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Latest revision as of 01:08, 14 September 2018

Out with a Friend
Date of Scene: 24 July 2018
Location: Central Park, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: She-Hulk, Carrie Kelley, Scarlet Spider

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk is in Central Park, staring at her newest phone, which has been custom designed to -hopefully- withstand accidental applications of strength on her part. She waits for Carrie as they agreed to meet here. She doesn't bother sitting in any of the nearby benches since she doesn't really know her own strength. I look is given in the direction Metropolis momentarily before she returns her attention to waiting for Carrie.

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk is in Central Park, staring at her newest phone, which has been custom designed to -hopefully- withstand accidental applications of strength on her part. She waits for Carrie as they agreed to meet here. She doesn't bother sitting in any of the nearby benches since she doesn't really know her own strength. A look is given in the direction Metropolis momentarily before she returns her attention to waiting for Carrie.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley isn't long to join Shulkie in the park, she was usually on time to most things unless something odd popped up. Wearing a cute sundress due to the warmth of the day she hurries along the paths till she spots the familiar tall, green-skinned woman. "Hey Shulkie," she greets cheerily. "Sorry for keeping you waiting. How have you been?"

Scarlet Spider has posed:
Grand Central Park, an icon of New York City and one that Ben Reilley, uses twice a day, once in the morning, and today, right about now. Dressed in running shoes and shorts the blonde haired, blue eyed spider person is jogging, the meta having gotten into a habit of keeping himself in better shape than his 'father?'... 'Brother?' Genetic Donor? Either way the bare chested man is listening to music on his cellphone as he runs along the pathways near where She-Hulk and Carrie are meeting, a smooth steady run that is more a jog to his metabolism..

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk smiles at Carrie, "Oh! Hey! I've been great! You? Sooo just wondering how the website is going.. are we any closer to my.. erm.. shots yet? I think something heroic yet inspiring will work? Yes.. maybe the next time Doc Oc tries his shenanigans the heroic Carrie is there to catch it all on film?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley can't help but give a little bit of a laugh at that, ducking her head with apparent chagrin. "I'm sorry I've been kind of lax on that. I've been..." She reaches up to rub the back of her neck while taking a deep breath. "I've been doing a lot of personal training lately for... stupid reasons probabaly," she admits quieter. It seems she might say more when the figure running toward them catches her attention leaving her looking just a bit puzzled. "Ben?"

Scarlet Spider has posed:
     Ben Reilly isn't paying any mind to his surroundings, (That's what spidey-sense is for) as he runs passing other slower moving joggers phone in one hand, ear buds in each ear. He's not running towards Carrie and She-Hulk so much as just using the near by path. Running past Carrie he continues on eyes half closed in a joggers bliss..

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk blinks at Carrie, "Ben? Who's Ben?" She thinks, "Training really? That's never stupid.. I mean you never know when something is going to.. um.." She thinks again, "...well you know.. be villainous? Sorry.. no subtle way to put that.."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Well yes, that was the point really. I've been training to fight and... just trying to figure out how to go about it I guess," Carrie admits quietly as she lifts a hand to gesture over at the jogger going by. "Ben. Met him in the park awhile back. Nice guy, bit weird, seems to know a lot about a few costumed people. Haven't figured out how yet." She stoops down to drag her hands over the ground plucking up a small stone. Nothing seriously large, or sharp, but enough for a bit of weight behind it. Her arm hauls back and she throws the stone toward Ben to get his attention.

Scarlet Spider has posed:
     Ben Reilly's back by this point is facing the two ladies as the stone is thrown the small but hefty pebble flying true to tag him somewhere between the back of his neck and his upper back when he suddenly spins catching the rock without even looking at it his reflexes reacting before his brain registers the activity. Glancing around for where, and /who/ sent it flying at him, he finally spots Carrie... And then She-Hulk his eyes widening a bit before he starts to walk over to the two rubbing the back of his neck with one hand, the stone in the other..

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk blinks at Carrie, "What?!" When Ben catches the stone she blinks again, "Oh.. that kind of.. person. Yeah okay so I have never met.. him before.." She addresses Ben, "So I guess you kinda sorta know what I mean here.. right?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley blinks at the reaction from Ben. "Okay, I wasn't expecting that. But that was kind of cool," she has to admit with a light clearing of her throat. "Okay. Hi Ben," she greets giving a little finger-waggling wave at him. "Sorry to surprise you like that. I just saw you passing and you weren't paying attention." Looking between the two she shrugs helplessly. "Sorry Shulkie, I guess that was rude of me to interrupt you and all." Though this does keep her from explaining herself more.

Scarlet Spider has posed:
     Ben Reilly tosses the pebble back over to Carrie "Uhh, that's ok.. nice to know the mod on my phone works though!" he says with a little exuberance "Got lucky with the catch though.." he adds as if in afterthought... Yup.. no special powers here.. no sir-ree bob!"

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk thinks for a moment, "Well I see not all here is as it seems! That's alright! So long as no one's trying to.. do villainy things right? Yep.." She looks at Carrie, "Sooo.. I guess Scarlet Spider hasn't been... bothering you lately then? I guess you'd have mentioned it if he had.."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley clears her throat a little bit only to shake her head at the question. "No, I haven't run into him again. Good thing, too. I might be strong enough to give him a good whooping if he tried again." SHe's teasing obviously as she winks toward Shulkie. "So, yes, I still owe you some camera time. I should stop by the mansion soon."

