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Latest revision as of 18:48, 3 August 2018

Log 4891
Date of Scene: 11 July 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Deadwatch, Scarlet Witch

Deadwatch has posed:
The past few weeks have been rather busy for Nolan. With school out for summer there is always a pick-up in crime as kids wander the streets. Crime both commited by, and against, kids. It is the latter more then the former that Nolan is worried about, as the number of runaways and disappearances has gone up across the country. It's a seasonal trend, and one that never makes the psychic mage happy. He's been on multiple 'cases', worried parents asking him to try and find where their kids have gone. Most of the time it's not too difficult and the results not too heinous. But sometimes.. Sometimes he finds things he doesn't like.. Terrible things.. And he has to do terrible things back, like fighting fore with fire, to solve the problem.. And even then he doesn't always win.. Sometimes he can't actually help do anything but bring someone peace... at the cost of his own.

It makes him angry.. So damned angry.. Especially when it resonates with his own youth and it's abuses.. And an angry, unbalanced psychic and magic user is not someone anybody wants or needs to be around.. which is why he has sort of become a temporary recluse. He's tried to feed his darker urges, roaming the streets as his alter ego, delivering 'justice' on those who he couldn't save... But even that has put him out of balance.

Losing connection with his humanity, letting the Dark infect him too much.. He needs to find some kind of focus. Having sent his ghostly posse away, the cripple sits crosslegged inside the middle of a magical circle that is etched into the floor ad usually covered with a cheap rug. Inlaid with semi precious metals he 'appropriated' and reinforced by a circle of salt, Candles lit at the cardinal points. His torso and arms, tattooed, all bared, gleaming with sweat.. Incense and a burning cigar in an ashtray.. a bottle of bourbon and three shotglasses filled but untouched.. He murmurs under his breath, singing silently, his mismatched eyes closed.. It's an eclectic mixture if disciplines, part ritual part meditation, part sweat lodge..

Scarlet Witch has posed:
For her own part, Wanda has been troubled by aspects in her own life. Things that have left her more contemplative than usual. Slightly more withdrawn. Such that Nolan's need to tend to his business, and go off and do 'unspeakable deeds' as he might put it while trying to avoid the finer points of what he's sometimes forced to do, were easily enough accepted. Accepted to the point where more time than Wanda had been aware of had passed without recognizing that she and Nolan hadn't touched based.

It was an unsettling thought. Both in that they hadn't touched base, but in that she hadn't noticed, so wrapped up was she in her own thoughts and issues..

So it was that when Ember appears, doing a sassy sashay about Wanda's rooms, and demanding that the young woman speak to that stubborn pigheaded fool of a psychic and drag his wallowing ass back into reality, Wanda is both surprised, and wracked with guilt.

Surprise that it had gotten to this point, and guilt that she hadn't noticed.

"He is - you know it is how he will complain, yes?" Which he would. Though he'd accept her presense anyway. He always did - even when he had still been kicking and screaming and protesting that she shouldn't care about him and should look elsewhere for a love. "What is it that.. All of you? He has sent all of you away?"

Wanda frowns.

"That is not good."

Deadwatch has posed:
Yes, the feisty ghost told her. All of them. She seems pretty pissed off as well about it. Seems she has been with Nolan quite a bit longer then all the other ghosts that have attached themselves to him. And being as angry as she is can only means she is pretty worried. The fact that she is using a gift of power she traded for to actually manifest to Wanda makes her doubly worried.

