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Latest revision as of 00:36, 14 September 2018

Walker's Cay
Date of Scene: 21 July 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Mon-El, Black Queen

Mon-El has posed:
    Walker's Cay is a tiny island with a surface area of only 100 acres in total. It used to be a popular fishing and vacation spot, but hurricanes destroyed the hotel and marina years ago and they have not since been rebuilt. A couple of different businesses had tried to purchase it with the promise of redevelopment, but at this point no new construction projects have yet begun there, although nature has since recovered.

    Selene had insisted on some unhabited island, so this sure fit the bill. Located over 50 miles away from the nearest populated city, it's certainly an ideal spot to retreat to should one want total privacy without going into space. It even still has a small airstrip from back in its tourist days, in case she would prefer to arrive by plane.

    Of course, Lar himself has no need of an airplane to get anywhere, given he can fly faster than any of them. Whether she opted to let him carry her or not, he descends toward the isolated beaches of the abandoned island.

Black Queen has posed:
Definitely Selene would have been requesting to be carried. That would probably slow Lar down a bit but when you don't have to pack luggage anywhere, or wait in security check points it sure speeds up travel. Her outfit is pretty simple, a bikini and one of those drapey silk robes that billow about as the wind whips past them both. One arm is around Lar while the other one is holding onto her sunglasses and keeping them on her face.

When they finally land in the uninhabited place, Selene smiles a bit and looks around the beach, kicking off whatever sandals she's brought with her and rolling up the robe, she spreads her arms like a 'ta-da', "Do you like? I have not been able to go to a beach in so long! The new york water ways are so bad." She laughs lightly, smiling in the direction of Lar. "Do you swim as well as fly?" She insisted on bringing a luggage style bag with her that Lar probably was forced to carry in one hand, well, requested of, and she points, "There's firewood there, and I brought food, wine, um..." She shrugs a litle bit, giggling, "Thank you, this place is gorgeous. I wonder if there are waterfalls, we should take a walk around too. Just for fun. No flying."

Mon-El has posed:
    Well yes, even if he can't necessary fly at supersonic speed while carrying her without making her go squish, it's still faster than taking a commercial airline with all the security checks and luggage claims, and waiting to board and disembark aircraft. Oh since this is outside of the U.S., can't forget customs. Of course, carrying one bag is really no big deal to someone who could benchpress semitrucks.

    He takes her down to a pristine looking beach covered with white sand on the southernmost tip of the island, farthest away from the ruins of any of the old buildings that used to be teeming with tourists. "Glad it works for you, I wasn't sure if you'd be vexed at the destroyed buildings or not." he admits. He nods at her outfit. "It's nice...you uh...look great. Yeah it's been a while for me too. I spend a lot of my time in space."

Black Queen has posed:
"The horizon is the most beautiful of things." Selene mentions, turning her back to Lar as she looks out over the ocean. "You can take it as a sign that things are ending, or you can understand it for what it truly is, a cycle of things. If you follow it... you return home, eventually." Turning back to Lar she walks over in his direction "It's beautiful." She moves some hair out of her face and over her ears, "A long time ago I lived very close to a river, and if you got on a boat to go down it, eventually it would spill out into the sea. Maybe at some point I will take you there." She walks toward him now and asks, "So, then. What would you like to do first? Walk the jungle, drink some wine, eat some food, swim?"

Mon-El has posed:
    "Yeah, rivers do tend to do that a lot of times." Lar replies, nodding as she tells him about her one-time riverside home. He glances out over the horizon as she talks about that too, but doesn't comment on that matter for now.

    He glances at the bag she brought when she asks what he wants to do first, then shrugs. "Any of that sounds good to me." Not as if he needs food for energy or can get more relaxed with wine like humans do. "It's uh...been a while since I went on a date with a human. Er, will be a while until? I'm not even sure any more." he laughs.

Black Queen has posed:
That sounds a little tricksy. And Selene gives Lar a little questioning look, as she moves in his direction. "Okay, how about we setup a blanket, and we sit here for a while talking? You can ask me questions, since I already know so much about you. Or we can talk about favorite things. I am not sure." She laughs a bit and sighs, "To be honest. I have not gone on a date since really my husband passed. And it is all so strange to me. It's also different in... Europe, though we are not exactly in America, and you are not exactly an American. So, it is fitting then." And she bends over a bit, unzipping the luggage case and pulling out a large blanket that she whips out with skill to lay on the ground pretty evenly. With that she pulls forth wine, settling it in the sand "They say chilled is best, but this is a berry wine, not grapes. And when it is warm it tastes like a delicate syrup you might sweeten something with, almost honey in level of sweetness." And then she pulls out a little picnic container and sets that to the side, "And food, for if you ever want to eat. I made it, so please forgive if it isn't to your liking." Then she sits on the blanket and pats nearby her, "Okay, you start, maybe? Questions you may have, it is a date, we're supposed to get to know one another."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar watches her set up the blanket and food with wine, nodding as she speaks, then sits down on it at her request. "Thanks, I'm sure it's great." he says with a smile at the mention that she made the food herself. "Uhmm..." he frowns. "Right, okay questions. What else do you like to do besides going to beaches and eating Chinese food?" he asks. "And looking at apartments for your friends."

