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Latest revision as of 04:48, 14 September 2018

It's 5pm Somewhere!
Date of Scene: 31 July 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Jessica Jones, Chris Redfield, Elektra, Zhao Lin

Jessica Jones has posed:
Another day, another night at a bar. It's kind of Jessica's MO. But it's not like every night is the same, venues change infrequently, and last time Jess was at Luke's she sat at the bar. This time? Totally a window table, all by herself, peering outside at the street and downing glass after glass of Knob Creek.

Chris Redfield has posed:
Chris Redfield was actually...GASP...OFF DUTY! A miracle, to be certain. Either way, Redfield is dressed in casuals today, sitting actually at the table BEHIND Jessica's, just enjoying whiskey as he reads the newspaper. Yes, he's a little old fashioned. Cellphone nearby in case he's called in to do more SHIELD agent work.

Elektra has posed:
Elektra Natchios.

It's not really the socialite's scene, but she hasn't felt comfortable at Josie's for some time now. Something something to do with everyone finding out who and what she was and having a hisssy fit. So she's slunk off to Luke's for a quiet beer - a single one. She's still got to keep her wits about her.

Jessica is noted, which makes the woman smile. "Well, if it isn't you. Mind if I sit? I'll even buy you the next round."

She herself orders a beer with a whiskey chaser.

Zhao Lin has posed:
    Another figure comes stumbling into the bar behind Elektra. This one is -clearly- a mutant, considering he's got a tail and is covered in fur. The leopardine man looks like he's already pretty drunk, and he leans heavily up against the bar for a moment. He looks at the bartender, eyebrow arched slightly. "...Baijiu?" he asks in a hopeful tone, his accent very distinctly Chinese. The blank expression he recieves makes Zhao Lin nod in disappointment. "Whisky, then," he says, and waves away the shotglass, "Just leave the bottle. Put it on Lara Croft's tab." The snow leopard soon has his bottle of whisky, and he pulls the cork out of the top of it, before throwing it back for a deep gulp of it.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica was a little annoyed by the fact Chris choose to seat directly behind her, when it was a slow night and some other tables were open. But hey, who knows, maybe something good would come out of it. So she hasn't turned back to bark him off quite yet. She does, however, look up at a familiar voice. Mind you not a friendly one, but still recognizable, which tends to be a plus. Knowing who you're dealing with makes everything easier. "Me it is, just like it's goddamned you...sure, have a sit, got a knife you might want to stick in my back? I haven't gone to a chiropractor in a while, can't afford them." All tongue in cheek obviously, that is until the offer to buy Jessica's next round is made, "you're a woman of class, aren't you, Natchios? Why not prove it, make it a Yamazaki." Yeah, Jess could never get that kind of quality. The freakin' Knob Creek is fancy for the king of month she's been having.

Overhearing someone placing an order on Lara Croft's tab, someone distinctly not Lara Croft, Jess snorts, "I should have been a history teacher, that bitch makes mad money," she turns to Elektra with a grin, "but you don't know who the fuck she is, right?"

Elektra has posed:
Elektra makes an appraising face at Jessica, and nods. "Try not to hit so close to home next time, woman. And yes, it is me. I'm a woman of many thing, though tonight it seems I'm a woman of a single boilermaker and interesting company."

The owner of the tab gets a quirk of brow from the woman, but she doesn't say anything to the bartender, merely waits until only Jessica (and quite possibly Chris) can hear her. "Does she know you do that?" Not that Lara was hurting for money. Elektra should know. They were neighbours. "Care to make a bet on that? The knowing her?"

Chris Redfield has posed:
Chris Redfield overhears MUCH of the conversation, and so when he stands up and takes his phone with him to get a refill, he returns to find a group starting to come around. Lara Croft is mentioned, and he looks at Zhao. "...you know Lara?" he asks curiously, before he also takes a glance at Jessica and Elektra, as if curious who they are.

