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Latest revision as of 10:16, 5 September 2018

The Return of the Tim
Date of Scene: 05 September 2018
Location: Wayne Manor, Gotham
Synopsis: Tim returns from his time in Russia, Bruce brings him up to speed.
Cast of Characters: Batman, Red Robin

Batman has posed:
    The sun is yet to set on Gotham, and so its Dark Knight has yet to leave his Cave. He's already dressed for work, cape and cowl on as he looks critically down at a stainless-steel bench. Across it are arrayed a number of small devices, gadget and weaponry, which he examines before either placing on his utility belt or setting it back down. He carefully chooses what he will need for the night and what will be left behind. Across from him, the Batcomputer displays photographs of various businessmen - no names, really, and some of the pictures are more than a few years old. He glances up at them occasionally before returning to the task of arming himself.

Red Robin has posed:
    The alarm goes off letting anyone in the cave know that someone is coming, though it's not an intruder alert. Down the long runway comes a black motorcycle with it's rider wearing all black bike gear, drifting to a stop right next to the batmobile as the bat computer announces who it is.

"Welcome, Red Robin."

    Tim removes the helmet, setting it aside as he then removes the riding jacket and sets that aside as well. "Good to be home." he says as he lifts his backpack and heads towards the one place he knows Bruce will be.

    "Heya Bruce, getting ready for a busy night?" The young man asks, with a smile, though there is a glint in his eye, most of his usual innocence looks to have faded, into a more thoughtful and steel minded person, though, that still doesn't stop the slight smirk on his face, old habits.

Batman has posed:
    "You're back," Bruce answers, more a statement of fact than a term of endearment. But that's who he is, and anyone who has known him as long as Tim has will see that he is glad. Even when he doesn't show it. He picks up a handful of batarangs and begins to slot them into a compartment on his belt: "More than busy. Both the Joker and the Riddler at large, plus some ... unknown quantities. I have something for you to look into concerning that last part. Presuming you're ready to get back to work?"

Red Robin has posed:
    "Unknown... I like the unknown, it's fun to make it 'known'." Tim says with a smile as he reaches into his backpack and takes out a jump drive. "By the way, Three Russian mafia cells are out of commission, one of the was doing a bit of dirty work for the league of assassins, I'm shocked the demon himself let me walk away so easily, but you might want to add him to the priority list, normally I would leave him to you, but he was killing people in Siberia with laced drugs... I guess he is still on that 'cleanse the world kick.'" Tim says as he moves to the Batcomputer. "So, what is it you need me to look into?"

Batman has posed:
    "I'm watching," says Bruce of the Demon, nodding to the Batcomputer, "but Gotham takes priority for now. Batwoman is on the Riddler case but it's problematic. She could use your assistance, even if she isn't over-eager to take it. The Joker is mine." Typical. "The unknown quantity is Natasha Cranston. A businesswoman out of New York City. There's more to her than meets the eye. My suspicion is she's a mask, but I can't match her with any known operators."

Red Robin has posed:
    "With the Riddler, it's not really combat that you'd need to worry about, it's his riddles." Tim says with a smirk. "I'll send her a message. Now about this Natasha Cranston, has Oracle done a deep dive on her yet?" He asks as he takes a seat at the batcomputer and begins to pull up files, as well as put the jump drive from his time in Russia into the system as well. "I could probably sneak a tracer on her if I could get close enough."

Batman has posed:
    Bruce shakes his head, "No. We have more immediate concerns and there's nothing to suggest she's a party to anything particularly concerning - at least not in Gotham. I want you focusing on the Riddler. Cranston is a secondary objective. If you get the opportunity to uncover more, then take it, but keep focused. If you're not going out tonight, I have a proposed re-design for a wing of Arkham to erase the flaw he exploited to escape this time. You can take a look at it and make any changes." A tremendous compliment, for Bruce to acknowledged anyone could improve upon his own works.

Red Robin has posed:
    Tim nods and turns back to the computer, bringing up the designs as well as Arkham's current specs. "The place is due for an overhaul anyhow. I'll look thease over, see if I can find a flaw." he says as he starrts to work. "So, aside from our priority targets, anything else I should know about?"

Batman has posed:
    Bruce thinks, then shakes his head, "Nothing immediately pressing. Good that you're back. We could use more boots on the ground in this." Finally satisfied with his armament for the evening, he steps back from the table and approaches a stairway leading down to the platform upon which the Batmobile rests.

Red Robin has posed:
    Tim gives a nod as he smirks. "Oh, and I plan on upgrading the Red Robin Suit." He says as he brings up the comminucations connection so that he can monitor Bruce while he is out. Programs lighting up all along the huge batcomputer screen. "Should I deploy the drones or are we doing this old school?"

Batman has posed:
    "Use your best judgement," Bruce adds as he moves towards the Car, the driver's compartment opening without any sort of visible or audible command. He climbs effortlessly over the side and sits down, running a few pre-ignition checks he has learned by rote now. The Car, it seems, has had some upgrades since last Tim saw it: "And the suit is yours to upgrade. There's some new tech schematics in the Computer ... you might find them interesting."

Red Robin has posed:
    Tim smiles as he give a nod. "Already found them, Hmmm, nano tech reserch..." He says, but puts that little file away for later as he activates the drones and sends them out. "I'll contact Batwoman, and see if we can corroborate some info on the Riddler." he says with a smile, good to be home.