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Latest revision as of 19:08, 3 August 2018

Expect the Unexpected
Date of Scene: 15 July 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kid, Nuala Duvall

Kid has posed:
The World is in upheavel over ALL the events. Between the man eating fungus, space refugess and the reveal that humans were not the only intelligent specie on the planet (let alone the stars)...well people have been in a jitter to say the least. But life goes on.
    And sometimes that life needs quietness and reflection. Malcolm 'Kid' IronWood was ontop the roof of an abandon building. A hot spot for the forgotten, homeless folks with no where to go. Or used to be, a few fungus attacks and many have had to move on. And though he is alone ontop the roof, he keeps up his disguise, drinking from a can of mango and lemon juice. As he does so, he watches the starlite sky.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala, having just come from being involved in two of those upheavals, seems to be shooting for a perfect three for three. She just finished dealing with one of the fields that was smaller, but about to be uncontrollable. Now that it's been neutralized, she has taken the opportunity to research some beneficial allies that she might have in the quest to grant Asgardians more permanent homes.
    Her scans showed a non-human, a gorilla that seemed to match the gorillas that bordered Wakanda. Surely she expected that such a gorilla must be an ambassador to be out this far, and so she now walks down a rather unseemly alley, dressed in a formal business dress. She glances around, knitting her brow. "Timmy," she says, and then follows the statement with something in an alien language, some type of question.

Kid has posed:
Over the edge of the rooftop, a can clatters down. Bouncing from stair step to railing, wall to wall before comming to a cluttering stop on the ground infront of Nuala. A large beastial burp can be heard from above. Depending on what Nuala is asking the response would be that 'Yes, this was the right place, and scans show that the gorilla is on the roof.'. Timmy might also indicate that these Gorillas may have telepathic qualities. Though why a Gorilla was here is hard to say. Judging by some of the homesless here...perhaps this Gorilla was a humanatarian trying to see what other ways they might be of help.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala gives a dubious look at the area, "Of course," she says. She moves in the direction of the belch. It certainly sounded too deep to be human. "I should have worn my suit," she says. She has on her psi blocker, which might make her an anomoly to the telepath, sinc eit would block her psionic presence all together.

Kid has posed:
And of course, there was none other than Kid on the roof. He didn't actually notice Nuala at first. Under most normal circumstances he could sense anyone within his range...but not Nuala. So when he turns and sees Nuala, he actually jumps startled! His eyes narrow and he thumps his chest aggresively in warning to her. He doesn't say anything, not yet as he peers at the...well dress woman without a mind. Robot? Strong Mind? Something else? He didn't know and he didn't care.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala leaps back as Kid lands in front of her. "Whoa!" she calls out, holding hands out in a non-offensive gesture. "Hi," she offers, surprised, but perhaps less surprised than most people who wouldn't expect a gorilla. "I am Nuala, Nuala Duvall. I thought perhaps you were a representative of Gorilla City." She really hopes the answer is yes, since she is in bad shape if he isn't. She reaches to her pocket, feeling the suit device inside for comfort, just in case she needs some armor in a hurry.

Kid has posed:
Kid peers and gets REAL close and sniffs at her. It was curiouse, and something about a large gorilla (larger than MOST gorillas actually) that could be intimidating...he gave off a sense of being wild. He snorts and steps back. After all not everyday someone says hi to a gorilla
    Though he seems to disregard the question for the moment as he begins to gestures with his hands, signing "Do you have any mangos tootes?" the watch on his wrist lighting up and speaking for him in aq 'mobster' style voice.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala stays still as he sniffs her, fingers clutching the suit device a little tighter. When he backs off to sign, she watches, and listens. "Mango tootes?" she echoes. "I...I do not know what these are," she admits. "A mango is a fruit, yes?" she clarifies, taken by surprise by the strange request. This is not how she pictured the conversation proceding at all.

Kid has posed:
"No. It is a seven legged mobile tree that likes to eat garbage" he signs..and the watch speaks with a grating sense of sarcasm. "Yeesh, what are ya, from another planet? Or is your programming off. Don't got no mind, you brainless?" he fires off. "And what you clutching? Yea ain't got no purse" he never seems to lose that semi-aggressive air about him.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    "Nuala frowns. "Are you mocking me?" she asks. She holds up the small device, no bigger than her thumb. "It's just this," she says, not explaining what the small silver object is, she gives the air that he should already know. After a moment's vision, she closes it inside her hand again. "I do not have programming," she says, "And I would like you not to call me brainless."

