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Latest revision as of 04:59, 22 September 2018

Log 5237
Date of Scene: 25 August 2018
Location: Mutant Town, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kid, Rift, Souvenir

Kid has posed:
Late afternoon in Mutant Town. Folks where comming home from work, or kids from school. And with the weather being fairly nice, there was an average number of folks outside hanging out. Weather it talking about the latest songs, skaeting or speaking about what more can be done in the community. Just your average neighborhood things.

Of which, Kid was...sort of a part now? The large gorilla has been going in an out of the local precient for one reason or another...and he fianlly has his last - out. Backpack on his back, special watch set on his wrist. Beyound the backpack and watch, he wore only a pair of jean shorts, with a sweater tied around his waist. In an unsual position, he glances up and looks around unsure where to head or go, trying to figure things out.

Rift has posed:
In an alley of Mutant Town, a red portal opens. An eerily-lit glowing red girl comes out, stepping to the side for her friend. "Sorry for the several portals. New York City's 20 miles away and it takes four portal trips. And most people react negatively to zero-gravity so I didn't want to fly you." She smiles. "This is Mutant Town." She waits for Erika to come out before letting the portal close. (The woods a few miles away shows through the aperture.)

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir appears behind Rift and stumbles a moment, getting her balance. She's in her usual black eyeliner, black shoulder bag. Flannel black and yellow plaid button up shirt, open over a low cut grey shirt. Studded belt, black jeggings, black Converse.

She looks around questioningly, a little bit lost for a moment as she gets reoriented from the trip. "Wow. So like.. This is our part of town? Huh." She looks around some and straightens her hair. "So where to first? I don't know anything here."

Kid has posed:
Kid gives pause. Mostly because portals! All of the sudden he senses a few dozen minds that weren't there before. They weren't funguses...but it felt familiar that is for certain. As he looks around...he sees the eerie light comming from an Ally. Only logical thing to do is investigate!

Kid despite his size, had feet like a cat in how silently he could move. He carefully leans around the building and peers in. First thing he notices is...a glowing red woman. You don't see THAT everday. The next is Erika, someone he recognizes. Welp that enough for him. He picks a rock and hurls it at the brick wall near them to get their attention. No need for subtlety here...or safty evidently.

Rift has posed:
Rift's glow is particularly strange. Her entire body, and clothing, is washed out in a dull red glow - with bright red lights visible inside her arms, legs, chest, and head. She smiles. "Well - I know you don't get out much. This part of town is a bit slum-like - it's not as 'elegant' as the rest of the city." As the portal closes, the red light dimming, suddenly a rock is thrown. She whirls and gestures. Kid's body would be limned in a red aura and suddenly, gravity around him would be five times as intense - most people it'd make it hard to move and/or drop them to the ground. She raises up a few inches, glaring at Kid. "Who are you and what do you want?" She touches her left arm, a flashback to an old incident in Mutant Town where she got shot defending people against angry rednecks.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir jumps a little at the rock, turning to look at it, then trying to look around to see where it might have come from. Then she relaxes a bit and waves! "Oh, My, God! It's Kid! He saved me from vampires once. How are you doing?"

She grins and touches Rift's shoulder lightly. "You can let him go.."

Kid has posed:
Okay! Even Kid was his short temper has to admit when he makes a pretty stupid move. Throwing a rock in mutant town....near a glowing person. Not the smartest move. But compared to sleeping in a cage every night, this wasn't so bad. Granted it wasn't good. His face expression, if one could read a gorilla, said 'Should'a known'

While Kid was far stronger than a human, he still wasn't super human, so yes, definintly pinned down with minimal if any movement. Movement he needed to sign, for his watch to speak. Needless to say he was thankful Erika is telling Rift to let him go...but untill than he stuck at the moment.

Rift has posed:
Rift raises an eyebrow, glancing between Erika and Kid. "Sorry. I've gotten a few scars here. It's a rough part of town." She then squints. "A gorilla. You have some interesting friends, Erika. Fine." Suddenly she stopped glowing, and now she's just an Asian girl with red hair and eyes. The portal had closed already and the gravity field is gone. "Ummm... hello?"

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir grins. "Yeah, well, gotta get the whole set, right? He's a sweet badass and he ate a vampire once. I owe him." She wanders that way a bit.

"What have you been doing lately? I'm just doing the school thing, but I get kinda stir crazy sometimes. Maybe tomorrow I'll try visiting my parents again, and leave actually on time this time."

Kid has posed:
Kid decides it might be better not to mention that if it wasn't for the vampire her and probably tyler were on HIS menu - granted at least he wouldn't have killed them! He signs, the synthetic of tone of the voice being slightly sarcastic "Right, because being a glowing walking portal making, gravity defying person is clearly less interesting" okay he was still working on people skills.

