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Latest revision as of 19:06, 3 August 2018

Apartments and Relationships
Date of Scene: 14 July 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Mon-El, Black Queen

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar is walking around various residential and apartment complexes in the area, thinking about whether he should get a planetside abode like Laurel has or not. It's nice to be able to look inside anything without having to arrange any showings with any real estate agents. Fortunately, most places don't line their walls with lead or anything. And he tries to stick to the ones that are already empty, so as not to accidentally see something that he'd rather not see.

Black Queen has posed:
Selene is actually coming out of one of the complexes that Lar was lookin at just moments beforehand. She is dressed slightly differently than she's been in the past. Still always in similar uber high fashion clothes, as she is walking out, her eyes looking around when she waves and has a curious tone in her voice. "Lar?" She questions as she starts to walk up to him, "What... are you doing here?"

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar was examining the inside of one of the units in the building Selene walked out of, but quickly gets distracted upon seeing her. Yeah, it probably does look a bit weird, with him just standing there appearing to stare at nothing. But he quickly focuses on her once she addresses him. "Oh, hey Selene." he chuckles. "I know, it must look awkward, but I was just thinking about whether I should get an apartment or something planetside. Just to...I don't know, identify with humans better? Can't just invite -anyone- up to the cruiser after all." he says with a bit of a sigh. "What about you? What are you doing here?"

Black Queen has posed:
"Oh, I was actually looking for a place... for a friend." Selene mentions quirking her mouth to the side. "I have a house, already. Just scoping some places out, and I think I have much ... more specific tastes than she does." A soft chuckle comes to her lips, "I just wanted to say, sorry about the last time. I was... it was silly. I do not really know you very well, and it must of been very awkward for you, and I just... I apologize. Okay?" Waiting for any kind of forgiveness, Selene ohs for a moment, as she pieces things together, "Are you... seeing someone, that you want to ask up to your place?" A bit of a smile is on her face, but also a sidelong glance off to the side.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Oh, that's nice of you." Lar says with a nod. "How do you know what she likes?" Then his face seems to flush a little bit at the apology for her behavior during their last conversation. "It's...no problem, really. Everyone needs a shoulder to cry on every once and a while. I try to be that person who can be whatever people need in the moment, I guess. And it's not always strength enough to throw something to the moon." he winks.

    Then at that last comment, he appears to grow even more uncomfortable. "No, not at the moment, anyway. I mean, I..." he takes a breath and shakes his head. "Not any more. I just thought it might make it easier to uh, befriend humans in general."

Black Queen has posed:
There's a soft quirkish smile on Selene's lips as she, then grimaces a bit, "Sorry, if I... brought up something painful." She then mentions, "Well, I'm a human." Then she pauses and says, "I mean. About being friends. Not, asking up to your alien, ship... or whatever, for, whatever..." She grimaces again, "Oh, by the gods, I... not that I would not. You are a rather handsome man, and very friendly to me, far more than you would really need to be... and, well, not saying." Her hand comes up as if she is going to ramble out some more information and to stop herself, "I am... let me start over."

Taking in a breath she lets it out slowly, and smiles, "It seems unfathomable to me, that someone as nice as you, would not have people fawning over them all the time. Especially someone so heroic, and brave, and strong... and just genuinely sweet. It's hard for a woman to feel safe around a strong man, but you give off only kindness." And besides, she's immortal. What does she have to fear from people who can toss things to the moon?

Mon-El has posed:
    Well, at least he isn't the only one sounding a bit awkward today. Which makes it even more awkward as Selene kind of stumbles over her words too, but then finally manages a more organized expression. He smirks. "Trust me, it used to be a lot worse, back home, before I could fly faster than sound. If I had that capability back then I wouldn't have -let- them. It got old. Now, I think a lot of people are just afraid of me, afraid of what I can do. I guess I don't blame them. I haven't always been the most responsible with my...abilities. And there are few who can stop me if I were ever to lose it somehow." Again.

Black Queen has posed:
There's a bit of a roll of her eyes, as Selene recovers, mostly rolling them at herself. "I am so sorry. It must be horrible everyone thinking you are incredibly attractie and well-connected, and people constantly fawning over you like some prize to won." She then offers with a somewhat small shake of her head, and a bit of a dismissal of herself, "I really do not know what that is like." And she looks up more to Lar, "So, what kind of place were you looking for then? And, I am not afraid of you. I feel safer with you around. I mean, there are plenty of horrible people with gifts out there... it's the rare person who not only admits to their mistakes, but is trying to be a better person."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Yeah, that's one thing I -don't- miss about home." Lar admits with a sigh. "It does look like the royalty types get that here, too. But you're probably better off -not- knowing what it's like. The things some girls did to themselves and to their families just to get one night with me..." he shakes his head, his gaze falling in shame at some of Daxam's...less moral practices.