Now what Wanda may not realize is that is that Nolan feels a bit of guilt himself, for having cut her out... For having cut /everyone/ out. But he feels he has /had/ to.. She make take light when he vaguely speaks about unspeakable deeds but he isn't exaggerating either even if he doesn't get into details. If should look closely at Gothanm's newspaper, she would have seen there was a rise in gang related deaths, some particularily gruesome but with no clue to how they occured. A gang slave trafficker found crushed and hanging from a streetlamp. A pimp found covered in thousands of deep scratches, bled to death, but no signs of what attacked him or even blood on the ground. Another found covered in cigarette burnmarks that seem to have erupted from the inside, out

This is what Nolan is when he isn't Nolan Voight, ex-con and 'Psychic' Pi... This is what he is when the Dark calls out to him, crying for help. This is why he pushes people away. When the darkness gets to be too much and he doesn't want it to spill over on them.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
To be fair, Wanda is always conflicted when it comes to this. It's not that she thinks what Nolan does is okay - she doesn't - but she accepts him despite it. That what she sees in him is not those things. She sees the man who can feel guilt. Who /would/ push her away to keep her from bearing any mark of his taint. The man who longs to be other than what he is.

And in so many ways, she understands because she sees those dark shadows within herself. Even if he protests that she is Light.

If she'd doubted it, her talks with Stephen Strange had only confirmed her beliief that it would be ever so easy for her to walk a very similar path to Nolan's own should she but turn from that Light and embrace the shadows within her soul.

Chaos, Stephen had said. A balancing force. She stood between the two, with aspects of both, able to be both, even if she has been striving so hard to be but one of those things.

That Ember has not only come, but manifested to her, says much. She doesn't need to spirit to speak such things. The snap and irritation of the woman spoke volumes.

"I will go to him. But I do need all of you to keep watch. To make certain that no others come to fill the void. It is, maybe, time for he and I to speak of matters we have both wished to circle about." For she's avoided these topics as well. "That is all? You have no more concerns or wishes of me that you are here and have my attention?" Which is to say, seeing as you've already paid the price, you may as well use these moments as freely and as frankly as you wish with me.

Deadwatch has posed:
Ember sighs, though ghosts need no breath, and looks relieved that the witch will go to 'Her' Nolan.. She seems to have her own guilts painted on her face though whatever they are, they are secrets of her own which she will not share. She leans in and cups Wanda's face with a spectral hand, nodding approvingly, then vanishes.

Back in his circle, Nolan is in that state between non-existance and hyper-vigilence.. an almost hallucinatory state. The cigar is still untouched, as are the shots. The room seems to be cooler, almost cold, which is a hard thing to do in summer in an old Gotham building, but whisps of steam rise from his body..

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda, as per usual, doesn't use the door. She hasn't used the door yet if either of them sat down and thought about it.

Arriving, she's behind Nolan, and provided he doesn't react or notice, she takes a few moments to regard him and drink in exactly what it is that he keeps trying to shield her from. Sure, she can't drink it all in, but he's vulnerable and open and in a state he certainly hasn't shared, or been willing to share, and it's as close as she's gotten so far to understanding exactly what it is he's so afraid she'll find out and turn away from.

It also gives her moments to contemplate if she would turn away, and if she did, what would the reason be? Knowing full well that her own darkness scares her. That there is something terrifying about admitting and acknowledging who and what she... Well, she can't rightly say that she 'is', not while she's still fighting it, but who and what she could be. Either good or bad, as what she has yet to realize is that accepting the darkness does not darkness make her.

"Nolan?" she whispers, finally. "It's Wanda. I think we do need to talk."

Deadwatch has posed:
Accepting darkness may not darkness make /her/, but Nolan was quite literally /born/ in the Dark. Dead the day he was born. He has always had an intrinsic connection with that place that is a half-step-beyond. It is as much a part of him as his flesh and blood... more so even... He fought against it for so long until he finally gave into it, let it pour through him, and after that found he couldn't ever be rid of it.. And every time he fully lets it subsume him he comes back with a bit more of himself washed away.. eroding so very slowly...

Now, years later, he sits there on the floor before the woman he has fallen for, has embraced the darkness /for/ more then once. He doesn't move when she speaks, not even a muscle twitching, but she can sense that he knows she is there.. There is a shift in the air, getting a bit colder, and ephemeral dark energy that he controls can be felt roiling beneath his surface. His eyes open, and they are neither Amber or Blue, but both a solid black, like australian opals.

