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Latest revision as of 07:35, 15 September 2018

If That's Deadzone, then who the hell is she
Date of Scene: 06 August 2018
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Deadzone, Cindy Larsen, Rage, Mason Steele, Professor X, Kid

Deadzone has posed:
A beautiful summer evening in New York state. The sky a pale blue before it will start to deepen as the sun sets, the light hum of the fans that dot the mansion to keep people cool cause an ever present white noise.

Most of the people that remain in the mansion year round are out and about. Some are in the city, some are just in the backyard swimming in the pool. A select few have decided they want to just stay indoors where the air conditioning is. One of those people is the Gothabilly Home Ec teacher, Tatum. She sits in her favourite comfy chair, one leg over the other with her high heel bouncing up and down as she reads a book.

Cindy Larsen has posed:
    The Rec Room has become a more frequent hang-out of Cindy's over the last couple days. As the sun sets in the distance, the leopard-girl slips into the room, carrying a couple books under one arm. The leopard-girl heads towards the fountains first, and sets her things on the counter to pour herself a soda. Her tail sways a little bit, dancing back and forth while she hums softly to the music playing from her earbuds. Once she's got her drink, she grabs her books off the counter and heads towards the beanbag chairs, intending to settle in and get some of her homework done.

Rage has posed:
Heading into the Rec Room is Andrea, who as always gets a bit of a greeting from the student body wherever she goes. Being the 'popular' girl on campus, as well as a globally recognized superstar, she takes it all in stride as she waves and smiles to those who call out to her. She has a guitar slung over her shoulder, filled with stickers and autographs from her days touring, and a notebook in her hand. It seems she is off for her traditional crash on a chair and write down some lyrics mood.

Deadzone has posed:
Cindy and Andrea come into the rec room to find it mostly quiet. Yes, there are students here, but most are out enjoying the sunshine. The large screen television is on as one of the students plays a video game. Tatum is keeping an eye on the students, but for the most part letting them do what they want to do and keeping her nose in her book. All in all, it's just a tranquil day with no drama or thrills. Until...

The student playing on the video game starts to smack their controller, grumbling at it and saying it's not working. Someone suggests that maybe it needs new batteries. The video game junkie grumbles and gets up only to yell at the other student for changing the channel of his game which the battery suggesting student claims they didn't do.

The screen flickers and shifts, changing from the game to the viewpoint of a security camera with someone's face looking right into the eye. Their face fills the screen. The person who is in the screen can only be described as a They, because their appearance seems to be in a state of flux, ever changing. Race, gender, features; the longer one looks at the person, the more one realizes that the person on the screen is never the same person twice.

"Is this working? Please let this be working." Another voice calls out from behind them. A familiar voice. "Trust in your gift. Act as if it is working exactly as you know it should. And... hurry? We don't have much time."

Cindy Larsen has posed:
    Cindy is just getting settled in with her schoolwork when she hears the commotion by the TV. She looks up from her textbook as she was flipping through it, just in time to see the screen flicker and the face show up. And speak. She watches it a moment, then muses mostly to herself, "Must be another weird sci-fi movie." Probably someone sat on the remote, or one of the technopaths changed it to play a prank. Either way, Cindy pays it no particular mind at the moment, and goes back to her studies, sitting with her legs crossed and her book in her lap. She notices Andrea, as well, and offers her a smile and a little wave of her fingers along with the short glance her way.

Rage has posed:
Tilting her head over, Andrea pushes up to her feet and heads over curiously. "That's not a sci fi movie." She says as she brushes her hair back behind her ear, shooing one of the kids away. Leave it to the Hollywood queen to tell the difference.

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum looks up from her book as the commotion starts. She is about to say something when the tv screen flickers and starts showing a person who looking at too long might cause a headache. She's about to agree with Cindy when she hears the other voice. She knows that voice. She should. It's hers. Her eyes go a little wider as she pays more attention to the screen. She's not the only one now watching with rapt attention.