    He looks up when she asks what kind of place he was looking for. He shrugs. "I don't know, honestly. I didn't grow up here the way Kara or Kal did, so I guess I'm not as familiar with Earth customs as they are."

Black Queen has posed:
"Maybe we can walk through a few of the apartments together then?" Selene questions looking back at the place she was just at. "There's just a couple decisions you really have to make. Do you want one bedroom or two? If you plan on having a room mate, or an office or something like that. If you would like a full bathroom, that includes a bathtub... I cannot live without my jacuzzi tub. Makes a horrible day get washed away." She smiles and then turns a little more back to the apartment, "Unless you wanted to show me your cruiser? That sounded like it would be far more interesting to live in than a... well, an apartment." She chuckles, "I mean, I have never been to space... though I have flown on some very expensive planes, ones that get very close to space so they can travel very fast. It's an expensive ticket, and you can probably fly far far faster than that jet."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Well, I wouldn't just grab you and fly you up there, I know you aren't just a normal human but I wouldn't want to risk accidentally killing or injuring you." Lar replies, smiling a little, but then he sighs. "I don't know, I guess I'm not as liberal as I used to be on inviting people up there. The last time I tried to have a party of sorts...it didn't end well." And that was an understatement. "Not even in just a social way, but as in people almost died. While I'm sure you can fend for yourself, it wouldn't be responsible of me to put you in unnecessary danger."

Black Queen has posed:
"OH? Well, then... maybe you do need an apartment." Selene chuckles a little bit, "I have had problems when I host parties at my house, but never where someone almost dies." She comments, and then looks to Lar. Tilting her head a little bit she wonders, "What kind of... well, girl do you like? I mean... I have a lot of friends. And some of them are even not so shallow, and smart. Attractive. I could potentially introduce you to one of them at some point. Give you a reason to have an apartment." She sounds off with a bit of a curious tone.

Mon-El has posed:
    Yeah, speaking of girls..."I mean, it wasn't because any of the guests didn't get along, it was only because this sorceress who seems to be obsessed with me kidnapped one of my friends and sent him to some pocket dimension prison. I guess she was jealous, I don't know. It wasn't the first time she came after me insisting that I marry her or else she'll hurt people." Lar tells Selene, sounding somewhat frustrated. "It was fortunate that one of our guests happened to be a mage who could counter her spells so that no one actually died, but not everyone escaped unscathed."

    He shakes his head. "Oh, you don't have to play matchmaker for me. I'm....fine. It's better this way, anyway. People I get too close to tend to get their lives thrown into some kind of chaos vortex, so it's best I stick to those who can handle it or who already have chaotic and dangerous lives anyway."

Black Queen has posed:
There's a pause and Selene wonders, "What's the name of this sorceress? I mean, it's possible I have heard of her. You would be shocked by how many magical folks come to me to answer questions about antiques. Where last they were, who would be able to tell an original from a fake, etc etc. Guesses on where they may have been moved after last publically being seen. And in the community of the wealthy there's always someone..." Selene comments before adding, "Not that I would do anything, just then maybe I can help out your mage friend in finding this troublesome person?"

After that she mentions, "You will find someone. I hope I find someone, again. It's been a long time. And, well, you do not want to miss out on an opportunity." Indicates Selene as she offers, "Well, if you wanted to view some apartments we could? Or go somewhere, I feel kind of silly just standing out here talking."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Glorith." Lar answers. "She hasn't bothered me ever since we defeated her and rescued my friend from her prison. Hopefully it stays that way." Well, he -was- a friend, anyway. A momentary look of regret crosses his features at the thought of that. "But I suppose you could talk to Kaelyn Silverleaf, the mage I mentioned. Very friendly and everything, I'm sure she'd welcome any advice or assistance you can give. She owns some magical shop in Bludhaven called the Enchanted Grounds."

    "Maybe. But maybe it's best I just focus on protecting people instead of fulfilling my own desires." He nods at her last comment and starts walking down the block. "Sure, we can look for some open houses I guess. Not that I need one in order to see inside."

Black Queen has posed:
There's a name that likely Selene knows but she doesn't let on to it, since quite frankly there's not a single person of power in the arcane arts she hasn't at least heard about. She smiles a bit, "Well, I will take a look at my calendar and just double check who I have met with and who I have not. You say the Enchanted grounds? Magic really interests me. I did not believe it existed, and then I realized about my gifts, and then people flying around and everything. Made it hard to turn a blind eye to any kind of gift at this point."