Black Queen has posed:
Sitting down, and bracing her hands behind her so she's sitting a bit upright with her legs extended way out on the blanket, Selene takes in a deep breathe and smiles as she looks over to Lar from behind her sunglasses. "Well, I am wealthy enough that I do not have to work. Though I do volunteer my time at antique auctions to appraise things or at least determine if something is real or fake. I help place people into jobs." There is a smile, "Oh, I throw the best club parties. Those kinds of things. I am a rather social person, I would certainly die without other people." Her tone is one of jest while she smiles, melodramatic exaggeration as it were, "And you? What kinds of hobbies does a super strong, very handsome, nice person like yourself do when you are not saving people or... well, I guess, living in your space ship?"

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar nods. "Sounds like a fun time. What's the best party you've even thrown?" he asks, winking. He draws his knees up a little bit and rests his hands on top of them.

    "Me? Oh sometimes I just fly out into space and enjoy the stars and the silence. Or mess around with the simulator on our ship. Or just wander around different places on Earth or some other populated planet--it seems like there's always something I didn't know before about Terran culture."

Black Queen has posed:
"Well, it has been developing over thousands upon thousands of years. There are things from the most ancient of times that still... we practice, or still we incorporate. History has a way of surviving in the least expected places, but the good news is then there's always something new to discover." Selene comments about the culture first before smiling, "What's my best party? Well, I would say that the best party was ... well, maybe I should not say. It would probably make me look bad." Looking to the side with an awkward smile, "Let us just say, that there was a yatch. A lot of people, some... drugs, maybe, though nothing horrible... and a lot of well, unclothed people?" She winces a little as she says it, shrugging her shoulders up, "Does that make me a horrible person? It was terribly fun... like the devil were there. Though I do not think I would throw such a thing again." She's still looking at you with a sort of furrowed brow hoping her words aren't going to make her look like a horrible person.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar doesn't seem to think that makes her a horrible person, but he does give a questioning look. "It was the best party ever, but you wouldn't do it again?" he chuckles. "Well, I think I get it. Did someone get in trouble with the authorities?"

Black Queen has posed:
There's a small shake of her head, "No. No one got in trouble. You do those kinds of things on a Yatch for that reason. International waters, there's no drug laws." She mentions before she adds, "Though I mean, it was fun, and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves it's just... one of those things where you realize at the end of the night that you skirted the line?" She laughs a bit and then smiles, "Maybe you have not ever had that experience, but the rest of us, you know? We do things to feel alive, we cannot fly up to... the stars and look at the Earth from above for an afternoon, or throw a bus. We do what we can."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar nods. "Yeah. I wouldn't throw a bus just to feel alive, though, because that would be dangerous for people. And also it would damage property." No kidding.

    "Well, what else can you do?" he asks. "I mean, -you- in particular? You mentioned you were telepathic but is there anything else special about you? I mean, you know I'm from somewhere else but what about you? Were you born this way? Or was it an accident or something else?"

Black Queen has posed:
There's a hrm as Selene thinks about that, and she offers, "Well, I was born this way. Most... I suppose, mutants are what we are called..." She shows some clear and visible disgust to the word both in tone and the weird look she gets on her face as she shakes her head, "We, usually develop a lot of our abilities when we hit puberty. A major change in our biology sparking the genetics that lead to our powers. I was actually born this way. From the moment I was alive, I was telepathic." She adds a bit, "I do not really practice with the abilities, so I am not sure what else I am capable of though sometimes in stressful situations... weird things happen around me. Though, even then, it isn't reliable." There's a sigh as she slumps her shoulders, "We can talk and walk if you like? I would kind of like to see a waterfall. The urinating statues of New York are no where near as romantic." She jests before asking, "And what about you? Were you able to always fly around, even when you were younger?"

Mon-El has posed:
    "Sure," Lar nods and stands up, pausing a moment to search the island for a waterfall. "Hmm...let's see. This place is pretty small. I don't see any natural waterfalls around here, but there is a human-made one in one of the parks near the old resort. The pump is still in working order, just the pipes are damaged and jammed up with debris, but I could probably get it working again." he offers.

    "Yes and no." he answers her question about his own powers. "I've always had the same physiology I do now, but the radiation of Sol, Earth's star, is what gives me my abilities. Or any yellow star, really. Daxam and Krypton had a red star, so we didn't grow up that way. Red radiation used to make me as weak as a human, but not any more."

