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Latest revision as of 18:57, 3 August 2018

Ragnarok pt. 15: Back on the Mercy
Date of Scene: 13 July 2018
Location: Asgardian Ship on the Atlantic Ocean
Synopsis: Thor gets back to the Mercy.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Lara Croft
Tinyplot: Ragnarok

Thor has posed:
    For the last day the search parties had been sent out, multiple submersibles and ships had been combing along the course that Frigga's Mercy had taken as it plummeted down into the Atlantic Ocean. Reports came back negative repeatedly, even as several commercial vessels joined in with the search. Some of the scientists on the SHIELD vessel began to calculate the currents of the waters in the area and possible locations where the Asgardian leader could have been carried away to by the flow of the world's waters. But nobody had come up with anything...
    That is until one of the SHIELD submersibles radioed back. The comm operator in the helicarrier laughed as he spun in his chair when the message came through first, "Sir, we got him!"
    The captain of the ship looked back from the command pulpit, "Well tell them, son."
    The operator grinned and spun in his chair, keying in the speakers on the vessel and the Mercy as well, and booming across the deck in the middle of the day they announced.
    // Say again, SUBOP-1. //
    // We found him, command. We got him on board! //
    And amongst the crowd of Asgardians upon the surface of their crashed ship they laughed and embraced even as a cheer went up. Shoulders were slapped, and some of the guardsman roared and punched each other in their faceplates with a raucous joy while some of the valkyrie looked on solemnly.
    It was enough that he had not been lost and was coming to their makeshift home.
    So when that submarine surfaced, its double fins twisting up in the locked position and the gangplank uncurling to thump against the deck of Frigga's Mercy, there was a crowd to greet the man and the people who had found him.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara was there on deck when the loudspeaker made its announcement, she was standing off to the side with her eyes on the horizon, by herself looking out over the water. When the cheering started she leaned back against the metal railing and folded her arms over her stomach but showed a good honest smile at the revelation of their success.

By the time that the 'thump' from the plank came down, Lara was there standing with many others, her dark hair tied back into a ponytail and her light jacket blowing gently in the winds.

Lara steps to the side to help where she can, but she mostly doesn't want to get in the way. She's an experienced diver and helped save at least that one Asgardian child, which was enough to make her proud to have come on this mission and do her part... sure she's not super powered or a special mutant, but she's got her own useful set of skills to offer to expeditions such as this!

Thor has posed:
    The grin is there, it's been rare that it's been seen late on the Thunderer's features but it's there as he disembarks with the SHIELD operatives near at hand and making sure the ships are docked together and the lines are strong. But Thor, he lifts his hand as he listens to the cheers and sees the features of those near to him. For most they'd just see that gleam in his blue eye, the seeming way he accepts their kindness and their words. Yet there is still some hesitance there. Then again perhaps not.
    "Milord, much has progressed. Matters have taken a turn, whether it is an ill wind that blows I know not." Bjarke advances quickly upon the tall man who steps further onto the deck, smiling and nodding as he moves. Some of the guardsmen salute which he returns with a thump of his fist to his chest.
    "Bjarke, are we in danger of exploding?"
    "... no milord."
    "Are we in danger of being attacked?"
    "... I do not believe so, milord."
    "Then can it wait until I get something to eat? I'm starving."
    A small smile, "As you will, milord."
    Bjarke retreats and Thor continues on his way, but then his gaze slips over Lara Croft and his smile shifts into a smirk, "What, in the nine realms, are you doing here?" But he gives a small nod and a wave of one hand as he gestures for her to walk with him if she would.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara seems entirely amused by the exchange between the two of them, Thor and his steward of sorts (she assumes). When they separate and the God of Thunder takes notice of her, Lara's arms uncross from her stomach and she reaches a hand up while turning to draw her hair out of her face so that she can follow him without being blinded by her own brunette strands.

"I'm -trying- to help." Lara responds to the Thunderer, the two of them have worked together enough that they can share a bit of friendly banter and have gotten to know each other a lot more than the average associates. "I'd been returning to the Triskelion from Europe when I heard word of the emergency... I turned right back around to come and help you and your people." She says, looking over to her right toward him and up because he's a biiiit taller than she after all.

After a short pause, Lara has to say. "I'm really sorry what has happened." She says in an earnest voice, her British accented English thick with the emotion of knowing what had become of Asgard. "If you need anything, you have to just ask. I want to help." She nods her small chin oince to him then.

