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Latest revision as of 05:02, 22 September 2018

Calm Before A Storm
Date of Scene: 25 August 2018
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Storm, Hulk

Storm has posed:
1407 Greymalkin Lane.
Security Center - X-Men HQ.
Saturday 12:35 AM.

    "What is that?" Ororo Munroe asks, leaning in closer to a monitor that shows a recording of a wooded area. "Go back ten seconds and freeze the frame." The technician sitting in front of a control panel does as requested, showing an individual stumbling through the forest. A white eyebrow rises alongside curiosity, and almost immediately, Ororo pushes away from the technology around her and towards the exit.

    "Do you want me to alert the others?" he asks.

    Ororo waves a finger in the air, turning to him right before the sliding door opens for her. "No need," she replies. "I will investigate and neutralize. Stay on the com just in case something goes wrong." She runs for the hangar, activating and opening the ceiling hatch (which also acts as the mansion's basketball court), and jumps into the air. With a thought, the air around Ororo intensifies and takes hold of her frame.

    The cape of her X-Men uniform billows as she takes flight higher into the air, the light of the moon illuminating the terrain beneath her. Heading for the coordinates of the video feed, Ororo's blue eyes are vigilant as she surveys the land. Blinking, her field of vision shifts and she sees the world as energy, allowing her to see the man in question not far from her location.

    She darts in that direction, ready to attack if necessary.

Hulk has posed:
    A blue navy shirt and blue jeans greets Ororo as she gets closer. Bruce Banner is not a very physical man, but he's learned a few tricks of stealth since that fateful day his own gamma bomb turned him into the walking poster child of anger issues. He at least thinks he's being stealthy, at least. He's mapped out all the technological defenses, hasn't he? Sure he has.

His sneakers are custom fit for this sort of thing too... but in the end, it doesn't matter. Secrecy and security are priorities for the mansion for a variety of reasons Bruce both suspects and probably doesn't suspect... and it's around the point that he sees Ororo that he's near the property itself. "Should have done another electromagnetic sweep for hidden cameras, stupid Bruce, stupid." Bruce mutters as he raises his hands up, showing no weapons as he stands up. The jig is up. The baseball cap over his hair obscures his eyes, but not the rest of his face.

Storm has posed:
    "Or," Ororo adds, descending from the sky, "You could have used the front gate and rang the bell like a normal person." There is a crackle of electricity that traces her black gloves. Unfamiliar with the individual in front of her, not seeing his full face because of where she hovers and his baseball cap, Ororo starts with the obvious questions.

    "Who are you and why are you sneaking onto private property?"

Hulk has posed:
    "Well, I'm hardly a 'normal' person, and I didn't want to draw anymore attention then I had to." Bruce explains irritably. He might have been caught, but it's still a matter of professional pride he didn't do a thorough enough job in the first place.

Then, there's a sheepish smile as he rubs the back of his head, looking up to Ororo, "I'm pretty sure most of your students and faculty would be very concerned if they saw Robert Bruce Banner come in the front door, after all."

Storm has posed:
    Still in a hover, Ororo considers the man's words for a moment. This wouldn't make the first time she has encountered individuals needing shelter because of various means. If this is a similar case, she would understand, but it would not lessen the protective nature of the Kenyan woman.

    "Doctor Banner?" Ororo replies, her expression shifting. She is lowered to the ground and the threatening wisps of electricity fades. Still cautious, having seen various news footage of his alter-ego - the Hulk, Ororo keeps some distance between them. "What is the meaning of such a visit?"

Hulk has posed:
"I was hoping to consult with some members of your staff without stirring up resentments or concerns, so I was hoping to get to the mansion and introduce myself from the back." Bruce gives a shrug as his hands stay up, "looks like that isn't going to be happening now."

Storm has posed:
    "There are other ways to get our attention than sneaking in through the back door," Ororo advises. "Luckily, you didn't encounter Wolverine this time around. School just started, and we don't want anything broken."

    "Come," she says, motioning for Bruce to follow her. "There is a campsite not far from here. We can have a seat to discuss what is actually happening with you. You are a topic in the news as of late."

Hulk has posed:
"Usually when I'm in the news, it's about calling for a renewed manhunt for me to keep The Other Guy under control. As if that ever works." Bruce notes with a hint of resignation. It's an old song and dance to him at this point, "Wolverine... that's the one with the claws, right?" Bruce asks as he walks along towards the campsite.

