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Latest revision as of 17:04, 13 August 2018

One of a Kind
Date of Scene: 10 August 2018
Location: Bludhaven
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Ash Williams, Wonder Woman

Ash Williams has posed:
Welcome to Bludhaven. A whaling town that some - Including Ash - Have often referred to as a cesspool, and a place that might be frequented by Villains but is so far untouched by Evil. Or at least, that's how Ash has decided to name it. There are so many other places he'd rather be, but the booze is cheap and there's a great place for his trailer, so it'll work until he's found enough cash to fill up the Delta with beer, snacks and gas and get the hell out of dodge. Nestled safely within the confined of the reinforced Airstream, in a sock drawer, lies one of the most evil artifacts known to man.

Peace doesn't like Ashy Slashy though. Evil blows through the air, a 'presence' that can be seen not be distinguished, a 'wrongness' that tears through the dimly lit, overwhelmingly damp streets. That slams open the doors of a local dive bar, causing an aging, greying man to turn on his chair, just as the lights cut, and that strange, dark force blows through the bar. Some might be uncomfortable in the darkness, or show signs of panic, or laugh awkwardly. But that masculine, heroic voice cuts through the murmurs with an overly loud.

"Oh, /fuck me/."

Ash Williams has posed:
Diana Prince, Wonder Woman, is high in the sky tonight... flying alongside her invisible jet which is being piloted by members of her Amazonian people, two of them in fact. "I see it." Diana says to them over a comm in her ear. "It will not be a problem. The Disc is unharmed, it is just being overtaxed, I believe. Take it back to Manhattan, I will go on alone." The flying Wonder Woman breaks to the left and splits off from the invisible jet that has a strange alien-sounding engine piercing the sound barrier as it flies on away toward the distant New York City.

Diana meanwhile, swoops lower over the region of Bludhaven, she's had reports of strange activities here this evening and she wants to at least make herself a presence and sweep as much of it as she can before moving on tonight. Her dark blue robe whips in the winds about her body over the armor she wears beneath it. She scans ground, her advanced hearing and eyesight searching for any signs of trouble that might require her brand of attention.

Ash Williams has posed:
It's not a much better noise than that familiar sound of evil flowing around Ash. "Can't a guy just get a drink and flirt with some broad without having to fight the forces of evil?" Comes the loud complaint, before the lights flicker back on, and the epic-chinned Ash is left standing in the bar, now completely alone. "/Thank you/." He speaks overly loudly, as if he doesn't seem to realise that it's entirely unusual to be abandoned in ten seconds of darkness.

His beer is found but his mechanical hand, slowly closing around the glass so he can lift it to his lips. And as the brown liquid touches his tongue, that soft, scratchy, tortured voice sounds.

"...We aren't done with you yet, Ashley Williams..." A sudden crack, and then shatter, his hand tightening around the glass and dumping beer and glass all over his overly sensible slacks. He shakes his head, shoulders hunched, "Every, damn, time."

Wonder Woman has posed:
As it so happens the shattering of the glass is heard as Diana Prince just so happens to be skyborne above the building Ash is occupying so its enough to make the Justice Leaguer spin her flight pattern around in a long wide circle that ends with her dipping down toward the soft grass and landing with a quiet thud of armored boots... and then the Amazon woman is walking toward the sounds, her hands at her sides poking out from the hem of her dark blue cowl.

Is there trouble? She's not sure yet, but something feels off about this area at this moment... a strange feeling, the kind that is fairly common amongst that of Bludhaven which is plagued with a lot of magical mayhem on a daily basis.

Diana chooses to walk at a steady pace to close the distance, she tries to find a way inside the building while her eyes glance toward any windows.

Ash Williams has posed:
"Alright you son-of-a-bitch, where are you then?" Ash spins around on his stool, sliding off it heavily and adjusting his leather cross-strapping. Either not noticing, or wholly not caring how much it looks like he has wet himself. The air has become the kind of still that betrays that something is very, very seriously wrong. Heavy steps lead him towards the front door, looking around cautiously. There's the sound of a chain tinkling above him, and his eyes travel up slowly.

What would be his date is suspended over head, dangling from the wrought iron light fixture - And when his eyes meet her blodshot ones, she hisses and lunges at him.

