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Latest revision as of 07:42, 15 September 2018

For Your Eyes Only
Date of Scene: 06 August 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Gambit, Peggy Carter

Gambit has posed:
Peggy Carter of SHIELD is rather prolific in the espionage world, where applicable. Those who know things know. Those who don't, well, they get whatever story they're expected to believe. She gets some measure of acknowledgement and even requests from up and coming operatives or those who want to get a foot in. This time around the request is different and an encrypted word hidden inside the simple text pieced together as "Black Air'.

The marble accented apartment is impressive enough clean, expansive, nicly glossed shoes on the frontdoor man and actual security.

The apartment's central hallway right now empty, the bar and lounge area on a monday night surprisingly packd with residents and their guests, soft music, a quiet enough mosphere most here know eachother so its moreloud talking and laughter tha dancing, at least for the moment.

How Peggy finds her way past the entryway is on her, the doorman with his oversized head, tiny cap and button up shirt looks like a bruiser from an old Noir movie, straight to his fattened lip and cauliflower ear.
A blind date of sorts, Agent Carter has no idea who she is meeting, if this is a trap or even just some hoax....

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peggy Carter has never had a hard time getting into places like this either, and getting her name onto the guest list wasn't very difficult either. So how does she get in? Right through the front door. She'd arrived via a town car from the Triskelion and adjusted a light jacket she has on over a casual styled dress of dark red and deep blue. Her hair is done up in thick curls and they rest perfectly about her head and shoulders.

A sweet smile is given to the door man, her crimson lips doing everything to tell the tale of this classy woman to the men of this establishment who are lucky enough to interact with her.

Once inside, Peggy speaks to the wait staff and they show her to her table, she walks through the joint turning heads no different today than she did back in 'her day' ... sure some things have changed in this world, but more than that hadn't changed... such as her ability to make a room notice her when she wanted it too.

Gambit has posed:
The doorman offers a nod as she passes, his voice shockingly squeaky for a man so brawny.

The head turns and whispers from the residents and their guests a usual, Peggy stands out and shes already got some of them mirror checking or double taking themselves. Likely long enough here shes going to have company thats not who she is here for.

The table is situated towards the southeastern corner by one of the windows, a booth that is high and shaded enough she'll have some privacy. The eating area not as occupied as the lounge or bar, an additional plus.

The waitress offers drinks, informs her of the specials and zips away with a waspy frame and curt voice...
The waitress pauses only to evade the man in the suit walking towards Peggy's table. Where he came from a good guess as he wasn't sitting in the crowd earlier, a brunette with shades, his suit dark, fancy, pointed shoes that may be boots under there and a deep purple tie.

"Bonjour." He extends while motioning across from her, "You waiting on someone in particular or may I have a seat?"
Now Peggy easily got in here, its low key, off the books. Under the radar, perfect for clandestine operations and it took little tug or notice for her to pull a string to get in easy, the sort of things that don't draw notice from higher ups or her peers.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peggy is seated and getting settled by the time the man approaches and asks her that question in a kind and approachable sort've way. She looks up at him and after a second of soaking in his presence she smiles softly. "Have a seat." She says, motioning across the table to him with a free hand, while placing her hands together on her lap and sitting perfecture postured in her chair. "I'm Margaret, Carter." A small pause slipped in between her name because that generally makes a full name more memorable than combining them without such.

"What brings you here tonight, Mister...?" She then fishes for his name in return.

Gambit has posed:
"A nice name, tastes old world, dont think I ever met a Margaret before. I like dat." The lean nicely dressed male slides in across from her, his hands folding up together before him, that earlier smile he adopted still present as he studies her from behind those black reflective lenses, "You sure a sight. What that you wearing? Not a perfume I recognize."

"Remy LeBeau." He replies, "I owe a favor to a friend or three, told them I would be here. Got a text an' been sitting, no interest piqued until you come on in."
"May as well mingle, non?" The Cajun accent heard in and out as he speaks, like it some times just slips.

Peggy Carter has posed:
A smile is given to the man with the Cajun accent. "Oh, yes, my parents were... from another time." She reflects upon her name before she folds her hands in her lap and keeps her eyes trained on the man with the reflective lenses across from her, her British accent about to explain more of what she's about to say. "Its an original scent from a shop called 'Floris' which is in London, Belgravia to be precise."

