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Latest revision as of 04:51, 22 September 2018

The Living Daylights
Date of Scene: 23 August 2018
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Gambit, Peggy Carter

Gambit has posed:
Outside the apartment complex, a blaze still licking the skies of New York...

It's all fun and games until a building is set on fire, new clothes are ruined and you're damn near gassed.

Remy LeBeau had said his farewells to Agent Carter, waved, begun to walk when new screams pierce the immediate area. Gunshots start to pop out and break the atmosphere of fire alarms, crying, sirens, and onlookers.

The police are yelling to get down, those few present at least and one Peggy Carter is being rammed towards by a large SUV, flanked by another and a car. The screech of wheels and they're skidding to a halt.

"SHIELD enroute." Patched through to her but enroute could mean many things... how long? Not exactly an ETA given.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peggy steps out onto the side street and she moves to where the emergency services are being setup. She's not aware of where LeBeau has gone as her focus is elsewhere really now. She approaches one of the service officers and is in the process of introducing herself when that SUV comes racing up and through the area. Its all very chaos-enducing and it results in Peggy turning to shove a couple of hotel workers out of the way of the incoming vehicle, while she HERSELF is pushed out of the way by a NYC beat cop.

Either way, Peggy's wonderfully awful night has only seemed to continue!

Now on the ground, she's reaching for her handbag to pull her service weapon out of the holster stitched into the leather. She draws it out and is spinning around to take in the scene of where this Vehicle was and why it was driving like a mad person was behind its wheel!

Gambit has posed:
Wistful is one way to describe it, chaotic, is another, intentionally murderous? Also a maybe. A right turbulent mess as the SUV with it's heavy kit slams in to the nearby wall after destroying the valet booth and skipping past the police officer and Peggy.
Doors in the rear are thrown open and guns drawn, men in black masks, urbanized camo and armored tac gear take aim and fire at the policeman by Agent Carter, taking him down. Their weapons re-aligning to target the SHIELD Agent.
"Take her down!" One man rattles to another who steps forward, aims what appears to be an oversized taser her way and fires.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peggy is on her heeled feet again by the time the men are piling out of their SUV and she's well aware of how well armed they are... the guns of the modern world have become so horrific since the guns of her own era that they were even more frightening to see in the hands of those who'd use them to harm the innocent... This sort've thing only enraged Agent Carter even more.

But she has to dart for cover before she can even hope to do anything about these awful men.

Peggy ducks behind the stone pillars that sit on either sides of the hotel entrance and she places her back there with her handgun held aimed upward. She ducks suddenly when the tazer is fired at her and then dives forward behind a parked luxury sedan car! The time-displaced Agent rises up and aims down the sights of her gun, then fires off two quick return shots at the figure who'd tried to tazer her!

Gambit has posed:
The tazer armed assailant's armor looks to absorb the first shot the second puts him flat however, the man beside him rushing forward to toss a flashbang at Carter's direction as the other two men close around the vehicle itself, the rear and start to close in flanking her from the left and right, one of them just behind that first man. A rapid squeeze of machine gun fire thats wide tears up the wall close to her. She'll realize they're not trying to shoot her directly but around her, cornering her...

Elsewhere fighting can be heard, a familiar pink-purple blaze of firelight. The rough part in this scenario is the civilians scattered and running for cover, the fireman are likewise in danger. What police are present she is watching them get out gunned and systematically gunned down. These attackers are well trained, fast and efficient.

Static breaks through her previously distorted and blocked com channels, a voice hard to age speaks with a hoarse, "Can you hear me?" A woman, definitely a woman. "If you're not blind, bleeding out or deaf. Respond now."

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peggy's able to tell that they're trying to corale her more than kill her which makes her think this is some kind of a capture job. Such as what was going on up in the hotel suite... Someone was after her. Who? She had no idea. But either way, Carter presses her back against the car and lowers down to her skirt-covered-butt onto the pavement. She exhales as the gunfire rattles around her and then rolls down onto her side and goes beneath the vehicle.