From outside, the filthy, painted window bulges outwards for a moment before it shatters suddenly, the limp body of a woman twisted and slashed by the glass as she slams into the wall. A call comes from inside. "Still got it." Cocky, much? The veined, sickly white woman's body snaps back into shape, tensing suddenly and springing back to her feet, before leaping back inside.

Wonder Woman has posed:
At first glance, one might think a man throwing a woman out a window would be a case of a man in a lot of trouble... But Wonder Woman's keen senses are sharp enough to know that the 'woman' in this case was not 'right' and that the man inside with the cocky mannerisms? He was the human here, or at least mostly human.

The creature that lands on the ground outside, and then leaps back toward the broken window is narrowly avoided by Diana who was just feet away, observing. "Bludhaven..." Diana mutters in an exasperated way.

She steps up toward the building's front door and peers inside it to Ash and the woman-creature, then reaches her hand down and twists the knob. Its stuck... at first. She tugs on it harder until the whole doorframe pops and then the door pulls open.

Ash and the creature, should they look to the door, will now see the 6-foot-something Amazonian warrmor standing there, with her blue cowl partially open down the middle of her body showing off that ornate Eagle Armor she's wearing beneath it... and an assortment of weapons strapped around her body.

Ash Williams has posed:
El Jefe is wholly human, with the exception of a robotic hand. And when Diana pulls the front door mostly away, she finds Ash standing upright, looking almost heroic, as he catches a deadite by her face with his mechanical hand. "This isn't the head I was looking for." He comments, in /extremely/ poor taste, before his hand closes firmly - And the deadite slumps to the ground, missing a decent chunk of it's face. And yet despite the noise of the new arrival, his concern is for his hand, which has caught more than a little gore within it's grooves. "God-damnit, I'm gonna be cleaning that out for we--" And then... Diana.

Well. He looks. He looks twice. Six feet tall. Female. "I can explain." He begins, before he notes that she's... Well armed. "Hey, sweetheart, I don't know what you're looking for, but you aren't gonna find it here." He shakes out his bloodied hand.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana is certainly no stranger to gorey scenes, she'd been immersed in such since she'd leve her home over a hundred years ago... So to see this deadite get her face sliced up and Ash to be the deliverer of it, Diana's eyes just drop down to the creature-woman until the man speaks to her. She looks back up to him. She doesn't need to know TOO much about whats going on here, the man had defended himself from a creature of darkness. She steps into the room, her armored boots taking two soft strides while her eyes remain on the man with the metal arm.

"Are you hurt?" Diana asks him then, he'll likely note her accent is not of the United States, and that it is Greek in fact... if he knows that much even.

"Where did she come from" Diana asks further while walking more into the room, her direction now angling her body toward the Deadite on the floor, investigating to see if she/it is still 'alive' and a possible threat to either of them.

Ash Williams has posed:
Old English? Yup. Sumerian? Sometimes. American? Yup. That's about it though. Those armored boots meet his observational eye as well, "Takes more than a deadite to hurt me." Except his lower back, but that's more of a constant ache than a hurt. "Her? Rhode Island, or so she said. Then evil got here, the lights went out, my beer broke," Yeah, totally Evil's fault, "And now I've gotta find everyone who /was/ in here and bash their heads together so evil doesn't spread through this place. Deadites are like roaches." Nudging the corpse with his foot, he continues to study Diana.

There's the soft sound of flesh shifting from one of the booths to the side, and then a hiss, as one of the transmorphed humans leaps from under a table, wrapping itself around Wonder Woman's legs and trying to sink it's teeth through her armored boots.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's blue eyes at first rest down upon the slayn Deadite on the floor while she listens to the first bits that Ash explains. She has heard of Deadites, rumors of them here and there as she's dabbled on the fringes of the occult sphere, but she's never seen one. "A 'deadite'." Diana repeats, with her strange accent adding a decidedly different flavor to the word than how Ash himself speaks it.

Her eyes then go up to him beside her, she stares over at him past the locks of her dark brown hair that are resing around her shoulders. "There were others here?" She then asks. "Are they in dange--" She cuts herself of because she can HEAR that noise moments before that figure lunges at her and wraps itself around her legs. She doesn't step back or do much beyond suddenly throwing her arms up (which causes her exterior robe to fly back off of her body) and then draws her sword out from its sheath in a smooth flourish of motion... then thrust the tip of the blade DOWN and purposefully into the creature's left shoulder, then down into the floor to pin it! It is a surgical stab, not meant to kill, but to lock the thing to the floor!

