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Latest revision as of 05:14, 16 September 2018

A not so Vile Violin
Date of Scene: 14 August 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kid, Smart Alek

Kid has posed:
With recent revelations - Kid almost didn't get out today. But his assigned officer, agaist his better judgement, brings out out. This day they head for Forest Park - which has tons of forested areas and open green spaces. Compared to the Grey Forest - the Green City was a welcome sight to Kid.

The duo sat beneath a few conifer trees watching an open area. Watching a most familiar figure - A large man in a nice suit Malcolm 'Kid' IronWood, the gorilla personal illusion. The illusionary man was playing a violin, a rendition of Thunder. It wasn't an easy illusion to maintain, but it was nice. The act was enchanting several people it seems

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek is the wandering kid with little pocket change, he's only here cause he was told to checkout Mutant Town... and then to escape there, he ended up up this way. He's noticing a change in the feeling of the area quite well, the architecture is different, it has more biology.. green stuff. He notices a shimmer of a violin in the air.. the notes golden in color seem to come from the Park. Like one of those children who followed the pied piper, he begins to make his way over in that direction now.

Kid has posed:
The sound of this violin carries far father than most. The thunderous violin song gets a few claps as it comes to a close. Malcolm takes a bow before rising again and starting a new song - Love me Like you do. A semi-fast song that was quite peaceful.

Orion comments to Kid from their little spot "Not bad Kid. Can you really play a violin?" he asks. Kid shakes his head, but smile. He wouldn't have minded really learning.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek scans the crowd, his hands looking for something to touch, "Sound without feeling... feeling without sound. It is interesting." He attempts a smile but it looks more devious then it should. He stares in the direction of the violin player, the song and the method on how it's making song keeps his attention.

Kid has posed:
The song continues on, Malcolm's eyes close as if in concentration. The crowd seemingly an obliviouse thing to note notice. Of course, it was a rather quiet park and Kid from his spot notice and heard Alek. As did Orion who nudges Kid "Hey now, ain't that yer little friend?" he asks.
    Kid nods and as he concentrates seens Alek a telepathic message o O ("Never felt sound myself, must be an interesting sensation")

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek lifts an ear as he gets messaged, he sorts the other sounds in his head and responds. o O ("It's distracting in a good way. I think who ever made music must have felt it as well. Did you write this song?") He catches a glimpse of Kid and Orion under some conifer trees.. and does a double take back to the violin player. o O ("Two?")

Kid has posed:
Malcolm goes into a swinging upbeat. Folks were begining to sit as they enjoyed the song. Other left as desired, nothing was holding them there after all. o O ("No. I do not write music. I know this from memory from watching others play. But guess I felt it deep in my mind?") kid shrugs lightly in his spot, the breif destration causing the player to mess up a few notes before getting back on cue o O ("One. Normally I 'wear' Malcolm over myself, but not always. An illusion is an illusion")

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek nods a bit to noone, he begins a wandering path to Kid under the tree and the officer, he gives a little wave, "It's good however you manage it.." he says verbally, "How long do you have to watch him for officer?" looking at Orion, "At least you get some good music."

Kid has posed:
Orion tips his hat "Evening Alek, good to see you again." he gives the question some thought. He glances at Kid and Kid glances back...there was something unsaid between them. He answers "It is unknown Son. There are no records of Kid existing - even from Gorilla City. We are currently trying to work things out. Could take months, but hopefully not. And aye, the music is a bonus"
    Kid grunts and signs "It is something I picked upped in the past. I wouldn't worry about it." he tells Alek, the watch speaking for him. He scratches his belly in thought.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek nods, he looks at his feet, "Mind if I sit down too? Been walking way too much today. He has no records of existing? That is... not certain on the response."

Kid has posed:
Kid grunts and signs "Don't much care if you do. Yea can make your own choices" is all he says. While Orion eyes Kid before telling Alek "Of course Son, kick back. Walking all day can be killer." he scoots aside so Alek can have a spot. Kid signs "If it was up to me, I would still not exist"

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek says, "Thanks." he sits down.. he runs his fingers along the grass, "Too many echoes, hard to get rid of them all. I could search for you on the internet if you'd like. I do that alot, it's more ordered then the supposive real world.""

Kid has posed:
Orion comments "That probably because the real world isn't supposed to be ordered. Balanced sure, ordered, not so much" he says amused. Kid signs "Good luck. I doubt you will find anything substantial." giving him reign to try. And if Alek does...he would find there really wasn't much on Kid, save for the recent fear gas incident. Beyound that just a few vague discription and blurry images that may or may not be a gorilla, but nothing solid. And even less can be found on Malcolm, despite him using that illusion for daily living.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek shrugs, "Why would that be Kid? Did someone erase you? I know I'm a nobody but even I probably have more echoes in the world." he glances over to Kid.. and then it goes to his watch, "Got a good watch for an invisible person too." he chuckles.

Kid has posed:
Orion rubs his beard and nods "Alek got a point - why IS there no record of you? Even your own Kind has nothing that we been able to find so far" he notes. Kid scowls a moment and he signs "Not erase, but kept. Let just say I am more than happy not to have echos. If you got an echo you can be found"

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek says, "They hunt you? where you come from?" he runs his finger still through the grass, "When people don't understand things.. they dislike them. That is what is wrong.. I understand little and I would be angry all the time, it doesn't feel good.""

Kid has posed:
Kid signs with a growl "They DID hunt me. When I escaped from where they kept me. That is all I will say" his face saying that it was best not to continue that line of questiongly for now. Orion for his part simply observes.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek looks to Orion, "I hope you guys can protect him. He's full of anger... maybe for good reason." he cants his head as his eyes go back to the 'talking watch'. "Can I touch the watch? I like seeing the insides of things."