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Thor is too cheap to spring for a hotel.
Date of Scene: 18 August 2018
Location: Avengers Mansion, New York City
Synopsis: Thor goes back to the mansion for a time to mooch off Tony Stark and finds the cupboards bare.
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Thor, Spider-Woman (Drew), Superman

Rogue has posed:
Its Saturday afternoon at the Avengers Mansion and none of the damn adult drinking aged Avengers are around.

Rogue's going to a live concert tonight at Bryant Park so she's just hanging out and killing some time until then. There's no sign of Remy or anyone, so she's going alone... though some of her college-aged friends are supposed to be there, so here she is... on the back patio with her phone out and a cigarette lit as she takes a draw or two from it now and then while swiping a thumb across her phone and checking her Twitter messages.

Its pretty hard being a 19 year old Avenger who's gotten a lot of public attention lately, because, well... she's attractive! And very powerful, both of which she's displayed. Its honestly changed her a bit, made her a bit more arrogant and self-assured, but is that really a problem? She still strives to do whats best, or what she believes is best since she's being paid to be a hero.

So as of right now she's just leaning forward on the patio's railing that overlooks the gardens, smoking a cigarette and swiping ugly people's pictures off her phone's dating service app.

Thor has posed:
    Attention focused in such a way can be a tricky thing. It tends to tune out the rest of the world despite the beauty before someone. Consider the sweep of the view that can be seen out the back of the Avengers mansion, the hedge serves as a barrier between the urban and the floral. The green dominates interspersed with the lovely mix of colours from all of the flowers and the gold shine from the statues in those elegant marble fountains. It's a wonderful vista all lost in lieu of the LCD screen.
    But then the short sharp report of sound, distant crack of something distant is heard just moments before the blue jeans and hoodie clad Asgardian lands in that garden, the force of the impact causing a faint jolt in the water streams from the fountain and a momentary break in transmission from the atmospheric effects. Though if the sound didn't catch Rogue's awareness... the abrupt loss of connectivity very well might.
    But Thor is ignorant of such as he gains his feet and swings his hammer in a small arc just before setting it on his hip. He starts to step towards the back sliding glass doors but calls up, "Ah, I bid you greetings, Marie."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is staring a picture of a hot dude on her phone when the arrival of the might Thor occurs and she just raisesa her pale green eyes up over the phone to look toward where he'd landed himself. She pulls the cigarette from her lips and a second later a big smile crosses her lips, showing off her pearly perfect white teeth behind those red hued lips.

"Hol-ee. Shit." Rogue says then, standing up straight and lowering her phone down to her side as she stares over at the big fella. "I ain't seen ya since the thing with your ship... fallin' and crashin' and Superman... damn, Superman looked amazin' that day. Even seen him since then." She glances over her shoulder for a second because Superman had come by the Avengers mansion a few weeks back. But she looks back to the Asgardian ruler.

"Welcome back... t'this place." She says at him. "I ate all your food. You got good taste in eats, Blondie." She adds with a bit of a flirtatious undertone, which is her style.

Thor has posed:
    A snort comes from him as he slips out of view for a moment stepping through those sliding glass doors... and into the kitchen that is often used by the staff when they're on duty, though this time of the day and the weekend it is clear. But the open plan of the mansion itself and her place upon the balcony allows her to hear Thor as he calls out over his shoulder, just a moment after she hears the refrigerator door opening with a whumpf.
    "Aye, tis best someone enjoyed what was left." There's a clink and clatter of glass and then the whumpf of the refrigerator again, "There is no beer, and naught to drink! When was the last time someone has returned from the store of groceries?"
    He steps out of the kitchen into the large cathedral ceiling common area where he can look up towards the balcony where Rogue perches, "I am gone for less than a year and this is the state that matters are left in?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue steps up onto the balcony's railing as he comes out and says that last bit, she just glides silently down to the ground with the aide of her flight power and then settles on her wedge-heeled leather shoes upon the patio's grounds near him. She walks toward one of the chairs and glances over at him. "I thought we hired someone here t'do those sorts'a things. I mean, its twenty twenty six, aren't groceries delivered t'rich folks?" She grins and turns to lower herself down to the edge fo the chair where she leans back and glances down at her phone.