Ash Williams has posed:
"Yeah, a deadite-" Ash brusquely explains. The creature that lunges at Diana and the resulting flying up of her robe seem to cause him to pause, because there's something significantly more interesting to look at than a deadite - And then it's pinned to the floor by a sword. It immediately begins to taunt them. "Ashy! We know you kept it! We know you hid it!" He shakes his head, and chuckles, "You ain't gonna kill them like that. You can stab a deadite a hundred times, you want to keep them down..."

He brings up a heavy booted foot, putting his weight into it as it's slammed down upon the head of the deadite, crushing it. A flood of blood emerges from the ruined skull, staining the floor around them and clinging to his boots. "Gotta go for the head. Ash Williams. Hero of Elk Grove, Prophesized One, Slayer of Kandar, Head Ghostbeater and World's Greatest Lover." He introduces himself casually.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana takes a step back when he slams his boot down onto the creature's head and silences it... by spilling the contents of its head all across the floor and onto the soles of her boots. She takes a second to let that spill settle... while listening to his introduction, then looks up at him with a soft frown. "I was going to ask it questions." She tells him then with a soft and subtle sigh. "I am Diana, princess of Themyscira and I have been on patrol tonight in this region. I heard the noises of a fight within this establish...ment..." Diana's words trail off then as she looks around the interior of the room. "Is this your facility?" She asks, her blue eyes going back to his.

Diana steps forward then and her hand reaches for the pommel of her sword. She rips it out of the dead-Deadite's shoulder and then walks further around, her heavy boots thudding on the ground as she moves and searches/scans for more enemies. "Why are they attacking you?" She then also asks of the man.

Ash Williams has posed:
"I wouldn't trust most of what they've gotta say. Especially when it comes to me, that damn book, or that weird-ass dagger." And the elaboration he offers on those is nothing, "Timor-whatsya/ What's that, near Sumeria? Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Princess. Listen, what say we leave this place behind and go find somewhere to catch a drink? I can talk about me all you want there." That's right. From 'We need to find the rest of the Deadites' to 'Let's go get a drink instead'.

Typical Ash.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana comes around a table to stand a few feet from Ash and she comes to feel somewhat secure here in the moment as she spies no other threats or enemies. She just stares at him as he talks and she seems to be... assessing him? Judging him? Profiling him? Something like that at least.

"Themyscira. It is an island near to Greece." She off-handedly responds before continuing. "You seem, stressed, Mister Williams." Diana tells the man. "I am not sure that you should be drinking in this state and condition." Her sword is kept at her side on her left side alongside her thigh with the tip aimed to the floor. "What book and dagger?" Slowly she shakes her head side to side then.

"If there is more trouble, then that is where my attention must be focused. I do not want anyone innocent harmed tonight by... these." And her sword's pointed tip is aimed at one of the deadites on the floor.

Ash Williams has posed:
"I guess you'd call that a poorly-kept secret." Ash responds with a confident smile, before he takes a step back, "Well, I don't know much about geography, but it sounds close enough to Sumeria. Truth be told I've never been really clear on where the hell that was either, I just knew I didn't want to go there." Towards the bar, "Well, there'll be three more crawling around somewhere here. They won't be going far though. One good thing about deadites, they don't travel so well."

His metal hand clamps the piece of the bar that lifts to allow access to the back, and flips it up - And then he's propelled backwards suddenly, slamming against one of the booths and causing the wall to collapse, the aging bartender gnashing his teeth as he chases after El Jefe.

Wonder Woman has posed:
"Yes well..." Diana starts. "We do not like to exactly specify where the island is... It is a bit... complicated, I assure you." She tells him then before she watches him move toward the bar. "Look, Mister Williams, I would very much like to help you get free from this burden that is seemingly something you are unusually comfortable with. Rarely have I met a human who is being assaulted by creatures of this ilk, who seems so 'used to it'."

She's about to say more as he passes on behind the bar and is then... thrown! When the Bartender lunges up and rushes after him another sudden thing occurs...

A golden rope bursts into view in the other ways dim room, it whirls through the air and lashes out around the Bartender's shoulders, ensnaring the Barkeep within the unbreakable bonds of the godly twine!

