supreme. Funny thing about that," he chuckled continuing to pontificate as they walked passed several wolf(ish) shaped skulls lined up on a long cobblestone corridor lit with vermillion torches toward a long lift that began to move deeper and deeper into the ground below.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne is floating along with Kup as he tells the story. "SO the Decepticons ambushed you and Omega Supreme, huh? So....tell me about Omega Supreme. He sounds like a big one. And...well....tell me about some of the decepticons. Do they have a faction mark or something?"

Kup has posed:
Kup says, "What? No that was a different battle, almost two hundred thousand years later? Great maker what was I thinking, sorry it all blurs together sometimes, its why its so important to know these things, but oh yes, he is a big one. The decepticons are like us, they have a very distinct mark, this is mine, the autobots, but this is another one," he held up a hologram image.

As they walked into a vast chamber, thirty miles in sphereical diameter, filled with old style books that literally went beyond the horizon inside the vast internal chamber, they walked to the desk of the Reference Librarian. But one of the book carts in the distance, quickly transformed and turned into a small robot, scurrying in the shadows.

Kup started, "What....what was that? Did you hear that?"

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne nods her head. "yeah...I get that." She says before she looks down. "I heard it." She says as she starts to scan with her ring. She did scan Kup's autobot symbol and the shown decepticon symbol....

Kup has posed:
Kup begins to scan with some weird dish that pops out of his arm. The Librarian at the desk looks...amused and asks, "What is it Kup?"

Something scurried in the distance and something was joined by something else.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "That was almost like a mouse." Suzanne says before she looks over to the librarian. "I'm....new here. hi."

Kup has posed:
Kup says, "That....that's no mouse. The Decepticons. Somehow they've found out I was here." Funny how an open source military signal millions of years old saying 'come get treasure' might do that....

The shapes in the stacks merge together into something larger.

Kup howls, "Murderbeard!" It is an older decepticon, wielding a wicked black onyx blade in one hand and a pulsing pistol in the other. Whatever his alternate shape is is not apparant as he leaps through the air, past the two adventurers and grabs the Librarian."

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    As it sails through the air, Suzanne uses her ring power to actually blast the con in the gut and blast it backwards....away from Kup and the Librarian. "That would've hurt."

Kup has posed:
Kup sends blasts at the guy who gets hit but keeps going. "Curse it all you aren't getting away again."

"And thus we see Kup that there is nothing that you can possess that I-" He grunts and is sent backwards, but extends a grapple hand, grabbing the librarian and pulling him away from both of them with the librarian wailing in surprise, midway between both.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "Well isn't that rude." Suzanne says as she flies towards the unfamiliar enemy and attempts to get the librarian free....by cutting the hand of the decepticon that has him..

Kup has posed:
Murderbeard growls and his hand is damaged though not severed by the cutting attack, but the long spindly grapple is taken. Murder then shoots pistol right at Suzanne.

Kup thinks a moment and then says, "That sword of his will cut through your constructs. You need to affect the environment around him. And don't let him get close! I'll go for Bork."

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne gets out of the way of the pistol when it fires. "then I'll just have to stay ahead of him. I'm smaller so he'll have to keep up." She says as she flies through a bookcase. Murderbeard will have to keep up. Fighting against 30 foot tall robots isn't exactly her idea of 'fun', but she does laugh.....using as much speed as she can muster.

Kup has posed:
Bork the Archivist shrieks as books are scattered all over in a lovely pattern of thousand year old fluttering pages and Suzanne bypasses his defenses he does not let up and incinerates shelf and books as his aim is insanely good.

Kup grabs Bork (the shrieking) and moves for cover and safety.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne is agile....like she's done this flying thing before. She's like a hummingbird on crack. Since she was warned her defenses and constructs aren't going to work, she knows she can't get hit. So she does the most annoying thing possible. As she dodges a blow from Murderbeard, she hits the con with just enough energy to keep his attention. If his attention wanes, she smacks him with a harder bolt of power to keep his attention....

Did we mention how annoying this is? If so, it needs to be restated....

Kup has posed:
Murderbeard is used to fighting mosquitos but not one REALLY annoying Mosquito, "I've dealt with your kind before!" He laughs and swings his blade, expecting her to attack him with constructs. When this doesn't happen his annoyance does indeed increase until he begins a series of Katas that deflect more and more of the energy. "I haven't got your pattern yet little bird, but analyzing..."

Kup opens a secret passage to a bunker farther in the archive. This isn't his first rodeo here. "Wait here."