"Hello, Wanda.." he says, his voice soft... "What do we need to talk about...?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Yes. Nolan was born in the dark. Becomes Dark. Is Dark... and yet, for all that, he does not frighten her. Not the way she frightens herself. She doesn't understand it, either. Not yet, at least. Though, to be honest, she hasn't tried exploring the reasons why. Perhaps she should?

Still, for the moment, she hasn't. All she has done is see this man that she loves as he sits there upon the ground, trying to draw what he may of himself back to this time and place and out of the Dark. Out of what he becomes to do the things he does, to allow others to not have to walk in those shadowed places.

"I think," Wanda says, quietly, noting the black, ever so sold black, of his eyes. Eyes that have never been but mismatched in her presence, and not any shade of grey, let alone this obsidian. "I think it is that we do need to talk about you. And me. And how it is that we do not talk about this."

She gestures to the circle he sits within. To his demeanour. To the chill in the air.

"Might I cross the lines of your circle? Or shall I sit outside?"

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight is silent for a few moment, staring at her with those pupil-less eyes... And yes, she can feel they are looking at her even if they do not have a true central focal point. It's not like there is any less of him there, but more like there is another part of him showing through.. a seperate soul yet inseperably part of his own.. entwined.. Something she already knows from her own existance..

He then looks down at the lines of salt and silver, almost looking surprised they are there.. Then remembers and looks back to her and raises his hand, offering it to her. "Of course you may cross..." he says, voice still soft. "It is meant to keep things in, not out.. Enter of your own free will.."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
There's a small smile that rises as he tells her of the circle's purpose.

"I did wonder," Wanda replies softly. "There are only bindings and wardings. It would have been one or the other. Still, one does not cross a circle lightly. It is always best to ask permission."

Even if she's been terribly remiss in that fact given that she's regularly breached his wards to come into his living space. The contradiction, though, does not seem to bother her.

Wanda steps neatly over the circle's markings, careful not to disturb a thing, and finds herself within his space. With whatever it is that he's feared allowing her to see. With the thing he's put magics in place to sequester within, and not allow to escape the bouncaries of.

She finds herself a spot to sit, in front of him, knees touching his, mirroring his position but for the pupiless eyes, or the sweat dampened, arcanely marked skin.

"So. This is what you have been hiding from me. And I have let you, because it has let me be not so honest as well."

Deadwatch has posed:
A part of him /could/ mention her penchance to bystep his wards.. Something which many of a mage could complain about as insulting and dispresctful. Something that could have actual deleterious effects on the one who bypassed it, no matter what their power is. But that's a small part of him, that anger which he keeps bottled in because he KNOWS she doesn't disrespect him. It's why he modified his wards for her in teh first place.

He regards her as she sits down, having gone silent again... At least until she speaks to him. HE shifts then, on his rear, like he is a bit uncomfortable and perhaps.. defensive. "You did not let me do anything, Wanda.." he tells her, a bit of steel in his voice now. "I love you, but you do not let or not let me hide..."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Of course she should be more... acknowledging of her penchant to just bypass and sidestep certain observances. She's as classically trained, and trained otherwise, as she's a creature of nexus and flux.. She's not unaware of the dangers, or the forms and practices. It's just that he's always been.. this to her. This man who she has no fear of. Who she's felt this draw to.

Still, she allows a soft murmurs of apology to pass her lips, "I know. It is that I have always just come here as thought I expected I would be welcome. Maybe It was only that I wished I would be welcome. You are.." The young woman sighs, and draws herself to serious - a thing she is not often. Certainly she has had serious conversations, but they have always been a veneer of the thing more often than not. Or covered up too quickly with smiles and lightness of being to cover the fact that it would be all too easy to be swallowed by the deepness of her own thoughts. It was, after all, why she'd removed herself to the abbey after the Darkseid attacks, so that she might dwell upon her thoughts outside the influences of others.