Thor has posed:
    "Ah, Lady Croft." Thor says lightly and she can hear the small hesitation there as he shakes his head a touch. She might see him try to find the proper words, to find something that would cover everything that has passed. But he stops and turns to her, lowering his head slightly so they can see eye to eyepatch and eye. "Thank you,"
    He takes a deep breath and turns to the side as they walk past the conning tower of the ship and abruptly their steps stop as he frowns, now apparently standing on the edge of the ship where half broke off from the impact with the ocean's surface. Then he reaches the end of the ship and his brow furrows.
    "My..." He points downwards to the large gaping hole in the side of the ship that has been patched with several large sheets of armor. "Office used to be down there." Unfortunately it is not. Not any longer at least.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara walks along side him up to the edge of the shattered hull and she too looks down, her hair blowing about her head as she gently shakes it and then looks back over and up to him. "I've been to space once... With a man named Quill." She again shakes her head just a bit. "I have a way to contact him, he left me a device that could reach him. Maybe he could help you fix this vessel?" She offers. "But beyond that..." A heavy exhales escapes her chest and her forearms again clutch around to hold her sides. "I'm afraid my knowledge in spaceship engineering is at a base level of... zero."

Lara looks back toward the others in the direction that they'd come. "Do you know what caused this damage to fell your ship?" She asks, now looking back over and up to him. "It wasn't... foul play, was it?" She asks, of coursing HAVING to ask, because, valid fear!

Thor has posed:
    The tall man folds his arms over his chest and grimaces. He's still dripping water from his armor, his footsteps leaving small puddles... and he does have a salty smell to him. But luckily he's much more dried out than when he was found. Then he shakes his head and turns back to look at her as he says, "Not yet. There was an explosion, but when I reached the engine room it seemed as if a large portion of the place had just..." He lifts fingertips off of his broad bicep, waving them a bit dismissively, "Disappeared."
    Rounding back to her he meets her gaze, "I know you are brave, Lady Croft," He looks to the side and flexes his fingers as if something troubled his hand. "But I know not what fate awaits my people. It may be dangerous. I have already imperiled my people. My conscience would hang heavy if something befell you as well."
    As he says this he rests his other hand upon her shoulder, just long enough to impart greater weight to the last few words he offered. He then turned away and extended his hand open off into the distance, his brow furrowing with concentration.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara looks up at him as the hand is placed onto her shoulder, strands of her dark hair spreading across her face as she stares at him and listens. When he turns away though she just glances aver him and then looks where he looks.

The archaeologist, explorer, SHIELD artifacts acquisitions agent, knows all too well how regal and noble the people of Asgard are, and even after the trips they'd gone on together she assumed he'd still look down on her as a mere mortal and Earthling of much lesser power than him, which was fine... She'd make her offers and it was his choice to accept them or not.

"Well then." Lara says to him in response, voice soft. "What is your next move?" She asks, her brown eyes going back over and up to the side of his face. "Where do you and your people go next?" She wasn't sure he had an answer for this question and it might cause him to feel awkward to not have a reply to her, but she wasn't 'one of his people' so if he were to confide in her as such, she'd consider herself a reasonable source to do that, and hopefully he considers her a trustworthy one.

Thor has posed:
    She'll hear the slow exhale that comes from him as he frowns distantly, that hand still out-stretched. He turns his head just enough so his good eye can find her and he tells her, "In truth, I do not have one. Yet at the least." A deep breath is taken and he says, "I fear with matters as they are, if I am denied a place where I can let my people rest and be safe... then I will have to consider other options. Some that the people of your world may ill like." Ominous words. Ominous words that he realizes sound so.
    He turns to her a touch more as he says, "I would do no harm, but I would not be able to allow the governments to impede me and mine."
    Then, quieter, he gestures with a lift of his chin. "Look at them, Lara." He does so himself, his brow furrowing and his tone dropping a touch. "They have suffered enough. I cannot let this continue..."
    But then, before he can say anything further, there is a rush off in the distance. A wake bursting into waves across the mostly calm water's surface. A wake that grows quickly, slicing across the ocean until distantly the silhouette of Mjolnir comes into view as it leaps into the air and closes the distance with Thor.
    The grip lands in his hand with a low /whuom/ of sound and he smiles to himself at being reunited with his hammer. "Ah, better." That said he hooks the loop upon his hip and turns. "Come, let us find something to eat."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara gives a slight nod to what he says, and though his words are ominous, she doesn't believe he'd do anything that would harm innocents, so she simply nods her head to him. "It doesn't take much to upset the governments of this world, I'm afraid." She replies softly before her eyes look out over the water to see the break in the sea and to see the hammer rushing through the air toward its owner. She'd had him pull it from her hand once when she wore the gauntlet to recover it from the top of Olympus... that had been a rather wild event in the young Croft's life, but one she would not ever forget either.

At the mention of going to seek food she just looks back up to his face and grins softly. "Sea food, I would presume." She says to him then, turning to where she knows the galley is located. "They're brave people, strong people." She tells him, thinking of the boy she'd found in the air pocket and how he hadn't hesitated to draw a weapon her when she'd arrived. "They'll trust and follow you wherever you lead them."