Diana, holding the other end of said rope, yanks back on it to pull the Bar Keep down to his backside upon the floor!

Ash Williams has posed:
Ash doesn't seem too unused to being thrown around like that either. He forces himself back up, noticing that some kind of golden rope has kept the bartender from jumping atop of him and eating his face. "Listen, Lady, I don't know if that outfit's so tight you can't hear me right, but you can't kill them like that." He steps forward, grabbing the deadite by it's apron, holding it along with the lasso and pulling back his right fist, to slam the mechanical hand into it's head. It's a messy, messy blow, spraying the bar and wall with gore. Spitting blood, he turns to look at Diana.

"So, sweetcheeks. Maybe you should leave this to the professionals, give me your number and I'll find you for a drink later." He suggests.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Again the man smashes the head of the deadite that Diana had ensnared to save him and then she draws her lasso free from the corpse, with no blood staining the Divine Rope what so ever. She's coiling it up near her waist while staring down at the bartender. "That is awful..." She comments quietly. "I am going to have to contact someone to help with all of this." A few names pop into her mind, most noteably that of Doctor Strange.

Diana's blues raise up to look upon Ash again then. "My number is the number of the Themysciran Embassy in Manhattan. Or the reception of the Justice League in Metropolis." Which are both probably pretty unappealing for Ash to use, the League one likely more than the other.

"The lasso of Hestia is not meant for killing. It is meant for subduing. While secured within its bondage the wearer must speak only the truth as they perceive it to those who ask questions of them." She reveals the nature of the rope to the man, if he's of sound enough mind to realize what she's saying.

Ash Williams has posed:
"So. No cellphone?" Ash suggests, tilting his head to the side for a moment. "Hell, you tie me up I'll probably tell you the truth too. So it's some kind of truth serum, in a rope. Neato. This whole thing has been going on for seven hundred years, and no 'Justice League' has ever been much help to me, so forgive me if I'm not gonna be rushing to phone a friend. See, one of the things I've found is that these things don't care much for whatever you've got going on, and I'm not even sure where you guys fit in about all this." He shrugs, adjusting his slacks, before he makes his way behind the bar.

It might be theft, to fill a tumbler with bourbon while he's back there, but that's what he does. "Don't get me wrong. You and your guys do their thing, and that's great. But this is my thing. A human thing. And you're hot, sure - Filthy and fabulous - But that rope ain't human. And you might be able to kill a deadite, but this test? It ain't for you."

Wonder Woman has posed:
The golden rope is reattached to her leather harness that is cinched around her body, letting it dim down to its resting state against her hip. She turns to face him as he speaks and goes behind the bar. "I have many cell phones." She tells him. "None of which are on me at the present. I am connected to the Justice League communications network which spans the world through a satelite system. Everything I need at any given moment is within simple asking reach to be brought to me here and now." She stands on the other side of the bar from where he is and she watches what he's doing while her attention remains alert for any other attackers who may be lurking as he'd said there were likely others.

"What 'test' do you speak of?" Diana asks him then. "You are being tested?" She does NOW glance to her right toward the front of the room, then looks back to him. "By whom? To what end?" She sure is a tall ball of questions!

Ash Williams has posed:
"Huh. Maybe a sense of humour." Ash suggests light heartedly as he couches the bourbon in his human hand, and takes a large mouthful of it, wincing as he swallows. "Humanity is being tested. That's what this whole thing is, or that's what it looks like. Thing is, we had a deal. They tested me, /I passed/. But it won't be the first time Evil hasn't stuck by a deal." The blood-spattered antihero finishes his drink, and tosses the empty glass away carelessly. "So. Here's how it is. You're crazy-hot. But you're crazy-not-involved in this mess. So much as I want to save the girl, you swoon, we go back to my trailer and see what else about you looks human, I'm not exactly in the mood to have half a dozen costumed guys turn up here and piss off Kandar because if I'm being honest? Killing it last time? More luck than skill."

Wonder Woman has posed:
While Ash speaks all of this, Diana's eyes are locked on his dirtied face and her slim pointed chin is angled downward a bit as her stare has that look of 'study' or pure concentration, or utter disbelief at this man's behavior and mannerisms. When he tosses the glass, her eyes follow it as it tumbles away and disappears behind the bar to smash on the floor, then she traces her gaze back to stare at him some more.