Her hazel eyes wander after he explains why he's here and she seems to be just looking the general occupants of the room over. "Mingling is always an acceptable thing." And her eyes return to him, a larger smile showing. "Well, perhaps not always." And with that the smile fades again and she raises her right hand to place her small chin into its palm. "So tell me, Mister LeBeau. What line of work is a man who holds an interest in the name of a lady's perfume do for a living?" And then a soft grin shows upon her red lips.

Gambit has posed:
"Weren't they all?" Remy inquires, "London, the lovely British accent, the perfume. I feel you far away from home, Margaret."

"Hopefully tonight it more than acceptable if not, well, then we have us a fun challenge." An elbow rises up and rests on the backing of the booth, one of his ankles crossing the other to sit over his knee, this gesture makes him knock it lightly against herss in a jolt, "Pardon.... "
"Me? Many things most days, more often I guess you can say acquisitions, imports, exports, trading..." A tip of his head at her, his eyes roam as the waitress returns with drinks, a Sazerrac for him and tall raspberry encircled drink for her, "I ordered for us when I seen you come in." A headstat... "Roffignac, a home town faorite. If you are not affraid of brandy."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Further than I can truly put to words." Peggy responds to the first part before she lowers her hand from her chin and places it on her lap again. She leans back against the back of her chair and watches him, feels him bump her leg, but she doesn't really respond to that. She does reach out though to accept the drink that he'd ordered for her and she draws it to herself with a soft and quiet responding movement of her red lips 'Thanks'.

She stirs the drink a little and then looks back up to him. "You have a quality taste in beverages, and I've never met a Brandy that instilled an ounce of fear in me." She states with a small smile before she sips from the glass.

"This is my first time here, Mister LeBeau, would you say this is an establishement worth visiting again?" Its idle chatter, but then again that often tells a lot about a person.

Gambit has posed:
"My kind of woman." LeBeau replies smoothly as his own drink hits his lips. "This is my first time as well, their drinks could use some work, less ice to them but... " He lowers his to shake it about so it rattles, "It serves it's purpose."
"So for that, ot worth the visit, no, for company of a certain brand, like myself. Why, then i say it is a five star establishment."

Upon lifting her drink something slips loose from under it, drifting down to the tabletop. The Cajun's eye's descend to look at it, dark brows arching up. "Someone slip you their phone number? You got faster game than me, chere." He seems to have no idea so likely, its not from him.

A room number is written across it and the letters B.A., nothing else.

Peggy Carter has posed:
And Peggy is smiling at the man as he says these things to her, she's about to respond to them with that little slip flutters out from beneath her drink and she catches it in her right hand then lowers her drink with the left and is turning it over to inspect it as he speaks to her further.

"Odd." She says. "Its a room... number, not a telephone number."

Peggy's eyes raise back up to him then. "Fast game, but its a little insulting to go quite that fast, wouldn't you say?" She then display the slip of paper over to Remy. "Does this ring any bells with you, Mister LeBeau?" Her glass is raised up again to get herself that sip she'd been interrupted on a moment before.

Gambit has posed:
"True, yes. Its the new generation way. They have apps to cut out all the fun in the middle, everything now jus' straight to business."
"Courting, a lil play, its becoming a lost artform. We all just becoming plug and plays." The man laments as he maintains his smile.
"No bells, Miss Carter but, I see you alone here to meet someone, me alone. It coincidence they not here and we are? Unlikely." Remy tips his glass up and drinks heavily, downing the whole thing.
"Clandestine. That the word... this maybe the best set up for a blind date I been on in...a long time."
"I go with you if you need? Maybe make sure it not David Hasslehoff laying in a bed of rose petals naked covered in wrinkled dogs."

"Wait... " He says, "No, I need to go wit you." He taps his fingertip at the paper, the B.A. "That why I am here." he adds with more caution. Getting quieter.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peggy gently nods her head to what he's saying, understanding his meaning of it for the most part even though she's only been in this timeline for a year now. She, for instance, has no idea who David Hasslehoff is as thats a name that went out of style a long time before today... in 2026.