Black Queen has posed:
"Oh? So if you were to go home, or if the sun were not the way it is, then you would be just like anyone else here?" Questions Selene as she gets up as well, and stays barefoot, nodding her head, "Okay. We can use the pump to make a waterfall." She smiles a bit and waits for Lar to start walking since he seems to know where it is... and she adds, "Is there a pond there as well? At least? It would be fun to kind of swim a little, fresh water, and then maybe go out into the ocean."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Eventually, yes. If I went home or if somehow Sol became something other than a yellow or blue star. I can 'store up' solar reserves so to speak, to a certain extent, so I'll still be powerful for a while even I'm not exposed to the radiation for a while. How long depends on how long I was exposed before." Lar answers, starting toward the park he was talking about. It isn't far, after all the island is quite small, and it only takes them a few minutes to get there.

    "Yeah, it's a whole landscaping plan over there." he replies to her question about the pond. "Seems they just pumped in seawater and desalted it to make swimming a little more pleasant for those who didn't like ocean water." he chuckles.

    When they arrive, he starts clear away the pieces of debris and using laser vision to weld the holes in the piping shut. Then he finds the power switch and turns it on. There's the sound of a motor and a bubbling noise for a few moments until water starts to flow down a series of articial rocks and into the man-made pond. "There," he says with a smile as he comes back over to her.

Black Queen has posed:
"Interesting." Selene smiles at that and nods her head a little bit, and the woman walks, barefoot the entire way. Seemingly more comfortable barefoot than wearing her shoes, even walking on sand, or dirt, branches, and some rocks, she does not mind at all the touch on her bare skin. "I am not sure if my powers could ever... 'go away' really. Though I have heard that some law enforcement have anti... well, collars that block our powers." She indicates, shaking her head, "It seems... cruel. There are some who without their powers active will die, very quickly, and others who become far more dangerous depending on what else has been done to them. I'm not sure that technologists always look into that when designing these things."

And Selene smiles, waiting as the man starts to do the hard work, clearing debris, welding stuff with laser vision. She ooohs and blinks a few times at that power, "That, is... wow." She startles and laughs some, "Can you do anything else with your eyes like that?" When things are finished being worked, and the pump is going she waits a few moments to let the water go and then starts walking into the pond. When she gets to be about waist deep she squats down, and dunks herself before standing up and letting her wet hair now trail down her back. Moving more toward the waterfall she keeps walking. "Thank you, you can come in if you want. I am not shy."

And she gets to the water pump to stand under it like a water fall, and she is grinning, spreading her arms and laughing when... suddenly, a few black blobs of writhing tentacle masses come oozing out of the piping and when Selene looks up to see what's blocking the water, she screams as they fall onto her, wrapping about her and starting to drag her under the water. These are magical demonic beings, and they are taking Selene with them down down below.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Hm." Lar considers that. "You know, you mentioned your telepathy was unreliable. But maybe it's just because you've never received enough training? One of my teammates is a powerful telepath, she might be able to help you learn how to use it to its fullest potential." he suggests, referring to the Titanian Imra Ardeen.

    He laughs a little at the question about the thermal vision. "Well I mean it does one thing, shoot lasers. I can adjust the intensity of it as much as I can concentrate, but that's about it." As she is enjoying standing under the waterfall and asks him to come in as well, he starts to move to join her. "You know I was wondering. Your husband's murder...I know it's a difficult topic for you, but...was it ever resolved? Was the p---" But he doesn't get a chance to finish that that thought, gasping when she gets grabbed some kind of blob-looking monster. "--Selene!" Grife, of -course- they're magical, otherwise he would've seen them coming. In a flash, he is on top of them, attempting to grab them and throw them out of the pond and onto the dry ground. At least that would prevent her from drowning even if they don't let go of her.

Black Queen has posed:
It's a pretty sudden turn of events, and Selene is coming up out of the water, gasping for air when a tentacle wraps around her head and gags her mouth, then pulls her back under, flipping her so badly her legs are coming up from the water and then they are getting wrapped and dragging her down. The speed of Mon-el is at least useful enough to prevent her from being completely wrapped about and have no hope, and the monsters get tossed from the water to the land where they land, one of them with Selene in tow.

They are still scrabbling, and it looks like the beasts are planning on trying to eat her as one of them opens up it's maw and begins to try and move her about to make her left hand to start going into it's mouth. She's gurgling and gasping for air as she can at least breathe, but the strong creatures easily keep this human trapped and unable to fight back.