"Fair enough..." She says. "You are a rather odd man, if I may be so bold to say." Diana tells him then. "I hope that your actions and activities with all of this are not going to cause any harm to befall innocent lives, and I also must inform you that I have to call the authorities to this location to clean up..." She looks over to the three dead deadites. "All of this... before I can leave." And once more she looks back toward him.

"Are you interested in speaking with the police to let them know what has gone on here?" And thats probably enough to make Ash immediately want to turn and run away from this 'crazy-hot' costumed weirdo herself.

Ash Williams has posed:
Diana may have the sculpted chin of a Goddess, but Ash has the chin of a God. "Yeah, well, it wouldn't be the first time. Look, I don't know if it's following me, I don't know if I'm following it, but I do know that whever I am, ancient evil generally tries to get a piece of me, and anything around me ends up paying a price." He shakes his head. "I ain't talking to cops, and if you're smart, you won't either. But I wouldn't call them just yet. I've gotta go bleed the lizard before I go anywhere. Liver might be as strong as ever, but my bladder has taken a pounding." Chuckling, as he makes his way into the mens bathroom.

Wonder Woman has posed:
"Noted..." Diana says to the man and his explanation of whats going on here. "I have others who may be able to help contain what is going on here, but in the mean time..." And then he's gone into the bathroom and she's left out in the main room with the deadite corpses. "Right." Diana says, not quite used to people treating her like this man is. He's brash and arrogant, but part of her believe this has come throught fighting these horrid 'things' for so long.

Diana steps over the dead bodies and she crouches for a moment to pick up her dark blue robe. She walks to the front door of the bar and she hangs the robe up on the coat rack because she's not precisely expecting to leave until this place is more easily deemed as 'safe'. Her sword and shield are still on her back, the shield being an ornately designed and shiney protector of the woman its mounted upon, and the sword being a matching piece.

Diana's eyes appear in front of a window and she looks out to the front yard of the property. Her hand goes up then to the side of her right ear and she starts to talk quietly into the comm-unit, relaying some basic information to the Justice League watchman on duty tonight.

Ash Williams has posed:
Not a lot of unusual noise from the bathroom, fo rthose with super hearing. A zip. Some splashing. And then a hiss, and startled out, some breaking wood, and then a shattering of ceramic and the sound of bone splintering. Then a tap turning on, and Ash emerges, his human hand wet as he zips his pants up while walking back through the bar, "There. That's the last one."

He notes, probably at just the wrong time for it to carry over the comms. "So, 'Princess', if you've got nothing else planned after your patrol, I could walk you back home." A moment of chivalry, which he then ruins with a simple question. "Mine, or yours?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's communication with her JL associate is cut short when the sounds of commotion come from the restroom. She turns and starts to move in that direction but just as she's nearing the doorway it flies open and she halts in her tracks, her heavy boots thudding on the wooden floors as she takes a few steps back. "It was in the restroom?" She says, sounding surprised and looking over his shoulder to see a body passed out on the tile floor. She exhales softly between her red hued lips and then just softly shakes her head.

Her eyes go back to his and she tilts her head at him and shows him a small smirk. "Mine is very far away and yours is... not a place I should be." She says back to the man who's very much not the type of man she's ever been with. Diana turns then and goes back toward the bar. "They are all dead then... It is safe to call the authorities." She says, her right hand now going back up to her ear and he'll likely realize she's doing just that now, calling the cops!

Ash Williams has posed:
Ash chuckles softly, "Yeah. You'd be suprised how often that happens. You can check the ladies if you want." The Hero of Elk Grove doesn't seem overly offended at the idea that his home isn't really a place for her. "Guess that's the way it's gonna be. Either way, a girl like you - Can kick ass, can handle herself? That scares a lot of people. Not me. So if you ever change your mind, you know how to find me." She doesn't. But he doesn't seem to notice that either. "I better get the hell out of here though before people start asking questions." The slight stagger to his step indicates he's either lightly injured or drunk. Neither thing stops him from hauling open the door of a beaten up seventies Delta, nor holding the ignition in for seven long seconds, and applying just enough throttle that the old girl starts. And with that, he pulls away.

What kind of Hero is Ash Williams?

One of a kind.