"Tony's got some liquor up in his Den fridge. I know that much. Remy'n I put a dent in it the other night." She says all of this with the cigarette between her lips, but reaches up to pluck it from betweence them again. "Hows things goin' for you anyhow? Ya need any heavy liftin' done? All ya gotta do is ask me, ya know."

Thor has posed:
    A bottle of juice will have to do, at least for now as he twists off the cap and then steps back out to pull one of the outdoor chairs across the floor of the patio, the metal scraaaaping a bit as it moves. He settles into it and the fabric and support complain with a creak but seems to endure the large man taking his seat. A sip of the juice and Thor frowns, furrowing his brow at it for a moment, but then shakes his head as if accepting a harsh truth and instead looks back to Rogue.
    "Perhaps we shall procure what we can." Then his brow furrows, "You should not trespass upon Stark's private supply. He is most protective of such."
    Another swig and another scowl, then he squints sidelong at her, good eye narrowing. "And who is this Remy of which you speak?" But he waves that off so he can elaborate as to why he's here. "Alas, I have been exiled for though my father gifted me a hammer when I was young, I was not blessed with the skills of a carpenter to go along with it."
    He smirks and looks at the bottle as if it said something ill about his mother, "Thus I am away from the construction effort since matters currently take more... finesse than I can easily muster."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue takes a drag on her cigarette as she watches the God of Thunder drag that chair noisily across the patio which just makes her show a sly grin at the action of it. When he gets close, sits in it and talks on she looks back down at her phone and shrugs her shoulders, which are bare--along with her arms being entirely ungloved to her hands as she'd left the gloves up in her room, so she's quite dangerous right now since she's in a dark green tanktop that leaves her arms and upper chest bare with deadly Rogueskin.

"Tony stocks extra, cause he knows he's got guys like Clint around... and you... and well... yeah." She looks up at the Thunderer and grins big at him. "Remy was a faculty member at the place I graduated highschool from, but he no longer works there on an official capacity. He's... a close friend." She puts it as casually as she can, but its loaded with enough 'extra' that anyone smart enough could pick up on it.

Another spout of smoke is sent out from between her lips and then she lowers the cigarette back down to the arm of her chair. "I've seen the hammer'n action. Its a sight t'behold." She says to him, green eyes locked on his face cause its just such a pretty face. "I got more finesse than I know what t'do with, King Thor." She teases him light heartedly.

Thor has posed:
    A snort comes from him as he sets the now empty bottle upon the small glass top table that is near to them but a touch behind. He then looks back across the way at her, that grim looking strapless eyepatch seeming entirely out of place with the gregarious smile and half-twist of his lips. "Ah, if that is the case then perhaps I should send you back to the quarry to aid Bjarke." He slouches a little in his chair, legs sliding out before him until his head rests upon the back of the patio chair. "I am sure your finesse will be much appreciated."
    There's a pause as he laces his fingers across his chest and looks up at the sky which is bright and clear for this time of day. He tilts a little on his side to face her, almost, "So is this Remy courting you? Have you suitable family to take him to task should he misstep and attempt to take undue advantage?" He looks back up to the sky and crinkles his nose.
    "It would seem ill for some teacher to mistreat an Avenger. We shall have to look into this."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue and Thor are seated at a table together on the fancy patio behind the Mansion and before its ridiculously well maintained garden area. She's got her legs crossed at the knees and is wearing a pair of dark blue jeans, a green tanktop and has NO gloves on, so there's a lot of upper bodied dangerous skin going on, and she's smoking a cigarette.

Rogue shakes her head at his words. "Remy's not courting me." She responds. "He was. And we were even in the middle'a our weddin' ceremony in Paris... my dream wedding." She flashes a grin, but there's a ton of weight behind her stare. "The weddin' never finished, the night ended with Remy dead and me tossin' myself off'a the Eiffel Tower... BUT, a wizard saved me and whisked me away t'his magical sanctuary where we fought great evils, and then... he carted me off t'the Avengers, and here we are."

