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(Blink finally gets to meet Mystique. And gets offered her first real mission for the Brotherhood.)
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Latest revision as of 15:58, 7 August 2017

Pink & Blue & Brotherhood All Over
Date of Scene: 07 August 2017
Location: Genosha
Synopsis: Blink finally gets to meet Mystique. And gets offered her first real mission for the Brotherhood.
Cast of Characters: Blink, Mystique

Blink has posed:
Nothing like sneaking off to find some relaxation after your training and chores are done for the day. And there's no one as good at sneaking off as Clarice. Or at least, no one's she's met yet!

The teenaged mutant had popped a portal open to the beach she prefers as soon as she was done, stepping through to let it shut with a soft -Blink!- no more than an hour ago. So it's easy to see why she's found a shady spot to lay back, legs crossed at the knee and hands behind her head. Still wearing her 'action' outfit from earlier training, deep gree lycra cycling shorts and a matching tee of the same material.

Soft leather boots and gloves make a small pile near her, laying where they were discarded when she arrived. Now and then a soft redition of 'Hotel California' can be heard as she hums softly to herself. "This is the life..."

Mystique has posed:
    There are, in particular, three people that render a bit of respect. A wide-berth, if you will, based on ability and reputation. Not that they aren't kind and considerate to their fellow mutants on Genosha, but they are generally considered the elite. And for good reason. Magnus is one of these, certainly. The founder. Then there is Victor Creed; a man of cunning along with unparallaled savagery. And, there is Mystique, reputed by some, and not neccessarily mistakenly, to being Magneto's right hand.
    It is now time to meet this 'new' recruit to the Brotherhood. This girl. She's gotten some news of her, and the news that Creed has been - well, protective of her. And that has Mystique curious, too. Creed doesn't get protective of just anyone, afterall.
    Unshifted, the blue-skinned, pure-yellow-eyed mutant woman walks across the beach. She is even 'dressed' for the occassion, wearing a white halter top, and white loincloth with her traditional skull belt, and nothing else. She approaches the pinkish elf with a casual gait, moving directly towards her. "Good afternoon, Clarice."

Blink has posed:
"Good afternoon cu-" The words are out the teens lips before she's even opened her eyes to greet whoever it is that's there. Just as she's about to finish a word that sounds suspiciously like 'cutie', those glowing green orbs fall on the woman standing nearby and the poor mutant's throat closes around it causing a small strangled sound as she quickly pushes up to stand - with surprising ease considering.

"M-Mystique! Uh, h-hi!" Blink clears her throat, cheeks staining a dark plum. "I mean, uh..." The teen has no idea what title the expert in infiltration would want used, so instead she just falls back on the norm... Blase all the way.

The indecision is hidden behind the bright grin, thankfully at least, unless Raven has already learnt how to read Clarice's softly glowing green gaze, her eyes give nothing away. "Heya Mystique! What can I do for you?" For now at least, her boots and gloves are left forgotten as the teen concentrates on keeping her jaunty posture just /so/, her gaze on Mystique's.

Mystique has posed:
    Mystique may not be able to read Clarice so accurately quite yet, but she can tell embarassement when she sees it at the plum color of cheeks, and the stammering at first. It's nearly impossible to tell where Mystique is looking as she has no pupils, no irises at all. Only full, eerie orbs of pure yellow. Almost irridescent at that.
    Still, she is smiling in a vauge, amused sort of way. "I have heard some things about you, my dear." She moves to sit down, comfortably, on the beach and strech out; her movements are fluidic, almost feline in nature. Her head moves to regard Clarice again, "And I thought it would be a good time, while I have a moment or two of stillness, to speak to you, before I return back to business for Genosha, and our cause. To meet you. And, you, to meet me."

Blink has posed:
Clarice takes a moment, and then plops back down where she was a moment before, if with decidedly less grace than the older mutant. She just hasn't attained the same level of self mastery that Mystique has.

"Oh... Well that's pretty neat. Thanks for thinking of me." With bare, bright pink toes digging into the sand, Blink's left foot stays close to her, one arm around the leg to keep her in a sitting position. The other leg stretches out before her. Still she looks more relaxed now she knows she's not in trouble.

"What did you want to talk about?" A beat. "I mean, I know I've been making a lot of excursions from the island, but the Imperator said that was okay..." Even if Mister Creed had made it plain he'd rather she didn't.

