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Latest revision as of 01:13, 14 September 2018

Dining at Mel's
Date of Scene: 25 July 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kid, Lucifer

Kid has posed:
It was a late gloomy after noon like any other. The darkened skies with their greying clouds cried down rain upon the denizens below. Most sought shelter in the comfort of their homes, or soaked to the bone in in some old alleyway. Often never crossing paths with each other.

But here? Here in mels, an old spirit lies. Bring people from all walks togeather to dine...least untill the sun shines once again.

And here in lie Malcolm 'Kid' IronWood. He was large, and wore a tight fitting suit and leather trench coat giving him a sauve look, while his clearly brutish build and looks told another story.

The man walked up to the bar his shoulder shoving folks aside if they didn't move. Some crying out he was rude or to 'watch it'. But they were ignored. Once at the counter his hands come up as he makes a series of gestures, a watch on his wrist speaking in place of himself "Get me some coffee. Lots of Sugar. Large." ending it with a growl from his own throat on the matter.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer doesn't pay Kid any attention. He's clearly lost in thought at the bar nearby however, a glass of cognac resting in front of him. People give him a wide berth generally, glancing at him oddly, or merely staring at him for a moment. Lucifer doesn't seem to mind, or even notice their lingering gazes. His only movement on his part is the occasional sip from his glass.

Kid has posed:
Kid hardly glance around. He didn't need to. Most of the folks here felt...ordinary, some weaker, some stronger...all strangely uncomfortable, save for one man. Kid spares Lucifer a single glance. Perhaps it was his aggressive nature and he felt it was challenge, or perhaps he didn't care, who can say? Regardless when the coffee was done, he takes the drink in his over sized hand and sat down right next to Lucifer.


The silence carried for a moment as Kid took a sip of his own coffee, his large animilistic canines evident. His hands come up and he makes a quick gesture, the watch spilling forth two simple words in a blunt manner "Who. You" less a question, more a demand.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer darts his eyes in Kid's direction upon hearing his voice, "A patron." He grins, tipping his glass in Kid's direction, "Not much different than you I expect. This is a diner after all, one that actually serves cognac. Quite a pleasant surprise."

Kid has posed:
"No clue what the hell cognac is" Kid signs. Another drink, not returning the smile. His watchs glowing with each word signed "Eitherway...heh. Mabey your not so different...mabey your completly different. People are stupid, but they still got their senses. You make them uncomfortable. I want to know why"

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer laughs lightly, "My you are a curious one aren't you? I have the answer to your question and I'm not one to play silly games. Deceit is a waste of time, a tool for those who cannot stand their ground. No scheme of mine has ever required me to lie. I'm telling you this because I am often blamed for deceiving the masses of humanity, promising them things I won't give in exchange for one little soul. But my time is better spent on the big picture, not the tiny canvas of monkeys and the golden bananas they fight over throughout their short lifespans. They didn't need my help to invent war, murder, cruelty, avarice. Sin is simply human nature in a single word and I had nothing to do with its' existence." He sips his drink again, "Patron to patron? I am Lucifer Morningstar."

Kid has posed:
Kid actually raises his hand and makes a yap yap yap yap gesture, as if to say get on with it. Infact the name Lucifer or any of his statements did not seem to register as a big deal to Kid, as if they were not important to anything. He signs "That was the damnest long introduction to say your name. Just say your lawyer and get on with it...least you make yoursaelf sound like a lawyer. Eitherway, stay away from my soul" another drink of coffee. It would easily down on most folks that Kid had little if any concept what Lucifer represents and means. He signs "Gave myself the name Malcolm IronWood. Most just call me Kid" short and to the point.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer rubs his chin for a moment, "Apathy? Is that what I hear in your words? Interesting.. by now I am usually being addressed as a madman or a lunatic. Honestly it's refreshing to be unknown for once but I am curious as to just who you are that you have never heard my name." He focuses for a moment, the illusion hiding Kid's true form no longer fooling the archangel, "And so the curtain falls and the costume returns to the wardrobe. Quite the disguise." He leans in closer to remain out of earshot of the other patrons, "I won't reveal your secret ape. But what does bring a gorilla to infiltrate human society?"