The appearance fluid person (they take the term gender fluid to a whole new level) looks back to the camera after nodding to the voice behind them. "This is a distress call to the X-Men. Deadzone has been here with me... I don't even know anymore. Time has no meaning here. It's just one game after another." They step to the side enough that you can see behind them. Long corridors, like something out of a sci-fi show. Behind the shifter is a person that looks vaguely familiar. It's Tatum. Sort of. Her hair is cropped short, black tips on dirty blonde hair as if she hadn't dyed her hair in months. She's wearing her X-Man uniform and holding her kiyoga at the ready to fight. She doesn't look friendly and warm, she looks hard, mean, stern. And whoever this actress is, she's been working out a lot more then Tatum because she's muscular. There are bruises, some wounds and a couple of healing scars on this version of Deadzone too. Ms. O'Neal's eyes go wide as she looks at someone who looks very much like her, if she let herself go and worked out twice as often.

"His name is Mojo. He runs some sort of movie or tv thing. Every day he puts us in some sort of show. We don't know how much more of this we can take. Please!"

Rage has posed:
"Who the hell is Mojo?" Andrea trails off as she looks to Tatum, then back to the screen. ".. You look like Sarah Connor from Terminator in there." She drawls out as she rises up to her full height again. "This is pretty freaking. I don't know what's going on, but that's scary." Looking to Cindy, she says, "We should tell Jean."

Cindy Larsen has posed:
    Cindy blinks and looks back up at Andrea, then to the TV. She watches, like everyone else in the room, with rapt attention. Finally she glances towards Tatum. Cindy doesn't know what to make of it. Andrea's suggestion is met with a worried look from the leopard-girl, who nods her head in response. "Yeah. That was pretty weird," she agrees. She glances towards Tatum again, her tail giving a nervous twitch. It's clear this message is quite disconcerting for Cindy!

Deadzone has posed:
As the whole room watches with rapt attention, they watch as "Deadzone" turns to the shifter. "She's tracked us. Shut it down and get out of here. I'll cover you. You can't get caught. Go!" The shifter is fiddling with wires and clips when down the hallway, a woman can be seen. Tall, armored, with multiple arms and a sword in each one. "Deadzone" turns her back on the camera as it flickers back to the game, preparing to battle the amazon. "I've been wanting to do this for months," is the last thing she is heard to say.

Everyone seems to look to Ms. O'Neal, who looks utterly stunned. "Well, I don't know who that actress is, but if they ever make a movie of my life, I want her playing me. I wonder what that show is called! Looks amazing!"

Rage has posed:
"I don't think that was a movie at all. That was real time." Andrea says as she walks around behind the TV to look at it, then back to the screen. She reaches out and gives it a few taps on the glass with her french cut nail. Tap-tap. "You see that lady with the arms? That was crazy."

Cindy Larsen has posed:
    Cindy frowns a little, her tail twitching again. She's glancing between Tatum and Andrea, as the latter goes and inspects the TV. It's clear she doesn't know what to make of this. "Was that, uh, something from your past, Ms. O'Neal?" she asks. She glances back to the TV, but it's just on the game again now. "Where do you think it came from?" she asks Andrea.

Deadzone has posed:
"How do you know it was real time?" the real Tatum asks. She gets up to go look at the tv as well, making sure all the cables are where they are supposed to be. She looks to the students that are all staring at her. And not in the way she likes to be stared at. "No, not from any past that I know. But, maybe that's another dimensional me? From a dimension without hair dye and make-up?"

Rage has posed:
"How do I know it was real time? Six years as a leading actress in the industry." Andrea says as she watches the TV again for a few moments. "Also, I know how a TV works." She says with an amused grin. "Also, this is mutant school, where weird shit happens on the daily. There was too much coincidental weird there to not be faked. I think we should tell Miss Grey and Mister Summers about this."

Cindy Larsen has posed:
    Cindy nods in agreement. "We definitely need to tell somebody," she says, glancing between Andrea and Tatum, "If that was real, that was a cry for help and I don't think they'd want to ignore it." Her eyes shift from Andrea to Tatum, and Cindy chews on her lip a moment. "...It could be another dimension, but that doesn't make it any less real. If we can help them, we should..."

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason, completely oblivious to what has just occured, walks in from the kitchen. He has a large frosted mug with some ice cream in it, and he heads over to the soda fountain.
    The other music star on campus. "Sup everybody," he says casually, walking across the room and starting to pour some root beer to make a float.