"You are right. I do not allow you. Not in so many words. You make your own choices. But I have allowed you by not confronting you. It has been easier to pretend that these bits are not us. That you are not that. And I am... I am.. less what you paint of me with your pretty words. So, you see? You sit here to keep things in, and I have come to sit with you, to let things out."

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight looks at her, his visage a bit stern, but then it also softens as if he understands. Which he does. Oh not completely, but he always at least gets the /gist/ of things, like her needs and her feelings. As much as he seems to brush people off, he is quite empathic in the classical sense..though his Darksight helps as well even if he tries to mute it as much as possible around the living.

"And you /are/ welcome here.. always.. Even if I do not ask you or make it seem like I /don't/ want you to be.." he tells her.. And yes, it's true. he didn't want her here but he really really did.. He was just afraid of infecting her.. or maybe just afraid of letting the veneer he has built up around her to slip and let her see something he shouldn't let her..

"But..." he adds softly.. "It is not for you to confront me, Wanda.. It isn't your job. You have so many other things, important things, to think about.. To worry about. YOu dont need to add my problems on top of yours..."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
It's with a gentleness that Wanda smiles at Nolan. For she understands that last. How he comes to say that his problems are not hers to carry.

It's without fear that she reaches for his hands, and takes them within her own, creating a circle - a circuit - between them. "No," Wanda agrees, her jewel green eyes meeting the obsidian of his own, "I do not need to. But I wish to. It is part, you see, of loving you. That I do accept that there are burdens, both to take and to give."

She recognizes what he does not say, though. "I think, I think it is I did always know that if I asked, you would try to push me away. That we never would have connected. If I just came, and was here, then it wasn't a decision you needed to make for me. Or would try to make for me."

Again, she smiles, knowing that it is his home, and he has every right to decide she not be here. Only the decision she means is his sending her away; shutting her out. Like he tried to so many times before he accepted, if only some small measure, that she loved him despite his warnings.

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight wanting to keep her away from.. it.. from The Dark.. She is so powerful but so young and doesn't understand that no matter how great her power is, it can make her even more /vulnerable/.. She has an inkling, yes, but Nolan sees it ALL THE TIME.. She sees possibilities. He sees things as they actually HAPPENED.. Because thats what death is.. The end result of what has happened. The end result of EVERYTHING that has /happenened/. Not what might or what could but what DID.

But he can't /send/ her away.. He knows that and.. and he doesn't /want/ to send her away. As She takes his hands he seems like he may just take pull them away, as if his hands (and through them he himself) are Toxic. But he steels himself and allows her fingers to interlace with his.

"I don't /want/ to push you away..." he whispers. "But The Dark asks so much of me.. And I try so hard, Wanda.. I try so hard no to show you what it is.. What it TRULY is.. Who I TRULY am.. But it slowly wears away at me.. I try not to take the drugs, to stop the drinking, which I use to dull the painn.. to feed one craving for another.. But I don't want to be a junky around you.. So try to just ignore it.. But They hunger for /so much/. The Dead are always hungry..."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
It's true. Wanda doesn't know all that will be. Was. All she knows is that she feels vast when she allows herself to feel that at all. That she subsumes realities of herself with ease, and knows that there are more of them out there. In a way, she understands what it is he doesn't voice, that what she is opens her up to these things. To all the possibilities that there are.

All shall love me and despair, she has said more than once. So she understands that it lies within her to be *that*. To be the end that he sees.

Only she does not know that sometimes she is that end he sees. And he wishes to keep her from it. If she could see that, perhaps she would soothe with words that tell him that perhaps that is why she feels completeness with him. Why she feels that stirring draw to him that defies any explanation. Perhaps she could assure him that his part to play in the future isn't to keep her away from that end by sending her away, but to keep her from it by embracing her.