Rogue takes a drag on her cigarette and shoots the smoke off to the far side, then she looks back to Thor. "Remy's back t'life now, guess it wasn't ever him t'begin with. Was some kinda clone. Or he's the clone now? I don't know." She shakes her head side to side and sighs, drops her phone into her lap between her thighs. "Who really cares. He's still hot, he still makes me crazy with his stupid accent and dumb catch phrases." And then Rogue shows a soft smirk.

"What about you?" She asks Thor. "What hot sauce is courtin' the God'a Thunder?"

Thor has posed:
    "Ah," Thor takes Rogue's revelations in stride, seemingly accepting entirely of the concept of her current beau being dead and then her leap being arrested by the machinations of some curious wizard. Though his eyebrow does lit a touch at the comment about Remy being back to life, and the concept of a clone. Perhaps, just perhaps for a slim moment he considers digging into that Gordian knot, but then he thinks better of it.
    At the query into his love life, Thor smirks and shakes his head. "I am no longer the Prince I once was, Marie. My life is not entirely my own. If I end up attempting to woo another woman, perhaps in the consideration of marriage and becoming my Queen..." He slouches a little further in his chair and rests a fingertip upon the lip of the empty bottle beside him. "Then she will have to be a remarkable woman. And so no."
    There's a pause then, just a beat before he adds. "Though Jane and I did break up before all of this happened."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Slooowwwly, in the midst of the conversation, Jessica Drew descends from a balcony above, suspended by a web of her own design, caught by one foot and upside down. She lowers herself as if by pulley, dangling into view in her yoga pants and matching black tank top, as she swings slightly directly between Rogue and Thor, waiting for them to finish speaking before she says anything. "That Cirque Soleil stuff is harder than it looks," she says as she turns slightly. "Uh...little help here, please...?"

Superman has posed:
Kal flies between nearby buildings to over the hedges into the grounds of the Avengers mansion. As he touched down silently on the grass he raised an eyebrow at the scene in front of him. Thor and Rogue at ease, Jessica hanging upside down between them. He walks onto the path and toward the trio.

"That looks... uncomfortable," he says to Jessica, head cocked to the side. The wind from the yard past him carries the faint smell of woodsmoke. Then he smiles. "Hello Thor, Rogue. I'm not intruding, am I?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue shakes her head gently at what Thor says. "God... I'd love t'be called 'Queen' someday." She says with a heavy sigh before grinning. "But don't worry, I know, we're not a perfect match." And then the spider-woman comes in out of legit no where which makes Rogue recoil a bit in her chair and pluck her cigarette from betweence her lips again.

"Damn, that is... never gonna get normal." She drops the cigarette into the ash tray on the patio table and then raises her bare naked hands up to wiggle her fingers. "I wish I could help, darlin', but I'm the last person ya want grabbin' up on ya right now."

Wait, hold on... Now Superman. She looks over at him and raises her dark eyebrows up over those pale green eyes. She then snap points in his direction. "Him. Thats precisely who you'd want helpin' ya." And she grins. "Speakin'a the devil no less." The southern belle adds, since she'd mentioned Superman just a couple of minutes ago.

Thor has posed:
    Looking up, Thor realizes that they are no longer alone as Spider-Woman eases down that tendril and bobs for a time. His lip twists with amusement as he lifts a hand to stabilize her, cupping her shoulder for a moment. "Lady Drew." He greets her, but then when she asks for help he pushes himself upright and then to his feet as the deck chair scrapes across the patio floor when he does so.
    A strong arm catches the small of her back and then behind her knees if she allows, and then sweeping her around once as if she were a newlywed bride across the threshold he will set her upon her feet and step back with that slight smile just his lip curved beneath that grim eyepatch. "There, you have been saved."
    But then Superman sets down but a moment after Jess and the Thunderer meets the man's gaze. "Superman!" His smile broadens as he steps forwards, arms spread as if to embrace the other man as he takes a few steps, but it's only a preface for him bringing his arm around to shake the hero's forearm as warriors did of old. "A pleasure to see you once again. It has been too long." For a time the two men's arms are strained, their great strength causing the line of taut musculature to be clearly defined but only for a moment as Thor covers the other man's hand with his left. "We were just discussing what to imbibe."
    That said he turns away and looks to Rogue. "Were we to wed, young Marie, assuredly your Remy would have much to say about such a pairing."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Jessica clings with ease until she is upright again, and she shakes her hair back down from its array from hanging upside down. "Thanks, Thor. You and Rogue gettin' hitched?" She asks, blatantly ignoring the conversation that took place as she descended, as if she hadn't heard it at all. Her expression shifts to an amused and mischievous grin as she then turns her gaze to Superman. "And Kal. Good to see your cape made it out of the arroyo without being tugged off." She smiles brightly, then, winding up her web-rope and padding barefoot over amongst the group.