"I think you might be right, Mister LeBeau." Peggy replies to him then. "So since you're familiar with this establishment, and you're clearly a smooth man when it comes to the game of seduction, I'm assuming you know your way around the hotel as a whole. Show me to this room and lets see who this is that believes I'm 'that fast' of a date." Peggy is smiling just a little while taking another sip of her drink and then moving to stand up from the table. "God help us, we can drag a little class back into this world." She mutters, though clearly loud enough for him to hear as well.

Gambit has posed:
"Smooth and seductive?" Remy turns his head enough to be looking at her from under one shade, red-black eye visible, "That means you finding me as appealing company as I am you. I'll take it and the invite." The long legged rogue slides free of the booth casually, offering her a hand up like a gentleman would because, hes been tutored by the Thieves Guild in such things and he has flare of his own to cater.

"You know, on the chance this get dangerous... you run and call the cops. Whatever happen, just in case." Though he says this, feeling chivalric he isn't completely brushing her aside in possibile capabilities, thats unwise. But its good to keep ones hand close to chest.
"Not say that I know this place though, like I said, a first time here."

The bar, lounge and lobby passed through and they're in an elevator up. The music quietly playing some old Michael Jackson sound. Upbeat compared to most lifts hes been in. He won't complain, he even starts to hum under his breath.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peggy uses his hand to rise up from the table as well because its old world tradition and in the right context its nots demeaning toward her womanhood, its a man offering to be a good person and up to this point she's seen no reason to believe he's anything but that... sure he may be looking for a 'good time' tonight, but that doesn't inherently make him a bad person.

"Fear not, Mister LeBeau, if danger arises, I'll be quite sure to let you take the brunt of it." She says, glancing over to him to show him a sly grin. She also doesn't care if people underestimate her, thats something she's more than used to and when push comes to shove? Thats only when it really matters what she's capable of.

They're through the lobby and into the elevator, and she... doesn't recognize the song thats playing, but she glances over to him as he's humming it. "A lovely song." She quietly notes. When the elevator comes to a stop, Peggy disembarsk and lets her eyes orientate on the floor they're on now, she finds the right direction and starts down it to the labeled room number they'd been given, she glances back to Remy... then turns to knock knuckles lightly against the door.

Gambit has posed:
"You are thoughtful too." Remy chuckles low. "Just the whole package." He compliments teasingly. "Besides, you spent some time on that hair, rather not see it get any sort of disrespect."

"A real classic." He says about the song, Billy Jean perhaps.

The door is soon before them, numbers clear and visible. Nothing special about it. As her fingers knock to it Remy steps to her left, arms folding across his chest as he leans in to the wall, like hes hiding from the eyehole or just getting comfortable. These small cautious movements. Telling.

"I been watching you move by the way, Miss Carter. You look real proper, proud... strong. Regal, but something about you different, like a dancer under all that. Them calves tell some stories too." His gaze descends...

The door at the knock swings in, already open a little. A room, large, lavish, an indoor hotub to one side with a bar next to it, a lounge, wide open windows that are floor to ceiling and a laptop on the round table near the mini-kitchen. It is open and on

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peggy's eyes go over to Remy as he settles in beside the door and speaks about his observations of her and how she carries herself. She has a definite response for that, but its too late to be given before the door is opened and it reveals a measure of the interior of the room.

Remy will note the woman looking around inside the room which suggests that nobody was on the other side of the door when it opened. "Hello?" Peggy then asks, confirming that.

She gives a very faint eye-glance to where Remy is, and then steps into the room through the threshold of the open doorway, holding her leather bag in front of her lap as she proceeds inward. Once inside she just takes a few more steps and then lets her head peer right to left... she looks very innocent, through her right hand is only a small distance from a revolver tucked into that leather purse she holds in front of her.

Gambit has posed:
"Posh room." Remy says as they both manage to wander further in, head's on swivels he pushes open the bathroom door and peers in, his voice echoing, "Put it away I'm coming in!" Classy. But he pokes his head back out and shrugs at Peggy.
"It just us, maybe someone really did set us up on a blind date, gave us a room and all. No champagne or wine out... a shame."