"Anyways. This part of town ain't so rough. Long as you know how to punch real well" his lips curl revealing them sharp and oversized canines. he wasn't exactly a normal gorilla. He contiues "Well, let see, just got out of prison more or less, something about illegal immergrant among other things. I am technically out on something called 'bail'. Whatever that is. Got that sorted..which is terrifying. But now got a bunch of other charges to deal with." he eyes Erika "...And I didn't eat no one"
tHe turns back to Rift and looks her up and down, his nose twitching. he signs "So who are you? The Cosmic Queen of Mars?"

Rift has posed:
Rift smiles faintly. "I'm a mutant, nothing more. My name is Kitora." She smiles faintly. "Cosmic Queen of Mars. I like that." She watches as the gorilla is doing sign language and his watch is talking. "So - I take it you'er from Gorilla City? A long ways from home." She ponders.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir ehs, "Well, it was better than what I did, and I seriously need new rock 'em sock em souvenirs that don't get me tossed in counseling."

She sighs and shivers a little bit. "I have a friend who is super badass hardcore, but like, she's so not well-adjusted that it's nuts, so if I tap her, people start thinking I'm a complete psycho. It sucks." She grins as people talk to each other, and listens a bit.

Kid has posed:
Kid signs "I am...Jua" he says almost unsure about giving out his actual name. "And...well guess I am. That is what everyone tells me" he shrugs. Was he from Gorilla City? hell if he knew "If I was, got taken way to young to remember it. Bit ironic really. One of the reason I got some leeyway from the holding cells, is because they, the gorilla city folks, want me to be some sort of Representitive" he looks a bit green...well geener.

He eyes Erika and signs "...ha. whateven IS well adjsuted? bet she is fine. or pyscho. Guess it fine to be psycho" they taste funny mentally, but he doesn't mention that. "What is counseling anyways?

Rift has posed:
Rift nods. "Kid. Or Jua. I suppose this is a crazy world we live in." She smiles faintly. "So - what kind of things did you do to get in such legal trouble?" She then sighs. "Never mind, forget I asked. That was a very rude question."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir hmms, thinking. "Well, like, it's when they ask a bunch of questions and let you talk about things so you can, I don't know, make some space so your mind can heal better, I guess."

She goes into a high speed ramble, faintly awkward. "And like, everybody /knows/ my friend was like... tortured into being a cold psycho assassin, so if she casually turns some murderer into hamburger and then goes back to her sandwich, it's, like.. Expected. I mean she still has to justify it, but still. But if I tap a souvenir of hers, then I act like that, and everybody freaks out and starts thinking padded room. Well, actually, I kinda do too."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir AAAAaanyways. "So yeah. Jua! That's cool. That's an awesome name." Double thumbs up! "And like, a diplomatic job. Bad ass."

Kid has posed:
Kid signs "It was?" he shrugs "It no big deal...they said something about assult and battery, robbery, underage drinking, grand theft, trespassing, breaking and entering, driving without a liscence, forgery, being armd and dangerous, resisting arrest, assulting a police officer. That kind of shite" it hard to tell if he was bragging or just listing things off. Likely the latter as his expression suggest he doesn't fully understand what these crimes mean or are. "So uhh...you ladies want to get out of this alley? I normally come to them for lunch. Guessing your erika Classmate Kitora?"

Though he can't help but listen to Erika retelling "Eh. Sounds like she got fracked good in the head. Can relate" he saigns with a snort. He blinks "Thanks...never thought of a name as awesome" he doesn't say much else on the job. Frankly it downright made him nervous for a number of reasons.

Rift has posed:
Rift smiles faintly. "Well. I brought you to the city and you found a friend. With that, I will bid you two adieu. Call me when you want a ride home please!" she states. "Nice to meet you, Kid Jua." She winks, starts to glow again, and simply rises up, then flies away.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir umms... "Sure. I'm not sure where anything is, is all. So like... Where should I go? Should I be looking for anything? Is there cool souvenirs? Uhm.." She looks around a bit. "Okay, so like, what now?"

Kid has posed:
Kid watches as Rift takes off. Alright than, he than looks to Erika as he hears the questions and signs "...your asking alot of dumb questions. Go where you want. And how the hell should I know if you should be looking for something. And it NYC, souvernier shops abound." he signs raising a brow "...you don't get out much do you?" it was alot of weird questions.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir sighs. "Not really. I mean, where I was from was small and you didn't go out at night. Like ever. And I just.. It's kind of dark? So I am kind of nervous about being out? Even though this isn't Sunnydale. There's going to be completely different things to worry about. I'm not familiar with those. And I'm a girl and I have kind of meh fighty souvenirs right now, so I have to be extra careful."

She crosses her arms a bit. "And I can't just buy souvenirs. Just knick-knacks, and those are completely different." As if this was completely obvious.

Kid has posed:
Kid grunts. Joy. Small town folks, sometimes easy targets. He signs "Alright. Here something to know. You sound like your trying to be led - a rather easy target if you tried that on some rando. Don't ask where you should go, ask instead where something you want is. Be it specfic like where a restraunt is, or broad, like where do I go for fighting lesson."