Mon-El has posed:
    Now that the monsters are at least out of the water, it's time to decide how to deal with these things. Since they have Selene in their grasp, he can't just go ham on them and throw them to the moon. So he needs to get her free first! Maybe he makes this meal difficult enough for them, they'll give up. Thus, he rushes in, grabs one of the tentacles that are holding onto Selene, and pulls -hard-, away from the maw. Oh and just for good measure--he has no idea how these things work or what they are, but when it opens its jaw to try to eat her, he gives it a good mouthful of breath cold enough to flash freeze water and then lashes out with both feet to slam against what must be its head or whatever part of its body its mouth is on. Hopefully cold leads to brittle leads to shatter into a million pieces!

Black Queen has posed:
And pulling Selene back out of the maw's reach saves her for the moment, one of the tentacles wraps around her neck to try and pull her back in or snap her head off in the struggle over this meal. But then the creature from the black lagoon seems to get stopped dead, completely cold, and frozen before getting kicked by a super humanly strong man. The thing shatters all around and it drops Selene who crumples to the ground. Scuttling the other two go to leap on Mon-el, and though they are fast for humans, they are not as quick compared to a daxamite.

Mon-El has posed:
    Well, that got their attention. Lar watches with satisfaction as the one that had originally been trying to eat Selene gets shattered like an ice sculpture. Then the other two come at him, and he also comes at them, faster than a speeding bullet. He aims to grab the two of them, one in each hand, and then throw them directly upward so hard that they'll fly right out of orbit if he let them keep going.

    But as it is he doesn't quite do that--he doesn't know enough about them so leaving their fate to ambiguity is too much of a risk. If the throw works, he will shoot up after them and hit them with maximum-intensity laser vision once they hit the lower stratosphere. That in addition to friction with the atmopshere -should- cause them to just burn up completely. Following that, should it work as intended, he will return to Walker's Cay to scan Selene with his x-ray vision to make sure she is okay or if she is in need of immediate medical attention.

Black Queen has posed:
Oh, the whole beat them up, toss them into space tactic. It's an oldie but goodie. And followed up with some extra hot laser vision it seems to do the job. Destroying the remaining two tentacle monsters that were going to attack Lar instead. When he finally gets back down to the ground, Selene is coughing a bit, getting water out of her lungs though she didn't drown or swallow enough to need medical attention, and it seems the tentacle creature must have kept her from getting too badly hurt she just has some light marks around her neck and legs that are already kind of fading, like rug burn almost. Within a few hours they'll be completely gone.

"Wh-what... were those thigns?!" She shakes a bit, trembling, some, nothing in her bones are broken or twisted and she looks on toward Lar with wide eyes, "Y-you saved me. Thank you. So much..." Coughing a few mores times, and she moves wet hair behind her ear, and sighs, slumping her shoulders, "I ... our date is probably ruined now, isn't it?"

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar is visibly relieved when he sees that Selene is okay. Just a few very minor injuries to her surface skin, it seems. A bit of water in the lungs but it's all out now. He shakes his head at her question of what exactly they where. "Hell if I know." he answers, frowning. "I'm guessing they were magical and came out of some kind of portal or were constructs created by a magic user, otherwise I would've seen them coming. But...there's no one else here that I can see. If anyone is here, they know how to conceal themselves even from me. Which doesn't bode well."

    He scans the ground near them, now. "I'll see if I can find a piece of that one that almost had you in its mouth. I do have friends who are good at magic so maybe they can tell me what it is."

    Then when she mentions that the date is ruined, he sighs and nods. "Unfortunately, it's not safe here any more. We can't stay any longer. Like I said, if whoever created or summoned those things is still here, they know how to hide. Any...idea if anyone might be after you for any particular reason? I find it unlikely that those were just a coincidence."

Black Queen has posed:
There's a few blinks, "After me?" She questions, eyes startled and Selene shakes her head some, and then she wonders, "Well, I... did start asking around my antiquing friends about that woman who was after you. The..." Selene gasps, "That... magic person?" There's a few more bits of startlement, "Do you think it could've been her? Coming after me because I started looking into her?"

This idea seems to grow legs while Selene is talking about and she shivers a little bit, "Yes, maybe we should get away from this island. Maybe back to my house. It should be safe there, it's not in my name even. And... Lar... could yo ustay with me? I-I don't think that it's safe to be alone right now if someone's after me." She starts to stand up and gets to her feet.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar frowns at the idea of Glorith being involved. Could it possibly be? "Glorith? But we defeated her before, I don't know how she could possibly think that she could win with a few little blob monsters, or whatever those things were." He sighs. "Maybe she's just being spiteful, because she's jealous." Oh, if she knew about this, she'd -definitely- be jealous. Ugh. "See, now you know what I mean by people who get close to me ending up getting hurt."

    As they've been standing there, the skies have suddenly turned grey, and thunder starts to rumble overhead. He glances up just in time to see lighting cross between two clouds. "All right, fine. I'll stay with you just for tonight." he takes her hand. "Let's get going, looks like a storm is rolling in anyway."