Professor X has posed:
     Heralded by the classic sound of the wheels turning, literally and figuratively, the Headmaster of the School, Professor Charles Xavier enters the rec room after coming to the conclusion that he should come and see his students. Not only because he loves all of them like a grandfather loves his grandchildren, but it's good to arrive just so they all know that he's //there//.

     He smiles to everyone present. "Hello, students. I hope you all aren't up to anything too troubling?" he says with a kind and warm smile on his face as he wheels himself closer. Wearing a rather stylish suit with a fun tie today.

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum takes a deep breath, rubbing at her temples as she mutters under her breath. What is it with her and dimension hopping. And now a duplicate her? Well, that actually makes some sort of sense if it's another dimensional version of her. "I was really hoping we would never hear the name Mojo ever again. And if this is Mojo, we need to be careful. It could be a trap."

Charles was quite likely coming because he could sense the distress coming from the rec room. Something happened here. Something big.

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason stops pouring, the foam from the float coming over his drink. He stops to slurp the foam off, and then add a little root beer. Getting the vibe that all is not well, he looks over his shoulder. "Why's everybody actin' like somethin' bad's goin on?" he asks. "Hey Professor X, nice tie. Want an ice cream float?"

Cindy Larsen has posed:
    Cindy blinks a couple of times, her tail twitching. She's still sitting on one of the bean bags, books in her lap, looking between Andrea and Tatum. Mason's arrival, followed shortly by Charles, causes Cindy to finally get to her feet. It's unlikely Charles didn't already know what was going on. "It's because something bad's going on, Mason," she says across the room to him, "The TV just flickered out, and we got what sounded like a distress call through it. Like it was in some other dimension." She glances towards Tatum again, and Cindy bites her lip. "Who's Mojo?" she asks Tatum, though it was in a quieter tone so as not to sound accusatory.

Professor X has posed:
     Charles looks at Mason curiously as he calls out everyone's present behavior, though at the offer of ice cream, Charles smiles. "Oh, I would love some. Thank you, Mason." though those old eyes shift to Tatum. "Mojo?" Charles says with a small look of concern on his face. Of course he was lured by the emotional distress flashing like a beacon from the minds of the youth in this room.

     Though his eyes do look to Cindy. "What happened here? Don't spare a detail." Charles says with clear worry in his eyes. If his students are in danger...

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum looks over to Charles as he enters and sighs. "This would be so much easier if you could just grab everything you need out of my head," she says by way of apology that her power keeps the telepath out of her head. Sometimes, that's not a good thing. She winces as she is asked who Mojo is. "Some other dimensional being. In his world, everything is a movie or a show. He ruined Rogue's wedding last year for ratings. Captured Gambit. Left a dead Gambit clone here. We rescued him, but we don't know really if it is just another Gambit clone or our Remy."

Mason Steele has posed:
    "Mojo? Like the youtube channel?" he asks. He takes a sip of his root beer float. "I hear ya, that channel sucks. They pull every cheap trick in the boat just to get clicks. I dunno about any wedding stuff." He's definitely out of the loop. He moves over to the couch, plopping unceremoniously into it.

Cindy Larsen has posed:
    Cindy blinks in surprise at the response she gets from Tatum. Not knowing quite how to respond to that, her eyes turn to Mason, then to Charles. "Maybe, um, maybe Ms. O'Neil should explain," she says, "She... probably could better than I could!" Her tail gives a nervous twitch behind her, and she glances to Tatum again. "...Other dimensions is kind of a lot more complicated than I like things to get in my life. I've still got algebra to worry about!"

Professor X has posed:
     Mason isn't the only one out of the loop. Tilting his head softly to Tatum. "Interdimensional being? A show?" He seems to sigh lightly. "Well, that reminds me of the monsterous creature that Gambit told me about some time ago but I thought they destroyed him.." he rubs his chin as he talks silently to himself before looking to Mason. "Not so much about YouTube young man, but you'd know more about that form of entertainment than I."

     Eyes shifting to Tatum then. "Yes, I know...I apologize for that. But unless I give an extreme amount of effort, your mind's natural defenses are too much to break through on casual extent." he teases. "I could likely find out if Gambit is a clone or not."