It is from all looks completely empty.
That laptop powers on, the screen going from black to blue and then a bright white, a light above a room? Yes on the screen is a blocky room. A shadowy figure in the center of it. The face cannot be made out, nothing can just a humanoid sillohuette.
"Greetings..." The voice, electronic distorted patches through the onboard speakers. "..Subjects Carter and LeBeau."

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peggy is doing her own wandering through the room, she glances over the hot tub and then continues on toward the laptop while her eyes look over to where Remy is located. A faint smirk is shown to the man to suggest this may have all been a setup to get the two of them into a room and a hot date kind of atmosphere, but no... thats not the feeling she's getting here.

And the laptop coming on like it does, showcasing what its showing now... She walks slowly toward it and watches. "I... don't think thats what we're here for." She says just before it speaks and says both of their names.

Peggy's hazel eyes look up to Remy's and she raises her dark eyebrows before looking back down to the laptop's screen to see what else this is about to, reveal.

Gambit has posed:
"Our Cupid." Remy says though hes getting the feeling this is about to turn unfun as it has been, "Anytime I get referred to as 'Subject' I find it's probably closing time."

"You are supposed to be professionals. This entire night has been rather amateur. Disappointed. Thank you for your participation this evening, I hope you enjoy it as it is your very last."

There is a sudden noise as the computer 'bleeps' and goes dark then around them the walls begin to tremble, shudder and clang as the wide windows are now sealed. The door slamming shut. Absolute darkness in the big room and then again, silence, only their breathing audible.

"Is this still... part of the date?" Remy ventures.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peggy's eyes are locked on the laptop's screen as she's gathering as much information as she possibly can. When the voice insults them and then... springs its trap Carter starts looking all around them and raises a communication device from her bag, before keying it on she mutters. "He calls us amateurs when he's using a Dell laptop." She'd learned enough about computers in the past year to know that Dell's are the worst!

"Agent Carter requesting SHIELD assistance at my location. I believe I've stumbled across an... enemy... to our causes." This will likely come across as somewhat of a surprise to Remy, that Peggy is now declaring herself some form of an Agent. CiA? NSA? Who knows!

She starts back toward the front doorway... or where it had been, and has to at least just straight-up test the most simplistic of exits, should it allow them out, it has to be tested first before they start dangling themselves out windows or trying to tear their way through a floor or ceiling.

Gambit has posed:
"What is a Dell? Oh. That geriatric thing... fo sure." Remy says his mind already playing back the rooms layout when they entered. There is a sudden illumination, like a large glow stick being held up and in his hand is a pen, a beautifully bright pink-swirling with purple one.

As Agent Carter sends her call out she is met with dead air. A blocked signal. No out capable. The fuzz and static on the other side says shes speaking in to the void.

"SHIELD Agent? Well, slap me. That the last of my guesses."
There is no way out, sealed, each and every portal to and from is walled completely and she'll find herself while testing one window feeling a vent? A gust of air and a quiet hiss noise. The room is getting filled with a taste, the odor not present but she can feel her tongue going numb...
"Cupid is gassing us." No doubt the woman recognizes a lethal nerve agent when shes a direct target of one even with the Cajun's obvious observation.

Peggy Carter has posed:
The front door was of course closed, her comm unit was deactivated and she tosses it back into her leather bag. "Works under every condition... my shapely hind quarters." Carter says while turning to walk back into the room toward the laptop, staying completely calm... but walking with determination. Her eyes drift back over to Remy. "How does a hotel such as this get a 'feature' like this and no one notices?" She asks the man.

She notes the glowing pen he's holding and she pauses, looks him over a little more closely and then nods once. "Is that a super power?" She asks him then. "You're the Light Provider?" She doesn't yet realize thats Remy's power is an explosive one.

She shifts about to look toward the hissing vent and she releases a sigh, pulls her gun from its holster in her bag and holds it now at her side. "We need to put something over that vent to seal it off." She quickly starts to remove her jacket and walks toward the vent, apparently putting herself in direct harm with the gas, though likely hoping not to breath any of it in before she can steal the vent up.

Gambit has posed:
"Follow the money." Remy remarks about the hotel itself.
"A spell." He teases, "Mutant gift, superpower, blessing, whichever you want to pick."

