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Latest revision as of 05:11, 22 September 2018

Searching for Mar-Vell
Date of Scene: 27 August 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Rocket and Hal discuss Mar-Vell, the Collector, and the Infinity Gems...no curse words of course.
Cast of Characters: Green Lantern (Jordan), Rocket Raccoon

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Smug. Confident. Full of himself. Arrogant. Those words are what many in this bar would use to describe the man that strolls into the establishment. The regalia, costume, uniform, whatever you would call it signifies this man as a Green Lantern, a member of the august group of law enforcement officers that are stationed throughout the Galaxy known as the Green Lantern Corps.

    This Green Lantern is unique. Hal Jordan of Earth surveys the scum and villany of this section of the Galaxy with apprasising eyes. Scanning left and right, his frown lets several know he is not a man to be trifled with. Sauntering up to the bar, Hal simply says, "I'm looking for a Kree. Captain by rank. Looks like this!"

    The emerald green ring on his finger lights up, and displays a man, a Kree man, with a Captain uniform on. Under the figure that twirls around in 3D, is "Mar-Vell". "Seen him?"

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
Knowhere is a place where people go to disappear as much as try to find information or, well, anything really. Burnout Pub is one of the most common places to do business. And one of the more common figures to do business with? Rocket Raccoon. Who else?

Sitting at the bar, the bushy tail of the oversized raccoon twitches as he works on a drink. He impatiently checks a small tablet and glowers. Someone is late and it ain't him. And then, well..

"Aw... *****in' great. We godda *****in' /Lantern/ here? *******. Could this day /get/ any worse?" Rocket mutters as he looks toward the guy trying to search for someone. Looking at the hologram or whatever, Rocket heckles back, "'Cause just walkin' in is gonna make every *****in' on'a us feel like trippin' all over ourselves jus't'help ya out. That how this went down in yer noggin', there, Waldo?"

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    The bartender, whatever race he was (Hal's ring says, "Acamerian"), blubbers, "Ah don't know anything!" <translated a la power ring>. Hal frowns, not believing the "man" and was about to use force of the willpower kind when a small, furry object comes within his peripheral vision and actually talks.

    Turning to face Rocket, Hal looks to his right, and says, "Now this is a first..." Hal pauses, shakes his head, and says, "Actually it's not a first. Strangely enough." Hal looks down at Rocket, and says, "Why do you look familiar..." Hal squints a bit, shakes his head, and adds, "Well, smart guy, do you have an answer to my question?" Hal pauses, and decides anger and intimidation wasn't going to work. "He has a reward..."

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
Rocket slurps at his drink. It might be a drink. It's kind of, well, chunky. And very thick. And it almost looks like cold oatmeal. Except it's blue.

Turning back to the Lantern with a chunky blue mustache just under his little black nose, Rocket snickers, "Listen, flashlight man. You couldn't throw a spoon two inches without hitting a dozen people here with bounties on their heads." Leaning back on the bar with his elbows, the talking raccoon eyes Hal up and down. "But ****. Why not. I'll play yer little game. So 'e's a Kree, eh? Don't get that many'a them 'round here." He turns and hollers, "'EY! Any'a yah miscreants in here a Kree? This guy's fresh off the gravy train tryin' ta find ya!" See? Totally helpful.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Turning around to face the bar, and leaning back on his elbows, Hal takes in the whole place. This was to try to look cool, and also, make sure none of these mscreants were sneaking up on him. Looking to his left now, Hal regards the Raccoon with a thoughtfu expression, before continuing.

    Snickering, once, Hal says, "You got a little something...there..." Hal scrapes his chin with his ring hand, and nods towards Rocket. With a smile, Hal continues, "Anyway, I know. I am not looking for anyone else. Just this guy." He brings Mar-Vell up again. "Its important, end of the Universe kind of stuff. Something about some damn Infinity Gem or something." Hal sighs as Rocket asks around for him.

    "I appreciate that you are subtle." Hal shakes his head and crosses his arms across his chest. "Thanks for all your help. Very helpful." Hal's eyes double check, just to make sure. Nope, no Kree.

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
Rocket's tongue slurps at his maw, catching the mustachio and making it disappear. He could do magic tricks. no. Really. He could. They'd just suck.

