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Latest revision as of 18:56, 3 August 2018

The Real Expidition to Ape City
Date of Scene: 13 July 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Gorilla Grodd, Taskmaster, Shadowlite

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd moves with an impromptu delegation of representatives from the UN, certainly not the most important members from the richest or most developed countries but many who could be motivated with promises of development aid or just the right important civilian technology. It was a very large delegation and it was not quite enough but a significant block of nations in the UN, the kind that could admit a fledgeling nation that had been around for a few thousand years.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
The UN expedition is met on the ground in Rwanda, a rather conventional and run down frontier airport but the nearest settlement to Gorilla City and now Ape City territory. The UN had been instructed to arrive at a certain place and time and they would be escorted in to the appropriate location. Grodd had hired and made arrangements for the two mercinaries to blend in to the delegation which was now waiting in impromptu ceremonial mingling of such out on the tarmac with a few tables with white table cloths. Grodd was 15 minutes late and some were starting to make monkey jokes quietly under their breath.

Taskmaster has posed:
There are a lot of moving pieces among the UN delegates and their various entourages. Waiting for the right moment to strike is Taskmaster, the mercenary currently doing his best to act like he belongs. It's easy for a man who can mimic the actions of anyone he can see to fit in with a group, especially when so many people are already strangers to one another. Hearing the jokes about monkeys, Taskmaster cracks a smile, knowing that very soon these men might not be laughing any longer. When not in his mask the man is a fairly common looking white man, short brown hair and brown eyes, not standing out from the delegates.

Shadowlite has posed:
It's impossible to 'blend in' for a mutant who refuses to show his identity to the world at large, unless he comes as himself... which in this case isn't something he's willing to do. So, instead of going with the crowd, Shadowlite has opted for his Darkforce suit-and-hood and a breathable tactical web, and has ported himself to the nearby control tower in a snipers position.

An M39 sits in overwatch position and three spare magazines are tucked into the gear web, along with his MP7 and backup revolvers and silenced FN Five Seven. With a directional mic attached to his rifle and fed into his transceiver, he can easily hear the goings on as Shadowlite lays there.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
"Did you hear the one about the ape who ate grapes?"

"Wasn't that a cartoon?"

"It was." Grodd said, who had been standing in the middle of them all using a temporal sync field generator to create his own pocket dimension generator, and had heard everything they said and thought. He telepathically let the agents know to keep calm cool and collected. o O "All according to plan."

Grodd snapped his fingers and the holo generator concealing the Gorilla City military transport vanished showing a sleek and futuristic looking V-Tol craft with a force field that also lowered as it settled silently on the ground, gravimetric plates making it plop down with perfection.

"Welcome Delegation of Humans from the United Nations. I appreciate you answering my summons. I find human humor fascinating and perhaps we can all discuss some of your more interesting jokes individually later over dinner so I can have a finer understanding of what exactly it was that you meant." He smiles and walked with the delegation as they got on to the transport which was all gleaming purple panels (one might say of a grape hue, lit that way by ambient lighting) with large human sized plush leather chairs and 20 fully battle armored Gorilla City marines looking exceptionally impressive in their powered armor with Plasma rifles.

Taskmaster has posed:
The appearance of Grodd in the midst of the delegation has Taskmaster smirking a bit, the man clearly amused by the great ape's remarks. His gaze doesn't linger on the gorilla for long, however, as the futuristic craft instead occupies his attention. Nodding his head slightly, impressed at the sight of both the vehicle and the marines aboard it, Taskmaster goes to board with the rest of the assemblage.

Once he's on the V-Tol the mercenary finds a place to sit where he can keep an eye on things, casually studying the humans and apes, memorizing the way they move, or in the case of the marines, don't move.

Shadowlite has posed:
Seeing the military transport open, Shadowlite gets a look at it, then the surrounding perimeter of the airport with electronic binoculars. The rifle is kept safetied during his sweep as he listens through the directional mic.

It'll be easy enough for Shadowlite to portal himself into the transport somewhere out of the way once the ride starts.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Once the delegation is on the transport, a Gorilla, male, in a human style steward uniform lopes down the corridor taking their orders of Coffee, Tea or Milk while Grodd's voice is broadcast telepathically into their minds, "

Ape City is a long lost sister colony of Gorilla City. They did not know we were still alive, and we did not know the same of them. We have stayed hidden for centuries. Even now, we are working out the fine touches of our government but Ape City is more cosmopolitan and since there are many species in their ranks, open to the idea of a delegation. They will be as fascinated by you as you are of them. This is our hope that once we establish membership in the United Nations, we might welcome a small number of Asgardians, Mutants and other refugees as our small shared blue sphere gets more and more important in the grand scheme of things.