Superman has posed:
Kal smiles broadly and clasps arms with Thor, carefully clasping with a touch less than the Thunder God's strength of grip. "It has been too long, Thor. And I'm sorry, I should have brought something to drink. You're well? How is your new home?" he asks.

He raises an eyebrow at Rogue's comment. "Nothing bad, I hope? You were in the news again recently, you're putting the rest of us to shame. Keep it up and we may have to invite you to the League."

Kal smiles at Jessica and raises the edge of his cape with one hand. "Made it out in once piece even, if barely," he says. "You look well."

Rogue has posed:
When the Thunderer stands to gather up his Heroic energies to help Jessica down, Rogue just grins and watches with a little shake of her head. At Jess' words, the southern flower has to laugh just softly. "Sadly, no." She replies. "I was just imaginin' the thought'a being referred to as a Queen and well... Thor had'tta go'n mention the one guy this world who 'might' care if I chose someone else. But in all reality probably has five other women on the line." Its true, she has some insecurities when it comes to Remy LeBeau as he makes quite a show for her affections when he's around, but he's also often NOT around which inherently makes her wonder... where the hell he is.

She stands up then and shoves her chair back under the desk before she turns to Superman and just has to smile... cause he's Superman, and he has that little swirl in his hair on his forehead that makes her just see the handsomest and wholesomeest guy that the Good Lord ever did create.

She walks over to him, puts her hands behind her back and just nods up at him. "I'm doin' my very best. But... I probably would shake the very foundations'a that League'a yours. Sides... Wonder Woman is too hot for me t'intrude on her territory. It might make the universe collapse t'have that much hotness in one place."

Thor has posed:
    Several other chairs are pulled up and brought into the half-circle on that back yard patio even as Thor gestures with the sweep of one hand to each of the newcomers for them to join them for now should they so wish. As for him, he drops back into his seat and flares one hand to the side as he answers Jessica and nods to Rogue, "I am afraid not, Lady Drew. She spurns my attempts at courtship, perhaps some day my heart will mend and I shall be able to carry on." All of this delivered with a dead even tone as he crosses a leg over his knee.
    But then Clark's question is asked and he nods, "Asgard recovers, and I find I am exiled for my lack of finesse in matters of construction. So in an effort to keep myself busy I have come here to speak with the other Avengers while more knowledgeable men set matters to right in my absence." His tone is a touch sardonic.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Smiling warmly, Jess gives Kal a side-embrace, admiring his cape's perseverance. "Well, Thor, I suppose someday you'll find a woman with such grace, beauty, and eloquence that your heart will stand still, and you'll know that you'll never be the same unless she is by your side." She grins and seats herself in one of the chairs, cross-legged, as the afternoon heat begins to give way, slowly and in increments, to evening's reprieve. "And by then, everyone will see the error of their ways in reference to your abilities in construction."

Superman has posed:
Kal smiles and returns Jessica's side-embrace, a touch awkwardly. Then he looks down at Rogue. "You are both very beautiful," he concedes and crinkles his nose. "You would have to quit smoking though. So it might never get off the ground," he quips with a chuckle.