"I can hear you." Carter says into the comms. "This is Agent Carter, who am I addressing?" Peggy asks. Her eyes look up and at the feet moving around the vehicle, she can see their military-grade boots and she tracks their footfalls while she holds her pistol at the ready, willing to fire on anyone who tries to reach her underneath the luxury sedan thats overtop of her.

Gambit has posed:
The flashbang pops and explodes spitting out the disruptive sound and light yet Carter positions herself free of it, skirts be damned. The first man around the corner aims pointblank and fires with a turn, the weapon this time non-lethal, a rubber round. Though shes got the drop and the ability to fire first...

The British accent of the woman over the coms now clear as day, around the gunfire at least, "My name right now unimportant, your history and mine, the OSS, SIS, all if it are connected. If you haven't figued this out by now, Agent Carter. I am going to continue to send my men after you and they may not take you down but I can keep SHIELD running circles long enough that I can slaughter every man woman and child within a mile of you. Surrender now or we turn our efforts from capturing you and that informant thief friend of yours and begin a massacre in your name. Answer fast... I am not a patient woman."

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peggy sees the flash bang's light reflect off of the pavement around the vehicle and she just huffs out a heavy breath while the woman on the comms speaks, laying out her ultimatum. The British Agent continues to track her assaulter's movements from beneath the car, she's weighing her options but her number priority here is to get the civilian threat stopped... So she has no option.

"I yield." Peggy says into the comms. She tosses her gun out from beneath the car and lets it spin on its side toward one of the men's feet and then she waits a moment before she just rolls out from beneath the car and sits up to place her back against its side, while her eyes look up to the soldiers who were sent here for her.

This was the only way to stop the attack immediately and it was the only way to hopefully find out information on who this person is who's after her... quickly. She knew she had little to go on and there was next to no chance that laptop they'd recovered upstairs would have anything on it.

Peggy's hands rise up to her shoulders, a classic surrounder motion, from where she's seated.

Gambit has posed:
"Smart as I had hoped. We will speak face to face soon." A click says the com closes. The nearest soldier kicks the gun further away as the other two close in on Peggy's left and right, jerking her to her feet while that last one quickly pats her down. Tossing her earpiece down first, her watch and anything else loose on her person.
Roughly Agent Carter is shoved towards the SUV and placed in the rear seat between the two men with her. Upon seating down and the vehicle peeling in to reverse a bag is pulled over her head, she can feel the two men beginning to attach zipties to her wrists.

"A class 3 threat my ass." The guy to her left remarks as they're crunching past a squad car.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peggy is hoisted up to her feet and she doesn't even utter a slight protest. She does shift a bit as she's vaguely searched over. "Watch it." She warns the man who dares to do such a thing to her, but watches as they toss her belongings aside... which is great, it means the SHIELD unit that shows up here will find it and have at least a little more to go off of.

As she's escorted to the SUV she takes her seat inside it and then her eyes go to the man who's sarcasm isn't lost on her. "Whats your class threat rating, pawn?" She asks him then with a steadied and leveled stare. "You're the one traveling in full body armor with a contingent of equally armed and equipped individuals to assist you. So I'm guessing your lone threat is somewhere in the negatives?" And she raises one dark brow up in a questioning-expression.

Gambit has posed:
"We can hit her right?" The man to the left asks. "I don't know why being called a prawn sucks but I don't want to be called a prawn." The guy continues, his hand rising up.

"She said pawn you fuckin' idiot, not prawn."
"That is what I said, prawn."
The guy opposite of him grunts and looks down at Peggy beside them, "Tough talk bitch, you're the one being package delivered to our boss, shes a nasty one. You're in for a rough one."
The driver looks in to the rear view, "Yeah, we can beat the shit out of her for all anyone cares. Just keep her alive and able to talk."
"Good because I really really... " Lefty says his hand waving in the air.
"Just fucking do it already."

SMACK the weighted glove the man is wearing nails Peggy Carter upside the browridge, maybe harder than he intended. Definitely enough if she wanted to take a siesta, shes within her rights...