A pause before he continues signing and begining to walk out of the alley "Should I be looking for anything is another dumb one. I mean seriously, what was the point of that question? Zero context what so ever. And don't be acting like the souvenir thing is obviouse - just asking for souvniers again, make you seem dumb, cause souvnier shops. Ugh. Which on that note, you can totes buy souviners, it called pick-pocketing. Learn, live it, love it. Or swindling, get real good at rigging games and bet for something on a person"
    Okay he may not be the best influence "No clue what being a girl has to do with anything, but whatever. Look, just sound like your at the very least competant and in charge of your life? Otherwise someone else will be. And you don't want that" he signs as he now walks down the sidewalk.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir heaves a big sigh. Hmph! She's not -stupid-, she just doesn't really know what there IS here. "How about what's the usual dangerous things to avoid? You KNOW what 'souvenirs' are for me already. Remember the crowbar? I need more of those, and good ones. Those are going to be tricky to find. And I'm not good enough to dip without an assist."

Kid has posed:
Kid signs "No I do not. I just know you use stuff. Beyound that knew zip. If you might recall, was a bit to busy fighting vampires to care about your specifics. And if your not good enough, than practice, else you won't ever be good enough" he slows down and sniffs the air and let out a low grow. "If anything, start see if you can learn what you take."
    His illusion goes up slowly, gone was the gorilla and in was the Mobster Malcolm. "Alleies, sewers, abandon buildings, and if you don't know the tattoes of gangs, learn them, probably good to avoid those areas and people. Let see, folks been going missing by the docks late. Oh and the UN is a mess with all them protestors, and everywhere is basicly crap." he slows in his walk.
    he signs "But, those same danger provide the best oppertunities. if your going to hunt for souviners, than your going to need to learn to hunt those who have them...or find an alternative way to aquire them." he seems to be getting ready for something.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir hmms and looks around, wandering over close to a wall. A bit mutedly, "Check check." She keeps an eye out to see what it is you are hunting. She recognises predatory mannerisms, even if these ones aren't the ones she's used to doing. If Kid is getting ready to pounce something, that might be useful, but then again, he would be looking for 'small fish', so her hopes aren't THAT high. And she isn't sure how to leave without messing up his hunting rudely. So for now? She just stays out of the way inconspicuously.

Kid has posed:
True. The city has alot of 'small fish'. Kid normally isn't a discriminatory hunter...except in this case. He was hunting for something specific...something different. As they get fathar away from the police station and into seedier part of town he signs "Alright. How good are you at punching?" he asks.
    He stops nearby an alley and leans agaist the stone wall. He gestures into the alley. Inside was a man, typical fella really, seems just an average teen, mabey seeing a bit too much for his life. All he was doing was just taking out the trash. On his neck, one can see a peice of what seems to be a purple dragon. "Or would you rather be the lure?" nope he wasn't hunting alone.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir tilts her head. "I'm used to being bait. I have a Tyler if I need, but he's half again my mass. Mostly I've just been doing bagwork." She hmms, sizing the guy up a bit, then pulls out a little bottle and sloshes it around her mouth before spitting it out. She pulls her shirt down a little bit, then musses up her hair.

She goes wandering into the alley, weaving just a little bit and smiles. "Oh HI! Oh, my, god! How are you doing? I haven't seen you in YEARS! What have you been DOING with your life?" She approaches quickly and throws her arms open to greet her old friend!

Kid has posed:
The teen blinks and the girl throws her arms around him. He shoves her back saying "Hey ey ey!!! Who the hell are you girl? What are you drunk or somethin?" he has not had a good day and he didn't need to be dealing with this, whatever this is. He was confused, thats for sure.

Kid, nearby and observing steathly hmms. Thinking unorthadox, but not bad. He cracks each of his knuckles as he waits for the reel in. Even going so as to pick his teeth as he waits.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir looks hurt. "Just a little! Don't you recognize me? From Math class? That class was SO boring!" She gestures extravagantly, then leans in a bit and squeezes herself with her elbows. She's not great at the whole vamp bit, but hey, it doesn't take much.

"You know, I had a TOTAL crush on you. And then I just never ran across you!" She seems to notice the garbage bag and looks mortified, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, let me help you with this! I'm being SO rude today!" As soon as she sees she has his attention, she rocks back and forth ever so subtly, knowing he's liable to match her and maybe lose his balance. Which doesn't always work on sober people, but it's worth a try.

Kid has posed:
The man raises an eyebrow, like Erika had two heads as she tries her vampire bit. To Erika credit, he does rock both and forth a bit when she does. But he wasn't falling. Kid meanwhile is facepalming. Perhaps he should have given her a BIT more infomation. The teens eyes light up "Oh, your that girl from Mrs.Josphinas class, right? The real quiet who sits in the back?"