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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2018/08/23 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=114, 898 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:114|Scott Summers (114)...")
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Latest revision as of 04:53, 22 September 2018

The Graduate
Date of Scene: 23 August 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cyclops, Rift

Cyclops has posed:
For the first time since his return to Westchester, Scott finds himself with a little free time on his schedule. The beginning of the semester has come and gone and a large part of the first couple of weeks is an endless series of meetings for the students. Now he has the afternoon free and a free schedule is dangerous to a man who lives and dies by the routine he keeps.

Not one to rest on his laurels, Scott decided to spend his free time in the Danger Room. Today's program is a forest dense with trees. Tall trees with very little green until you see the canopy which sprawls out about 100 feet above the ground. Sunlight beams through the leaves and illuminates patches of clover between the trunks.

Scott is engaged in melee combat with a featureless opponent that is clad in all black and could be described more or less as a ninja. Based on the sweat trickling down his forehead and cheeks, Scott has been at it for a while and may have turned the safety down. That much is evident because his lip is busted and a cut stretches across his cheek.

Rift has posed:
Rift opens a portal into the hallway outside the Danger Room. She decides to get some training in, stretching. Her body glows eerie red with bright red lights visible inside arms, legs, chest, and head while she's using her powers as she opens the door and enters. She hovers a few inches off the ground - not making any noise but glowing. She looks around, then homes in on the sounds of combat, as she peeks behind a tree to see what's going on.

Cyclops has posed:
Not a man blessed with heightened senses, Scott carries on with his session without realizing that an old student has shown up and is now observing him. If he did, he's probably be a little more 'by the books' instead of letting off steam, which is what he appears to be doing. He hasn't seen much combat since he's been back and he's afraid he's gotten a little rusty. No better way to get back into shape than by overdoing it.

His hair disheveled, the two combatants have found themselves in a lull and are standing a dozen or so feet away from each other, both breathing heavily and watching the other. A mutual catching of breaths. Then Scott lunges forward, pulling his arm back and clenching his fist before swinging it forward. His opponent also leaps forward and swings his leg through the air, bringing his foot around to try to connect with Scott's ribs.

Scott manages to put his forearm between the foot and his ribs, blocking the kick, then with a twist of his torso slams his elbow square into the ninja's nose.

Landing on the thick bed of clover, Scott steadies himself in time to watch the ninja fall to the ground and go still.

Rift has posed:
Rift lands and steps around from behind the tree. "As always, Mr. Summers, your fighting style is a wonder to behold. Sorry for barging in... I was wanting to get some training in before the summer's end." She looks around. "This is an interesting simulation. Ninjas, huh?" She looks around, squinting. "Just one ninja?" She then looks you over. "Oh - the safety's off..." She smiles faintly as she leans against a tree - at least partially to ensure she won't get a shuriken in her back.

Cyclops has posed:
Hesitating for a moment to make sure the ninja is actually down, Scott finally appears to release the tension in his body and his posture sinks as his shoulders drop and he rests his hands against the tops of his knees and his chest rises and falls with each long breath. That is, until he realizes he isn't alone in the room any longer.

Upon hearing Rift's voice, Scott rises and straightens his stance. He looks over to see his former student and almost doesn't believe it. He must've taken a hit or two in the head during this fight, but he manages to snap out of it. His lips purse as he offers the young woman a nod, "Miss Alua." He does offer her a slight smile as he works on catching his breath. "I like it more for the environment than the ninjas." He glances around at the endless sea of trees. It's a beautiful forest as long as ninjas aren't attacking. "I'm just finishing up, so the room is all yours."

Rift has posed:
Rift nods. "Yes - it is beautiful..." She ponders as she goes to the ninja. "Perhaps you can stay a while? I wouldnt' mind some critique. I... I still want to join the X-Men. I was told I can't until I graduate high school and turn 18. That time is now. I am ready. I... I think."