"I can't picture you with a construction hammer, or doing construction with Mjolnir," Kal admits to thor with a smile, moving around Rogue to take a seat with an offhanded movement of his hand to smooth out his cape. "I'd like to come visit, if it wouldn't be disruptive. I would like to keep up with some of your people I got to know."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue turns away from Superman when he says that she should quit smoking. "Yeah yeah... I quit several times. Its 'him' that gets me back on it." That him being Remy of course, who when Thor speaks of she just glances at him as she turns back to the table and moves back toward it where her phone is resting.

The teenager scoops it up while releasing an exhale. "Thor as a construction worker? I've pictured that." She admits, lowering down ont othe edge of her chair. "I've imagined that -many- times." She states, her thumbs tapping on the screen and her eyes upon it as well. "The hammer just poundin' on stuff, and sweat flyin' all OVER the place." More thumb tappings from the teenager with the dark brown/pure white hair. And without looking up, she adds in. "Jessica knows what I'm talkin' about, and she's lyin' if she says otherwise."

Thor has posed:
    A small chuff comes from Thor, disbelieving or perhaps putting up that look to perhaps put those matters farther off with such an expression. He holds up a hand as if to stay Jessica's words and that is as much an answer as she'll get out of him about it. But he does speak to his current 'exile' from the work site. "I am capable of seeing my weaknesses, few that they are, and construction is one of them. Grant me a rock to break, or a hole to dig and I am yours. But ask more of me at your own peril."
    But then his attention is drawn to Superman and he gives a nod, "You are e'er welcome, Superman. Though if you do so, you do so as a guest. Do not let them draft you into service. Bjarke will exploit you terribly." His lip curls wryly as he lifts a hand and rubs a fingertip along the ridge of his strapless eyepatch, frowning for a moment before he glances back to Rogue and then Jessica, one after the other as his brow furrows in confusion. He says nothing beyond that for now.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica goes silent in regard to the present conversation, and frets at the frayed edge of a scarf tied at her waist, instead of joining it. Her demeanor is pensive. Perhaps she is only thinking back to the day she scared all the fish.

Superman has posed:
"Nothing wrong with doing honest work with your hands," Kal laughs at the mention of being pressed into service by Bjarke, letting Rogue's rogueishness lie. "Might be a nice break," he admits.

"I just wanted to stop by. Especially after Tony's party, I think it's important we stay in touch," Kal says, getting up again. "I won't get in the way of whatever you've got planned," he says with a eyebrow raise at Rogue. Kal offers to clasp hands again with Thor, nods to Rogue and gives Jessica a smile. "I will see you all again soon. Call if you ever need me," he says. He cocks his slightly as if listening to some far off sound and nods to himself. And with that he steps out back out onto the lawn and takes over. He gives a final wave, then turns and flies off and out of sight around the nearby buildings.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue isn't completely an idiot and she knows when her mouth overtalks itself for what the 'adults' around her can handle. So with her phone in hand she stands up around the time that Superman is announcing his departure, and this gets a wave from her. "Even just the tease'a joinin' the League is flatterin'." She says after him as he makes to go. "Stay safe up there." And when he flies away she just sighs wishfully, but her eyes drop down to her phone.

"All right, got some friends out front who're goin' to the show in the park." She stuffs her phone into her side pocket and then runs her hands through her hair to toss it back off of her shoulders. "If ya'll wanna go have some fun, the park's got a great show goin' on tonight."

Rogue starts then for the interior of the building, she's got a light jacket stowed away on the bannister leading up to the second floor and its got some gloves inside one of its inner pockets.

"NIce t'see ya'll. Jess, try not t'get stuck in them webs and Thor? Let me know if ya can't find a Queen." This gets a grin out of her as she waves and makes for the inners of the Mansion.

Thor has posed:
    Rolling to his feet, Thor accepts the handshake and gives a single sharp nod. "As for myself, I shall then be away to the store of groceries, and return to provide for this, my adopted household." He turns back and away to nod towards Jessica and Rogue. "I go to change, if either of you have such you that you wish to order I suggest you create a list of some type."
    He turns and rests a hand on the glass door and shoves it open, slipping inside. "Until later!" He calls out, waving over his shoulder.