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Latest revision as of 18:58, 3 August 2018

A Day in the Life
Date of Scene: 13 July 2018
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Terra, Power Girl

Terra has posed:
    Since her return to New York, Atlee has been sharing an apartment with Karen Starr, a.k.a. Power Girl. Okay, actually Atlee has just been crashing in Karen's apartment. Not that the dark-haired girl doesn't pull her own weight, however. True, Karen is the one who goes off to work at STAR Labs every day. But Atlee keeps the apartment picked up. And she's even done some experimenting with cooking.

    They eat out a lot.

    Back from the store, she slips into the apartment with a bag of groceries in each arm. Atlee isn't Kryptonian, but she can definitely manage groceries on the bus.

Power Girl has posed:
    Karen doesn't necessarily cook often. A lot of what she eats is terrible for you. Many things she cook come frozen and just required a small time in the microwave or actual oven.

    With Terra here, Karen eats out in excess, almost. Her budget can handle it, but at the same time, she's probably the best to foster Terra's nascent interest, even if the talent itself is proving to be... Extremely latent.

    She comes out of her workout room, an extradimensional space borne of the experiments she was using to try and tunnel back home- and really the only result. When she does, she raises a brow at the grocery shopping- idly wondering just how much Atlee charged to her card.

    "So uh... What are we trying this time?" Thankfully, Kryptonian tastebuds can eat and appreciate even the most horrible of things. Even so, she is still a little apprehensive.

Terra has posed:
    Atlee sets the grocery bags on the counter and begins unpacking them. "I thought I'd try some of these box-foods." she offers. Instant maccaroni and cheese, instant pasta, instant rice, microwave noodles. "I can cook most everything in the microwave, but some I'll have to boil water first."

    Atlee bites her lower lip for a moment at that. Not that she can't boil water, of course. It's really more a matter of WHEN do you put the food in? Before boiling? When it just starts? After it's been boiling a while? And how long EXACTLY to you leave it in? And what does 'al dente' mean, anyway?

    "Oh! And I also got a couple of cheesecakes. They're already sliced, so you just take what you want." Yes, she knows that Karen's metabolism can handle nearly anything, and the tall blonde has a horrible sweet tooth.

Power Girl has posed:
    Karen sits herself down at the kitchen's island as Atlee starts to pull the various groceries out. Nodding along, it gets to the point where Atlee remarks that she'll need to boil water, and for just a half-moment, Karen wonders if she'll be okay doing so.

    Ever helpful- if only so that Atlee knows enough not to burn down the kitchen- she speaks up. "Yeah, boil water first, add the stuff, there's a... On the side there's instructions. Just let it boil for however long it says to. Sometimes it's five minutes, sometimes it's ten..."

    That's when she noticed the cheesecakes, and for a moment she's wondering if they can skip dinner and go straight to it, but she knows better than to ask that. It'd be insensitive.

    "Those'll be great. For uh, after."

Terra has posed:
    Atlee looks pleased at the response. And yes, it's hard to go wrong with a meal ending in 'cheesecake'. "I saw on TV the other day that everyone needs to get more fruits and vegetables in their diet. Something about natural roughage. But I wasn't sure what 'natural roughage' means, so I looked it up on the Internet."

    Atlee takes out a couple bunches of grapes and a mesh bag of apples as well, setting them on the counter. "I figured fruit was easiest, since it didn't need to be baked, chopped, boiled, fried or steamed." She pauses, then looks at Karen. "Apparently 'natural roughage' isn't at all like mashed up cardboard. It comes in apples and stuff."

Power Girl has posed:
    Something about the way that Atlee pronounces Ruffage makes Karen think that she hasn't quite grasped the concept. She actually offers a little chuckle to herself at that, and shortly after Atlee sets down the graps and apples, Karen offers a pair of nods.

    "Yeah, ruffage is uh... It's talking about things like fruits and vegetables. You can eat it all without cooking, but some of it is... Really gross unless you cook it up." Not to her, but, you know. To other people. Karen refrains from eating raw garlic because other people would complain- rightly.

    "Just uh... Don't go for anything that says organic. It doesn't really mean anything except that it costs more."

Terra has posed:
    Okay, so Atlee looks a bit confused at that. "Organic is supposed to mean it's more 'natural', right? So if food is more like the way it's found in nature, why is that more expensive?" She shakes her head, then. "Humans are weird."

    She unpacks more groceries as she gets down to the bottom of the bags, finding canned veggies for the most part. "So what does it mean when a guy calls you 'honey' and offers to carry your groceries? I think he was flirting with me, but I'm never completely sure what to do."

Power Girl has posed:
    Karen shrugs. "One of these days I'll explain 'profiteering' to you, so that you can understand the organic fad. It's a little scummy but it makes sense once you understand a couple things." she even chuckles at that. "Just don't buy into it, is all I'm saying."

    There's another nod, and a little frown. "Yeah, that's uh... That's flirting. What'd you tell him?" she asks- for a moment, maybe, a little bothered. Could be concern, could be something else.

Terra has posed:
    Atlee looks pleased for some reason. "Oh, I told him no thank you." she replies. Taking the last few cans out of the bag, she starts to fold it up and then adds. "Then I told him that if he touched my shoulder again I'd knock him through the front window."

    Yeah, humans are weird alright.

    "So what would you like for dinner tonight? Rice or maccaroni?"