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(Reed Richards gets a very unusual request from Triplicate Girl ... and makes an unusual request in turn.)
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Please, Sir ... Is There Any More Vibranium
Date of Scene: 07 August 2017
Location: Baxter Building
Synopsis: Reed Richards gets a very unusual request from Triplicate Girl ... and makes an unusual request in turn.
Cast of Characters: Triplicate Girl, Mister Fantastic

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    Since Reed Richards had been conscripted to help work on the ship, Luornu had been somewhat surprised when she found out that none of her fellow Legion members had asked him about something she felt was pretty important. So, after sending a message and confirming the very busy Mr. Fantastic would have time to recieve her, Luornu made her way down to earth, curious to see the Baxter Building in all it's glory. And, of course, she hadn't met the man yet either. So, presently, she was just her single self until she got a better feel.
    And, as she flies through the atmosphere, and reaches the building, she heads inside, looking around for the man she's set to meet.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    The elevator opens automatically as you approach, and as you step inside, Reed's voice comes from the speaker. "Hello miss. I don't believe I've met you, but since you have a Legion ring, I can guess where you came from. The elevator will take you down to me, I'm in my lab at the moment.

    The doors close, then the elevator smoothly descends, before opening on a fairly spartan hallway, save for labels on the walls by the various doors. These appear to be a wide variety of labs, from the look of the labels...at least eight larges ones you can see on this floor alone. One of the airlock style doors unseals, opening...second on the right. "In here!" Reed says, his head stretching so he can peer out into the hallway. "And welcome to Four Freedoms...come in, give me a moment...just finishing a test." His head retracts back inside.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    Luornu had been - warned about Reed's strechiness. She finds it amusing. Then again, she also partners with a lot of people with odd, or queer powers. So maybe it just makes her feel sort of 'at home'. "Of course. I appreciate your time, at the very least," Luornu answers warmly. She moves to the entrance of the room, stepping inside but standing off to the side so as to not be in the way, while at the same time, very curiously seeing what sort of test that Mr. Fantastic is doing. "Thank you, also. I'm Triplicate Girl. I'm sorry we didn't get to meet previously."

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    Reed is currently adjusting what looks for all the world like a very high tech window. The interesting thing is...it's currently open to somewhere else. It looks...weird. Extradimensional, perhaps. All a sort of swirling, almost liquid dark in the background with occasionally distant sparkles, but is zoomed in on some sort of meteor shower? Or rocks....they seem to be generating a sort of sparkling flickering energy as they push through the liquid dark, and there are creatures swirling around them that resembled aomebas. Or manta rays. A bit of both?

    Reed himself is in his labcoat and is busily adjusting controls as he watches a data stream. "Just let me get S.T.A.N. shut down here, and you'll have my full attention." He promises, then flicks a few more switches. With a low hum fading, the dimensional window irises closed, as he sighs, then turns to face you, walking over to offer his hand. "There. Now then. A pleasure to meet you, Triplicate Girl. Dr. Reed Richards, at your service. Or, if you prefer, Mr. Fantastic." he says easily. "And not to worry, I expect given how many of you have ended up in our time, it's going to take a bit for me to meet all of you anyway."

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "It would seem that Querl picked the right person to approach for the ship's repairs, given your level of technology. It by far surpasses most anything else on Earth in this timeframe," Luornu easily acknowledges. She adds, apologetically, "Also I am sorry I'm a little late. I had to get into an arguement with my selves about not all coming at once. It wouldn't be polite." Still, she conceeds, "Not all of us came at once. Several of us have come back of our own initiative, bringing supplies, or - well, some also were cast back too. We hope to return back to near the time when we disappeared. Or there may be great damage done."
    She moves up to Reed, and offers her small hand, but a warm smile against her very human looking features. "You can also call me Luornu, but all my friends call me Lu."

