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Latest revision as of 10:16, 20 September 2018

A Bar in the Middle of Knowhere
Date of Scene: 20 September 2018
Location: Knowhere
Synopsis: Gamora meets Star Sapphire.
Cast of Characters: Gamora, Star Sapphire

Gamora has posed:
A job well done, or well, a job done, in anycase. Not really Gamora's Callibur, but, the bartender did say he could wipe her tab if she caught the pickpocket who was making the rounds in his bar, so she did, and now not only is she back to a zero credit balance, which wont last for long, but she now get's to enjoy a nice frosty bright green brew as she leans against the bar, watching the patrons, more out of a strange sense of curiosity than for any sort of saftey. They know who she is.

Star Sapphire has posed:
A few murmurs uptick as someone wearing a rather skimpy violet outfit walks into the bar. The eight-point star logo is recognizable and people shy away from her. The Star Sapphire Corps is known to some around here. And it's not a good reputation. She sits down at the bar and considers the choices, not ordering a drink yet.

Gamora has posed:
Gamora finishes her drink and orders another one... "And a black hole for the violet woman..." She says, said drink a pretty strong mixed drink as she turns her head to look the woman over. "Not really a place one would find a member of the Violet Corps, mind if I ask why you are here, and if you are here for trouble?" She asks, maybe this could get interesting, or not, in any case, Star IS the most interesting thing to pass through those doors in the last two hours.

Star Sapphire has posed:
Star Sapphire shakes her head. "No. No trouble. Can't blame me for wanting to visit the most infamous pub in the galaxy. Oh, something nonalcoholic please. Not a drinker. Not even sure why I'm here - just a feeling that I should be." She shrugs as she looks down. "I needed to get away from where I was for a while - some bad stuff happened over on my homeworld recently."

Gamora has posed:
Gamora shakes her head and takes the drink she offered the woman and downs it without even a flinch, it's a drink that could knock out an asguardian or a New God. She then opens the fresh bottle of that bright green stuff. "Bad stuff happens all over the galaxy, but I'm curious, which homeworld would this be?" She says as she takes a long drink.

Star Sapphire has posed:
Star Sapphire sighs. "I am the Star Sapphire of Sector 2814. Earth is where I live." She orders a glass of iced tea (or whatever the equivalent) and sips it. "Just... needed a break so I came here." She shrugs.

Gamora has posed:
Gamora almost spits out her drink, almost. Regaining her composure she sets the bottle down. "Earth, I have a...friend from there, tell me, what trouble is happening on earth?" She asks, Quill might want to know, and she likes the blue marble of a planet, against her better judgement, the clothing is nice.

Star Sapphire has posed:
Star Sapphire shrugs. "Just... this one villain put some woman in a damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't scenario. She chose poorly, and if the Joker wasn't trying just to make a joke, many could have died. I tried to reach her heart... but she had suffered so much that it was barren. Nobody could have reached her. It was a minor thing - but I'm doubing myself."

Gamora has posed:
Gamora blinks. "And why hasen;t anyone killed this villian? That sounds like half the problem, you terrans have this problem with killing, even if it is for the right reason and the greater good. Maybe I should go and do that favour for you." She says as she lifts her bottle to her lips, pausing. "Some people are beyond saving, and some just don't want to be saved."

Star Sapphire has posed:
Star Sapphire nods. "I know. But... he didn't actually kill anyone. He just acted like choosing the money would make that happen. I was just bothered that that woman's heart was so desolate is all."

Gamora has posed:
Gamora blinks a few times. "From what I know, a lantern's ring can only work with what's there, like most being in the universe, you cannot create somthing out of nothing, if there was nothing to work with, then it's not your fault, but the fault of the person you wished to help." She finishes the bottle and sets it down. "You are making yourself suffer for no reason."

Star Sapphire has posed:
Star Sapphire nods. "Yeah, that's what I keep tellign myself. Even though, I just needed a few days away from it all. Your words are very wise." She glances at the green girl, nodding as she sips her beverage.

Gamora has posed:
Gamora nods and orders yet ANOTHER green bottle, of course, the quiet is cut through like a knife when...

"Gamora! You got my brother arrested! Time to pay up!" A rather big hairy and anger-filled man says as he approaches the Green Bounty Huntress. Though, his loud boasting and bravado is broken when one of the empty bottle is smashed over his head, and his face is pressed to the bar, Gamora being much stronger than she looks. "You and your filthy cronies will leave me in peace, or I'll break the other one." "The other wha-AAHHHHH!"

A loud snap is heard as Gamora breaks his arm at the elbow. and tosses the man aside before looking right at his followers, who scoop him up and scurry off. Dusting off her hands, Gamora takes her drinks and looks at Star Saphire. "My fan club." She says in her best attempt at somthing witty, quill would have been proud.

Star Sapphire has posed:
Star Sapphire nods slowly. "Yes, I can see. Very passionate fanbase. Reminds me of Justin Bieber. Most of his 'fans' want to kill him too." She smiles. "Oh right, some wannabe celebrity back home." She's smiling - feeling better about things.

Gamora has posed:
Gamora smiles and takes a drink of her green beer, at least, the amount she is drinking makes it likely that it's beer. "I like you, you have a name? or is 'Violet Woman' what I'll have to call you?" She says as she takes a step towards the woman and claims the stool next to her, the designs in her green skin easily seen now, and of course, one can tell that her purple and pink hair is a dye job, even if it is a very good one.

Star Sapphire has posed:
Star Sapphire smiles. "Carol," she muses. "Your fanboy called you Gamora. That'd be your name. So there are other humans way out here in the middle of Knowhere?" she asks, smirking at the pun.

Gamora has posed:
Gamora nods. "A few, I've seen a few green lanterns from Terra, and some spacers." Though she isn;t going to say his name, knowing quill he'd probably try and get frisky and end up on the wrong side of a violet ring. "Though there are quite alot of terran looking people from other places, like asguard, and sakaar." She says as she finishes that bottle of her green stuff and sets it aside, though doesnt get another one... yet. "Carol, it's a pretty name."