In the eye of the storm, you do not see the storm.

"I wonder," Wanda say carefully, "What would happen if you did show it all to me? If you were not so afraid that I would turn away." Her brow furrows with the depths of her thoughts, her struggles to capture the stir within herself with words that will make sense of it. "You are still all thesse things whether you hide them from me or not. You can not tell me that I can not hide myself from my fears of what I could do, and then do that very thing of yourself."

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight can feel it.. Feel that she does understand at least a lot of what he is saying.. Her power gives her insights beyond those of mortals, to even higher degrees then him in most cases. But she is a generalist. He isn't. Sure, he dabbles outside his purview, but in the end he is /specialized/. He can sense things in The Dark, deal with the dead, to a degree that even she would have a hard time understanding let alone imagining. Just like he can /sort/ of see other possibilities like her, he would be helplessly loss if he were opened to anything more.

"I'm not trying to hide /them/ from /you/, Wanda.." he says, almost desperately. "I am trying to hide /you/ from /them/...." he takes a deep breath, his fingers curling tighter ion her hands as of for an anchor.. His Aura in so much flux, reaching out beyond him as being pulled from a place that even she can't see. "I can't just show you, because you wouldn't understand.. You would have to /experience/ it.. You would have to /be/ it... And you /can't/. You have to /die/!" he swallows hard. "I /died/, Wanda.. Part of me truly died. The day I was /born/. And I came back. But not /whole/. When I say there is a hole in my soul to a dark place.. I literally mean it.. It's what connects me to the Dark, and what draws the spirits and souls lost /in/ the dark to me to try and look through back into the living world.."

Scarlet Witch has posed:

The sound is a small thing from Wanda. An almost understanding. Or, more to the point, understanding enough.

"I think I understand. Sometimes, I feel it. I feel how it is all around me, this world. How reality is. Only, I do not let myself be there too much. It is too hard to always wander about seeing everything, knowing. I did not think so much how it might be with you."

She nods slowly, her fingers giving his a gentle squeeze. Almost an apology of a touch. "You are to death what I am to.. everything, I guess." In a fashion. "I do not know what to say."

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight sits there and is unable to meet her eyes.. but he never, not once, releases her hand.. and when she squeezes his.. well.. he squeezes back. "You are such a bright light, Wanda.." he whispers.. "You don't think so, but it is true. You are afraid you will hurt people, but guess what.. Light isn't always a a nice and healing thing.. Sometimes it blinds even better then darkness, overpowering teh senses.... Sometimes it is so hot it burn.. You encompass almost everything that light is, good and bad... and thats what makes you so.. so perfect.. At least to me."

He brings her hand up and presses it against his cheek. "The Dark hungers for Light, Wanda.. It doesn't care if it gets burned.. because even burning is feeling /something/. And I already hunger for /you/, do badly. For Wanda, the woman.. my friend. My Lover.. Put the two hungers together and you don't know where one ends and the other begins.. and you.. me.. don't CARE."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda listens, letting his words wash over her and fill the spaces of her understanding of this man. Her understanding of how he sees her... and perhaps, if she allows herself to admit it, an understanding of herself as well. She'd never thought about it that way before.

"Light is only beautiful with the darkness, Nolan. I could shine forever, but if it was all there was to see, the world would be a very boring place. Even the stars need the night sky. Just as I need you."

She leans in, until her forehead touches his, and lets her eyes close. "I have wanted you as well. There is no hole in me, but I could fill that darkness in you forever. And I do mean the other want as well. Sometimes it seems like I do not understand myself. And sometimes I think maybe if I had only been some other Wanda first, then this between us would not be so difficult. Us, I mean." Her cheeks turning a rosy pink. "Sometimes I do not know where it all begins or ends either."