Mister Fantastic has posed:
Reed raises a brow, shaking the offered hand, firm but not overpowering. "Very well, Luornu...or Lu, if you would like to consider me a friend. Either way it's Reed then, please." he says with a smile. "Your selves? May I assume that given your Legion name that you have three of yourselves normally, then?" he adds in an interested tone. "It's really fascinating to see the tremendous diversity of the Legion, it realy does give me hope for the future to know that so many people can come together in a common cause." He releases your hand, idling sliding his into the pockets of his lab coat. "What brings you to my door today then? Not that I mind it simply being a visit, I have the time to show you about or answer questions about Earth in this time, if you'd like."

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "The people of my planet are what you would term gestalt beings, yes. There are, when I desire it, two other selves of me. Each with their own slight variance in personality, my whole being fractionalized slightly. Our entire society is based around this," she tells Reed, knowing he'll find it fascinating. "We've developed sports, work, even a martial arts designed especially to this facet. And, when we merge, I retain the knowledge and experiences that all of my selves experienced."
    She considers, nodding, "In going over the ships logs, I realized that a very important detail had been overlooked. While The Wasp has recently aided us in removing a - small threat - from our ship, a very key piece of our equipment has been damaged. And, from what we can tell, the only real sustainable metal you have in this timeline to be able to adequately replicate it would be something called Vibranium."
    She pauses, and by her expression she has at least an idea of what she's asking. "Is it possible you could help us obtain some?" She holds out a data pad, holding out the stastics that Querl worked up on the amount, and the designs for the part in question which is a modulator that handles an enormous output of power. So much so that any other metal, likely, would melt or break under the power exchange.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    Reed does indeed look fascinated, stroking his chin a bit. "That's...well, I would say incredible, but since it's the case, it obviously isn't impossible to believe at all.' he says amusedly, then takes the offers tablet. "That must have been a very interesting method of evolution to result in such an unusual gift." He flips through the tablet thoughtfully. "...well. It's a good thing it's a small device." he say, frowning to himself. "Vibranium is fairly difficult to acquire here. Wakanda is the only country that controls the mines, and they can be very insular and cautious about who they trade it to, outside of their own use." He taps the table, scrolling through the data as he quickly figures out how to manipulate it. "...hmm. I may...have some material. I'd have to salvage it from a few of my own inventions, but you're looking at essentially a very durable power modulator, so the conduit itself will be the most important part."

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "Correct," Luornu agrees, "While you're helping to repair some of the systems, without this," she taps the tablet, "Our ship is literally dead in the water. We can't go anywhere. And if we tried for too long, we'd - explode. Of course, Querl will never let that happen." Again, Luornu smiles some.
    "If -- you'd be willing to do that? Well. We'd certainly be in your debt. And, we'd be happy to assist with your experiments and laboratory in compensation, for a little while as time permitted. While Lyle is our mad scientist, I've quite a good grasp on the fundamentals. When we're not stranded in time, I help educate, teach, mentor, our recruits."

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    "Hmmmm." Reed looks thoughful at that, turning his gaze back to you. "...how comfortable would you feel about teaching someone from this time period?" he says after a moment, considering you now as he offers you the tablet back. He's memorized the data by this point, no point in holding onto it. "That might be one way, though I certainly wouldn't mind having you and your team to call upon in an emergency. Not that I think you wouldn't already be responding to most emergencies, but I tend to deal with more odd events."

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "Quite possible. Who?" Luornu is caught off-guard by the request, especially since she's quite certain people of this timeline had a fairly good educational system. "And, in regards to what?" She nods a little, "You prefer those that stump others, or, that tickle your curiousity and puzzle even you. Understandable. You need motivation. Engagement of the mind."

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    Reed actually looks a bit sheepish, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well, to answer the second first, I'm always considered the Fantastic Four more adventurers and envoys than heroes, per se. We try to help where we can, but I usually leave crime prevention and such to those better equipped, and focus on expanding science for the benefit of everyone on the planet. So yes. I do very much prefer the puzzles of science to more physical trials."