Kid has posed:
"Probably. Still working on the 'emotion differention' on the watch" Kid signs "Was going for annoyance and apathy. Close enough" another longer drink as the archangel focuses on him, the Gorilla unconcerned. Untill he speaks. His aggression levels can almost be felt rising, he signs slowly, delivering a more deliberate tone through the watch after dialing down it voloumn "Like you said. Deceit is for those who cannot stand their ground, so I went around. And guess if I was revealed...would make for a hell of a meal" which might be why people gave him a wide berth, he was a predator in a sense. A pause as he takes another drink before he signs "But to answer your question, survival. About a year ago, escaped from the lab I lived in all more or less all my life. Animal control was always on my ass, so I fixed it. Untill a few days ago I did not even know there were other like me" as now the world knows of Gorilla City "didn't even know Gorilla City really existed. Hows that for yea?"

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer nods, "Interesting. Don't take it personally though that I saw through your illusion. It has fooled everyone else you've come into contact with hasn't it? As for your biography? As I said it is interesting. You rebelled against your captor, much the same as I did so long ago, but on a much simpler level."

Kid has posed:
Kid snorts "Your not the first. And you will not be the last" he signs "And I did not rebel, I escaped." there was clearly a difference to Kid "And soon enough...they will be gone" his watches tone was darker, angrier as if he might snap. A sudden pause as he looks at Lucifer "...wait. Did you just call me simple?" he signs.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer raises a brow, "Did I? To me this entire plane of existence is simplistic. It wouldn't surprise me if I did refer to you as such. But nevermind that." He continues, "You call your escape simply an escape rather than a rebellion? You never saw them as your overlords then I take it? These.. humans who locked you away?"

Kid has posed:
Kid signs a dead pan expression on his face "Heh, I will let it slide this time" as if he could actually do something to Lucifer. But that is life. He continues "A rebellion implies I fought to stop them and what they did. Which I did not. I fought to run away from them. Plain and simple. A rebellion looks out for others, I looked out for myself...granted, guess I didn't have anyone to look out for to begin with. But life changes, people change."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer nods, "I see.. interesting viewpoint. You'll hear all kinds of things about me, mostly all untrue. In human myth I am the most infamous character in history. They call my so called "fall" a rebellion when it was in fact destined to happen all along. I was meant to test the human species for reasons beyond your ability to understand and that's no insult to your intelligence. But it will suffice to say that true accidents are rare indeed."

Kid has posed:
Kid rolls his eyes, his coffee long since gone. "Try me. You might be surprised." unspoiled by myth and stories, Kid was if nothing, open to hearing things. But it was also a challenge, his eyes had a look in them, as if he had to know.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer chuckles, "Ambitious.. if humanity fails perhaps gorillas will take their place.. who knows? It's not really my style to spoil the climax. All of creation will understand to some degree eventually but for now just live your life as you have. Nothing has changed has it? We've simply had a conversation and having my understanding will not change that. Knowledge does not empower you, nor does wisdom, not unless you have the power to change the circumstances related to your newfound understanding. In this you do not have that power so knowing the answers will accomplish nothing. Do you understand?"

Kid has posed:
Kid shrugs "Mabey they will, mabey they won't" he signs "I will probably be dead before that happens. Also your statement is stupid" he says "Of course something has changed. Every moment, every second something changes." he signs "Knowledge is not power, wisdom is not law. Nothing works by itself. Knowing might accomplish something, it might accomplish nothing. The mysterious threads of life eh? Each one plucked and pulled, weaved and rewoven, changing the paths of fate to where-ever they need to go. You can see them, and if I have understood everything...you pull them, all to make sure something goes according to some plan." both eyes lock with Lucifer, both a direct challenge and an invitation to let him know if he was on the right path, if he was understanding.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer does not indicate either way, "As I said, continue your life as you have, all will be made clear in time. If you're bold enough to find out the meaning of life before everyone else then you won't need me to give you the answers will you?" Lucifer grins, "I never get to have these conversations much. You certainly are not the first to ask for a direct answer to the universe's greatest questions. No one has ever gotten one though."

Kid has posed:
Kid chuckles, his laugh is low, beastial and hoarse. He signs "I never asked for the meaning of life. In truth, that is a stupid question" he says. "I wanted answer about these tests, not about the meaning of life. I already know the answer to that, more or less" he signs with quite a bit of confidence.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer grins, "Unknowingly though that is exactly what you have asked for. Now you have something to really ponder.."

Kid has posed:
Kid blinks and cants his head. Indeed the statement did give him pause. He watched Lucifer for a long long moment. One small taste of this guys mind and he might get the answer. He tosses his cardboard cup into a nearby bin. A glance around...too many people to try. Oh well, the guy seemed nice enough "Well, weather lawyer, or some weird entity from beyound this world, your at the very least interesting"

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer tips his glass, "More than you know.. far more than you know.." With that Lucifer returns to his thoughts.