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight clenches his eyes shut, his forehead gently pressed against hers, his fingers rubbing the web of flesh at the crook of her thumb and forefinger as he bites his lower lip... inhales slowly... nodding as she finishes speaking... "I know I've.. always pushed you a bit away just before we..." he swallows hard now, embarrased, "ANd I know I always say that I am.. I mean that /we/ are ready to...." God why does it have to be so hard to say it.. or even INFER it..

"I want to be more to you.." he finally whispers. "I am so tired of fighting that next step because I am afraid.. Not just if our gifts but because of my.. past." His being partially crippled.. his being abused.. "I just want to... to.."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda is patient, letting him stumble through his thoughts and words. Only, yet again, he reacches the end of a thought and hangs on the precipice.

"To what? Would it help, if I said that I did once wish to perhaps be with a god so that I did not have to discover how it was with you first?"

She reminds, forehead to forehead with him.

"I did think, how would you care to be with someone who has never.. and maybe I would be all things too innocent or undone for you. My sister, she did say that it was best to learn with a friend. That the rest did not matter. That first you are friends, and then you discover the rest. She was wise. My papa, he too, said not to learn with the god. Only then he also said I might have a room for a harem, so I am not sure what that means."

There is a moment of soft amusement from the young woman before she grows quiet again.

"I remember loving Vision. How it was to lie with him, and fell all the things I feel for you, only with the completeness of intimate. When you wished to go, to tend to your tasks, and needed time, I needed time too. I worried that maybe that made me different. Maybe I am not the Wanda you loved. That somehow I have first been with another man, only nothing really between us has changed. Does that make sense? I don't know if I am a woman who once loved, or a woman who will soon love."

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight has to bite his lip.. to keep from laughing.. at least a little bit.. his shoulders shaking.. "Your papa.. is a strange man..." he rasps. "if I had a daughter like you, I wouldn't let you within a hundred miles of a man like me, or like 'a god', and don't get me started on harems..." he tells her, with a bit of amusement. Then he finally looks up, and straight into her eyes.. That blackness in his has diminished somewhat, like a dark fog that has a sun behind it, trying to drive it away.

"I don't care, Wanda, if you have been with someone or not.. I don't care if you have memories of another life with someone. All I want is to start making.. our own memories.."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"My Papa," Wanda replies, her voice a mixture of amusement and concerned observance, "Is a very powerful man who does very much want the best for me and my siblings. Only, he is sometimes misguided? I do not know. It seems silly to say both do not dally and to offer a way to have a harem. Maybe he only wishes that I would come to visit more and spend time in Genosha.."

Then she flushes faintly. "Only we are straying, aren't we? It is not really a talk about my Papa, but about us."

She meets his eyes, and reads nothing of lies or discomfort about who and what she is in his eyes. His words drawing a smile to her lips and a nod. "I would like that, please. To make our own memories. I think we are okay, yes? Not to worry about much about hurting the other or losing them. I did choose you."

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight flushes deeply and reaches up, cupping her cheeks with his hands, one of then string and normal, the other damaged and.. still strong, in it's own way. "Or maybe your Papa just wanted you to make /a/ decision, Wanda. Rather then just waiting for something to happen. He may not even have LLIKED either of thowse chices he gave you, but for the ffact that at least one would be made. I've heard parents can be like that sometimes.. Not like I would know." he says. "And, no offense, I don't care /how/ powerful a man your daddy is. It has no bearing on /my/ decision. Only you do. And that's why we are, and will be, okay." and with that he leans in and presses his lips to hers.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"Oh," Wanda whispers with a sudden realization and surprise. "See? I did not think of it that way.. and perhaps you might not worry about Papa, but if you are to be my man, then you will likely have to meet him."

He's right, of course. As he says it, she can feel it: all she needed to do was make a decision. She's sat so long with wavering between choices and what might be, and what was, that she's existed only in possibility, and not in fact.

Nodding, Wanda reconfirms, "I did decide long ago, I did want you, Nolan. I do not always understand it, but I feel it."