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Watch me as I quiver in my knickers." Peggy responds about the threat level of their employer. "I've met bags of hard candy that will likely be harder to cut into than whomever your employer is." She quips back to the men, and as they discuss whether or not they're allowed to rough her up she just smirks lightly. "Hitting women?" She asks the men. "Is this something that the steroids have instilled within you? Is this how it makes you feel more threatening? So tell me, gentlemen, does this mean that after this delivery you're going to go out and what... punch puppies? Are you going to take the baseball away from the little league game?" Softly she shakes her head back and forth at them and her eyes go to the one who's measuring up to strike her.

As he strikes, she leans quickly to the side and causes his attack to slap into the head-rest of her seat. She then lifts her leg and jams that heeled shoe of hers right into the man's crotch, delivering the spike right into his covered manbits.

Peggy then leans over and places her lips up against his ear. "Not. Classy." She says to him in a growled out voice... then she bites his ear hard enough to sink her teeth through it.

Gambit has posed:
The driver doesn't say anything intent on the road and the small escape convoy they have, the vehicle train of three rushing through the streets breaking free of pursuit roads in. Each of them here for a speciality, this man is apparently a driver.

"Knickers? Like the team?" Lefty again showing his brilliance before his swing misses and hits the seat rest, "Oh fucking hold still." He barks only to suddenly begin screaming as she has his ear in her teeth, chewing through his mask with the pressure and causing him to flail, elbowing her.

"Goddamnit! Get her off of him!" The driver yells back, twisting left and right to see but being forced to stay on the road. "Keep her contained!"

Righty grabs for Peggy's head trying to pull her free which is likely only to aid in her ear removal tactics. Then hes fumbling at his harness grabbing the tazer up and priming it.


Peggy Carter has posed:
Peggy does let the man rip her head back from the other man's, and with it the fleshy rim of her attacker's ear goes with her. She falls back into the lap of the man who'd pulled her off and then leans forward and SPITS the bit of ear forward in the SUV where it flips around wildly, slaps into the front wind shield and then down into the driver's lap, between his thighs and down onto the floor mat.

Peggy, meanwhile is sitting up, with a bit of blood on her chin and she's using her heeled foot to shove the ear-injured one away from her while she looks over to the man with the tazer... but, she's probably just out numbered in here and knows the tazer is coming--

Gambit has posed:
"FUCK get her under control!" The driver shouts as he starts to jerk the wheel left to right, swerving and ramming a passing taxi. Sliding along it to tear off a side mirror, despite his surprise he amazingly keeps them on the road and at fast speeds. Slapping one hand down between his legs to bat the 'ear' to the flooring.

Lefty is sobbing, ear held to his head while he remains doubled forward, protectively keeping his groin safe from further heel stomps or maiming.

The other man tazer armed now tries to plug it in to her side, to let a rip. This is of course if shes not about to break out some sort of manuever that causes him to fail, if not... she gets to do a not so fun version of the Harlem Shake.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Sadly Peggy's just too bound up and too closed-in to get away from the tazer and though she's not wanting to let these assholes just slap her around, she is also not TRYING to escape. She WANTS to meet their employer, so when the tazer comes to her midsection it zaps her, and zaps her good... and she slumps down in her seat then, with her head sagging toward her left shoulder now. Wherever Steve is right now, if he was aware of this... he would not be pleased.

Gambit has posed:
"I'm bleeding out, it is allover... man, oh man." Lefty sobs as Peggy jitter-bugs in place beside him.
The other man releasing a breath he had been holding the whole time then pushing Peggy upright, latching an extra seatbelt over her, actually tying it in the front in a quick zipped extra knot. "Shes fucking mean and you need to learn to hit like a man if you're gonna be a tryhard."
"Both of you shut up. We're getting incoming chatter, sounds like its time to go stealth mode until we get out of the city. Mission accomplished though, we got the package and boss lady V is going to give us a bonus."
"Fuck yeah." Righty says.
Lefty whimpers, "Do you think she'll pay to reattach my ear?"

The other two just laugh loudly as the small caravan of unmarked cars cross a bridge out of New York City...