Cyclops has posed:
Scott approaches one of the trees and rests his shoulder against his, folding his arms across his chest as he watches Rift move towards the downed ninja. "Engage safety protocol," he says out loud as a precaution. He's never run this program specifically so he doesn't want any rude and potentially dangerous surprises.

A single brow arches above his visor as he realizes how long it's been since Rift was a student. "Time flies. I didn't realize it had already been so long." Ordinarily he would assume his rigid posture, but after such a long work out, he lowers himself ontot he ground and takes a seat, resting his back against the tree. "Storm is heading up the X-Men at the moment, but I would be happy to watch you and provide feedback if you wish."

Rift has posed:
Rift nods. "I will seek to speak with her when I can." She smiles faintly as she looks around. Her environment is her best weapon. "Begin program," she states as the ninja springs to his feet, recovered, and goes after Rift. She starts evading, floating around in midair quickly, then oooofs as she took a punch, getting too predictable. She then finds some rocks and they start to float around her, orbiting her like a shield. She watches the ninja... then yelps as he draws a sword.

Cyclops has posed:
Scott, assuming his teacher role once again, watches Rift intently as she recalls the ninja program and engages him. His jaws clench as he watches her take a punch. He shifts his weight and continues to watch as the rocks lift from the forest floor and hover around her.

The ninja unsheathes his sword and holds it with both hands as he surveys his opponent. He doesn't seem deterred by the floating rocks and instead seems to be studying Rift and sizing her up and mentally planning out his strategy. A moment passes and he leaps forward, seeing a gap between the floating rocks. The sun hits the blade of the sword and gleams brightly as he swings at Rift quickly.

Rift has posed:
Rift suddenly drops like a rock from her floatnig posture, to avoid that sword, blinded a moment by the sun. She decides to take a different tactic as she points at the ninja and uses her gravity powers to trap him in midair, suspended in zero gravity. "Ah... I'm sure this won't be enough..." She then fligns the ninja against a tree, seeking to stun him. Meanwhile, her rock 'planetoids' continue to orbit her. "That was close..." she whispers softly. With safeties on, the sword wouldt' have killed her - but would have hurt like hell.

Cyclops has posed:
The ninja's blade comes dangerously close to Rift's body but she luckily drops out of harm's way. As the ninja soars through the air and appears to prepare to swing at her again, he suddenly comes to a stop in mid air. His expression changes for a moment to one of confusion and panic before he returns his attention to Rift and looks angry. He swings his word in her direction uselessly until he goes flying backwards and slams into the trunk of a tree with a dull *crack*.

Scott's eyes follow the ninja as he is thrown through the air and then topples to the ground after colliding with the tree. Looking back to Rift, he nods slightly, "Not bad." His breathing finally returning to a steady state, he slowly gets to his feet and brushes himself off, "Maybe a little shaky at first, but you finished strong."

Rift has posed:
Rift nods as the ninja is still glowing with her power, held down by five g's. "I suppose I got a bit rusty. I'm fast - I should have used my speed as an advantage. I'm still working on how to use portals in combat but they take too much concentration to open up..." She ponders. "Oh, right - the program's over." She lands and stops restraining the ninja. She takes a deep breath as her aura of power fades, leaving just the mostly-normal-looking redhead Japanese girl. "Wasn't really thinking of ninjas..."

Cyclops has posed:
The program was only for one ninja but with no safety. After he engaged the safety protocol again, the program went from being a deadly challenge to being fairly quick. That being said, the ninja still could've injured Rift.

"Restart program," he says out loud seemingly to the air. The ninja she had just released fades away and another reappears a few feet from where the other was. This one is fresh and immediately draws his sword and assumes a defensive stance.

Scott glances from the fresh ninja back to Rift, "You have tools at your disposal. You know how to use them." His eyes shift between the two, "Remember your training and do what feels natural based on your experience."

Rift has posed:
Rift nods as she immediately starts off by pinning the ninja down with five gravities while she devises a strategy. She pulls something out of her pocket - some little BB pellets. In her hand? They might as well be bullets. She is primed to zip out of the way if the ninja manages to get out of her gravity circle.