Scarlet Spider has posed:
     Ben Reilly looks between She-Hulk and Carrie running a hand through his hair and scratching the back of his head as he thinks back to the only two times he's run into Carrie.. "What did Scarlet Spider do? I know he's related to Spider-Man somehow, but I've never really believed all the tripe The Bugle puts out about them being menaces.."

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk nods at Carrie, "That's good to hear! Maybe he's learned not to abduct random people? I hope so.." She looks at Ben, "Yeah Scarlet Spider.. the guy with no social sense whatsoever who thinks that webbing someone into the sky is a normal thing to do.."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley grins faintly at the very thought. "Well he did apologize. That was rather unexpected though. I'll have to be careful where I point a camera when I'm in this city."

Scarlet Spider has posed:
     Ben Reilly blushes faintly at the talk about things. "Maybe it was a heat of the moment thing you know?" he comments in answer to She-Hulk before he nods to Carrie "Hope he made it up to you somehow too. Didn't break your camera or anything did he?" he asks curiously.. "So what's got the two of you out here?" he asks looking up into She-Hulks eyes. "IT's not quite Avengers Mansion, Carrie doing some of her PR magic with you?

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk shrugs at Carrie, "Who knows? Maybe he did learn something? Not for me to judge until he commits a crime.." She looks at Ben, "Weeeell.. oh nothing at all.. nope.. just two friends catching up.." Her eyes dart towards Carrie.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley gives a warm laugh at the question as she shakes her head. "No camera with me today," she points out hands raising in a faint shrug. "Just catching up. I've been a bit busy with running around this Summer so far, after all." An eyebrow lifts as she looks Ben over a moment. "Though not quite that kind of running." Glancing back to Shulkie she winks at the taller woman keeping her expression otherwise the same. "She can't be an Avenger all the time you know. A woman has to have more of a life than just work."

Scarlet Spider has posed:
     Ben Reilly smirks.. "I seem to remember a call that devolved into talks about Mint Chocolate Chip Ice cream where you apparently had run and exercied yourself into a lump." he teases back, flexing his muscles letting them ripple like a low tier body builder. "I run every morning, and then in the evenings on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, so you caught me out here doing the last half of my 10k." he explains "Tuesdays and Thursdays are arm and stomach, and Saturdays are legday if I don't skip." he explains just /why/ he's out here.. "So you're friends with She-Hulk, have worked with Tony and are a fan of The Batman." he says a bit teasingly.. "You got any superpowers I should know about so I don't tick you off Red?" he asks playfully..

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk blinks, "We.. hmm.. I don't remember the last time I wasn't She-Hulk but.. well.. I guess I kind of am an Avenger all the t-.." She stops herself.. "Right nope.. what am I saying? Of course I need to relax!"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley grins broadly at Shulkie realizing this. "Exactly! When was the last time you got your hair done, or a manicure?" Before she can even make other suggestions Ben starts to question her... causing her to blink in surprise at this. "Eh? What... me? No, no... I was only training with my friend at her dojo, I told you that. And of course Batman... I'm from Gotham! He's like the hometown baseball star or something." Even if he was a giant jerk.

Scarlet Spider has posed:
"Are you not able to take a more normal human form?" he asks curiously as if it hadn't occurred to him that She-Hulk /couldn't/ become normal. A nod to Carrie "I know about this one French guy that runs a salon, his name is Thomas I think. I've never been there, but a couple of girlfriends in the past raved about him." Ben says trying to be helpful..

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk blinks, "I am... always the same when I'm.. yep this is definitely the normal me! Well.."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley reaches out to pat her hand against Shulkie's arm consolingly. "It's okay, no worries. If anything green is totally your color. Plus no one can ever pinch you on St. Patrick's day." Looking over toward Ben she shrugs some. "I think we're making things a bit awkward. Maybe we should meet up at another time?"

Scarlet Spider has posed:
Ben Reilly nods.. "I got you, I was just curious didn't mean to make anything awkward here." he says in apology before explaining himself. "The Hulk's got to have a normal human identity of some sort. He tends to vanish off the radar for weeks, and months at a time, so I figured you might as well." He explains motioning around at the small crowd of people that have their phones out taking pictures of She-Hulk and the others that are with her. "Ben can't leave the Baxter Building to go anywhere without someone tweeting where he is.." he adds..

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk shrugs, "Yep Hulk.. my cousin. You should ask him about.. his identity.." She glances around, "Well I think it's time to go home. Carrie please let me know when you're ready to update the website. I have a ton of ideas for my part.."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley gives a thumbs up and nods. "Yeah, no problem. Enjoy the rest of your day Shulkie."

Scarlet Spider has posed:
Ben Reilly nods to the two ladies. "Pleasure to meet you Missus She-Hulk. " he says before nodding to Carrie "I'm darting a bunch between here and Gotham right now, give me a call if you need a sparring partner." he tells Carrie before he goes to resume his interrupted run..