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Latest revision as of 04:55, 22 September 2018

Mary's school report
Date of Scene: 23 August 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Mary Marvel, Wonder Woman

Mary Marvel has posed:
    Mary Batson gets off the bus and sighs as she looks up at the embassy that sort of 'loomed' before her. She took a slow, deep breath and let it out just as slowly. "I know there shouldn't be anything to be afraid up, but now that I'm here....." She says as she leans on the door, bookbag on her shoulder and opens the door. "uhm? Excuse me? Is this the....I don't even know if I'm going to pronounce it right....Thymisciran Embassy?" She asks anyone who is nearby...

Wonder Woman has posed:
There is a receptionist inside the lobby of the Embassy who's seated behind an polished dark wood desk. She looks up as the young one enters and offers her a smile. "Them-ysc-ira, darling." The middle aged woman says as she waves a hand for the girl to enter. "Come on inside." She turns her laptop away and then folds her hands together ontop of the desk. The lobby is illuminated with fancy wall sconces, polished brass fixtures with soft yellow-white lights atop them, and natural sunlight filtering in from behind the white sheer drapes over the front windows. The embassy smells of fresh flowers and yet has an old high class New York feeling to this old building that is maintained well. "How might I help you?"

Mary Marvel has posed:
    Mary lets out a whistle at the look of the embassy as she walks up to the receptionist. "A lot better looking that my school, and that's saying something." She says while walking over to the receptionist. "I'm looking for...." And she digs out a piece of paper from her pocket. "....Princess Diana......of Them-ysc-ira..." She says pronouncing it as best as she can.

The receptionist can see the writing through the paper, and she can see it's written in right-handed cursive.....

Wonder Woman has posed:
The receptionist seems pleased by the young one's reaction to the embassy since there was a lot of pride in this home. When she approaches she accepts the hand written slip and glances over it. "The Princess is a very busy person, you see." She says then, her eyes going back up to Mary. "But if you'd like then I can ring her in her office and see if she has a moment. What should I tell her this is in regards to?" The receptionist then asks as she reaches for the old-timey phone on her desk that rests upon a base and has a large ivory-hued receiver with gold mouth and ear pieces.

Mary Marvel has posed:
    "Mary Batson of Metropolis Academics High." Mary says with complete confidence. "I'll have to explain it to her at length, but it's for a school report." She says with a shrug. She then looks at the phone and actually leans over. "beautiful phone too. Glad someone can appreciate the work that went into those things, and not just 'it's old...throw it out'." She then rolls her eyes.

Mary Batson's name would probably be very familiar, as is Metropolis Academics. Metropolis Academy is a VERY highly prestigious school, and only a few get in. Not from having money, but having the grades for it. And Mary Batson is the TOP student in that school. Not the top one percent....the top ONE student.

Wonder Woman has posed:
The receptionist offers a smile and a nod to the young woman. "It'll be just a moment then, have a seat." She then offers a hand and a motion toward the sitting area beneath the two large windows that are situated on the front wall of the embassy. The receptionist then goes about to ring the Princess and there's a small conversation that lasts a moment or so. The phone is then hung up and the woman smiles to Mary. "She'll be out in just a minute, she said she wouldn't want to send you away since you've come such a long way today."

And it doe sonly take about a minute longer before Diana's heeled shoes can be heard on the hardwood floor of the central hallway, she then emerges into the lobby through the central archway, a white dress on and her hair tied back into a tight braid down between her shoulders. Diana thanks the receptionist and then steps toward Mary to offer a hand. She's especially tall in those heeled shoes she's wearing. "Mary, yes?" She asks, "I am Diana, it is a pleasure to meet you." She says in her thickly accented English.

Mary Marvel has posed:
    Mary had sat down and waited for Diana before she came in. Mary stood up and....was still looking up at Diana. "I think I'm going to get a crick in my neck." She says with a chuckle as she shakes Diana's hand. "Yes, I'm Mary Batson. It's wonderful to meet you, Ma'am." She then looks to the side, as if in thought. "Am I supposed to curtsey to you, or speak in your....native tongue in greeting, or something. I don't wish to offend you."