Selene chuckles a little as she starts to walk, but then calms down and takes on a more sad tone, "You know that's very selfish of you." She mentions, looking over, and has a concerned look on her face, "You will protect others so you do not risk getting hurt. Or allowing someone in who might learn to care, or be safe around you? What about that person, the person you are denying a fulfilling and wonderful relationship? It seems, selfish to pull away from society simply because you do not want to be afraid of 'what may be'."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar sighs again. "You aren't the first person to tell me that. But it's not as if I'm shutting everyone completely out. After all I'm here talking to you, right? It's just...too many relationships that didn't end up well in one way or another. Like I said, I didn't grow up here like most people around here did. Sometimes...that makes relationships difficult. And I have a lot of baggage from...back home." he admits, his gaze downcast.

Black Queen has posed:
Nodding her head, Selene mentions, "You are here with me, talking. Though you have not called me, or asked me out on a date. You just stand there and let me talk to you, and talk to you, and talk to you. Despite me regularly flirting with you and I am clearly a smart and intelligent woman. I would not be doing that if I did not want to say, have maybe, just a -little- response from you?" Shaking her head a bit, she keeps walking, and sighs out. "You might be from a different planet, but you sure are starting to act like every other man I meet."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar suddenly stops walking and raises a brow at her. "A little response? What kind of response are you looking for, then?" he asks, seriously wondering. Is she not satisfied with their conversations? "I have to admit I don't know you all that well yet, as you mentioned earlier, and I did feel a bit awkward at the park a few days ago."

Black Queen has posed:
There's a sigh and Selene mentions, "Well, when someone wants to get to know another person, here on earth. Especially if that person is attracted to said other person, what they would do... is ask them out on a date. And then they go somewhere, and they talk or have fun at a festival, or whathaveyou. And then they see if they get along, and if they do, they do it again. And then, after some time, and getting to know one another. They might, be interested in doing other more intimate things with one another." Selene offers, and puts a hand on her forehead, sighing, "You really are from another planet, you know that Lar?" She laughs a bit.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Of course I am." Lar replies to that last remark as he remains standing there, staring at her for a few seconds. Finally, he turns away and resumes walking again with a small laugh. "All right, all right, Selene. We'll set a date. What do you want to do? I used to float in outer orbit high above the surface with my uh...former girlfriend. But not sure if you could handle that." he winks. "Just teasing. I have no idea what you can or can't do. And besides, not having the same abilities as someone else doesn't make you any better or worse than they are."

Black Queen has posed:
There's a slump of Selene's shoulders, as your cultural divide, and perhaps naivete is making getting ideas across very very difficult. When you go over the idea of floating in outer space, she looks up a moment before shaking her head, "No that does not sound that interesting to me." She comments lightly and then offers, "Well, perhaps going out on a cruise for a day, or going to an excluded island or something. Somewhere no one is, and swimming in the ocean there, or a water way of some kind?"

Mon-El has posed:
    "It is beautiful, but maybe boring to some people." Lar chuckles, then nods. "All right, swimming it is. "I hear Freeport has a lot of great beaches and is warm all year round." he comments, still smiling. Meaning Freeport, Grand Bahamas. "Do you uh...have your own means of transportation, or would you want me to provide you with a ride?"

Black Queen has posed:
"Well, I could get there. Fly in a jet, but why do that when you... are offering to fly me there? As in carry me there while you fly?" Selene asks, and laughs a bit, "That does sound kind of entertaining. All on it's own. As long as the island is otherwise unihabited by people, I think that would sound great. That way we can just spend however long there, and then come back at our convenience without worrying about the sillyness of interruptions. And then we can talk, you can ask me any questions you want, I can do the same. We can get to know one another."

Mon-El has posed:
    "It might be a bit...cold." Lar admits. "Not as comfortable as flying on a jet, but faster. Could be a problem if you're afraid of heights. I guess it depends on what's more important to you."

    "Well Freeport is a sizeable town, but I'm sure there are small satellite islands off the coast we could go to."

Black Queen has posed:
"Excellent!" Selene mentions as she looks to Lar, smiling, "We can do that then. For now though I need to really head off. Maybe we can talk about your desires with regards to housing at that same time. And I can give you some help in picking out an apartment. Though really, it's very simple. Find something in your budget with enough rooms for who you want to have there. If just you, well, that's easy."