Kid has posed:
Kid, in his human illusion pokes his head into the room. He has been kind of...squating at the mansion using his illusions, curiouse about the place. But upon noticing the commotion comming from the rec room, he decides to check it out.
    Kid blinks as he notices Mason, not beleiving he was here. But besides Cindy there was no one here he quite recogozed. His signs in wonder, his watch speaking for him "What is going on here?" as he was as much out of the loop as Proffsor X and mason apparently.

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum leans against the wall by the tv and looks to the Professor. She groans and shakes her head. "I really hate extra dimensional stuff," she reminds him. No surprise there. She's not originally from this dimension herself. "We thought we destroyed him, but are we ever realy that lucky?" She looks then to Mason. "Not Youtube. Or at least, I don't think Youtube. Unless he's posting videos on our world for more ratings."

Ms. O'Neal, the goth Home Ec teacher, whom many students have referred to as one of the 'cool' teachers, nods her head to Kid. "We seem to have gotten some sort of distress call. From me."

Mason Steele has posed:
    "Another dimension?" Mason asks. "Isn't that just movie stuff?" He sits up a little straighter. "You're actually serious? What does he want? And wait, you sent the distress signal?" He glances around the room. "I um..." He glances at Kid, not realizing that he is the same from the Hugo building. It was a busy night that night.
    "I think maybe we should start over. You sent a distress signal, right? And that was because you heard that...Mojo? is coming." He pauses. "And Mojo is some paparazzi dude from another dimension who likes to make TV shows of some sort? Like, sports? Or Reality? Or sy-fy channel? Or I guess that doesn't matter. he's a boob tuber. So now he needs to be stopped from making bad TV shows. Do I got that all straight?" He makes a face, considering the story he just recited.

Cindy Larsen has posed:
    Cindy slowly rubs her temples. "It's making me dizzy to think about," the teenager says, "No, it was... Ugh." She sighs and shakes her head. "It was two people. I don't know what one of them was, but the other one looked like Ms. O'Neil, just... Like, the punk rock version of her instead of... gothy." Kid's arrival is met with a friendly smile from the leopardess. "Hi, Kid," she greets him, having decided to use the one someone else had called him until he can tell her what he prefers. She looks at Mason again, then Charles, telling them, "They said they were trying to reach the X-Men. They looked like they were in trouble; before the feed cut out some four-armed woman showed up with swords and attacked..." She glances at Tatum. "...Attacked the person who looked like Ms. O'Neal."

Professor X has posed:
     CHarles looks then to Cindy, taking a breath as she explains further on Tatum apparently receiving distress signals from herself? Very interesting. Though he listens closely to Cindy's words. He blinks then. "O'Neal?" Charles says with a sadness to his features. "I pray she is alright....though she knows how to handle herself, certainly." he says in the '...I hope' kind of way. Either way, he takes a breath, looking to Mason.

"In....a manner of speaking."

Kid has posed:
Kid listens for a long moment. It was confusing to say the least. He scratches his head but none the less returns the smile to Cindy before listening to everyone else. This brought up some questions. He signs "so...who are these x-men?" he looks to Tatum not having have met her "But still" he signs "Sounds like an interesting adventure if there is two of you" he signs.

Deadzone has posed:
Walking over to her favourite comfy chair, Ms. O'Neal flumps down in a momentary succumbing to defeat. "Yes, Mason, they are very, very real. And I don't know what he wants. I just know what I saw. A distress call from two people, one of them looking a lot like me. They said they were being held by Mojo. Made to perform in shows. They asked for us to come save them. That's all I know. I don't know if that was me from another dimension, or me from the future or a clone of me. Heck, it could have all just been a trap. I don't know." She looks to Charles, worried, upset. But Cindy manages to get a smirk out of her. "I'd like to think even the Punk version of me would at least wear a little bit of shadow." She nods at Cindy's observation about the other warrior. "The other me talked like me. At least the things I say when I'm about to get into a fight." She smiles to Charles and nods. "If she is anything like me, and she's calling herself Deadzone, so she's at least met Scott, then yeah, she can handle herself. She was wearing my X Uniform, using my Kiyago. She looked a little buff though. She needs to work on higher reps and lower weight." Kid's comment about there being two of her gets a laugh. "I can only imagine what certain people will say about that."