Taskmaster has posed:
The lecture by Grodd is fairly interesting, but not what Taskmaster is here to worry about. After waving off the attendant offering beverages the mercenary leans back in his seat and continues to view the people around him, then what surrounds the vehicle he's aboard. There's plenty to take in from his comfy chair, after all.

Shadowlite has posed:
A Darkforce portal is opened with black lightning flitting here and there. The other end deposits Shadowlite into the cargo hold of the transport, before he turns on the transceiver, "I just parked myself into the cargo bay down here to keep out of sight. I will be staying until something needs my attention." The M39 is slung onto his back, safetied, and his wristcomp is hooked into the transports computer system with his temporary passcode, for access to sensor systems and the microphones in the main passenger bay.

If something untoward happens, Shadowlite will know about it.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd nods. o O "Keep waiting. You will be needed soon enough. The 'brave' military of the Republic needs to save the citizens of Ape City from human interlopers after all. Just be prepared to take the fall near me so I can prevent any unfortunate incidents. The plasma rifles are real. The shield belts I gave both of you will protect you from an indirect hit, but they won't do anything from a direct one. Oh...and the guns on the diplomatic details will still sting too."

Grodd lectured for another hour about the complex culture of Gorilla City, the wonderful art, and the need for peaceful human and gorilla interaction. Of course, he might have taken the opportunity to sway their minds telepathically to the justness of his cause and the need for peaceful coexistance. He even bypassed the cut rate bargain basement psi shield two or three had brought from the bleeding edge Gorilla City Electronics Warfare officer on board. Grodd didn't even have to lift a finger.

In the distance, a large mountain loomed as the military transport looked like it was going to crash into it.

Taskmaster has posed:
Nodding slightly, Taskmaster can't help but smirk a little bit. The plan was going to come to fruition soon enough. Looking around once more he makes sure to note the location of anyone armed in his immediate vicinity. Those would be the first to go once he was given the go ahead.

As the vehicle heads for the mountain Taskmaster keeps his cool, glancing at Grodd for a moment.

Shadowlite has posed:
Nothing to see see here, move along. Just a random mercenary here to pad out a random clients plan.

Being hooked into the sensor systems though, Shadowlite kept a /very/ close eye on how far away the mountain was. If shit hit the fan in a way that he didn't account for, he'd jump out via portal, "I get the feeling you have a bunch of chaos planned. Fair warning; I consider shooting my ass with plasma rifles intentionally to be a breach of contract and will ruin your day if you try it." Shadowlite states almost cheerful over the commlink, his voice mask giving a bit of added distortion.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
The mountain vanishes and a clean, sunlit city of vast domes and obelisks and pyramids made of sunstone, limestone and granite open up. It achieves art that puts even Gorilla City to shame while having the most modern of technology as "hamster tubes" link plexiglass and plasteel building. As they get closer, those looking through the windows can see a crowd gathered to greet them; cheering from Orangatangs, Gorillas, Chimps, Bonopos and a few apes that are actually now extinct.

The transport begins to land and the humans are shocked at first but then smiling in spite of themselves, caught up in the excitement.

Taskmaster has posed:
The assembled apes are studied closely by Taskmaster as the transport lands. There sure is a lot to be excited about. Lots of new people to see, probably some ape fighting styles to learn, this will likely be a profitable venture in more ways than just financially. As the humans around him start to smile Taskmaster does as well, though he's not grinning for the same reason the rest of the folks are.

Shadowlite has posed:
Seeing the cameras show their landing, Shadowlite takes a moment to study the city and the surroundings... before he opens a new Darkforce portal in the cargo bay, and steps through, coming out on a rooftop near the military transport. Moving to the edge, Shadowlite once more lays down, places his DMR, and turns on the directional mic as he provides overwatch, "in position for sniping."

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
The door opens and the gorilla guards come out first in ten, then Grodd, and they all go NUTS for that. Then the humans and then the vanguard behind them. There is a tickertape parade and a red carpet going from the square they landed in to government hall where the merge talks are taking place. A strange african and animalistic song bursts out as they begin to sing a hymn of joy.

. o O "Music is not one of the things I like about our sister city. Take out the one that made the joke about Hanna Barbera. Task Master. Mayhem. Anyway you like it."

