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Patching Things Up at the Clinic
Date of Scene: 28 July 2018
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Matt drops off some papers to Claire at the clinic, there's yelling, there's talking and things get back to something like normal.
Cast of Characters: Daredevil, Claire Temple

Daredevil has posed:
It was another hot day in New York. The air was heavy and humid but Matt being Matt he was wearing a suit, even if he hadn't been in the office all week (something Foggy was in a snit about), but he did a have a few papers for Claire, and that was reason enough to stop by.

He'd been mad when she outed him to Skye, but, time it seemed healed all wounds, well, time and lonliness. So, papers providing an excuse he makes his way down to the clinic, winding his way through the crowds cane leading the way.

When he reaches the clinic door he opens it and steps inside, hoping for the blessed breath of AC within. "Hello," he greets from the doorway.

Claire Temple has posed:
Claire hears the voice and facepalms. Oh. Oh, lovely. She opens one eye to look at her computer screen again and huffs out a breath through her nose. All right.

"We're not open until tomorrow morning!" she yells out into the lobby. "Unless you're making an additional contribution to the Claire Temple Bar Tab Fund," she mutters to herself as she slaps closed the records in front of her and pushes her chair back from the desk. She comes to lean at her office door, arms crossed. "You'd better not be bleeding," she says.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt flinches inwardly at the greeting, if you want to call it that, but puts on a tight grin in response. "It's not off the table," he says of the contribution. "Also, more paperwork for the opening tomorrow." He waves the folder like a shield.

He leans his cane against the reception desk and makes a show of checking himself over with his newly freed hand. "No blood, just sweat. I'm safe," he says knowing full well that may not be an accurate discriptor for too long here.

Claire Temple has posed:
Claire frowns. "For now, anyway," she says. "At least until heat stroke catches up with you." She looks Matt up and down and peers at the now healed laceration on his head. She sighs.

"More paperwork, yay," she says with a half-hearted laugh as she holds out her hand for the documents. "I didn't think there could possibly be anything else out there that could need signed. Now what is it, counselor?"

Daredevil has posed:
Matt studies Claire as he gives him a once over, "I hydrate," he says of heat stroke. "As for injuries, if you want I could get myself beaten up and dive in the dumpster in the back, you know, for old times sakes."

Matt puts the folder with the papers on the reception desk. "A couple of documents for the city. Licensing stuff, they updated the codes so they need the new papers signed again." He flips the folder open so she can read the new details, which is more or less the same as before with one or two additions.

"How have you been?" he asks as he fishes a pen out of his pocket.

Claire Temple has posed:
Claire smiles thinly as she takes the pen. After a quick read, she signs her name to one of the forms and cants a look at Matt. "Glad you're hydrating and staying out of the waste stream," she says. "Here I was expecting you to flop over half-dead from heat, dehydration, and Catholicism." She flips the page back to add initials to a small sideline she'd missed on her first glance.

She keeps reading and signing until her brain locks up three pages in. She taps the back of the pen against the page a few times and re-reads the same paragraph to herself three times over before she answers. "I've been... dazed. Angry. Very, very tired." Her eyes narrow.

Daredevil has posed:
"Well if I collapse from the last one, it's my fault," Matt says with a slight smirk at his joke. "But I've been taking care of myself, I'm even sleeping," he says.

Though if Foggy has been in touch, she'll know it's because he's been skipping out of work to train.

Matt notices the stalling by the changes in heartbeat among other things. "Been that hard getting things going here? Or is this more of a my fault tired?"

Claire Temple has posed:
"Don't bullshit me, Murdock," Claire says, dropping her voice. "I have spies everywhere, too," she continues, the last word slipping out of the previous tone.

"And speaking of spies... Funny thing," she says, dropping the pen and leaning against the countertop on her knuckles. "You know, not too long ago, this place got visited by ninjas." She takes a deep breath, in, out. "Ninjas, Matt. And oh, yeah, this wasn't too awful long after pizza night with... let me make sure I'm getting this right... the leader of a ninja cult clan." She raps the knuckles of one hand against the counter a few times to discharge nervous energy.

"This kind of shit... it's not supposed to happen, Matt. And just how is it that the super Hand ninja clan got so close, Matt?" she asks, staring holes into Matt.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt frowns, leaning against his back agains the desk and turning his head her way out of habit. "Listen Claire, the guys who came here the other night, they weren't Hand. They were these copycats I've run into before, that boost electronics and stuff like that. From what they were saying during the attack they were looking for someone and it wasn't any of us."