She's not taken by surprise by the kiss. It seems the logical response and conclusion to the conversation. Or, if not a conclusion, the beginning of the next. That, too, is possibility, and one she seems willing to to see unfold if her response to the kiss is anything to go by. The stresses and tensions that accompanied her arrival forgotten in the shift of the conversation to a more final understanding that despite who and what they are, that they are okay. Will be okay.

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan is a man with no small sense of paranoia. Even now there is ALWAYS that WEE bit of fear that maybe they won't be okay forever, but he also realizes he cannot live by that fear anymore. Hell or whighw ater, they will be as Okay as they can be and that.. is very reassuring.

His only answer now is thw continual pressure of his lips on hers.. The warmth of his mouth on her, working so very slowly. It is not a .forecful/ kiss, not in sheer pushing, but is powerful in it's scope..

Scarlet Witch has posed:
...Since the invention of the kiss, there have been five kisses that have been rated the most passionate, the most pure - this one...

It doesn't leave them all behind. Not in the most classic of senses. It's like the Big Bang that created the universe. Only less big, and no actual bang. Just the softness of two people meeting with a shared understanding of where they are, and that the future holds potential. That a kiss is common ground. And that there is need.

Whatever the kiss may or may not be, Wanda is present in it. An equal and willing partner in its creation, coming up for air finally to cup his face in return. "That was.. not so very much like past kisses. Much better, I think. And maybe less for sitting in protection circles, unless you are afraid we might spark wild magics."

There's light amusement, and comfortable teasing to her words.

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight is not sure how to rate kisses... He's probably /less/ experienced in actual kissing than she is and he's /not/ a virgin.. Bt there is just something about the feeling of her lips against his that makes him dizzy. EVen if this isn't in teh top ten of kisses in romantic histrory, it will /always/ be his favourite one..

Air.. need air...

He pulls back just enough to reluctantly breathe once more.. he could have passed out happily, though, if he hadn't. He rests his forehead to her and and grins a little.. almost shyly but also.. hungrily may be the word?

"I was thinking.. of something much more that just sparks.." he whispers...

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda understands that breathlessness. Her own responses are chaotic. Excited and joyful in measures as equal as her shyness and nervouness.

Still, she manages a soft, amused, "Perhaps fires? The shattering of worlds? You do know it is possible, but perhaps we do not need to announce so greatly the things we do. And I do only tease, thinking that sometimes things are what they should be and create around them.. Oh, it is silly. I do not know why I am thinking that."

Suddenly shy about her understanding of magic. Suddenly realizing that it is another thing that they have skirted around - their understanding of how things are, even though they have worked together and complimented one another's works to make a whole.

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight looks both amused /and/ flushed, the topless cripple with his (not OVERLY) tattooed torso and arms smirking just a little bit as she gets flustered... which he is as well.. "I think you may overstate the.. energy.. with which we'll.. uhm.. you know.." Wow.. he doesn't kow ow to say it.. The man who trades bawdry insults with hookers and can make THEM blush, tounge tied just a wee bit now. He clears his throat.

"I can tell what you're thinking by the look on your face. When they say the magic will fly, Wanda, they don;t exactly mean.. well.. /magic/. Well, not in OUR sense. Unless you're practicing Tantric Magic and then.. well.." he flushes a bit more.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda's flush deepens with Nolan's. "Sometimes, the magic just happens. I do wish a thing, and it is? And you, you have your ghosts. They do.. "

She pauses thoughtfully.

"I do not think it is so much love, as they are attached to you in all their own ways. I do not know. It is just that.. I am silly. We can agree to that. I have walked the Road and seen that there is more to what you may imagine of magic.."

She knows what he means of the other, though, and gives a little laugh. "No. I mean, yes. Maybe? It is, that is how.. where that magic comes from you know? It is not just.. well, what I mean to say is that there is a history and a place that such magic did come from first. And that is what I mean, only not so much how you have meant it. It has been so much perverted to make it accessible?"