Sharply looking at Hal, Rocket glowers, "Th' *****in' ***** does a human know about those ****in' things? Don't you have... aw, I dunno, flowers to plant. trees to mug? You humans seem to like doin' that all the time. Damn tree muggers" he mutters under his breath. "Dem stones ain' good business lemme tell ya that."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Nodding as the blue, whatever disappears, Hal looks back over the bar, and all of the clients deciding to hunch over their drinks and look as non-threatening as possible. Certainly something different than normal where GL was concerned. Suspicious, but naw, he was here for something specific.

    As Rocket uses colourful metaphores for a few seconds, Hal takes the time to shake his head at the bartenders asking if he wanted a drink. "You know, I know a Green Lantern similar to you. Ch'p. Amazing. Heroic. Strong. As well-mannered a Squirrel as you have ever seen. You remind me of him, except for all the cursing."

    Hal smiles, and then adds, "Anyway, "dem stones" as you put it...what do you know of them? They seem to be bad news, and the Guardians aren't telling me anything."

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
Rocket stares at Hal as he's talking. At the end Rocket continues to stare. "I have *no* *****in' clue what you just said." He slurps at that sketchy drink again and continues on his tirade, "So like I was sayin', dem stones? They're bad juju, buddy. listen. You really need to consider taking up tree muggin' as a career before you ever wanna consider tryin'a find any one'a dem stones. They attract all the wrong attention. Not just a little. Not just some. All. Of. it. I ****** you not. You can think about 'em if ya like. But don't *****in' go after 'em." He pauses and looks sharply at Hal, "You even listenin' t'me boyo?"

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "I actually get that a lot." Hal smiles, and straightens up. "A lot of what Lanterns say is not understood. Let's just say my buddy is small, soft, fuzzy, and full of piss and vinegar." Hal nods, remembering Ch'p. "Anyway. Right."

    Hal listens as Rocket describes the stones some more, and his frown deepens. "Of course ah'm..." Hal pauses, chuckles, and says, "I'm listening to you, Racoon. Interesting. This is all good stuff. Thanks." Hal pauses, and looks back at Rocket.

    "I have heard the Collector here on this...station...has one as well, but he won't see me. I'm tempted to bust in there and say hello, but I am sure the Guardians wouldn't like that. Something about a truce between them and the "Elders of the Universe" whoever they are. Hmmm." Hal frowns, as though he has made a decision.

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
Rocket says, "Ain't surprised a bit by that." That people can't understand what the guy's saying.

Then the guy goes and brings up those things. "Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa. whoa. Hang on there slappy. You don't ****in' get in t' see Th' C'llector without somethin' 'e wants from yah. And NO.body. breaks in an' succeeds. That's just... suicide." Then he snickers. "Yeah. Dem Guardians. They sure know how to ruin a place like this. All dem... ROOLS... and WREGULAYSHUNS" he says - complete with air quotes. "Those guys are like... total stick in da azz borin'.." An amused chitter comes from Rocket's throat.

"Listen... uh... Green Guy. I don't know anythin' 'bout this Kree yer lookin' for. Ain' seen 'im I'm pretty sure. But you think twice an' twice again b'fore ya think 'bout crashin' in on th' Collector, hey?"

Hopping down, Rocket tosses a few credit chips on the bar for his "drink". "Thanks Sal." He starts towards the door. "Good luck Space Man. If you need anythin' else. Feel free ta come by my place. If only he'd told Hal who he was."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "Slappy?" Hal says, looking at Rocket sideways. "Interesting choice." Hal shrugs, and says, "Yeah, head that about him. Hmmm." Hal considers, than rejects. Usually, if the Guardaisn have a good reason for saying and doing something, and emphasize it, it is better to err on the side of caution.

    Hal chuckles. "Yeah, lots of "ROOLS and WREGULAYSHUNS". Makes things hard sometimes. Personally, I've never been one for rules and regs. Must be my human blood." Hal looks back at Rocket, points to himself, and says, "Green Lantern is fine. Thanks for the advice. I appreciate how concerned you are with my well being." More sarcasm.

    Watching as the Raccoon hops down from the barstool, Hal waits, and then nods. "I'll keep that in mind." Hal watches him go, and then looks back at Sal. "If you hear anything...I'll be back."