Kid has posed:
Kid signs "Yes, I am" well at least he was honest "...and I still have no idea what that is." he now seemed curiouse and had gotten a bit closer to sniff at it. A moment later he signs "Well, than I will go with mindless, cause you ain't got one far as I can tell. And that being litteral" he hops onto a firescape and gets comfy before signing "Anyways. No, I am not a representative of Gorilla City, never even stepped foot there. so...what you want...Cruela was it?" he signs.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    "Nuala," she corrects, unfamiliar with the origin of the name, "I am sorry," she adds. "I knew there was a gorilla near here, I thought that you might be an ambassador or a diplomat," she says. "I need to speak with one of them. I am sorry that I have bothered you."

Kid has posed:
Kid signs "Orphan slash escaped science experiment actually, ahhh humans. If you ain't one, your done.. Sides I am a bit young to be an ambassador or whatever." young? He looked like a full grown adult gorilla! He stops signing to scratches his belly before continue "Anyways, mabey I can talk ta Grodd for yea when I see him again." he finds a flea and eats it.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala is silent for a moment. "I am sorry," she says. "I did not know. That is a horrible thing to hear." She looks indistinctly at the ground, placing the device back in her pocket. "No one should do that to another person," she says, apparently readily acknowledging Kid as a person.

Kid has posed:
Kid picks at his teeth a moment "Course you did not, we just met. Duh" he signs out. "That not even THE worse part." he says. But before he goes into that he actually notices how Nuala refers to him. He can't help but sign "...but...thank you for calling me a person"

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala nods, looking like she feels slightly at a loss. "You are welcome," she says. "I imagine it must be very difficult. I do not understand politics well," she confesses, "But if you know of Mr. Grodd," she says, "Then why are you not living where you would be protected?" she asks.

Kid has posed:
Kid shrugs "Neither do I. Not even usre what politics are" he signs. "But no it is not difficult. Not compared to what I done before. This here? This is the life. As free as the stars in the sky." though at the question he gives pause "I do not know of him...I know him. we worked togeather before. Anyways, I guess I am scared....it is odd going from imprisonment...to a place where you are just welcomed. Sides, I been living on me own long enough....and, admittedly...I do have one tinee...tiny...problem" the way the watch speaks...it doesn't sound so tiny

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala arches her brow. "Problem?" she responds simply, little other movement coming from her.

Kid has posed:
Kid signs "Yea...those experiments, kind of make it, that I...well" the watches tone was sheepish "...need to 'eat minds' so to speak." he gives a rather innocent smile and shrug combination "...as you might imagine, folks are not exactly keen on that"

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    The stare that Nuala returns is palpable. "Eat?" she asks. "As in, digest brains?" Clearly, she is among the people who are not exactly keen on the idea.

Kid has posed:
Kid signs "That is an alternative, but not a viable long term solution! else I could just eat cow brains or something and be fine" before giving her double finger pistol gesture, and than procedes to sign "But no. Psychic vampire you can say." he rubs the back of his head and signs "remember when I said being experimented on wasn't the worst part? Well, it wasn't. They starved me of psychic energy and i ended up eating Senior Jaun brain. still make me sick thinking about it. Anyways, luckily I do not need to kill to feed, it basicly like putting a person to sleep for a few hours. But still as you might imagine, folks are still not keen on the idea"

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala gives a worried look in return to the story. She doesn't offer to be a subject, and unconsciously reaches up to touch the silver band that blocks psionics. "I see," she answers in a measured tone. "Well, I think you should talk with Grodd," she comments. "Perhaps he can help you discover a way how to deal with your situation." She met the infamous gorilla once, but the meeting was in passing.

Kid has posed:
"Yea, we talked about that. I sort of, dropped one of his guys when he startled me" Kid admits. "So hopefully we can come up with a way so i do not need to yea know, eat minds" he notes the nervousness and flashes a toothy canine grin, it was unnerving as anything else in this conversation "Don't worry, most do not even see me comming. So you won't either" he signs with a wink. It hard to tell if he was trying to make a light joke or was being serious. "Anyways, bout time I got hunting. So unless you providing, I best get going"

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    "No," Nuala says, "I will allow you to do that on your own," she says. She is clearly a little unnerved by the thought, even if her mind can't be read, and turns to go. Earth never ceases to surprise her.