Taskmaster has posed:
Mayhem? Well, that's easy enough to do, especially in a crowd like this. Taskmaster doesn't waste any time getting started once he's given the word. The nearest armed man among the delegates has his pistol smoothly lifted from his holster. The weapon is then quickly chambered, pressed to the back of the man's skull and the trigger is pulled, sending a spray of brain matter into the crowd. Already aware that he's likely to be targeted Taskmaster leaps into the air, rolling over top of the next nearest delegate before putting a round through that one's eye socket. Then he's next to the Hanna Barbera guy. Opting to make things a little bit more painful for this target the mercenary shoots him through both kidneys, leaving him to bleed out, before snapping off a kick to crush the windpipe of some dude in a suit.

That should be enough time to get the guards into action. Taskmaster begins to move, using the crowd for cover as he goes for another armed man's weapon, popping that guy in the face before grabbing his pistol with his free hand. Based on the way he's moving through the crowd he's heading gradually towards Grodd himself, leaving corpses behind him.

Shadowlite has posed:
That was quick.

Shadowlite keeps an eye on the goings on. Putting on a show is something for Taskmaster to handle, and Shadowlite is happy to be left out of that clusterfuck. Instead, the safety on his DNR is selected off as he watches reactions.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
The crowd panics. It's total panic since the pacifist apes simply were not expecting this and riot. A little telepathic help there might have moved things along, but amazingly no apes are killed in the riot but a few humans are trampled.

Grodd broadcasts . o O "Remember how we practiced..." as Taskmaster charges, Grodd breaks out his latest toy and points it at him...the Gravitic Blender twists space around him, creating an inverted recursive field like Sue Storm but that bends gravity in shrinking more and more breaking bones and rending minds if not properly prepared for though Taskmaster should be able to ROLL with it just the right way.

Several individual humans are looking around and one is pointing a gun at Grodd, a perfect target for Shadowlite.

Taskmaster has posed:
When you can gauge the next movement your opponent is likely to make you can be ready for anything. Taskmaster steps aside as one of the guards fires at him, letting the stray round take out someone in his mess of people. The killer dispatches the would be hero with ease as he approaches Grodd.

Luckily, Taskmaster never forgets a move. As Grodd deploys his weapon the human it's aimed at jumps into the air at just the right moment, twisting his body around to make sure he avoids the lethal parts of the field. When he's through and hits the ground Taskmaster lies limp at Grodd's feet. He's seen a lot of people die. He can always make it look real.

Shadowlite has posed:
"Never thought I'd see the day when I'd be sniping some assholes in a city of apes that don't like violence." Shadowlites observes, amused, to himself.

When it becomes clear that someones about to aim a firearm at Grodd though, the scope fits over his head. "No serious winds, elevation, drop...." Shadowlite mutters to himself as he adjusts his aim for the usual factors, before a silenced round is fired. The NATO round easily penetrates the mans skull, and the semi-automatic DMR is adjusted once more as he goes back to overwatch mode.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
The man's skull raviolis. And Task Master finds that even WITH practice it hurts like a son of a bitch so playing dead while his body and mind are screaming might not...be so bad...but his toughness keeps him concious. Grodd ROARS and a wave of telepathic call is sent out. Amplified by well placed tech and well placed minor telepaths. The riot and chaos instantly ends.

"I. AM. GRODD. AND THIS IS MY DOMAIN!" HE thumps his chest and some of the soldiers fo likewise while the other half are looking around cuatiously throwing a defensive perimeter around the human delegation. Then the apes begin to do the same. They are not angry at the humans but at Task Master, "Search the city! Find the enemy!" Unconcious minor supervillains from around the planet have been conveniently bundled, thanks to the Light for the soldiers to find. The humans seem horrified but awed by Grodd.

Taskmaster has posed:
Pain. Pain is another tool that can be used. Doesn't mean a man has to like it, though. Taskmaster lays still on the ground, just a corpse as far as anyone can tell, letting his body and mind come back fully under his control. Grodd will tell him what he needs to do next.

Shadowlite has posed:
Taking his goggles off the DMR, Shadowlite brings up his digital binoculars again and scans the city, taking a look at the goings on as Grodd and company do their thing.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
The clean up is clockwork. It is an authoritarian regime run by a hyperintelligent telepathic being after all and the inhabitants of Gorilla and Ape City tend to the wounded humans well who are (almost even against their will) obsequeiously greatful and all of course captured on Camera. Taskmaster is cuffed and taken personally by Grodd onto the military transport and taken to Gorilla city. He is switched, mid transit with a minor White Supremisist from South Africa who also hates mutants. Plenty of political points all around. He telepathically broadcasts to Shadowlite, "Well done. The second half of the funds have been placed into your account."

Grodd is now the most popular being in ALL of Gorilla City and Ape City.

Exactly as he planned.