Zhao Lin has posed:
    Zhao Lin's ear twitches as he lowers the bottle, overhearing Jessica's reaction. It's clear they were talking about Lara, but it's Chris that the drunken leopard-man twists about to face. He sways unsteadily on his feet for a moment, brow furrowed as he seems to be trying to focus on the other man as he approaches the bar for a refill. "Who is asking?" Zhao Lin questions, his tail twitching behind him a little bit. He certainly seems like he's had too much to drink already, but he keeps an eye on Chris even while he lifts the bottle to his muzzle again for another generous drink.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Wait, Ms. Matt Murdock's-Lives-In-Fine-Ass-Luxury-Ex knows about Lara Croft? That's unexpected, how did you stumble your way to a school?" Jessica asks, her perspective what her P.I. work lead her to find out. There might be just a bit more to Lara that she doesn't know about, because she didn't give a damn. "You know what they say about bets, one is a fool and one is a cheater, I don't intend to be a fool, so shove that bet."

When Chris gives his two cents at the mention of Lara Croft, Jessica peers his way skeptically, "the fuck? This fucking who knows Lara day?" She shakes her head and empties her glass, "now'd be a good time for that round you offered," she notes to Elektra. "For the record, I don't know Lara as much as I know 'of' Lara."

Elektra has posed:
Elektra laughs at Jessica, but she's more than aware of the possible.. altercation between Chris and drunken leopard man. Never trust a drunken leopard man. "I never said I lived in fine-assed-luxury, but since you've brought it up, we've crossed paths."

"Shame about the bet, though. You'd have lost. Or.. I might have let you win. It could have gone either way."

Chris Redfield has posed:
Chris looks at Zhao. "A friend and coworker." though he doesn't seem to back down at all from the standoffish nature Zhao expresses. "Name's Chris Redfield." he offers Zhao a handshake. his eyes then fall upon Jessica. "Yep. Tomorrow is who-knows-Captain-America day. New holiday, mark your calendar." he looks to Jessica, extending a hand. "Chris Redfield." he does the same for Elektra, greeting himself to the ladies.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Matt told me about your tastes, don't play modest with me," Jess quips at Elektra. She sticks her tongue at the mention of the bet, "I called it, I'm not a P.I. for nothing you know. Can't fool me." She peers towards Chris from the corner of her eye when he rolls with her joke, and she raises her hand, "me, I know Captain America, fucking punched him too," is she serious or still joking? Who knows. Either way, her attention shifts right back to Elektra, "so, you promised me a round...don't tell me that was a lie? I'd be hurt."

Elektra has posed:
"Matt it a tattletale," Elektra complains. "What else did he say?"

Of course, Chris is introducing himself, which requires a moment to regard his hand before shaking it lightly. "Chris, did you say? And SHIELD?" Oh, she knows SHIELD. Her little pet hacker works for them, too. Of course he's going away soon. Shame that, but no help for it.

A nod for Zhoa, who still might be a problem, before turning to the bartender, "A round for everyone. If they're here, they're on me. Consider it part of who knows Captain America day pre-celebrations."

Zhao Lin has posed:
    Zhao Lin glances from Chris to the two women who were also talking about Lara, and he takes another drink from his bottle of whisky. Back to Chris, he says, "I am Zhao Lin. Ah... Lin Zhao, here in America." A brief, lopsided grin curls up one half of his muzzle. "I am also a friend. I suppose you could say she is my... benefactor, as well, for the time being." The unsteady sway of the leopardman makes it seem like he's about to fall over backwards, but he lands squarly on one of the barstools instead. He leans one elbow against the bar, resting his weight heavily upon it. "So you are a co-worker of Lara's," he muses, "At the school, oooor...?" He arches a brow again, letting the question trail off. It should be enough to suggest to Chris, at least, that Zhao Lin is well aware of Lara's -other- occupation.

Chris Redfield has posed:
Chris looks at Elektra as she shakes his hand and asks if he was SHIELD. "I didn't mention SHIELD." he looks at Elektra knowingly, before letting go of her hand to look at Jessica. "Good for you. Didn't catch your name, but oh well." He turns his head back to Zhao. "I help her find artifacts sometimes." he states. "But she's the artifact hunter. I just help her find it." he shrugs. attention falling back on Elektra. "Kind of you."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"One of his many lovable qualities," Jessica grins at Elektra. There might be something left unsaid in those words, but Elektra probably would pick on it regardless of it being spoken or not.