Yes, a random ninjaing. Only in Hell's Kitchen right?

As for the other... "Yes, Elektra leads the Hand and no, that's not supposed to happen, but it did. As for how it happened, because when I found out about it, I didn't turn away." He can feel the stare on him even if he couldn't see Claire's eyes. "I know by making that decision I put all of us in danger, and I am sorry for that, but I am trying to fix it."

Claire Temple has posed:
"Yeah, yeah, it sure did happen," Claire replies, shocked even that she has these things to bring up in the first place. None of it's as new as the emotional upwelling is. She puts on a grimace and nods her head. "Trying," she notes. "Trying."

"You know the thing about 'trying,' right? The part about implying failure?" she asks, dropping into a desk chair.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt grimaces, turning as she moves to sit behind the desk.

"I prefer to think of it of not having won yet," Matt says of trying. "But if you prefer another word, then: I /will/ fix this," he says emphatically. "And in the meantime if you want me to walk out the door and never come back, I'll do that. I don't want to, but I will if that makes things easier."

Claire Temple has posed:
"What I want," Claire replies in something only just more forceful than a hiss, "Is not to have to look twice over my shoulder every night because I think I'm going to have some mook in pajamas try to grab me in a headlock." She puts both palms flat against the countertop and leans forward intently. "Maybe, just perhaps, I could come in, treat cases, and go home without wondering about whether the little field guide to ninja mooks I've got in the back of my mind is enough to tell me if I've recently met Elektra's mooks or some other assholes looking for a good time."

"What I want is not to be worried about fucking ninjas every time I try to go about my business in this little hellhole corner of the city, or anywhere else. And dear Lord, what the hell happens if those shitheads get in here when I've got patients? Any idea who I go to for that?" she asks, voice rising. "What could you *possibly* try for that?"

Daredevil has posed:
Matt frowns. He could understand the fear, not knowing when the next attack would come. He shared some of that worry but at least he had the means to defend himself. Then there was the patients.

"I'll talk to Ms. Cranston about adding some security to the clinic, you did have a break in and you were attacked," he says as to how they'd explain that without using the word ninja. "As for the rest, I can keep an eye on you Claire. And when I can't be there, I'll give Danny or Luke a call. They can help out."

He looks to her. "Would that make things better?"

Claire Temple has posed:
Claire lets out a breath and lets her shoulders retract from where they'd lifted to somewhere near her ears. "It... it would, yes," she says. She takes a deep breath, her distress now in a slightly disorienting freefall.

"We'll definitely need more security here," she says, resting a hand on the folder and the remaining signatures yet to be supplied. "Officially and... unofficially." She eyes Matt on this last. "Those boys had better be up for showing up."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt nods, relieved. "Then we'll do that, me, Danny, Luke, even Jess, we can keep an eye on you make sure the ninja have other things to worry about." He reaches out a hand to put it on her shoulder.

The bit about security is met with a nod. "I think I can talk Ms. Cranston into putting some quality people on this place. If not, I have other people I can talk to and at least get some reliable referrals for the sort of people who can do the job."

"Anyhow, whatever it takes, we'll take care of you Claire, trust me on that."

Claire Temple has posed:
"That... that would be good, yes," she says, nodding and putting a hand over Matt's where it rests on her shoulder. "One way or another," she says, giving the hand a squeeze and refocusing her attention on the paperwork in front of her.

"It's just... yeah. Yeah," she says, fanning a hand out in front of her as she gets back to initialing and signing her name in various places. "I really need not to worry about someone coming after this place," she says. "And so does anyone else who's in here."

Daredevil has posed:
There is a faint smile when Claire's hand is put ontop of hers and then he withdraws it with a small squeeze of her shoulder.

"Then consider it done," Matt says of the protection. "I'll handle tonight and give the others a call tomorrow."

"You're right, I mean the point of this place is to get people better, not to get them ninja'd. We'll make it happen."

He trusts the papers are being signed in the right spots, but Karen had put those little pointer things on it to make sure.

"How are the preparations for the opening going?" he asks.