    He smiles faintly. "AS for the first...well..." He sighs. "It's my daughter, Valeria. She's inherited my own intelligence and she's rapidly outpacing the ability for her current teachers to keep up. I've been trying to figure out where I could send her that would allow her an actual challenge to her intellect, while allowing her the ability to socialize, and that is safe enough that I won't have to worry about enemies of mine attempting to strike at her." He frowns, folding his arms. "As you might expect, we've made quite a few...VictorVon Doom, in particular..." His brows furrow. "...has an interest in her as due to circumstances of her birth, we had to agree to him being her godfather."

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "I could prepare some holographic lessons for her, as well as, when my time allows, do live lessons with and for her also. I mean, generally, I could easily send down at least one of me here to teach her," she conceeds. She admits, "And it would be good to have something to - well, feel involved in, beyond trying to keep everyone from going crazy up there." She offers her hand, nodding, "Agreed."

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    Reed smiles. "If you were willing to do that, especially if you would enjoy it aside from some feeling of being indebted, I would love for you to do so. Sue and I have been wracking our brains over what might be best." He considers. "For that matter...I would be alright with her visiting your ship, if you feel that would be acceptable. She could certainly benefit from meeting all of your fellow Legionnaires, and seeing what your group is all about in person."

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "Considering all you're doing for us, I do not think there would be an issue. However, you'll understand that's not a decision I, myself, can make without consulting others too." She smiles at Reed, shaking her head, "I enjoy teaching, honestly. Though I'll admit, most of those I train are teenagers, wishing or hoping to join the Legion. I help weed out those who are serious, from those who are just, well, fantasizing."
    "However, I must warn you, and I will her, when things are prepared, we will be leaving. Returning. Though I think that we will - well, given the connections we've already made and the chances those connections will only deepen, it won't be a sudden thing. Still, it's only fair to put out there," she mentions, earnestly. She wouldn't feel right if she didn't.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    Reed smiles at that. "Understandable, for both. To be honest, don't feel you must, by any means, I'm happy to replicate the part needed either way." he assures you. "But it's a unique opportunity, and I'd be remiss if I didn't at least ask. I'm certainly happy if it's something you already enjoy." He thinks. "...despite her physical age, I would put Valeria's ability to process information and apply it at the level of a fairly experienced teenager, honestly. So if that's the case, she should fit in." He nods. "But by all means, take it up with your comrades. And if you must leave at some point, at least she would have had time to get to known you. And maybe some of your ideals will rub off on her, which is an added benefit." he says, a twinkle in his eyes. "How soon will you need the part?"

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "Then, I think we have a good understanding," agrees Luornu, warmly. She has taken a liking to Reed, almost immediately, clearly. She adds, "Quite honestly, the sooner the better. But, even with it, Querl's calculations are we are likely here at least two years, or so. But, with that, our ship can, well. Move. We are no longer a hunk of metal, sitting adrift in space. Should we get attacked by an incoming force ...," she shakes her head. "We would lose it. And our way home."
    She pauses, "I don't really have any of my old lessons with me. So. I'll have to make some, for Valeria. It will be interesting teaching such a knowledgable young lady."

Mister Fantastic has posed:
"Of course! I'll arrange a packet of data on what she's been learning thus far, so you have an idea of where she is and where she should likely go next." Reed says, hands going back into the pockets of his labcoat. "It should take me..." He squints a bit. "Perhaps...hmm. 19 hours to salvage the vibranium and reform it to the specifications, and to let it cure a bit. I can contact you when it's ready, if you'd perfer, or just bring it up? I need to head back up soon anyway to return to helping with your repairs."

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    Luornu nods, "I understand you already have a slipgate. Feel free to bring it up. I may be otherwise occupied, and Querl? Well. He's - very driven. Focused. I'm sure you've met people like that in your lifetime." She almost seems endeared to the young man. "He'll want to get it in and changed out right away."r    She offers her hand to Reed, "Thank you, Mr. Richards. It's good to know that there have always been people who shared the Legion's values, and promoted them. I'll not keep you longer."

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    Reed takes your hand, shaking gently. "My pleasure. Feel free to stop by whenever you wish, I usually have time to set things aside to chat, if nothing else. And I do want to let you and your friends have time to at least enjoy some planet time down here...I imagine many would miss being on a planet after so long aboard your ship."