"I'll just call you Lin, all the Chinese pronounciation was meant to torture people," Jessica gives her two cent of a complex language she doesn't have the time, nor desire to study. It all sounds like jumbled syllables to her anyway. Looking from Zhao to Chris, Jessica laughs, "are you high? Does that one man murder squad looks to you like he works at a school?" She then glances at Chris, "no offense, you got that grizzled look about you."

Reaching for her freshly served glass, Jessica downs it while muttering, "can't catch my name, it always runs away on time."

Elektra has posed:
Elektra quirks a brow at Chris. "You didn't? Oh, my bad. Must have been something I overheard somewhere. These things, they get around somehow." She shrugs like she really has no clue where she might have heard it, or his name.

To Zhao, Elektra makes a small bow of greeting, and murmurs a traditional phrase in Mandarin. Mostly equating to the honour of making one's presence known, and the sharing of a drink with friends. Her accents are flawless.

Zhao Lin has posed:
    Zhao Lin's brow arches slightly as he again glances to Elektra, but then he focuses on Jessica. "People are often more than what they seem," he tells her. There's a pause where he glances around at the other three present in the otherwise quiet bar. "I expect that to be true of all of you, now more than ever." He takes another drink from his bottle of whisky. He stands up again, only to be greeted more formally by Elektra. He pauses and blinks, and then grins broadly. He straightens up a little and bows in return, albeit noteably more unsteadily. He replies in Mandarin. "<I have not met many who speak my language with such perfection>," he tells her, "<I would be honored to share a drink with you>." He asks the bartender for a couple glasses now, and pours a few fingers of whisky for himself and offers Elektra the other. "And what can I call you?" he asks her, before grinning to Jessica as well. "If you give me your name, I will gladly share my drink with you, as well." Finally Zhao Lin remembers what he was talking about with Chris, and turns back to the man. "Right, artifacts. She -does- do that, yes. I accompany her now and then, as well. Or rather... She accompanies me, of late. We are planning a journey to Tibet in the coming days, in fact, in search of a particular one."

Chris Redfield has posed:
Chris simply looks at Jessica as she calls him a one man death squad. Well, she's not wrong! Chris was a killing machine, to be certain. But he gives her a small smile as she only somewhat apologizes. "Don't worry about it. I get it a lot, surprisingly." BECAUSE IT'S TRUE. though her muttering does earn a small chuckle. "Guess I'll have to show up early."

Then a look to Elektra. She already knows too much about him. But...oh well. He doesn't speak Mandarin, so he doesn't know what is said between Elektra and Zhao. Regardless, he looks to Jess. "I take it you don't also speak Mandarin?" he asks curiously, before he looks to Zhao. "Fun. Let me know if you need a hand."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica stares at Elektra when she not only manages Zhao Lin's name to perfection, but actually says something in Chinesian or other. Whatever those damned languages are called. "Fuck you are mutli-talented...do you get your karate skills for free when you can talk the language?" Jessica goes with a regular play from her playbook. The table was getting crowded after all. Who knows, maybe she offends Zhao Lin enough. Maybe even Elektra, though, seems like fat chance there.

When Zhao gives his Wise Sage insight, Jessica rolls her eyes and leans back in her chair. "People are often more than they seem? Bravo Mr. Holmes, you just solved humanity." She then goes about briefly pointing at each of them, "testostrone," is what Chris gets, "manipulative bitch," is what Elektra gets, "wiseass drunk," is what Zhao gets, and she concludes with, "and I'm the worst asshole in this entire place, ok, happy? More than seems to all of us." She looks a bit agitated as she peers at her glass, already emptied, and snaps towards the bar, "look, can you just get me a whole bottle? Sheesh!"

When Chris asks if she also doesn't speak Mandarin, she snorts, "what you think? I talk people language, not made up martial arts movie language."

Elektra has posed:
Elektra inclines her head to Lin. "A misspent youth, you might say. I don't get to employ my skills as much as I once did."

Which is actually something of a lie. She employs all of her skills - both physical and verbal - on a very regular basis. And if she's only claiming to have spoken Mandarin as a child, she's lying. But Zhao might not know that - certainly Jessica and Chris won't. And if Zhao does, perhaps it's nothing more than a message. Something to follow up upon later.