Bork is still shrieking at the book loss as he is sealed safely in the archives.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "Analyze all you want, smartass. Cuz I'm not JUST a blue Lantern." She says as she flies out of his sight.....that's how fast she's moving. She then stops and has her hands cupped behind her. "I doubt you've seen this before." She then pushes her hands forward...."HADOKEN!" And a blue bolt of energy shoots out to hit him in the face when he turns around, but by then....Suzanne is flitting away again, and yes....in a very random trajectory.

Kup has posed:
The Decepticon is hurled back in the air and flung into another pile of books a look of WTF on his face as Kup comes through and claps, "Well done Cadet, well done." Cadet? "That reminds me of the time I saw the great chi wars on Klapulon 9...wait! He recovers fast....good! Keep moving! Smart! Good!

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne is moving between books and shelves to keep away from Murderbeard. Suddenly her aura winks out and it appears elsewhere before she flies in a different direction....around him.

Kup has posed:
Murderbeard is starting to get pissed and sets the rifle to distintigrate. "Alright you ...wahtever the hell you are...you die now."

Kup, wary of Bork's rage, "We need to get him to the elevator, we can't keep tearing up the books." He opens fire from Behind Murder bear, opening a smoking hole in his back since he is too focused on Suzanne to see him.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne is too wary to be disentegrated, but is able to keep the con's attention as Kup Shoots him.....and she flies for the elevator. "Even if I die, I'll be the bug in your system. The burnout in our diodes. The glitch in your optics. You'll see me wherever you go. You'll never get rid of me.....and it'll rust your processor that I was able to get away this long." And she flies into the elevator......and disappears..

Kup has posed:
Murderbeard roars and charges after her. "Die MOSQUITO" (technically it is a space mosquito which is found on millions of worlds throughout the galaxy since neither Kup nor Murderbeard have been to earth but Space Mosquito sounds stupid and its roughly translated)" DIE!" He shoots again and again.

Kup takes a chance and uses a very old frequency used by the Ring guardians that he hopes Murderbeard isn't monitoring, "Drop the shaft on him, just blow out the elevator I'll take care of the rest.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Which is precisely what she does. She blows out the elevator, but....the glow of the Lantern is no longer there. It's all up to Kup now.

Kup has posed:
As Murderbeard chases after her, he is distracted, but not stupid enough to fall down an elevator shafter just running after her (he isn't Starscream after all) but....Kup is right there to push him into the shaft. It's true, all Deceipticons can fly....but they can't fly past the large metalic sculptire of a globe of a famous world weighing several tons he kicks down the shaft immediately after, "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...." his sound gets softer and softer as he just keeps falling.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    And Suzanne warps back into existance on Kup's shoulder. "See you next fall." She says before looking to Kup. "Just because I'm not as big of a threat as you, doesn't mean i can't really really tick him off."

Kup has posed:
Kup chuckles, "Cad... Ring bearer you did a fabulous job. And I know what you guys can do. I'm just an old soldier." With millions of years worth of skills and the size of a small building. "I was impressed. You did well. Let's see how Bork is doing," he motions with his head and moves back into the stacks.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "Not all of it was using the ring. I kinda used it against that Brainiac skull ship attacking Oa. You should see a Hadoken that is backed by the power of the Blue Lantern and 25 green lantern blasts. That hurt." Suzanne says before she flies over to the librarian...who is probably whimpering over the lost books.

Kup has posed:
Kup says, "It's a fascinating manuever. If I had Chi, which Cybertonians really DON'T not like that....but if I did I'd love you to teach me. Oa is a wonderful place, I've been there many times."

Bork is chittering away in a fast high pitched language both of them understand, "My books! You insane people! You destroyed priceless knowledge! Priceless."

"Now now Bork I've brought in a lot more knowledge than-"

"No excuse! Insane!"

"It wasn't our fault..."

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "So.....books. Aren't they made of paper? Which would be weird since you don't have wood, but.....wouldn't it be easy to just copy onto a new book?"

Kup has posed:
"Yes but it...and...."

"I could look at your 3-D printer again...."

Bork groans, "Why are you here?"

Kup smiles and hands him a small disk, "I will research it. Come back later."

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "And maybe, next time...not broadcast 'I have treasure' across the system on a compeltely open channel?" Suzanne says to Kup. "While you did meet me...you're likely to have a lot of cons after you now.

Kup has posed:
Kup grins and looks at Suzanne, "Maybe." He shrugs and has a chuckle at his own actions in that regard.