Storm has posed:
    "And the attitude," Ororo adds, looking in the direction of the path that leads to Logan's cabin. Banner was a lucky man indeed.

    Hearing a voice in her ear, a gloved hand lifts to the communication device hiding within it. Pressing a button on the device, they continue walking towards the campsite as she speaks. "Bruce Banner has decided to pay us a visit. Do a relay of the outer grounds just in case he's been tagged."

    Finally reaching the campsite, Ororo motions for the man to sit on a massive log surrounding a burned out fire pit. She sits on a log across from him similarly, with the pit dividing them both. "While I would love to bring you to the mansion, Doctor Banner, you have to understand that there are hundreds of young people on these grounds. I will help where I can, but for now, this area will do."

    "What's going on?"

Hulk has posed:
"Story of my life." Bruce grouches bitterly. Precisely the reason he tried to go in the back after all.

When they move to the fire pit, Bruce sits down with Ororo, "With respect, Ma'am, you're not the one I need to talk to. I need to talk to one of your telepaths about a research project I'm working on." He leans forward on the log, his forearms placed on his legs as he watches her, "I can't exactly reach into my own mind, but I need to check on a few things before I can go forward with it."

Storm has posed:
    "And with respect, Mr. Banner, as an instructor in this school, I will do everything in my power to get you the help you need." Ororo adjusts her cape, removing the magnetized buttons and freeing herself of the bunchy piece of her uniform. She sets it to the side on the ground. "But, as leader of the X-Men, I have to protect all of those kids. So, before I can allow you any closer to our facilities, I have to know that things will be calm."

    Tapping the com once more, "Get in contact with any of the telepaths."

    "What's happening to you?" Ororo asks, genuinely concerned for his matter. It can be seen on her expression as she sits and observes Bruce.

Hulk has posed:
A hand comes up to rub down his face in an irritated manner, though Bruces demeanor is completely calm otherwise, "this is why I wanted to go in the back way, so that none of your students or staff reacted badly to me. I'm as calm as I can be. I'm not looking for trouble here. I'm just looking to confirm or deny a theory I have, and only a telepath can do it for me." Bruce notes.

Storm has posed:
    "Understandable," Ororo responds once more, hearing Bruce is telling her. But the instructor is a stubborn, strong-willed woman. Besides, there truly is no 'back way' into the mansion. There are eyes watching everything.

    "While we wait for one of my associates to respond, tell me about this theory of yours?" Ororo has hopes that the question will answer many other questions that lay hidden in her mind.

Hulk has posed:
"It's something I'd rather not idly chatter about. Suffice to say it has to do with my mental state." Bruce offers vaguely, "I can understand your reluctance to let me into the mansion, but I can assure you. As long as no one provokes me, I'll be perfectly calm inside. If it'll help, I'll even offer my services as a substitute teacher if you need a science teacher on short notice."

Storm has posed:
    "My reluctance to let you into the school is more than just with you, Mr. Banner. These are kids we are talking about. They are walking provokers, ticking time bombs of angst and fear. Am I going to add a man that was recently on the news for having a temper tantrum? I'm sorry, no."

    "Not with the lack of answers you are giving me right now," Ororo adds, looking at the man with focused determination. She does not bend. "So we can sit here and wait until one of my people come out, you can convince me to allow you into my home, or you can do things the old fashioned way with a call." Ororo crosses her arms. "Please choose wisely, doctor."

Hulk has posed:
"When I say provoke, I don't mean children being children. I mean actual fear for my life." Bruce brings up both hands in a placating gesture, "If I thought that there was a chance of triggering The Other Guy coming out, I wouldn't be here. Secondly, I don't have temper tantrums."

"A call would just have gotten everyones attention and overblown things out of proportion." A pause, "though with the way this is going, that seems to be happening regardless."

Storm has posed:
    "You obviously do not know our student body," Ororo says, shaking her head at the thought of Bruce meeting the Stepford Cuckoos or Quentin Quire.

    "So, you thought sneaking on our grounds through the back door would give you better opportunity than calling?" There is a pause of thought. "We always answer our phones and welcome scheduled visits, Dr. Banner. I know you feel as if I am wasting your time, but trust me, I feel the same way."

    Ororo still has no idea why he needs to see a telepath.