Claire Temple has posed:
Claire cocks her head and raises her eyebrows at the query. "We're... just about ready, I think. Supplies and equipment have been ready to go for a while. I've got some perishables coming in tomorrow, so no booster shots until next week." She snorts as she flips a page to look at the block text the city has so kindly repeated for her to sign.

"Only thing really outstanding is getting the electronic medical records ready to go. I've been fighting with the system for a while, but it's supposed to keep pharmacy orders and referrals talking to the rest of the city. I just wish it'd talk to me, and nicely." She angles her head back to her office. "And some records are staying strictly paper only." She coughs and signs her name again.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt grins at the curious tilt of Claire's head. "What? I can't be curious?" he asks. Before listening to the rest with interest. "Sounds like you are," he says of them being almost ready.

The computer stuff is met with a wrinkled nose. "Not really my specialty. I can ask Karen to stop by, she's pretty good with that stuff, there's also Skye, but I get the feeling she'll kill me if I recommend her as IT."

The last part is met with an appreciative nod. "Thank you," he says. "The basement room ready too?" he asks before raising a hand, "Not looking to need it," he adds quickly.

Claire Temple has posed:
"As ready as it can be," Claire replies with a shrug as she closes the folder and hands it back to Matt with the pen hooked over the leaves. "Not that we've added a sofa or anything, but it's available _in emergencies_." She rolls her shoulders as she mulls the word in light of the immediately preceding conversation. "Please don't have any of those in the first month."

"I trust Karen, but I don't know that I'd want to inflict medical systems software on anyone," she says, her tone amused. "Although she's at least in the know on these kinds of things," she notes while waving a hand to indicate the space. "And if she happened on anyone else's paperwork, I wouldn't be too worried about it."

Daredevil has posed:
There is a grin from Matt. "Thirty days, that might be pushing it," he jokes lightly before nodding. "I'll do my best," he promises. "And I've got a line on a sofa if you are actually looking, but maybe get Luke to help you move it in."

"Sounds brutal, might need to hit up Cranston for an office assistant too, one used to computerized torture and keeping deep dark secrets," he says with a slight widening of his grin. "Either way, I'll see what Karen might be willing to do."

He takes back the papers and puts them under his arm. "Not sure how much work you have left, but if you don't I understand a generous law firm gifted you with drinks, if you want to spend one with some company I'd be inclined. Haven't been getting out much."

Claire Temple has posed:
"A generous law firm has established a restricted fund at a local establishment for my benefit, I understand," Claire replies, turning to glance at her open office door. "You know what," she says, rising to shut off the lights and lock her door, "Screw it. The big opening is for tours and visitors, not patients. It can wait a little longer."

"And once we're completely legal," she says, nodding to the folder under Matt's arm, "And maybe after Karen works some of her administrative magic, we'll be ready to go. But for now... you need to get out more, Murdock," she says, indicating the main door.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt chuckles lightly as he reaches for his cane. "We'll make a lawyer of you yet," he says gripping the handle and making his way towards the door. "You've already got the skipping work to go to the bar down, though that might be a tradition limited to Nelson and Murdock," he says as he reaches the door and holds it open.

"Well, we'll get these filed ASAP so you're ready to take unmasked customers," he says his ears letting him know no one was close enough to hear that but Claire, even with the open door. "And I am going to guess you'll be need of getting out more too when this place is open for business. So, call this a pre-emptive strike."

There's a moment though where the joking smile softens to something more heartfelt as he says, "Glad we had this talk."

Claire Temple has posed:
Claire pauses for a moment and nods. "I'm glad, too," she says softly. "It um... it was held in for a while. I'm sorry for that, Matt."

As they exit, Claire pauses to turn the right keys to secure the entrance until tomorrow morning's festivities. "I'd like to think I've got a much higher tolerance for blood than the average lawyer does, though," she says. "Should probably see to it that I keep that in good use." She rocks her head to indicate the general vicinity of Josie's watering hole-in-the-wall. "Good thing this place is in walking distance..."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt nods, "It's okay, I deserved it, but I am glad it's out."

He steps into the July heat and waits while Claire locks the door. He chuckles, "I dunno, Foggy was almost a butcher, he's seen some things," he jokes lightly. "But I'd much rather you stitch me up than him. Not really his strength. So you're right, probably on the right career path."

Even though he can't see it, at this range he can definitely smell and hear Josie's and he smiles. "Anyhow, let's grab that drink," he says as he leads the way.