"I'll show you some more of my magic tricks later." He teases, a blurry flicker washing through his eyes and he stumbles.
"No, step back, let me... " A fling of that pen and it lights a tracer through the air then hits the window seal, exploding, rattling the wall but only putting a dent in it.

"Shit, we don't have time."
"The bathroom! Get in the bathtub... this gonna be a big one." Remy thrusts open the bathroom door as he passes by it, soon starting to shove and throw everything in a haste against the front door, piling it there. His eyes begin to glow, streamers of energy coiling out of them...

"I dunno how big this going to be, hopefully not kill us faster than the gas. Just... trust me."

Peggy Carter has posed:
Carter stops when that little explosion dents the armored wall blocking them both. She now looks back to Remy. "A mutant?" She says to him in that surprised British sort've way. With a heavy exhale, Peggy turns to the restroom and starts toward it. "Hopefully the kind that can get us out of here..." She mutters before making it to the bathtub and removing her shoes then sitting down on the edge of it.

"This is intolerable." She mutters before a moment passes and she's slipped herself down into the tub which is thankfully dry of any water.

"If you do get us out of here, I'll reward you with another date." She says at the first chance she can to speak to him while he's doing whatever it is he's doing. Her jacket however, is lifted up over her head to block her from what she assumes is going to be an even larger Mutant-charged explosive attack against he main exit. Surely it'll set off some kind of hotel alarms that will at least get the Fire Department and NYPD up here, if nothing else.

Gambit has posed:
"A mutant, the best kind." Remy says as he at some point had taken off his suit's jacket and rolled up his sleeves, he looks like a strange pink-fire eyed monster right now. Once shes around the corner its a hair later and hes jumping in to the tub as well, rougher than intended but hes clearly in a hurry. "Dis one not yet over." He says loudly before splaying out one arm and his upperbody over her.
Through the cracks of the doorway she can see the glowing pink-fuscia blaze thats been created out there, the brightness of a charged pile of contents thats about to go off....
Then it happens, the shuddering from earlier pale in comparission as the blast pounds off the door, bursts through the room with concussive force, knocks everything off the walls in the immediate vicinty. The mirror fragments in a burst, piping snaps and water sprays in all directions and the ringing in their ears makes all sounds only that. A long loud ring, everything muffled beyond it, at worst her hair is fucked up and she looks like she needs to be doing the walk of shame home, his hair is swept to one side, covered in smears of soot and shirt is ripped up, falling off.
Standing up out of the tub above her he looks around, the hallway visible from where theyre at now. People are running and a fire alarm is going off, they likely dont hear it. The halls are flooded with residents trying to get out stairwells and elevators.

Remy plucks a cigarette out of pants pocket and holds it against an open electrical wire thats got a flame trickling off of it, a second later its in his mouth and hes taking a drag.

Turning he says something that comes out like a Peanut's parent, all wahwahwah and hes extending his hand to her, to guide her from the wreckage and to join the others in their mad escape.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Its not often that Peggy Carter has to huddle for her life, but a bomb... even if planted by 'an ally'... is reason enough to get her to do so. So with jacket up, she can feel him braving the blast by shielding her further even... and once its all over? She's partially drenched from exploded pipes and soot sticking to her, she sighs while laying there in the tub. "So much for a bloody night out."

His offered hand to help her up is taken, she's certainly in a soured mood but as she rises up, she starts to slide her jacket back on, and toss her hair back out of her face, using her hands to smooth wet the wet locks back... she walks to the counter and grabs a towel off of the metal loop there, dabs at herself around her eyes and cheeks then tosses it down on the counter.

"Mister LeBeau." Carter says then as she lets him guide her toward the exit, but pauses to retrieve that laptop on her way. "Thank you for the exit. Its been a lovely evening, sort of... Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go figure out who did this. And then shoot them with a gun." And with that said, she starts off into the hallway, whether he follows her or not is up to him.

Gambit has posed:
Remy's shielding large in part because its his mutant power and he can weather some of it, though, he can still also hurt himself with it. Hes been blinded and almost blown his hands off before...
"Not even a kiss on the cheek or digit swap?" He jests as they make their way out of the building, he is going with her actually, "I'll at least walk you to your car, belle." Strength in numbers and not yet safe. "Which, everything bout you real good, cept dis whole SHIELD Agent thing... "