Mystique has posed:
    "Genosha was established to be a safe haven for mutants. It is not a boarding school that you would be kicked out of, for disobeying the rules," she mentions, vaugely. Blink may, or may not percieve the slight reference to Xavier's in that assurance. "An amount of carefully measured exploration is healthy. Just be certain it is that. Careful." The woman's eyes, though, are on the water. Not on Blink.
    "Did you know, Clarice, that you and I have much in common?" Now the older woman does look at Blink. Her hand then moves to touch Clarice's, it is warm. Soft. Gentle. Touching the girl's hands like a mother, or a sister might reassure a daughter, or another sister. The pallete of blue-on-pink is a stark contrast, vivid, against the pale sand. "Apart from the obvious," she says, with gentle warmth.

Blink has posed:
"We do?" It's a question, but not a disbelieving one. Mystique is one of the heroes that Blink was put to bed with each night for ever such a long time. Even now it's difficult for the younger mutant to separate the fact from the fiction. The touch though, that gets a bright smile.

"I mean, I suppose in a way we do. We both live here, we both believe that mutants should have equal rights the same as everyone else..." It's true, Clarice believes in the ideals the Brotherhood puts forwards, even if she doesn't know the lengths they've gone, to achieve them.

Mystique has posed:
    "We both had to find inner strength, since our parents - left us," Mystique says, quietly. And while Blink's own infancy may have been manipulated, construed, orchestrated, Mystique's was probably harder. "We were both had to endure the hardship against adversity, in order to survive. We are, Clarice, both -survivors-."
    Then, the blue woman slides her hand away from Blink's hand gently. "I am pleased that Victor has taken you under his wing. You are more fortunate than I was, when I was your age." She smiles, faintly. "Things have improved, in the last few years. But there is much improvement needing to yet be done. You wish to be a part of that, my dear, do you not?"

Blink has posed:
Blink nods at that, enthusiastically. "Oh yes! I've been /dying/ to get involved more. Mister Creed keeps saying he doesn't want me seeing what I'd have to, to really help you know?" Clarice's Barbadian accent warms her words, adding to her sunny disposition.

"I've been going out and helping where I can, when I'm not on a mission I mean." Which is pretty much always of late. "Been getting the word out, setting the record straight about the Brotherhood." The teen beams with pride. "Even helped out Nightwing once! And that time those AIM folks started trying to kidnap kids..." Her voice drops on the last part, the threat having hit a little too close to home. To her own childhood.

But she bounces back quickly, the grin plastered in place. Mystique doesn't want to know about /that/ after all! She's got far more important things to worry about. "Whatever you need, I'm your girl." A beat. "Woman."

Mystique has posed:
    "If only all who would wish to enter the Brotherhood had your initiative," murmurs Mystique. She inclines her head, "I may have something for you. A mission. It will be something imperative to the progression of mission rights, going forward. But, a few things to sort out first. It will not be - well, shall we say, as glamorous as helping save the children against the machaniations of AIM. But, it will, if all my designs fall into place, be the start of the ending of the implementation of those infernal collars against our brethren."

Blink has posed:
The collars. Blink's hand goes to her own throat, swallowing as for just a moment she can feel that cool metal back around her throat. A constant reminder of her status at the time, a horrendous tool to train obedience.

When next Clarice's glowing green orbs find Mystiques own yellow, they're bright with an internal fire. "Like I said, I'm your woman. Tell me what to do, and it'll get done." There's no teenage invulnerability there, Clarice has learnt first hand that there's no such thing. But still, her voice rings with grim determination. "I said anything, I meant it." For this more than anything else it seems, an end to the collars? It would be a dream, nay a /miracle/ in the young mutant's mind.

Mystique has posed:
    "Good. I will speak with Victor, so there is no - shall we say, disgruntlement between you and he. I know you are just as fond of him, as he is of you," Mystique assures, kindly. "And, when things are in motion enough, I shall summon you. In the interim, I want you to practice on your stealth techniques. Should all go according to plan, our mission shall be one of pure infiltration. It is something, perhaps, I could do on my own. But, someone with your unique talents would make it easier. And, it would - be a start for you."
    She adds, with a measured, knowing smile, "And what a feather to have in your cap, for your first -real- mission, with the Brotherhood, my dear." Her hand moves to Clarice's cheek. "Until then, be careful."

Blink has posed:
Wait... Her first real mission would be /with/ Mystique? Well that just about flipped her entire understanding of the thing on it's head. If Mystique was going, then it really /would/ be important. "Oh... Oh wow. Yes sure! I've been practicing, but I'll practice harder sure!"

When the blue woman stands, so too does Clarice. It's only right after all, to see your superior off on your feet. "Thanks for talking to Mister Creed about it too, I don't think he'd be too happy if I just took off." She doesn't comment on the feeling fond about him, knowing the big guy would frown on it. "Thanks Mystique, you're everything I knew you'd be." And all that from a few minutes of conversation. Trusting? Well, the young teen trusted Victor, and by extension, the Brotherhood. Which of course, included Mystique. "I'll be ready when the call comes."