"It would most certaily be my honour to share a drink." She speaks to include the others. "Perhaps we should take a table, the four of us?"

Zhao Lin has posed:
    Since Jessica is already at a table, when Elektra suggests they do just that, Zhao Lin walks over in her direction. The bottle of whisky, even though a third of it is gone already, is set down in front of the self-proclaimed "worst asshole". A peace offering, perhaps, as he pulls out a chair and slumps into it. "I am more than just a wiseass drunk," he says, "I am also a master of zui quan gongfu. There is no one greater." The drunken leopard lifts a hand to waggle his finger with a grin. "Do not let my appearance fool you." To his knowledge, of course, none of these people are yet his enemy, so he feels no reason to keep something like that a secret.

Chris Redfield has posed:
"testosterone.." Is all Chris says before he turns his head to Elektra at her words. "If you want." and he simply pulls up a chair and takes a seat, sipping on his glass of whiskey before he looks at Zhao. "Huh...alright." he then looks at Jessica as she continues her snark. "Hm, didn't know martial arts movies were the basis for mandarin chinese." he shrugs lightly, still sippin'

Jessica Jones has posed:
"You're right," Jessica concurs with Zhao, "you're not just a wiseass drunk, you're also an arrogant fuck." She smirks a little, because she's sure Danny would have something to say about the leopard's bravado. Actually, now is one of the few times she wishes Danny was in there with her. It would have been hilarious.

As Chris casts doubt at her theory on the origin of the Chinese languages, Jessica scoffs, "get with the program dude, everybody knows that."

Elektra has posed:
Elektra's lips turn up at the edges as she sits with Jessica. "Manipulative bitch? You really do like me, don't you?"

"And you'll be sorely disappointed if Jackie Chan was your source of all things Chinese," Chris is told. "Though I do like that theory. Full of holes, but amusing."

Zhao Lin has posed:
    Zhao Lin chuckles and takes a drink from what is now his glass of whisky. "Perhaps so," he says to Jessica, before reaching over to pick up the bottle again, using it to refill her glass. "But I am also the one with alcohol," he says, "And it is considered rude not to share." The leopardman settles back in his chair again, glancing across the three seated with him now at the table. "This night has become interesting," he muses, "I do not often meet so many new people at once."

Chris Redfield has posed:
Chris simply looks at Jessica and rolls his eyes, before looking to Elektra. "Sarcasm at it's finest." of course he was talking about his own words previously, but befeore he can look at Zhao and respond, his phone goes off in a vibrating manner, and he pulls it out to look at it. "Damn. Well, I was on call so....thanks for the drinks." he downs the rest of what he was drinking. and sets the glass down. "Nice meeting you, Classy, Manipulative Bitch, Arrogant Fuck." he looks at all present with a grin, partially mocking Jessica at how she introduced them all to each other. "Testosterone out." and he gives a peace sign and proceeds to leave. "In all honesty, it was nice meeting all of you. Hope to meet you all soon." and he heads out.

Elektra has posed:
For her part, something catches Elektra's attention out of the corner of her eye, and whatever it is has her rising from her seat, drinks almost completely untouched.

"My apologies. It seems I've some business I forget needed tending to. But while I'm at it, please, do come out to the opening of the Hugo Foundatio Building. It promises to be a good time."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Rising her glass at Elektra, Jessica snorts, "in this company? You're practically my favorite." One more drink is downed, and Jessica mutters at Elektra, "that's what I'm here for, to spread sunshine over everyone." She snorts when Chris uses the hidden qualities she came up with to mock Zhao as names, "see? Everyone's a thief in this town. Makes for plenty of work to PIs, so I'm fine with that." Getting up herself, she starts towards the door, "I certainly overstayed, I got a case to work...."

Zhao Lin has posed:
    Zhao Lin remains silent a moment as the others get up and depart. He chuckles softly, and leans forward to pick up the bottle again, pouring another glass of whisky. "More for me, I suppose," he says, and kicks his feet up on one of the other chairs, relaxing by himself now.