Mason Steele has posed:
    "So..." Mason says. "If they are in another dimension, what are we supposed to do about it?" he asks. "I mean, if it's a trap, then we probably shouldn't do anything. If it's not a trap, what are we supposed to do about traveling to another dimension anyway?"

Professor X has posed:
     Charles takes a deep breath, a sigh touching his features as he looks to Tatum. "Well spoken, young lady." beforeh e also looks to Mason. "There are always means to travel between realms...and I know a friend or two who may be able to help."

His eyes look to Kid. "The X-Men, according to the media at least, are heroes of suspected mutant origin and are trailblazers for the mutant cause. I personally do not mind what or who they are. As long as they make a difference for the better and help make the lives of mutants better because of it." Charles being publically a long trailblazer for mutants in his own right.

Kid has posed:
kid signs to Charles, the watch still speaking for him "Oh, one of those group. Kinda like the avenger but more secretive?" he shrugs than "well, they sound neat at least. I will take your word for it Baldy, got no reason to, got no reason not to." This was all done casually, clearly indicating he had zero ideal who Charles was.

But than Kid eyes roam and /lock/ onto Mason, his lips curl back revealing his overly large canines as he signs aggresively almost enthuasticly "If it is a trap, you break it...or better yet kill it. Hate traps. And if it is not....well than find a way! How often do you get to say you traveled to another dimension! Sides, baldy knows peeps!" he let out a beastial chuckle - it was likely in good humor? hard to tell really.

He looks back to Tatum and Cindy "Regardless....are we going after you? Well them...wait..." a pause. X-uniform, X-men, Deadzone. "....Imma guess your an X-man" the clues were there at the very least.

Deadzone has posed:
When Kid refers to Charles as Baldy, she can't help but smile. Her eyes wrinkle with mirth. And then, he goes on about what one does with traps. She nods. "Traps don't mean you don't go in, Mason. It means you go in with knowledge that they are there, so you can find them and break them." Rising to her feet, she goes to pour herself a soda. "I think we should go after them, but I'm not in charge. We'll have to talk to others."

Kid catches what she said about her uniform and she nods. "Yes, on my homeworld, I was an X-man," she says, not lying, but also not revealing that she is still one on this world. "I was given the codename of Deadzone because of my field of nullification. I was taught how to use it to help people."

Mason Steele has posed:
    "Well," Mason says. "I guess that's a job for the X-men," he comments. "I mean, I'm just a student. Not much I can do about that stuff." He takes another sip of his root beer float, then stirs it with the spoon. "But if your Mojo guy is happy to trade for like, a concert or something, let me know. But I don't wanna go to some other dimension, we'll just stream it, okay?"

Cindy Larsen has posed:
    Cindy has to stifle a giggle when Kid calls Charles 'baldy'. It's really quick, though, and she clears her throat, blushing again. The leopardine girl's tail twitches. She shakes her head, then. This was kind of above and beyond her level of expertise. She glances to Mason and nods. "I should get back to my homework," she agrees, "They'll figure something out." Cindy smiles to Tatum, and then crouches down to collect her books off the floor.

Kid has posed:
Kid snorts at Cindy and Mason response and signs "Well that is a load of Bull. You fellas got the message not them! Could be a once" a look to Tatum "or twice in a lifetime opportunity!" he notes.
    Of course, getting one education isn't so bad, and not everyone has to be a hero. He eyes the books a moment and than the other teachers and students with a hmmm. Internally hoping perhaps a chance to ride on this adventure would be had.

Deadzone has posed:
Ms. O'Neal seems shaken by what whas seen. Understandable really. Seeing yourself asking for help can be a little disturbing. She sips at her soda and then puts it down. Then picks it up. And then puts it down again. Her brow furrows deep in thought. "If you'll excuse me. I think I'll talk to Dr. McCoy about this. He might have some insights." That's code for 'I think the other X-Men need to know about this.' Kid gets a smile. "As long as we can get back to this one, it might not be so bad. I have no asperations on getting lost in another dimension. Again." She dips her head in way of a good-bye, the Professor getting a hand on his shoulder with a warm, affectionate squeeze one might give a favourite uncle.